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09-16 投稿



Hesse 发音

英:  美:

Hesse 中文意思翻译



Hesse 短语词组

1、Willstatter-Waldschmidt-Leitz-Hesse methods ─── [医] 威-瓦-黑三氏法(检淀粉酶活性)

2、Electorate of Hesse ─── 对黑森进行代表

3、hesse-kassel ─── [地名] ─── [德国] 黑森-卡塞尔

4、Hermann Hesse ─── [网络] 黑塞;赫尔曼·黑塞;赫曼赫塞

5、amandine hesse ─── 阿曼达的马

Hesse 相似词语短语

1、esse ─── n.(拉)存在;实在;实体;n.(Esse)人名;(葡)埃塞

2、desse ─── 向下

3、duchesse ─── 丝硬缎

4、fesse ─── 中带(盾形纹章的中央横线)

5、richesse ─── 富有的

6、Jesse ─── n.杰西(男子名)

7、herse ─── n.(Herse)人名;(法)埃尔斯;(德)赫泽

8、hessite ─── n.[矿物]碲银矿

9、Hesse ─── 海塞(姓氏)

Hesse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、THE Christian Democratic Union (CDU) ruled Hesse and Lower Saxony before the state elections on January 27th.It remains the largest party in both. ─── 在1月27日之前,基督教民主联盟一直掌握着黑森和萨克森两州的支持率。

2、"Neither party is monolithic. Both parties in a sense have regional interests that differ as well as conservative and liberal wings of the party," said Hess. ─── 但是,布鲁金斯学会的海斯认为,民主党人控制的国会不一定会跟民主党人总统步调完全一致。

3、Delgado was particularly intrigued by the experiments of Swiss physiologist Walter Rudolf Hess. ─── 尤其是瑞士生理学家黑斯的实验工作,更引起他极大兴趣。

4、Welcome back to "Hello America."Today's guest is Donna Hess. ─── 欢迎回到“你好,美国”演播室。今天的嘉宾的多娜.海丝小姐。

5、I read the short novel "Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse. ─── 我读了一部短篇小说,赫尔曼·黑塞的《悉达多》。

6、Routine - hess ─── 日常性

7、Cronbach, L. J., Ambron, S. R., Dornbusch, S. M., Hess, R. D., Hornik, R. C., Phillips, ─── 卢增绪(1995)。论教育评鑑观念之形成。中国教育学会主编,教育评鑑(页3-59)。

8、Over the past 20 years, he worked for several state institutions in the federal states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate.Before Dr. ─── 在过去20年间,他曾在联邦州黑森州和莱茵兰-普法尔茨州的几个公共机构工作。

9、Whether should we are opposite the affection that Hess spy Shi Yulian sorrows? ─── 我们是否应该对赫斯特施予怜悯之情?

10、Stephen Hess is a political scholar at the Broking Brookings Institution in Washington. ─── 史蒂夫.赫斯是位于华盛顿的布鲁金斯学院的一个政治学家。

11、Application of Hesse Matrices in Condition Extreme Value for Multivariate Function ─── 海塞矩阵在多元函数条件极值中的应用

12、Hess after ─── 海斯后象

13、Professor Hess says food security is national security. ─── DaleHess教授说食物安全就是国家安全。

14、The defendants at the Nuremberg Nazi trials.Pictured in the front row are: Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. ─── 在德国纽伦堡战犯审判大会上,坐在前排的是:赫尔曼.格林、鲁道夫.赫茨、乔基姆.冯.理宾特洛普、威廉.凯特尔和厄恩斯特.克拉特布鲁奈尔。

15、No one knew Hitler better or saw him more often in his unguarded moments than Hess ─── 没有人比赫斯更了解希特勒,赫斯在希特勒公余之暇见到他的次数也最多。

16、Joey Hess wrote a script that produces a ─── Joey Hess写了一个可以产生映射站

17、For Hesse, it was more for practical reasons than intellectual ones. ─── 对于黑塞来说,更实际的理由对知识产权的比。

18、Stephen Hess , is a political scholar at the broking institution Brookings Institution in Washington. ─── 史蒂夫是华盛顿布鲁金斯学会的政治学者。

19、But Steven Hess of the Brookings Institution says a Democratic Congress will not necessarily be in lock step with a Democratic president. ─── 他说:“民主党人在野已经有一段时间了。他们自1990年代初克林顿担任总统以来就一直没有同时掌控总统职位和国会。民主党人十分希望有真正的成就。”

