homeliness 发音
英: 美:
homeliness 中文意思翻译
homeliness 网络释义
n. 朴素;寻常;粗野
homeliness 词性/词形变化,homeliness变形
形容词最高级: homeliest |名词: homeliness |形容词比较级: homelier |
homeliness 相似词语短语
1、homelikeness ─── 家庭示例
2、comeliness ─── n.清秀,漂亮;合宜
3、holiness ─── n.神圣;圣座(大写,对教宗等的尊称)
4、homeliest ─── 家常的;平凡的;朴实无华的;简单且好的(homely的最高级)
5、homeyness ─── 家庭情结
6、loneliness ─── n.寂寞,孤独
7、homeless ─── adj.无家可归的;无家可归的人;无家可归
8、hominess ─── 原始性
9、loveliness ─── n.可爱;漂亮;魅力;美好
homeliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He have to go home because of family obligation. ─── 出于对家庭的责任,他不得不回家。
2、necessarily a bad thing for a typeface. With typefaces, character and history are just as important. ─── 对字体来说,“看起来平常”并不一定是件坏事,但字体包含的字符数量和它的历史才是最重要的两方面。
3、They kept badgering him to get a home computer. ─── 他们一直纠缠着要他买一台电脑。
4、He ran away from home at the age of thirteen. ─── 他十三岁那年就离家出走了。
5、I arranged the flowers in the vase as soon as I came back home. ─── 一回到家里,我就把花在花瓶里插好。
6、He can't pluck up the courage to leave home. ─── 他鼓不起离开家的勇气。
7、Observation and nursing of narrow-band UVB to treat homeliness psoriasis ─── 窄谱中波紫外线治疗寻常型银屑病的观察及护理
8、It is hotter in summer in my home town than it is here. ─── 夏天我的家乡小镇比这里更热。
9、He drove home his point by citing specific examples. ─── 他举了具体的例子才把论点讲透彻。
10、Wish the effect buddha: Match the palm such as the obeisance of the homeliness, tiny open such as lotus! ─── 愿效佛:合掌如朴素的敬礼,微启如莲花!
11、I bought the magazines on my way home. ─── 在回家的路上,我买了一些杂志。
12、He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. ─── 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
13、He went on the stump in his home state. ─── 他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
14、Your mother is very grieved by your refusal to return home. ─── 你离家不归,你母亲极为伤心。
15、His quiet home sits back in his yard. ─── 他那幽静家座落在庭院里端。
16、His mother is in an old folks' home. ─── 他母亲住在养老院里。
17、Smith tied into the ball for a home run. ─── 史密斯猛击球取得本垒打。
18、He's very keen to see his home town. ─── 他极渴望看到他的故乡。
19、How annoying, I've left my wallet at home! ─── 多讨厌,我把钱包落在家里了。
20、It's incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home. ─── 在你儿子离家前给他忠告是你义不容辞的事。
21、He was tanked up last night and went back home at midnight. ─── 他昨晚喝醉了之后,半夜才回了家。
22、He listened to the teacher but heard nothing. He has nobody home. ─── 他听教师讲课,但他什么也没听见,他走神了。
23、He is at home with this subject. ─── 他熟悉这一学科。
24、He cut corners going home in a hurry. ─── 他匆匆忙忙地抄近路回家。
25、Leaving home was a terrible wrench for him. ─── 他觉得离开家十分痛苦。
26、His story has come home to my bosom. ─── 他的故事使我内心深为感动。
27、Beauty gains little , and homeliness and deformity lose much , by gaudy attire . ─── 华丽的衣着增添不了多少美丽,也颇能掩饰丑陋与畸型。
28、He may belong to senile residents who stray from home. ─── 他可能是那种离家迷失在外的昏聩老年人。
29、clothes could not conceal the girl's homeliness. ─── 的衣服并不能掩盖这个女孩的寻常容貌。
30、They would rather go fishing than stay at home. ─── 他们宁愿去钓鱼,也不愿待在家里。
31、It was after dark when they got home. ─── 天黑以后,他们才到家。
32、In one's own home, one can act however one wishes. ─── 一个人在自己家里,可以爱怎么做就怎么做。
33、The home team lost to the visitors2 to3. ─── 主队以二比三败于客队。
34、He will stop over at Shanghai for a brief visit on his way home. ─── 在回国途中,他将在上海停留,作短期访问。
35、It must be nice living at home and never have to worry about food. ─── 住在家里的学生多好,不必为了吃饭而烦恼。
36、He spent a lonesome evening at home. ─── 他在家里度过了一个寂寞的夜晚。
37、He closed the deal successfully and was home free. ─── 买卖成交了,他松了一口气。
38、At the last election Mr Reagan scraped home in California. ─── 在上次选举中,里根先生费了好大劲才在加利福尼亚当选。
