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inevitability 发音

英:[ɪn,evɪtə'bɪlətɪ]  美:[,ɪnɛvətə'bɪləti]

英:  美:

inevitability 中文意思翻译



inevitability 词性/词形变化,inevitability变形


inevitability 短语词组

1、conclusiveness inevitability ─── 结论性必然性

2、inevitability of chaos ─── 混沌的必然性

inevitability 相似词语短语

1、indomitability ─── 不屈不挠

2、incogitability ─── n.无法想像;无法猜测

3、inestimability ─── 不刺激的

4、inimitability ─── n.不可模仿性

5、ineluctability ─── n.不可避免,无法逃避

6、inviability ─── n.不能存活

7、inheritability ─── n.继承性

8、inevitabilities ─── n.必然性;不可逃避

9、indubitability ─── n.毋庸置疑

inevitability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Issue the oaf that politics struggles as specific period setting, "Reorganization clique " very fast abortion has inevitability. ─── 作为特定时代背景下政治斗争的畸形儿 ,“改组派”很快流产具有必然性。

2、Ultimately, we must confront the inevitability of our own demise, lose ourselves as it were, all that we were or dreamed to be. ─── 最终,我们不得不直面注定的死亡,蜕去原本的自我,遗失我们所曾在乎和追求的拥有。

3、And yet, something has been triggered by the panics of 2008. The moment an inevitable thing must defend its inevitability is the moment it isn't. ─── 不过,2008年的恐慌引发了一些事。当需要对某事的必然性进行辩护的时候,说明这个时候此事还不是必定会发生的事。

4、The torments Nemor had to suffer rewarded him with a special ability: he can demoralise enemy troops by a scream which reminds them about inevitability of death. ─── 奈莫所受到的折磨使他拥有一种特殊能力:他能用预示着死亡命运的嚎叫降低敌军士气。

5、Both the establishment of the ideas of professional ethics and the movement of teachers' professionalization have the same inevitability in history. ─── 专业道德概念的建立和教师专业化运动具有相同的历史必然性。

6、From the angle of law, the moral-internalization embodies the objective inevitability that social morality is internalized into individual morality. ─── 从规律的视角看,道德内化体现的是社会道德转化为个体道德的客观必然性。

7、John McCain has already lost his sense of inevitability on the Republican side; now the same thing seems to be happening to Mrs Clinton. ─── 但该战术这一次反而不灵了,约翰麦凯恩已经在共和党内失去了唯我独尊的优势,希拉里很可能步其后尘。

8、It is rather apocalyptic gloom that possesses him: thoughts about the inevitability of injustice and some sort of inescapable ultimate doom. ─── 可以说,他有着一种悲天悯人的阴郁情绪:忧虑非正义是无法避免的,担心某种无可逃遁的最终末日。

9、In this knowledge there was some of the inevitability and the beauty of fate, fate which one asks for, which one accepts in full. ─── 在这了解中包含着命运的不可避免性和美感,那是人们始于要求而最终完全接受的命运。

10、The freedom of philosophy lies in the unity of subjectivity and objective inevitability. ─── 哲学的自由,体现在主体意志和客观必然性的统一上。

11、Many authors have argued for the inevitability of war from the premise that in the struggle for existence among animal species ,only the fittest survive. ─── 参考译文]许多作家根据动物世界为生存而进行的斗争中具有适者生存的规律这一点,论证战争是不可避免的。

12、This paper discusses the inevitability of the usage of CRM in the digital libraries, the design of CRM system model, and the needed condition. ─── 初步探讨了客户关系管理(CRM)在数字图书馆中应用的必然性,CRM系统模型的构建,以及数字图书馆中实施CRM的运行条件。

13、If China's entry into the World Trade Organization, foreshadowed by the agreement it reached with the United States, will be a historic occasion, it also has a certain historic inevitability. ─── 如果中国加入世界贸易组织--其是以与美国达了协议为前提--那将是一个历史性的时刻。这件事还有着某种历史的必然性。