20、German writer, Herman Hesse, uses only 150 pages in his novel Demian to cover a boy's life from the age of 10 until he becomes a young man . ─── 德国作家赫尔曼黑塞在他小说《德米安》里仅用了150页来讲述一个男孩子从10岁到成为一个真正年轻男子的生活。

21、Rhenish-type wine from especially Hesse in western Germany. ─── 产自西德海塞的莱茵类型的酒。

22、For the CDU, the strongest message from Hesse is that xenophobia will not work. ─── 对于基督教民主党来说,黑森之战最大的教训就是以往的威吓方式不再奏效。

23、Don't you believe that in 1945, when everything was going to smash, he sometimes thought: 'Hess was right after all'? ─── 当1945年什么都完蛋的时候,他有时会想到,“赫斯毕竟是对的”,难道你不相信吗?

24、Hess test ─── Hess试验

25、Hesse matrix ─── Hesse矩阵

26、Hess capiliary tests ─── [医] 黑斯氏毛细血管试验(检毛细血管脆性)

27、law of Hess ─── (热守恒定律) 盖斯定律

28、Hess's test ─── [医] 黑斯氏试验(检毛细血管脆性)

29、Even in Hesse, despite its rise from 29.1% to 36.7%, it scored its second-worst result. ─── 即使在汉森,尽管数字由29.1%提高到36.7%,这个成绩仍然是倒数第二。

30、Don't you believe that in 1945, when everything was going to smash, he sometimes thought: "Hess was right after all"? ─── 当1945年什么都完蛋的时候,他有时会想到,“赫斯毕竟是对的”,难道你不相信吗?

31、In type of traditional paper intermediary small sentence beforehand below, hess spy company already try to win sb's favor " birthday danger " . ─── 在传统纸媒式微的预判下,赫斯特公司已经买好了“寿险”。

32、author - hess ─── 作者性

33、Hess Educational Organization has published more than 1,000 educational materials for Asian students to meet the different needs of different ages. ─── 同时集团拥有专业的中外教师团队,不断针对亚洲地区不同年龄的学习者量身研编语言学习类系列教材及出版品,至今已有数千种品项。

34、Similarly, the German states of Bavaria and Hesse said they might introduce border checks. ─── 同样地,德国巴伐利亚州和黑森州也表示他们也将启动边境检查。

35、I saw pictures of Herman Hesse and I really liked the man. ─── 我看过他的照片,非常喜欢他。

36、In January their popularity will be tested in elections in two important states, Hesse and Lower Saxony. ─── 明年一月在黑塞和下萨克森两个十分重要的州进行的选举将考验他们的支持率。

37、mell era hess ─── n. 乱七八糟的地方(故意将hell of a mess头音互换而来)

38、6Schulte-Sasse U,Hess W,Tarnow J.Haemodynamic responseson induction of anaesthesia using m idazolam in cardiac surgicalpatients.Br JAnaesth,1982 ,5 4:10 5 3 -10 5 7. ─── 5容俊芳,陈伯銮.咪唑安定及氟吗泽林在临床麻醉中的作用.国外医学麻醉学与复苏分册,1991,5:299-303.

39、Hesse, Deutsche Bank's home state, enacted some of the world's first data protection laws back in 1970. ─── 早在1970年,德银总部所在的黑森州就颁布了全球首批数据保护法案。

40、Stephen Hess is a political scholar at the Institutionin Brookings Institution in Washington. ─── 史蒂芬.赫斯是华盛顿布鲁金斯学会的一位政治学者。

41、"The next big thing is a dozen different things, " says Thomas Hesse of Sony Music Entertainment. ─── “以后将很不同”,索尼音乐娱乐的ThomasHesse说。

42、Hess Match Analysis Which the Country Audits ─── 国家审计的博弈分析

43、Argentine present age renowned writer Bor Hess was engaged in the library work all his life, the rich reading life brought the inspiration for his creation. ─── 摘要阿根廷当代著名作家博尔赫斯一生从事图书馆工作,丰富的阅读生活给他的创作带来了灵感。

44、He says knowing how to do this may be especially valuable if fossil fuel should become unavailable.Professor Hess says food security is national security. ─── 他们还将把树叶,动物废料和来自大学厨房的食物残渣混合起来制作肥料,然后用这些混合物给土壤施肥,而不是购买那些破坏环境的化学肥料。