39、After his release from prison he came home. ─── 他被释放出狱后就回家了。
40、It was cold, raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home. ─── 天气寒冷,又下著雨,而最倒霉的是,我们得走著回家。
41、He was aching for home/to go home. ─── 他渴望回家。
42、Not until eleven o'clock did he come home. ─── 他到十一点才回家。
43、In the last resort we can always walk home. ─── 大不了我们走回家就是了。
44、Do stop off on your way home and have a cup of coffee with me. ─── 你回家路过我家时,请一定顺便过来一起喝杯咖啡。
45、If we push forward, we can get home before dark. ─── 加紧赶路,在天黑之前就能够到家了。
46、The home side got quite a beating. ─── 主队遭到惨败。
47、I will walk home after school this afternoon. ─── 今天下午放学后我将走路回家。
48、He had to leave his home because of impiety. ─── 因为不孝,他不得不离开家。
49、They have got home safe and sound. ─── 他们已平安到家。
50、He hammered home the points he wanted to convey. ─── 他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻。
51、It's growing dark; we must go home soon. ─── 天渐渐黑了,我们必须赶快回家。
52、His brother is quite at home on Latin. ─── 他的兄弟很精通拉丁文。
53、It's time you listened to a few home truths about yourself. ─── 你该听一些逆耳之言了。
54、The ambassador is now home on leave. ─── 大使目前回国休假了。
55、Liverpool chalked up yet another home victory against Arsenal. ─── 利物浦队又一次刷新了本地战胜阿胜纳队的纪录。
56、He went home, dejected in heart. ─── 他心情沮丧地回家去。
57、He lined out for home without a backward glance. ─── 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。
58、It is time you left home and learnt to fend for yourself. ─── 你应该离家自立了。
59、Can you stop by for a moment on your way home from your firm? ─── 你从公司回家时,能顺便来呆一会儿吗?
60、He had a devil of a time getting home. ─── 他回家时一路上十分辛苦(历尽艰辛)。
61、He had the fixed idea that a woman's place was in the home. ─── 他有个成见,认为女人的天地是在家里。
62、He come home with two brace of rabbit in the bag. ─── 他带著装有两对野兔的猎袋回家来了。
63、He invited me to his home to talk over old times. ─── 他邀我到他家里去聊聊过去的事。
64、He struck home in his criticism of this social problem. ─── 他对这个社会问题的批评击中了要害。
65、My company is five miles distant from my home. ─── 公司距离我家五英里远。
66、The home side is ire at die moment; but we shall be batting soon. ─── 主队正在进攻,但很快就轮到我们击球了。
67、He gets home leave every two years. ─── 他每两年有一次探亲假。
68、The other is the general homeliness of the application. ─── 另一个问题是这个应用程序太一般了。
69、He locked the door and pressed the bolt home. ─── 他锁上房门,并插好插销。
70、He wouldn't hear of my walking home alone. ─── 他不许我单独一人走回家。
71、He came on the off chance of finding me at home. ─── 他来找我时是想到我或许有可能正在家中。
72、He have scarcely get home when the telephone ring. ─── 他一回到家电话铃就响了起来。
73、You can stay at home and watch TV. ─── 你可以待在家里并且看电视。
74、He left home just as last spring began. ─── 他离家出走刚好是去年春天开始的时候。
75、One main idea possessed him; he must get away from such a home. ─── 他只有一个主要想法:他必须离开这个家。
76、"Home" is a much more emotive word than "house". ─── "家"是远比"住屋"更能激起感情的字眼。
77、We were in ecstasy at the thought of going home. ─── 一想到回家,我们就兴奋不已。
78、Had done my home work, I went out. ─── 做完家庭作业,我就外出了。
79、He came home as late as two in the morning. ─── 他迟至清晨两点才回家。
80、He enticed the young girl away from home. ─── 他把那小女孩诱惑得离开了家。
81、He walked swiftly towards home down the dark street. ─── 他沿着黑暗的街道迅速地走回家去。
82、He was beaten out with fatigue when he got home. ─── 他回到家里时已是疲惫不堪。
83、The clerk marked up his daybook before going home. ─── 办事员在回家前记好当天的日记帐。
84、Sale in the home market rise by22%. ─── 国内市场的销售量提高了22%。
85、She has to stay home because her son fall ill. ─── 因为儿子生病所以她得待在家里。
86、Could you come back home early this evening? ─── 今天晚上你能早回家吗?
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