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09-16 投稿



grandiosity 发音


英:  美:

grandiosity 中文意思翻译



grandiosity 词性/词形变化,grandiosity变形

名词: grandiosity |副词: grandiosely |

grandiosity 相似词语短语

1、grandiosely ─── 浮夸地;夸大地;宏伟地

2、cariosity ─── n.蛀牙;龋蚀性

3、animosity ─── n.憎恶,仇恨,敌意

4、grandioso ─── 雄伟地

5、grandiose ─── adj.宏伟的;堂皇的;浮夸的;宏大的

6、granodiorite ─── n.[岩]花岗闪长岩

7、graciosity ─── 滑稽

8、granodioritic ─── adj.花岗闪长质的

9、adiposity ─── n.肥胖,肥胖症;脂肪过多;肥胖倾向

grandiosity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The single currency's political grandiosity demanded a strong institutional and fiscal foundation, which its designers forgot to provide. ─── 欧元这一单一货币政治上的重要地位,需要一个强有力的制度和财政基础与之匹配,而欧元的设计者却忘记了这一点。

2、It impresses us with a kind of grandiosity, strength, splendor and its fervidity. ─── 这首诗给人的主要感受和印象是:宏伟、强力、壮丽、炽热。

3、The campus set up reasonable, building grandiosity. ─── 校园布局合理,建筑宏伟。

4、Ruiai's marine furniture is with grandiosity sculpt, delicacy detail, andwiagoodpublic praise. ─── 瑞爱船用家具造形大气,细节精致,在业内有口皆碑。

5、same self-styled grandiosity; they've just found a more interesting way to get to the same point. ─── 沿袭了自成风格的“宏伟”效果,只不过他们找到了可以达到这一效果的另一条更加有趣的途径。

6、Two days later, we took in the Special Olympics Opening Ceremony, an extremely ambitious show whose grandiosity surprised and pleased me. ─── 两天后,我们参加了特奥会的开幕式。我喜欢开幕式的表演,其规模之宏大出乎我的意料。

7、Around the 15th year of his rule, amid the grandiosity of his empire-building, a touch of hubris was perhaps overtaking the Nubian ruler. ─── 在他统治的第15个年头,王国的建设热火朝天。到这个时候,这位努比亚统治者自大的情绪开始蔓延开来。

8、Wagner was a ruthless opportunist and an outspoken anti-Semite with an ego on par with the grandiosity of his operas. ─── 瓦格纳是一个无情的机会主义者,也是一个直言不讳的反犹分子。他的自我主义和他的歌剧一样夸大。

9、paranoid grandiosity ─── 妄想型夸大

10、Without this belief grandiosity is meaningless, and you could not possibly want it. ─── 若非这个信念作祟,浮华虚夸就显得毫无意义,你也不可能去追求它。)

11、Trust me, you need to see a psychiatrist, and he will tell you that you are suffering from Narcissism and Paranoid Grandiosity. ─── 相信我,你需要去看心理医生,他会告诉你,你正患有自恋症和自大妄想症。

12、The grandiosity of the ego is its alternative to the grandeur of God. ─── (小我欲以它的浮华虚夸来取代上主的庄严伟大。

13、As he matured, however, he came increasingly under the influence of diverse aesthetic, philosophical, and mystical doctrines that impelled him toward an artistic vision of unprecedented grandiosity. ─── 成熟以后的他,逐渐受到不同美学、哲学和神秘理论的影响,这些因素促使他走向宏伟新奇的艺术观。

14、grandiosity / grAndE5Rsiti/ n. ─── 宏伟壮观;铺张浮夸;

15、Integral designed with novelty,delicate style and comprehensive function,the hotel performs intelligent skills and considerably grandiosity. ─── 酒店整体设计新颖,风格别致,功能齐全,无论是主题建筑,还是装饰装修,都构思巧妙,气势宏大。

16、The Thai Buddhist temple external appearance shape grandiosity grand view, the building decorate delicately unsurpassed, possess"Thai art museum" beautiful call, is Thailand culture of pick. ─── 泰国佛寺外观造型宏伟壮观,建筑装饰精巧卓绝,享有“泰国艺术博物馆”美称,是泰国文化的精萃。

17、Grandiosity is always a cover for despair. ─── 浮华虚夸一向是为了掩饰内在的绝望。

18、Without this belief grandiosity is meaningless, and you could not possibly want it. ─── 若非这个信念作祟,浮华虚夸就显得毫无意义,你也不可能去追求它。

19、And to what adolescent striving to define an identity do inflated self-esteem and grandiosity not appear attractive? ─── 而对努力定义一种身份的青少年确实会膨胀自尊与夸张的事情好像没有吸引力?

20、To list the traits of the narcissist is enough to prove the point: grandiosity, numbness to the needs and pain of others, emotional isolation,resentment and envy. ─── 罗列出这些自我陶醉的特征对于证明这个观点来说,已经足够了:装模作样,对别人的需求和痛苦麻木不仁,情感孤独,怨恨和嫉妒。

21、Bridge vehemence in Kinmen grandiosity, the shape grand view, the tone is special, having become the marking of San Franciscos. ─── 金门桥气势宏伟,外形壮观,色调独特,已成为旧金山的标志。

22、Service is human oriented, grandiosity is just transient visitor. ─── 服务以人为本,华丽只不过是过眼云烟。

23、Grandiosity is always a cover for despair. ─── (浮华虚夸一向是为了掩饰内在的绝望。

24、They wind up with the same self-styled grandiosity; ─── 最终,乐队在不伤筋骨的前提下,改造了歌曲的细节。

25、Some of this is nothing more than innocent, if irritating, grandiosity. ─── 其中部分无非是纯粹(尽管刺激人)的修饰。

26、Grow the white waterfalls grandiosity grand view, dash about not interest. ─── 长白瀑布宏伟壮观、奔腾不息。

27、In depression group grandiosity delusion was deficient but the existing rate of self accusation delusion and hypocho... ─── 被害妄想对象不如精神分裂症泛化,2次住院的妄想再现率明显低于精神分裂症。

28、They usually hold tremendous conviction about the correctness and importance of their own ideas as well.This grandiosity can contribute to poor judgment and impulsive behavior. ─── 通常他们也信心十足,认为自己的想法既正确且重要,而这种浮夸可能会导致错误的判断及冲动的行为。

29、The great Buddha died in the Kaning lamasery. This part describes the grandiosity ceremony that the living Buddha's clay was set in the soul tower and Lamar grieved for him . ─── 康宁寺已有500多年历史,寺内布局宏伟,佛像制作精细。不幸寺院高僧八角活佛圆寂,本集展示活佛肉身存入灵塔,藏传佛教举行全员哀悼的壮观场面。

30、Bush compensated for his father's lack of vision and Clinton's indiscipline with his own excesses of grandiosity and punctuality. ─── 小布什上台后,为了弥补其父亲的缺乏远见以及克林顿的毫无纪律性,在追求宏伟堂皇以及精确准时上面走得过了头。

31、Some of this is nothing more than innocent, if irritating, grandiosity . ─── 其中部分无非是纯粹(尽管刺激人)的修饰。

32、The grandiosity reaches to create the wealth together with you. ─── 宏伟达与你共创财富。

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