14、I don't think there are inevitability between whethere the children blessedness or not and the genearch rich or not, mainly depend on how their children how to treat with the lives. ─── 孩子幸福不幸福,我个人认为和家长有没有钱没有太多的必然联系,主要还是看自己怎麽看待生活。

15、One, competitive law is so-called competitive law is to show the course that produces effect in law of value is medium, competitive happening and fluctuant inevitability. ─── 一、竞争规律所谓竞争规律是指在价值规律发挥作用的过程中,竞争的发生和波动的必然性。

16、Transition of Liu Zhenyun doesn"t take place occasionally, and is inevitable outcome of his creative history, also is the inevitability of 90s"culture environment. ─── 刘震云的转变并不是突然间发生的,而是他创作历史的必然结果,也是90年代文化语境下的必然产物。

17、The relation between the two is the development from gradual transformation to mutation, as well as the inevitability from the quantitative to qualitative changes. ─── 二者之问是源和流的关系,是从渐变到突变的医展,是由量变到质变的必然。

18、The necessity that the job sums up, whether importance and inevitability are short of one cannot oh? ─── 工作总结的必要性,重要性和必然性是否缺一不可哦?

19、Sureness of occurrence or result; inevitability. ─── 必然发生或结局的确定性; 必然性

20、Philosophical thought that towards fate and dialectical understanding towards contingency and inevitability are the embodiments of the fatalistic feeling existing in Wang Anyi's subconscious. ─── 对命运的哲学思考、对偶然性与必然性的辩证认识,这是王安忆潜意识中存在宿命感的体现。

21、In this paper a brief review on the Value Engineering/Value Management(VE/VM),practice over the past half century is carried out, this review shows that there exerts an inevitability of the emergence of VE/VM theory. ─── 对半个多世纪以来的价值工程/价值管理(Value Engineering/Value Management,VE/VM)的实践发展作了概要性回顾。

22、There is a objectivity and inevitability for choice of enterprise accounting policy, and the different user of accounting information has a different request about accounting policy choice. ─── 企业会计政策选择有其客观必然性,会计信息的不同使用者对会计政策的选择有不同的要求。

23、How to know our country to show what level exists to exploit, exploit existence has without inevitability and ascensive sex, already became the heat issue that people pays close attention to. ─── 如何认识我国现阶段存在的剥削 ,剥削存在有无必然性和进步性 ,已成为人们关注的热点问题。

24、And so she moves around the stage with clocklike inevitability, makes no unexpected leaps or dares, touches down precisely on the chalk, does not dream of unplanned cabrioles. ─── 她在台上舞去舞来,像钟表一样必然,按部就班跳起,准时准点落下,计划外的击腿跳想也不要想。

25、The historical inevitability of Lenin's thought on political education. ─── 列宁政治教育思想发展的历史必然性。

26、On October 13, 1994, Kendzaburo Oa, as a well-known Japanese modem novelist, won the Nobel Prize for literature. This is the result of contingence and inevitability. ─── 1994年10月13日,日本当代著名小说家大江健三郎获得诺贝尔文学奖,这是偶然性与必然性的结果。

27、This is often because they have found ways of bypassing what might seem like the remorseless inevitability of the curve and its slope. ─── 原因多是,这些公司能够找到绕过这些看似无情的经验曲线的方法。

28、The sense of the novel is the inevitaBility of human tragedy. ─── 小说的含义是人类悲剧的不可避免性

29、an inevitability about their defeat. ─── 他们的失败自有其必然。

30、Inevitability and temperament are two hallmarks of Gates the innovator.The third is the transience of all pioneers. ─── 势不可当与魅力四射是盖茨作为革新者的两大标志,第三个就是同所有开拓者一样-好景不长了。

31、From natural system developmental process sets out, analysed the inevitability that economic system transforms to circular economy. ─── 从自然系统进化的过程出发,分析了经济系统向循环经济转变的必然性。

