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09-16 投稿


deliberating 发音

英:[dɪˈlɪbəreɪtɪŋ]  美:[dɪˈlɪbəreɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

deliberating 中文意思翻译



deliberating 词性/词形变化,deliberating变形

名词: deliberateness |动词过去分词: deliberated |动词过去式: deliberated |动词现在分词: deliberating |副词: deliberately |动词第三人称单数: deliberates |

deliberating 短语词组

1、deliberating at length ─── 深思熟虑

2、term for deliberating ─── [法] 斟酌期

3、deliberating a draft law ─── 审议法律草案

4、deliberating homesick ─── 思乡 ─── 思乡

5、deliberating anxiety ─── 思虑焦虑

6、deliberating syn ─── 审议syn

7、deliberating on ─── 审议;仔细研究,考虑

8、deliberating is not delaying ─── 深思熟虑不是拖延

9、deliberating meaning ─── 审议意义

10、deliberating mechanism ─── 审议机制

11、deliberating pain ─── 思痛

12、deliberating means ─── 审议方式

13、deliberating fate ─── 深思熟虑的命运

14、deliberating homesickness ─── 思乡

deliberating 同义词

pore | premeditated | speculate | thoughtful | think about | muse | mull | intentional | reflect | leisurely | unhurried | careful | cautious | over | turn over | contemplate | weigh up | easy | consider | study | think over | moot | meditate | mull over | ponder | intended | measured | willful | slow | voluntary | advised | conscious | debate | ventilate |think | calculated | purposeful | reason

deliberating 反义词


deliberating 相似词语短语

1、deliberations ─── n.商议(deliberation的复数);审议意见

2、delineating ─── 描绘;描写;画…的轮廓(delineate的现在分词)

3、deliberation ─── n.审议;考虑;从容;熟思

4、alliterating ─── v.押头韵;用头韵体作

5、calibrating ─── v.标定;校正(calibrate的ing形式);校检读定

6、liberating ─── 解放,释放(liberate的现在分词)

7、desiderating ─── v.渴望

8、delibating ─── 脱硼

9、deliberative ─── adj.审议的;慎重的

deliberating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At the meantime, the authors deliberating with the academic analysis in Zheng Ya-chen. ─── 同时与郑亚晨的文章的理论分析进行商榷。

2、Abstract: In discusses to the Marx old age's spanning with in the East social development path's concrete understanding, still many questions were worth deliberating. ─── 摘要:在对马克思晚年的跨越论与东方社会发展道路的具体理解上,仍有许多问题值得推敲。

3、The government is deliberating about what should be done to solve the problem. ─── 政府正在仔细考虑做些什么才能解决这个问题。

4、The court is deliberating; meanwhile, we must be patient. ─── 法庭正在审议;这段时间内,我们必须要小心。

5、We are still deliberating over the matter. ─── 我们仍在仔细考虑这个问题。

6、we are still deliberating the matter . ─── 我们仍在考虑这个问题.

7、The United Kingdom is still deliberating whether to endorse its conclusions. ─── 英国仍然在考虑是否认可报告的结论。

8、The Senate has been deliberating the question for three days. ─── 三天来参议院一直在仔细斟酌这个问题。

9、While deliberating the motions, the relevant special sub-committees may invite members of the Standing Committee that lodged such motions to attend the meeting as nonvoting delegates. ─── 专门委员会审议的时候,可以邀请提出地方性法规案的常务委员会组成人员列席会议。

10、The agency in charge of uniformly deliberating the draft of a local decree shall present a deliberation result report and the amended draft. ─── 地方性法规草案由负责统一审议的机构提出审议结果的报告和草案修改稿。

11、They were still deliberating. ─── 他们仍在商讨。

12、They were deliberating how it should be done. ─── 他们在慎重考虑该如何去做那件事。

13、Students deliberating on the National Guard,--such a thing could not be seen among the Ogibewas nor the Cadodaches! ─── 小学生居然讨论国民自卫军的问题,这种事在蛮子国里也不见得有吧!

