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09-16 投稿



horribly 发音

英:[ˈhɔːrəbli]  美:[ˈhɒrəbli]

英:  美:

horribly 中文意思翻译



horribly 短语词组

1、horribly wrong ─── 大错特错

2、horribly enjoyable ─── 非常愉快

horribly 词性/词形变化,horribly变形

名词: horribleness |副词: horribly |

horribly 相似词语短语

1、hornily ─── 饥渴地

2、horrify ─── vt.使恐惧;惊骇;使极度厌恶

3、coercibly ─── 强制地

4、horridly ─── adv.可怕地;讨厌地

5、horsily ─── adv.爱马地;似马地

6、forcibly ─── adv.用力地;用武力地,强制地;有说服力地,清楚地

7、horrible ─── adj.可怕的;极讨厌的

8、corrigibly ─── 正确地

9、terribly ─── adv.非常;可怕地;极度地

horribly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The experiment went horribly wrong. ─── 实验弄得一塌糊涂。

2、He glanced at me , horribly embarrassed . ─── 他非常窘迫地望着我。

3、An aged witch stood in front of him, holding a tray of what looked horribly like whole human fingernails. ─── 一个老巫婆站在他面前,托着一碟酷似整片死人指甲的东西。

4、Everything has gone horribly wrong. ─── 一切都变得糟透了。

5、Paul's grandfather did set up a family trust fund, but it's been horribly mismanaged ─── 保罗的祖父倒是立下了一笔家族信托基金,但管理得一塌湖涂。

6、She hated London now, and the flat, the room must be horribly bare without the joyous presence of Gerald. ─── 如今她憎厌伦敦,憎厌这套公寓房间;失去了快活的杰拉尔德,这几间房一定会沉闷得可怕。

7、The sky was horribly dark, but one could distinctly see tattered clouds, and between them fathomless black patches. ─── 天空黑得可怕,不过还能清晰地分辨出被撕碎的云块,云块之间是一个个无底的黑斑。

8、She is horribly mean, but all her family are tarred with the same brush. ─── 地吝啬得可怕,而她的家里的人跟她都是一路货色。

9、His house was filthy, and a stench came out of the house and it smelled horribly. ─── 他的房子脏乱不堪,一股恶臭味从房子里传来,异常难闻,让人憎恶。

10、She stepped towards him with a movement that was horribly cringing. ─── 她冲他走了一步,做出一个低三下四,令人作呕的动作。

11、The visiting manager also bemoaned the absence of his only previously fit specialist centre-half Ricardo Carvalho, who fell ill on the eve of the match to render the team horribly vulnerable. ─── 客队经理也哀叹自己失去了特里之外唯一的后防领袖卡瓦略,他在比赛前夜病倒了。这个变故让球队陷入困境。

12、Their accoutrements were horribly incongruous;nothing is more funereal than the harlequin in rags. ─── 他们的装束真是丑到光怪陆离,再没有什么比这种一块块破布叠补起来的衣服更令人心酸的了。

13、all right, i am doing the chinese subtitle thing too, but it would be horribly bad... ─── 好吧,我也来做中文字幕,不过好像会很糟...(果然真的很糟阿字不对字!!!!!

14、The body was found horribly mangled. ─── 尸体被发现时已被砍得血肉模糊。

15、The raveled linen around her neck looked like a fashion statement gone horribly awry. ─── 围在她脖子上的亚麻布,看起来就像一种荒腔走板的时尚。

16、A chemical that is perfectly fine for Sarah Bellum might be horribly irritating to your skin. ─── 如果原材料通过了这些标准,那么生产商和政府就会自信的说:产品是安全的。

17、Why did you paint it? It will mock me some day-mock me horribly! ─── 你为什么要画这幅像呢?将来它会揶揄我--狠狠地揶揄我。

18、A joint Hershey-Ferrero bid would be horribly complex to engineer. ─── 好时与费列罗联合收购会非常复杂,难以把控。

19、He was horribly upset over her illness. ─── 他为她的病而忧心忡忡。

20、His whole body is horribly itchy. ─── 他全身痒得难受。

21、There are still major question marks over Kalac, though, as the goalkeeper horribly flapped at a Caserta shot and Kaladze had to rescue the clean sheet with an acrobatic goalline clearance. ─── 卡拉奇仍是个巨大的问号,尽管卡拉奇难以置信的击飞卡塞尔塔的射门,卡拉泽仍旧不得不以一个特技般的动作在球门线上力保球门不失。