32、The noumenal and non-noumenal factors of the primitive Buddhism are based on the relationship of the cause and effect, assisted by inevitability and chanciness, and to be the refined elements of thought with the target at extrication. ─── 原始佛教的本体和非本体因素是以因果关系为依托,以必然性和偶然性为辅助,以解脱为目标的精致思想元素。

33、Accidents have characteristics of contingency, inevitability and preventability.Fully realization of these characteristics is of great significance in raising the level of safety awareness. ─── 事故的发生具有偶然性、必然性和可预防性等特性,充分认识事故的这些特性对提高安全意识水平有重要的意义。

34、"Oh," cried Scarlett, fresh pain striking her as Gerald's words brought home the terrible inevitability of the truth. ─── "啊! "思嘉叫起来,由于杰拉尔德的话把事实的不可避免性说到家了,她心中产生了新的痛苦。

35、But today when we review it from a more objective point of view,we recognize the inevitability and necessity of its existence and further development. ─── 但是今天当我们以一种客观的态度去重新审视这种教学法的时候,却不难发现它完全具有存在与发展的必然性与必要性。

36、The first part mainly interprets the background of the conflicts and promulgates the objectivity and inevitability which Protagoras and Socrates conflicts. ─── 其中,第一章主要对这场冲突的背景进行必要的阐释,揭示出普罗泰戈拉和苏格拉底冲突的必然性;

37、Agriculture industrialization is an inevitability of the deep economic reform and further development of agriculture and rurality in conditions of market economy. ─── 农业产业化是在市场经济条件下,农业和农村经济深化改革和进一步发展的必然。

38、The legalization of expansion of tax right is derived from taxation itself and its inevitability, the limitation of tax payer's property right, and the limitation of constitution and laws. ─── 征税权扩张的合法性来自征税权本身的合法性及其必需性、纳税人财产权的受限制性以及宪法和法律对征税权扩张的限制。

39、Speak up from this meaning, build up existing the certain rationality with the continuously perfect administration litigation intermediation system then and inevitability. ─── 从这个意义上讲,建立和不断完善行政诉讼调解制度则存在一定的合理性和必然性。

40、There is a certain inevitability that ebook sales have now overtaken paperback sales on Amazon's US site. ─── 电子书在亚马逊美国网站上的销量已经超过平装书,这是不可避免的。

41、Therefore, the transformation of trade growth mode is viewed as precursor and key has inevitability and feasibility. ─── 因此,将贸易增长方式的转变视为先导和关键有着必然性与可行性。

42、So the catachrestic of embedded system decided the inevitability of cross-debugging. ─── 嵌入式系统的特点决定了开发过程中交叉调试的必然性。

43、The arbitral property decides the inevitability of the judicial supervision. ─── 仲裁的性质决定了司法监督的必然性。

44、With this, there are the argumentation for the thought of any ideal society expand realism society rationality and inevitability sometimes. ─── 伴随此,往往也有对超越于现实社会的某种理想社会的构想及其合理性、必然性的论证。

45、Yeshun Zambian believe that in densely populated areas of developing countries, have a semi-urbanization phenomenon has its inevitability. ─── 叶舜赞认为,在后发展国家人口稠密地区,产生半城市化现象有其必然性。

46、On China, too, Mr Obama is surely right to try to build a relationship whose premise is the need for co-operation and partnership rather than the inevitability of discord and rivalry. ─── 在中国问题上,奥巴马寻求的是合作及伙伴关系而不是无法避免的纷争和对抗,在这个前提下他尝试建立合作关系的举动也是绝对正确的。

47、Firstly, the research discusses the historic inevitability of the generation of VR&DO and renewedly defines VR&DO. ─── 并对虚拟研发组织进行了重新界定,给出较为客观、全面、准确的定义。

48、On this perspective, the industrialization of land use has its inevitability. ─── 就这一角度而言,土地的工业化利用有其必然性。