14、I've been deliberating all morning and I still can't decide what to do. ─── 我整个上午都在仔细考虑,还是决定不了该做什么。

15、They were deliberating over the plan . ─── 他们在仔细商讨此计划。

16、“Yes, four days ago, Wintzengerode and Stein were deliberating in this very room,” Napoleon continued, with the same confident and ironical smile. ─── “是的,四天前温岑格罗德和施泰因在这个房间里开过会,”拿破仑脸上仍然流露着讥讽的自信的微笑,继续说下去。

17、We are still deliberating over zhe matter. ─── 我们正在仔细考虑这个问题。

18、The next step was to exclude entirely the two lower classes and confine the right of deliberating in the Senate to Illustres, and by the end of the fifth century this seems to have been the rule. ─── 下一步就是完全清除低等阶层而将进入元老院活动的权利限于显贵阶层,这在五世纪末似乎已成为定例。

19、She stared thoughtfully into the distance, deliberating the state of affairs . ─── 她深思地凝视着远方,考虑当前的情况。

20、The pulp yield of different processes was affected by the deliberating ratio.Higher pulp yield represents poor deliberation of the fibers. ─── 不同制浆法之纸浆收率受解纤率之影响,高收率系由于韧皮纤维解纤不良所致。

21、But voters are now deliberating between the status quo and a new constellation even friendlier to capitalism. ─── 然而选民们如今正在现状与新的甚至对资本主义更为友好的构象中慎重思考[9]。

22、The agency in charge of uniformly deliberating the draft of a local decree shall present a deliberation result report and the amended draft. ─── 地方性法规草案由负责统一审议的机构提出审议结果的报告和草案修改稿。

23、Deliberating the report on the pre-establishment activities prepared by the sponsors; ─── 审议发起人关于公司筹办情况的报告;

24、Deliberating "Tossing Drawing Board" in the Teaching of Charting ─── 关于制图教学中"甩图板"的思考

25、Deliberating the Teaching of Physical Training in Colleges and Universities ─── 对大学体育课教学的思考

26、Elected legislatures are the principal forum for deliberating, debating, and passing laws in a representative democracy. ─── 经选举产生的立法机构是民主代表制中商议、辩论及批准法律事宜的主要场所。

27、Do not be deliberating again . ─── 别考虑了。

28、He's deliberating whether or not to accept the new job that he's been offered. ─── 他在慎重考虑要不要接受人家提供的新工作。

29、Pierre heard the Frenchmen deliberating how they were to be shot, singly, or two at a time. ─── 皮埃尔听到法国人在商议如何枪毙:一次枪毙一个或是两个?“两个。”

30、It is said that at the same time the government is deliberating on a series of this kind of measure, eliminates the current financial crisis's fundamental question by the time. ─── 据称,政府同时在酝酿一系列此类措施,以期消除当前金融危机的根本性问题。

31、Argument on The evaluation Research of Historic Status About Song Dynasty Economy--Deliberating With Professor Ge Jinfang ─── 宋代经济的历史地位评价辩析--与葛金芳教授商榷

32、They were deliberating over the plan. ─── 他们在仔细商讨此计划。

33、Chinese authorities are also deliberating bids from several consortiums for a proposed 810-mile high-speed train connecting Shanghai and Beijing, a project potentially worth billions of dollars. ─── 中国的权威也在商讨几家公司关于810英里长的京沪高铁的竞标,一个价值数十亿美元的项目。

34、Deliberating the calculation of pressure relief openings for heptafluroprane gas fire protection compartment ─── 对七氟丙烷气体消防防护区泄压口计算的商榷

35、I am deliberating whether or not to buy a new car ─── 我在考虑是否要买一辆新汽车

36、Kentucky Jury is about to start deliberating whether a former US solider will live or die. ─── 一肯塔基州陪审团将要商讨是否判决一名前美国士兵死亡。

37、Deliberating is not delaying . ─── 慎思不是拖延。

38、When the delegations are deliberating on a legislative bill, the sponsor shall send people to listen to their opinions and answer inquiries. ─── 各代表团审议法律案时,提案人应当派人听取意见,回答询问。