22、He stumbled back, glowering at his attacker, who scowled horribly in return. ─── 他踉跄后退,冲着他的这个袭击者怒目而视,后者,作为回应,也在向他怒目相视。

23、She said for men clever chat-up lines do not generally work. They appear contrived and can be horribly fluffed. ─── 她认为诙谐的闲谈语句通常并不管用。这些言辞看上去矫揉造作,反而会坏事。

24、Her face was still horribly swollen. ─── 她的脸仍然肿得吓人。

25、The very rich spend tens of thousands of dollars building horribly kitschy houses complete with fake Corinthian columns. ─── 富人花上成千上万美元建设非常庸俗的房子,还配有假的科林斯式的圆柱。

26、But, if the attempt to tame China goes horribly awry, make sure America is still around to help sort out the mess. ─── 不过,如果驯化中国的企图走上歧途,要确保美国仍在附近,以帮助清理混乱的局面。

27、You think me a horribly sordid woman, don't you? ─── 你认为我是个利欲熏心的女人,对吧?

28、But that is a horribly expensive way to protect market share, and one that Ford can no longer afford. ─── 但是以这样的方式来保护市场份额的确非常昂贵,福特能够承受这种方式的日子也是一去不再回。

29、Houston led 18-12 at one point, and after that it all went horribly wrong for the Rockets. ─── 在开始的某时刻休斯顿以18-12领先,在那以后休斯顿出现了可怕的错误。

30、Kitty: It was horribly cold last winter. ─── 基蒂:去年的冬天可冷得够呛。

31、Because if we give it a year, I will end up horribly murdering you and hacking up your body. ─── 要是我们再谈一年,我一定会把你杀了,再把你的尸体砌进墙壁里。

32、If you're unlucky, his freakish trajectory puts him directly on course to impact horribly in the centre of your world in a shocking mushroom cloud of dust and yellow cards. ─── 但假如你是个倒霉蛋,他那畸形的轨道就会把他直接送上一条可以带给你的世界可怕的巨大蘑菇云尘土和黄牌的道路。

33、Her servants often meet horribly tragic ends?Avoid her like the Plague. She is as sly and cruel as an asp. ─── 她的仆人常常有着可怕悲惨的结局。她象瘟疫一样被躲避着。她象毒蛇一样狡猾和冷酷。

34、was horribly painful. ─── 疼极了。

35、Since I attained a little fame I have on occasion been addressed by strangers and no matter how flatteringly they speak I am always horribly embarrassed. ─── 因为我也已经小有名气,所以不时有陌生人跟我说话,不管他们怎么奉承我,我都不免尴尬万分。

36、This could feel horribly tacky, the Japanese equivalent to hitting the lounge at any chain restaurant attached to your local shopping mall. ─── 在临近购物广场的小型旅馆,几乎到处都是日本人,一般来说,会让人感觉有些不自在。

37、A look back at where things went right, and where they went wrong, horribly wrong. ─── 回顾了在那里的事情的权利,以及他们所去的地方错了,可怕的错误。

38、Both suffered horribly in the early 1990s, when the ERM broke down. ─── 在90年代早期欧洲汇率体系崩溃之时,两种策略都损失惨重。

39、You know the only time he was sincere or spontaneous was when everything was going horribly wrong or when you were stoned out of your head. ─── 你知道他唯一真诚或是自然的时候就是一切都严重错误或者你吸食了毒品神志不清的时候。

40、"I brooded horribly upon the thought of my mother's madness. ─── “我恐惧地沉思着我母亲发疯的问题。

41、Neothelids are a rare result of the mind flayer reproductive cycle gone horribly wrong. ─── 夺心巨虫是夺心魔的生殖周期中出现严重错误的稀有产物。

42、On June 29th two students from the University of Clermont-Ferrand were found horribly murdered in the British capital. ─── 在6月29日这天,两名来自法国克莱蒙费朗大学的学生被发现惨死在大不列颠的首都伦敦。

43、Her soul was horribly besmirched. ─── 她的心灵已经变得非常肮脏。

44、The little baby's lid,half - raised,show the pupil horribly upturned. ─── 婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔。