45、physical fit hess ─── 体质

46、The Flight Of Hitler's Deputy Rudolf Hess ─── 希特勒的副元首赫斯。鲁道夫的逃亡

47、We spent the night in the village of Tann, in Hesse, and awoke at dawn to chill winds and an ominously overcast sky. ─── 我们在黑森州的坦恩村过了一夜,黎明时醒来,寒风凛冽,阴云密布。

48、The naturalised Swiss writer Hermann Hesse is the most famous 'local' author. ─── 在定居瑞士作家赫尔曼黑塞是最有名的'当地'作者。

49、Hess has an unusual philosophy of life. ─── 海丝有不寻常的人生观。

50、In Hesse its share of the vote slumped from 48.8% in 2003 to 36.8%, barely ahead of the Social Democrats (SPD). ─── 在黑森这个数字由2003年的48.8%降至36.8%,仅略高与社会民主党。

51、Hess, who flew an abortive “peace mission” to England in 1941, is already “the original lunatic” to Mr Sonnenfeldt. ─── 在索南费尔特先生看来,正是他“带头装疯卖傻”。

52、"The trappings of upper-class life are off-putting and sterile" (Elizabeth Hess) ─── “上层阶级生活的排场往往是令人气恼而且呆板的”(伊丽莎白·赫斯)

53、Hess's law says that if a reaction is carried out in series of steps, the heat of formation for the reaction will be equal to the sum of the enthalpy changes for the individual steps. ─── 如果一个反应分几步进行,则各反应的反应热之和与该反应的反应热是相等的。

54、Chapter Five concludes that Hesse confirms the Path of the Bodhisattva, of possessing both compassion and wisdom, is the answer to attain Nirvana. ─── 引用康德的超越唯心论检验作者是否在二律背反中找寻到调和的方法。

55、Hess and Hagen, for example, suggest that the sex differences uncovered in their study would likely have been even more pronounced in a younger group of participants. ─── 举个例子,赫斯和哈根提出在他们的研究中公开的性别差异将会在一群年轻参与者中表现的甚至更明显。

56、“An oil crisis is coming in the next 10 years,” John Hess, the chairman of Hess Corporation, said at a recent conference in Houston hosted by Cambridge Energy Research Associates. ─── "未来10年之内将会出现石油危机,"最近剑桥能源研究学会在休斯顿召开了一次会议,会上赫斯集团的总裁约翰.赫斯如是说。"

57、Eckhard Hess of the University of Chicago, who believes that the pupils of the eyes can indicate emotion or interest. ─── 他认为眼睛的瞳孔可以表达感情和兴趣。

58、Because of this, to read and explain Hesse has still significance in today's society. ─── 正因为如此,对黑塞的阅读和阐释在今天的社会仍然有现实意义。

59、Hitler put the blame for Hess's flight to England on the corrupting influence of Professor Haushofer. ─── 希特勒把赫斯的飞英归咎于豪斯霍费尔教授的坏影响。

60、HESS SB-Automatenbau GmbH &Co. KG offers information on building of automats as well as to further things. ─── KG是一家现代化的、可靠的专门产品供应商,这家供应商从事自动机床制造的制造、销售。请您访问我们的主页,垂询当前的信息和服务。

61、Hesse matrices ─── 海塞矩阵

62、The Studies on the Life and Creation of Bor Hess ─── 博尔赫斯的读书生活与创作

63、A crude analogy can be drawn between this rock sequence and that of the Stillwater Complex as described by Hess and Jackson. ─── 此岩序与赫斯和杰克逊所描述的斯蒂尔沃特杂岩大致可以对比。

64、Germany's national government will pony up half of the short-term loan, while the German states of Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, and North Rhine-Westphalia will combine for the other half. ─── 德国的国民政府将腰包里掏出一半的短期贷款,而德国图林根州,莱茵-巴拉丁,黑森州和北威州将结合的另一半。

65、Es ist hess / kalt heute. ─── 今天很热/冷。

66、Brookings Institution expert Stephen Hess says Mr. Obama should push as much of his agenda as he can early on to maximize his political leverage. ─── 布鲁金斯学会的专家赫斯说,奥巴马应当及早全力以赴地推动自己的议程,以便充分利用他的政治优势。