39、We are still deliberating the plan. ─── 我们还在商议该计划。

40、Talking also about how to Deepen the Research of Labor Theory of Value Scientifically--Deliberating with Mr. CHEN Nai-sheng and Mr. CHEN Ming ─── 也谈科学地深化劳动价值论研究--与陈乃圣、陈明二位先生商榷

41、"Exercise political consultation ,democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs" ─── 政治协商,民主监督,参政议政

42、He was slow to answer, deliberating on each question. ─── 他仔细斟酌每一个问题,不急于回答。

43、Don't be deliberating again. ─── 别再考虑了。

44、Deliberating is not delaying. ─── 延宕远非慎思。

45、Deliberating on the rules, decision-making procedure and authorization system for insurance funds utilization; ─── 审议保险资金运用业务的规章制度、决策程序及授权制度;

46、I am deliberating whether or not to buy a new car. ─── 我在考虑是否要买一辆新汽车。

47、We support the topic of International Athletic Year, deliberating in this UN meeing, and thanks for Tunis permanent delegation as sponsor. ─── 我们支持本届联大审议“国际体育运动年”议题,并对发起这一倡议的突尼斯常驻团表示感谢。

48、participation in deliberating and administration of state affairs ─── 参政议政

49、When deliberating the motions, the relevant special committees may invite the proposer to attend as a visitor and show his opinions. ─── 有关专门委员会审议的时候,可以邀请提案人列席会议,发表意见。

50、The vocal mothers, whom I have just consulted again, and who are now deliberating, have decided that Mother Crucifixion shall be buried, according to her wish, in her own coffin, under our altar. ─── 我刚才还和参议嬷嬷们商议过,她们还在开会,她们已经作了决议,依照受难嬷嬷的遗言,把她装殓在她的棺材里,埋在我们的祭台下面。

51、5. We were deliberating whether to buy a new motorcar . ─── 我们在商讨是否买一部新车。

52、Record of deliberating by the collegiate ─── 合议庭评议笔录

53、Design philosophy of furniture, which is considered as a functional element in interior space, is to be deliberating in the study. ─── 以家具为室内空间中之机能元素之一,探讨家具设计之创新思维。

54、But they are they're contracting.They are deliberating They're de-leveraging.They are They're pulling back. ─── 他们正在缩小规模,他们正在缩减人员。

55、They do not enjoy sitting and deliberating over a problem unless it is tremendously fascinating. ─── 他们不愿意坐在那里,考虑一个问题,除非是极其动人心魄的问题。

56、Rediscussion on "Using the Masses'Wealth to Ser ve the Masses"--Deliberating with Prof.GAO Pei-yong ─── 也谈"以众人之财办众人之事"--与高培勇教授商榷

57、The Company shall describe the composition of each functional institution involved in the governance structure, their scope of duties and functions and procedures for deliberating issues, etc. ─── 公司应描述治理结构中各职能机构的人员组成、职责范围和议事程序等。

58、"Deliberating is not delaying. ─── ","慎思不是拖延.

59、Deliberating on Coal Gasification Technologies for M-sized Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants ─── 中氮肥煤气化技术研讨

60、Article 29 In the course of deliberation by the subgroups of the Standing Committee, the bill sponsor shall send representatives to the deliberating sessions to hear comments and answer questions. ─── 常务委员会分组会议审议法律案时,根据小组的要求,有关机关、组织应当派人介绍情况。

61、The International Gymnastic Federation is now deliberating to break through 10 points in starting scores in the near future. ─── 国际体操联合会正酝酿不久的将来实行起评分突破10分的做法。

62、exercise political consultation and democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs ─── 政治协商、民主监督、参政议政

63、While deliberating motions, the Legislation Committee may invite the motion makers to attend the conference as nonvoting delegates and express their opinions. ─── 法制委员会审议的时候,可以邀请提案人列席会议,发表意见。