45、It might have been a horribly disturbing experience but for the equally profound sensation of being a part of everything. ─── 因为深感自己成为万物的一部分,所以这并非一种可怕的体验。

46、He treated his parents horribly. ─── 他对待他的父母很糟糕。

47、He was probably horribly afraid of losing his job. ─── 他可能极害怕失去工作。

48、In some cases, it is because they bully only downwards - behaving horribly towards subordinates but ingratiating themselves with their superiors. ─── 在某些情况下,是因为他们只是欺负下属,而对上司则竭力讨好。

49、The glance at the mirror conveyed to her the reflection of a horribly grotesque and distorted face with the tongue lolling out. She was too frightened to move. ─── 她对着镜子一看,一个又狞恶可怖又丑怪不堪的面孔反映出来,舌头还向外吐着。她被吓得一动不敢动了。

50、for the first time an Earthman had given him the only greeting that is considered less than horribly rude on Venus. ─── 因为地球人头一次冲他说了一句在金星上被视为第二大粗话的问候语。

51、They portray Britain as Iceland writ large, horribly exposed because of its big banking sector and intimate involvement in the sort of global finance that has gone so spectacularly wrong. ─── 他们把英国描绘成放大版的冰岛。由于冰岛拥有大型银行业以及与全球混乱的金融业有着密切的关系,因此冰岛完全暴露在当前的危机下。

52、Her soul was horribly besmirched ─── 她的心灵已经变得肮脏不堪。

53、An Italian man is accused of killing his cousin with a chainsaw in a billion lire ($460,000) insurance scam that went horribly wrong. ─── 一名意大利男子被控用链锯杀害了他的表弟,而这竟涉及一个46万美元保险的失败骗局。

54、And so doing he lost his balance and went under, horribly, suffocating in the foul earthy water, struggling madly for a few moments. ─── 他身体失去了平衡,沉了下去,太可怕了,难闻的腐败气息令他窒息,他用力挣扎着。

55、At the same time, he was horribly vexed because there was dust on his boots. ─── 同时他又感到事不凑巧,心里好不难过,因为他的靴子上有尘土。

56、eg: Their bowels had begun to drain out a mixture of clotted blood and thick, grayish-yellow, horribly foul-smelling mucus. ─── 他们肚里拉出来的东西开始杂有血块和一种发出恶臭的灰黄色黏液。

57、But, if the attempt to tame China goes horribly awry , make sure America is still around to help sort out the mess. ─── 不过,如果驯化中国的企图走上歧途,要确保美国仍在附近,以帮助清理混乱的局面。

58、He was horribly scared. ─── 他惊恐万状。

59、A Canaanite woman from that area came and cried out, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is horribly demon-possessed! ─── 一个来自那地区的迦南妇人到来并哭喊:"神主子,大卫的儿子,给我慈悲,我的女儿着了魔很可怕的。

60、It is a horribly defeatist slogan. ─── 姑且称之为骇人听闻的保卫标语。

61、The bodywas found horribly mangled. ─── 尸体被发现时已过砍得血肉模糊。

62、The little baby 's lid, half - raised, shows the pupil horribly upturned ─── 婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔

63、She seemed to them to be absolutely incompetent. They were horribly disappointed. ─── 他们觉得她差劲极了,因而十分失望。

64、If you don't thrash your head around while listening to this song, there's something horribly wrong with you! ─── 如果在听这首歌曲的时候你没。

65、He has degenerated horribly. ─── 他堕落得可怕。

66、In a world where power is used wrongly and abused horribly, Jesus shows us a different way. ─── 在这个可怕地误用和滥用权力的世代,耶稣向我们显示了一条不同的途径。

67、Vacuums are great at picking up fine dust but suck horribly at bigger pieces of trash. ─── 吸尘器拿手的是清理那些细小的灰尘,但对那些大些的垃圾就无能为力了。

68、The little baby's lid,half - raised,shows the pupil horribly upturned. ─── 婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔。

69、At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly then slowly he quieted down till nothing more was heard. ─── 一开始,当驴子意识到发生什么时,不禁失声痛哭,随后,驴子渐渐安静下来直到没有一点声音。