49、As George Bush demonstrated in 2000, there are few more important advantages in the primary race than a sense of "inevitability". ─── 2000年乔治布什在选战中证明了一点:在初选中,没有任何优势敌得过给人“唯我独尊”的印象。

50、The major argument for patience has been the inevitability of reform. ─── 保持耐性的主要论据,乃是改革势不可免。

51、When the inevitability of one’s own death came to be realized, structural designs took on a grander, more permanent aspect communication with the future. ─── 当人认识到自己终有一死时,人的身体状况呈现很大的变化,谈论未来的话题会永无止境。

52、Before OPEC, the average life expectancy of cartels had been so short that the economic analysis of cartels tended to stress the inevitability of their collapse. ─── 在石油输出国组织以前,卡特尔的平均期望寿命是如此之短,以致对卡特尔的经济分析往往是强调其解体的不可避免性。

53、In short, the administrative accountability of institutionalizing the norm at the core of accountability is the inevitability. ─── 总之,行政问责制度化常态化的核心,在于问责的不可避免性。

54、Confucius and Mencius thought that life was precious, death both had inevitability and chance. death was a lamentable thing and also a happy thing. ─── 在孔孟看来,生命是可贵的;死亡既具有必然性,同时又具有偶然性;死亡既是一件可悲的事情也是一件快乐的事情。

55、Your friend seems to understand my inevitability of my victory. ─── 你的朋友似乎理解到我胜利的不可避免性。

56、Overemphasis of the objectivity, inevitability and certainty of the educational laws is against the education practice. ─── 传统的教育规律观过分强调规律的客观性、然性和确定性,不利于人们的教育实践。

57、In the body weight aspect, should let the child understand that the natural physiological change the inevitability, do not for the body weight increase, but heavyhearted. ─── 在体重方面,应该让孩子了解自然生理变化的必然性,不要为体重的增加而忧心忡忡。

58、The thesis mosdy analyses the inevitability of rational underbidding and some existent problems, discusses the guide of government and the measure of enterprise. ─── 主要分析合理性低价中标的必然性和存在的问题,探讨政府的引导和企业的应对措施。

59、The force of the core is a machine of inevitability, of change, vanishing and blending confusedly. ─── 它核心之能量是一个必然性及变革的机器,消灭着及混乱地掺杂着。

60、This is often because they have found ways of bypassing what might seem like the remorseless inevitability of the curve and its slope. ─── 原因多是,这些公司能够找到绕过这些看似无情的经验曲线的方法。

61、They accept the inevitability of passing feelings. ─── 他们能够接受这种情绪来临的必然性。

62、In this article we introduce the inevitability,constructionfeature and the development situation of the Energy Metering System and point out its development trend in the future. ─── 介绍了电能计费系统产生的必然性、系统结构、特点以及目前发展的现状,并提出今后的发展趋势。

63、One, the popular business and the inevitability of feasibility. ─── 一、大众化经营的必然性与可行性。

64、No matter this administration division into districts, subordinating relation basically is at the outset,reflect national administration function, have its history inevitability and rationality. ─── 不管这行政区划、隶属关系当初主要是体现军事需要还是体现国家行政治理职能,都有其历史必然性与合理性。

65、It is rather apocalyptic gloom that possesses him:thoughts about the inevitability of injustice and some sort of inescapable ultimate doom. ─── 可以说,他有着一种悲天悯人的阴郁情绪,忧虑非正义是无法避免的,担心某种无可逃遁的最终末日。

66、During large engineering project construction,the phenomenon which the low bid price often leads to high cost has its own inevitability. ─── 在工程项目建设过程中,低标价中标而最终导致高造价的现象有其内在的必然性。

67、Guiding people to get to know ugliness and its historical inevitability helps to make people rationally extract something nutritious for life when facing modern arts. ─── 引导人们正确地认识丑,了解产生丑的历史必然性,有助于人们在面对现代派艺术时,能够理智地面对丑,从中提取出能够营养人生的东西来。