67、Eckhard Hess ─── 埃克哈特·赫斯(人名)

68、Minimalism, Reductive painting, Process painters, eva hesse, anish kapoor, robert ryman, lucio fontana,donald moffet, david lynch,minus space [ NY ], Music, Sex, Death. ─── 极简主义,简约绘画,工艺画,eva hesse, anish kapoor, ryman ryman, lucio fontana,donald moffet,david lynch,minus space NY],音乐,性,死亡。

69、The Bushes, Hess says, "are really a dynasty by accident." ─── 他说,布什家族“实际上是一个偶然出现的王朝”。

70、Read a novel cover to cover. – I read the short novel “Siddhartha” by Herman Hesse. ─── 到尾读完了一本小说。 ——我读了一部短篇小说,赫尔曼·黑塞的《悉达多》。

71、Hess law ─── [化] 赫斯定律

72、Easton, D., &Hess, R. (1961), Youth and political system, In Seymour M. Lipset &Leo Lowenthal (Eds.), Culture and social character, , NY: The Free Press.. ─── 曹沛霖、郑世平、公婷、陈峰译(1989),比较政治学,台北市:五南图书出版有限公司。.

73、In Hesse this has created an almost insoluble coalition conundrum. ─── 但是黑森的情况却非常复杂难辨方向。

74、Demian also solidified Hesse's position as one of Europe's most eminent antiwar writers. ─── 德米安也凝固黑塞的立场作为欧洲最知名的反战作家。

75、Hermann Hesse ─── 海塞(1877-1962),德国人,小说家、诗人。

76、Abstract: Argentine present age renowned writer Bor Hess was engaged in the library work all his life, the rich reading life brought the inspiration for his creation. ─── 文章摘要: 阿根廷当代著名作家博尔赫斯一生从事图书馆工作,丰富的阅读生活给他的创作带来了灵感。

77、James、Marc Sheffler、Sandra Cassel、Lucy Grantham、David Hess、Fred J. ─── 主要演员: Cynthia Carr、Gaylord St.

78、Automation of HESS Screen test for ophthalmologyby using correction algorithem ofgeometry distortion of space image ─── 应用微机图像技术实现眼科HESS屏检查自动测量

79、"This wasn't really such a big event, " said Michael Hesse, chief of the space weather laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. ─── “这不是真的这么大的一个事件,”迈克尔说黑塞的首领,空间天气实验室是美国国家航空航天局戈达德太空飞行中心。

80、An English Proficiency Test is held every year for all Hess staff to assist in their language learning and to upgrade their language ability. ─── 每年举办专业英语能力检定,让每位同仁在语言的领域里不断精进个人实力,培养专业语言能力。

81、Hess Corporation ─── n. 美国赫斯石油公司

82、Like many of nurses, Hess found herself weak with admiration for the wounded men.Lt. ─── 与许多护士一样,对伤员所给予的尊崇,赫丝护士感觉自己的付出还是微不足道。

83、Hess knoutout ─── Hes5敲除

84、Jake: Welcome back to "Hello America. "Today's guest is Donna Hess. ─── 杰克:欢迎回到“你好,美国”演播室。今天的嘉宾的多娜.海丝小姐。

85、Austrian physicist Victor Hess settled the issue in 1912, when he went aloft in a balloon and showed that the higher he rose, the faster the charge leaked off his electroscope. ─── 奥地利物理学家海斯(VictorHess)于1912年解决了这个问题:他搭乘气球升高,证明飞得越高,验电器流失电荷的速度便越快。

86、Hermann Hesse: A Great Wise Man in the History of Human Culture ─── 人类文化史上伟大的智者黑塞

87、"It is a useful way to assess each individual president, not in historical terms, but just looking back and saying how have they gotten off the ground," said Hess. ─── 他说:“这是评估每一位总统行之有效的方法,不是从历史的角度来评估,而只是回顾一下他们上任后是怎么开始执政的。”

88、Fron Feuerbach to Hess to Marx: A Way of Youth Marx's Practice Materialism ─── 从费尔巴哈、赫斯到马克思:实践唯物主义的生成图谱

89、Hess D J, Layne L L.Knowledge and Society: The Anthropology of Science and Technology. ─── 卢卫红,科学史研究中人类学进路的编史学考察,清华大学博士论文,2007.

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