70、Something went horribly wrong with the DB2 deployment, interfering with GSIS’s ability to process data resulting in substantial negative impact on the agency’s members. ─── DB2的部署除了大纰漏,干扰到GSIS处理数据的能力,最终对该代理机构的会员产生实质性的负面影响。

71、During your military service, a mission you were on went horribly wrong. ─── 在你的军人生涯中,有一个任务是完全错误的。

72、He constantly dreads going to hell.Scars cover his back.Mr.Tom soon realizes that his little boarder comes from a horribly abusive home, and determines to provide him a better one. ─── 小威廉在老汤姆的照顾下,渐渐摆脱战争的阴影,脸上绽放孩童该有的天真笑容时,威廉的母亲却出现了,要将小威廉带回烽火遍地的伦敦。

73、A light snow sifted down as he sat, feeling horribly foolish, and hugged his throbbing knee. ─── 他坐下来的时候,一阵小雪从天上飘落打量着他,他抱着抽搐的膝盖,觉得自己真是太傻了。

74、The next photo depicts Potter's tall, redheaded friend in the same scarlet Quidditch uniform, the color clashing horribly with his hair. ─── 下一张照片上是Potter那个高个子的红头发朋友,也穿着那身Quidditch的深红色制服,那颜色再配上他的那头红发,简直难看得吓死人。

75、They each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.Realizing what was happening, the donkey at first cried and wailed horribly. ─── 农夫向井里望去,他被眼前的景象惊呆了:每当有一锹土落在驴背上的时候,它就会把土抖掉,踩在脚下。

76、It was horribly cold last winter. ─── 亨: 去年的冬天可冷得够呛。

77、However, the i860 was "horribly behind schedule", so the NT team used an emulator before i860 prototype hardware (code-named Dazzle) was available. ─── [2]但i860“严重落后于计划”,于是NT小组在i860原型硬件(代号为Dazzle)交付之前使用了一个模拟器。

78、Even though Zack has numerous chances to escape, he doesn't. He's enjoying partying with them, until something goes horribly wrong. ─── 尽管Zack有无数的机会,他却没有逃走。他乐意和他们一起花天酒地,没料到可怕的事发生了。

79、And what a mockery to have so long worn on his breast his father's last commands, written in his own hand, only to act in so horribly contrary a sense! ─── 多少年来,他一直把他父亲亲笔写下的最后愿望牢记在心,却又背弃遗训,反其道而行之,这将是多么荒唐可笑!

80、Harlow swore horribly about it. ─── 哈洛曾因这事大发牢骚。

81、The people who get on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads - horribly mutilated. ─── 人在楼梯上时,会被楼梯的台阶切断,这是很可怕的毁伤!

82、Companies, banks and households are horribly over-leveraged: private sector debt as a percentage of GDP stands at 180 per cent, above the US. ─── 企业、银行和家庭的负债比率都高得惊人:私营部门债务高达国内生产总值(GDP)的180%,高于美国的水平。

83、The Wizards will probably play well one night,horribly the next,frequently earning their leader,Michael Jordan's anger,then his wrath,then maybe his rage. ─── (华盛顿)奇才队可能对好时坏,一个晚上好得不错,第二个晚上就会很糟糕,因此会惹他们的带头人乔丹生气,抑或使他勃然大怒,甚至怒发冲冠。

84、If the name Burmester sounds familiar, it's because the company worked on a sound system for the horribly expensive Bugatti Veyron 16.4. ─── 如果伯梅斯特的名字听起来很熟悉,那是因为该公司有一个良好的工作系统可怕昂贵布加迪威龙16.4。

85、But a class made up only of little Aarons and Abbotts could be horribly confusing. ─── 可是一个班上上上下下全是小Aaron,小Abbott,恐怕得让人分不清东西南北了。

86、Our plans have gone horribly wrong. ─── 我们的计划已出了大问题。

87、And the count burst into a laugh; a terrible laugh, that showed he must have suffered horribly to be able thus to laugh ─── 于是伯爵爆发出一声大笑,但那种笑是令人可怕的,显示出他的内心一定受过非常痛苦的煎熬。

88、The wind shrieked more horribly, and both the Syracusans and the Arcadians prayed to Aiolos. ─── 屋外的风声嘶吼得更为尖利起来,叙拉古人和阿耳卡狄亚人一同为喀洛斯而祈祷。

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