68、The major premise of syllogism is of universal inevitability, while that of the judicial syllogism has probability. ─── 三段论的大前提具有普遍必然性,司法三段论的大前提具有或然性。

69、You can't slow the inevitability of your own demise. ─── 你也不能拖延你自己的必需面对的那一日来到。

70、Third, the proof realization system fair value goal inevitability as well as attempts to seek the solution agriculture laborer to get employed the question concrete way. ─── 三、论证实现制度公正的价值目标的必然性以及试图寻求解决农民工就业问题的具体路径。

71、So the combination of ideological and political education and psychological education is inevitability. ─── 因此,思想政治教育与心理素质教育的结合具有必然性。

72、We are all bound by the inevitability of death. ─── 我们都免不了一死。

73、What is called fate is the inevitability. ─── 命运即是必然性。

74、A system of "system" is there warning system requirements, the inevitability of real-time, and fairness. ─── 制度之“制”,就是要求制度有警示性、必然性、即时性、公平性。

75、Many authors have argued for the inevitability of war from the premise that in the struggle for existence among animal species , only the fittest survive. ─── 多作家根据动物世界为生存而进行的斗争中具有适者生存的规律这一点,论证战争是不可避免的。

76、There was an inevitability about their defeat. ─── 他们的失败自有其必然。

77、He simply enjoys the sense of inevitability that comes from pushing the launch button. ─── 他只是简单地享受按下发射按钮的快乐。

78、His place in history was foreordained; a sense of predestinate inevitability about it; it seemed predestined since the beginning of the world. ─── 他在历史中的地位是注定的;对不可避免注定如此的一种感觉;看起来从世界开始就注定如此。

79、Instead, the most effective application development methods embrace the inevitability of change. ─── 取而代之地是,最有效的应用程序开发方法包含了不可避免的变更。

80、As you know, the Asian Games Village development in the lead with a chance, and inevitability. ─── 大家知道,亚运村的发展始于亚运会的带动,具有偶然性,又有必然性。

81、Faster RMB appreciation is an inevitability, whether or not it comes as a large, one-step revaluation. ─── 人民币更快升值,是不可避免的,不管是不是以一次性升值较大幅度的方式实现。

82、"Perhaps this is true of the rapid fall of Citibank's potential, but also to show the U.S. government hand the inevitability of relief. ─── 也许这正应验了花旗银行快速倒台的潜在可能性,同时也表现出了美国政府出手救助的必然性。

83、Running from the law of the industry, the real estate industry determines the risk of industry sales decline of inevitability. ─── 从行业运行规律来看,地产行业的风险性决定了行业销售利润率下降的必然性。

84、PROF.: Right. A tendency is not an inevitability. ─── 对。倾向本身并不是不可避免的。

85、Yet even here, with a certain inevitability, gentrification, the restless, omnidirectional force, is said to have arrived. ─── 然而,即便是在这里,由于某种必然性,永不停息、全方位的力量——城市绅士化(Gentrification)据说也已出现。

86、Affects the specialized study and sings the effect display the hazardous nature, elaborated, revelation causal relation inevitability. ─── 影响专业学习和演唱效果发挥的危害性,加以阐述,揭示因果关系必然性。

87、The members put their hopes in the "permeation" of the existing institutions and the "inevitability of gradualness". ─── 其它成员将它们的希望寄托在现有制度与“渐进必然性”的“渗透”中。

88、Many authors have argued for the inevitability of war from the premise that in the struggle for existence among animal species,the fittest survive. ─── 作家根据动物世界为生存而进行的斗争中具有适者生存的规律这一点,论证战争是不可避免的。

89、Catholicity of Calligraphy, for example, it contains time, space, movement, cause and effect, inevitability, orderliness. ─── 书法的普遍性,如空间,时间,运动,因果性,必然性,规律性。

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