64、Deliberating on "Class Changes of Words and Phrases" in Negatives of Signing in "Bu" in Ma Shi Wen Tong Once Again ─── 中以"不"为标志的否定句中"词语假借"再探讨

65、The government is deliberating about what should be done to resolve the problem. ─── 政府对采取什么措施来解决这个问题进行了慎重考虑。

66、The professors are deliberating over the post graduates dissertations. ─── 教授们正在商讨研究生的论文。

67、And when he was deliberating about putting him to death and some said there was no reason for killing a mere boy like him ─── 当他考虑准备处死他时,有人说没有理由杀他,他只不过是个男孩

68、They are deliberating upon what to do ─── 他们在考虑该怎么办。

69、We are deliberating whether we should conclude the bargain with them . ─── 我们在考虑应不应该与他们订约。

70、The Understanding and Deliberating of Relations among Biological Species ─── 关于生物种间关系的认识与思考

71、We were deliberating what to do . ─── 我们在商讨怎么办。

72、Apart from deliberating on matters amongst its members, the Committee will enlist public participation in harbour-front planning and enhancement work. ─── 共建维港委员会除了由成员议事外,并将促请公众参与规划和建设海傍。

73、While deliberating motions for local regulations, the Legislation Sub-committee may invite members of the relevant special sub-committees to attend its meeting as nonvoting delegates. ─── 法制委员会审议地方性法规案时,应当邀请有关的专门委员会的成员列席会议。

74、The Senate starts deliberating over her nomination in mid-July. ─── 参议院将在七月中旬开始商讨关于她的提名。

75、Deliberating on training and development of the emergency nurses ─── 培养与发展急诊专科护士的探讨

76、The number of ethnic minority cadres has been greatly increased and the rights of ethnic minorities to participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs have been well protected. ─── 少数民族干部队伍不断壮大,少数民族参政议政的权利得到切实保障。

77、term for deliberating ─── [法] 斟酌期

78、The court is deliberating; meanwhile,we must be patient. ─── 法庭正在审议;这段时间内,我们必须要小心

79、Turkey's constitutional court on Monday starts deliberating a case calling for the closure of the ruling, Islamic-rooted, Justice and Development Party or AKP. ─── 土耳其宪法法庭星期一开始考虑一项动议,要求关闭土耳其执政党根植于伊斯兰的“正义发展党”。

80、Summing up Developing Experience for Electroplating Industry and Deliberating Sustainable Development Strategy in 21st century ─── 总结电镀业成长经验研究21世纪可持续性战略

81、The NPC Standing Committee supervises the work of the State Council,Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate by various means,such as inspection,law-enforcement examination,and hearing and deliberating work reports. ─── 全国人大常委会采取视察、执法检查、听取和审议工作报告等多种形式,对国务院、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院的工作进行监督。

82、Finally and the affiliation movie was deliberating and the attainment share reality makes the curriculum, raises the student observation and the power of expression. ─── 最后并藉著影片研讨及心得分享的实作课程,培养学生观察及表达能力。

83、After deliberating various opinions and recommendations, the prize-awarding bodies vote on the final selection, and then they announce the winner. ─── 对多方面的意见和举荐进行商讨后,评奖协会投票表决出最终的选举结果,之后正式公布出获奖者名单。

84、Deliberating of Single Standard Multifunctional Fieldbus Based on Function Requirement Analysis ─── 基于功能需求分析的单一标准多功能现场总线探讨

85、The judges are deliberating the question. ─── 法官们正在仔细研究这个问题。

86、While deliberating such motions, the special sub-committee may invite the motion maker to attend the conference as a nonvoting delegate. ─── 专门委员会审议的时候,可以邀请提出地方性法规案的代表列席会议。

87、We were deliberating whether to buy a new car. ─── 我们在商讨是否买一部新车。

88、She stared thoughtfully into the distance, deliberating the state of affairs. ─── 她深思地凝视着远方,考虑当前的情况。

89、We were deliberating how it might be done . ─── 我们在商讨如何是好。

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