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09-16 投稿



hydrostatics 发音

英:[[ˌhaɪdrəʊ'stætɪks]]  美:[[ˌhaɪdrə'stætɪks]]

英:  美:

hydrostatics 中文意思翻译



hydrostatics 短语词组

1、hydrostatics test ─── 流体静力试验

2、hydrostatics force ─── 静水压力

hydrostatics 词性/词形变化,hydrostatics变形

异体字: hydrostatical |副词: hydrostatically |

hydrostatics 反义词


hydrostatics 同义词

hydrostatics 相似词语短语

1、aerostatics ─── n.[流]空气静力学;[流]气体静力学;航空学

2、hydrostatical ─── adj.流体静力学的

3、cytostatics ─── adj.抑制细胞生长的;n.细胞抑制剂

4、gyrostatics ─── n.陀螺静力学

5、hydrostats ─── n.汽锅爆裂防止器;水压调节器;电位水位指示器

6、haemostatics ─── adj.能够止血的;n.[药]止血剂

7、hydrostat ─── n.汽锅爆裂防止器;水压调节器;电位水位指示器

8、hemostatics ─── adj.止血的;n.止血剂

9、hydrostatic ─── adj.流体静力学的;静水力学的

hydrostatics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The following software to be used by company, GHS(R11.5) software used for Hydrostatics calculation, stability and global strength evaluation and freeboard and tonnage calculation; ─── 公司内的设计和管理工作主要应用以下软件:船舶性能计算采用用美国的GHS(R11.0)系统;船体(平台)结构建模及放样采用上海东欣软件;

2、Hydrostatics Contradiction ─── 流体静力学矛盾

3、Fluids: pressure, hydrostatics, Euler and Lagrange variables of a continuum, continuity equation, Euler equation of motion. ─── 液体:压力、静水力学、欧拉和拉格朗日中值变量的连续性、连续性方程、欧拉方程的运动。

4、Basee on the mixing-length theory of convection, macroscopical stress of the turbulence is used in hydrostatics equation of the stellar structural and evolutionary model. ─── 摘要以恒星结构与演化理论中常用的混合程理论为基础,将湍流作用表现出来的宏观应力引入恒星结构与演化模型中的流体静力学平衡方程。

5、Keywords hydrostatics static extraction nicotine sulfate; ─── 流体静力学;静态萃取;硫酸烟碱;

6、Archimedes - the Founder of Hydrostatics ─── 流体静力学的奠基人-阿基米德

7、With four turns lock-to-lock the hydrostatics power steering provides the operator with exellent maneuverability and ease of control. ─── 以下这段话是关于叉车转向说明的。请高人帮助翻译一下。

8、The Quantitative Analysis of Role Mechanism About "Hydrostatics Contradiction" ─── 关于"流体静力学矛盾"作用机制的定量分析

9、For example, the former easily learn hydrostatics, where the premises are few, but the conclusions are so fine that only the greatest acuteness can reach them. ─── 例如,有的人很理解水的种种作用,而关于水的原则却是很少的;然而其结论又是如此之精致,那是非有极大的正确性办不到的。

10、The Quantitative Analysis of Role Mechanism About "Hydrostatics Contradiction" ─── 关于“流体静力学矛盾”作用机制的定量分析

11、This course is an introduction to principles of naval architecture, ship geometry, hydrostatics, calculation and drawing of curves of form. ─── 本课程介绍船舶设计、船舶几何、船舶流体静力学、船体曲线计算与绘图等科目的原理。

12、muscular hydrostat ─── 肌肉性静水骨骼

13、This course is an introduction to principles of naval architecture, ship geometry, hydrostatics, calculation and drawing of curves of form. ─── 本课程介绍船舶设计、船舶几何、船舶流体静力学、船体曲线计算与绘图等科目的原理。

14、Keywords continuous BP measurement;noninvasive blood pressure;pulse wave transit time;hydrostatics; ─── 关键词连续血压测量;无创血压;脉搏波传导时间;流体静压法;

15、Hydraulics is a branch of mechanics science. The base rules of hydraulics include hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. ─── 水力学所研究的基本规律包括水静力学和水动力学两大部分。

16、He would rather be a plumber's mate and do a real job that requires doing than learning about hydrostatics sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be. ─── 他宁愿做一个水管工的伙伴,做一份真正需要动手的工作,也不愿坐在桌子前学习流体静力学,而不知道这些东西有什么实际用途。

17、The course contains hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, head loss and related hydraulics calculation, some special hydraulic problems and measurement of hydraulics factors. ─── 主要讲授水静力学、水动力学基础、水头损失及有关水力计算、若干特殊的水力问题、水力要素的量测。

18、Its basic theory has three parts: Hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, and aerodynamics. ─── 其基础理论有三部分:流体静力学、流体动力学、和气体动力学。

19、equation of hydrostatics ─── 铃静力学方程

20、Keywords antiwear hydraulic fluid;hydrostatics;trend; ─── 抗磨液压油;流体静力学;趋势;

21、Aiming at the question of undercut in high-speed welding,this paper presented the model of hydrostatics,mathematics calculation and experience of melten-pool. ─── 针对高速焊接条件下的咬边问题,概述了熔池金属流体静力学模型、数值计算模型以及经验模型,并分析了各自的特点。

22、Fluid Mechanics - Pascal's Principle - Hydrostatics - Atmospheric Pressure - Over Pressure in Lungs and Tires ─── 流体力学-帕斯卡原理-流体静力学-大气压强-肺部与轮胎过压

23、The unit of hydrostatics takes the concept of buoyant force as its base, the Archimedes theory as its kernel, and the condition of sink or emerge as its representation. ─── “浮力”是流体静力学中应用性较强的基础知识之一,也是初中物理教学的重要内容。

24、Topics covered include hydrostatics, transverse stability, and the incorporation of the design spiral into one's working methods. ─── 涵盖主题包括静水力学,横向稳定性,以及将设计螺旋融会到个人的工作方法中。

25、Hydraulics is a branch of mechanics science.The base rules of hydraulics include hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. ─── 水力学所研究的基本规律包括水静力学和水动力学两大部分。

26、Fluid Mechanics - Pascal's Principle - Hydrostatics - Atmospheric Pressure - Over Pressure in Lungs and Tires. ─── 流体力学-帕斯卡原理-流体静力学-大气压强-肺部与轮胎过压。

27、Keywords non-invasive blood pressure measurement;beat-to-beat;pulse wave transit time;respiratory blood pressure fluctuation;hydrostatics;Korotkoff's sound delay time; ─── 无创血压测量;逐拍;脉搏波传播时间;呼吸性血压波动;流体静压;柯氏音延迟时间;

28、Keywords jet flow downhole booster;hydrostatics;boost ratio;mechanical efficiency;hydraulic loss; ─── 射流式井底增压器;流体静力学;增压比;机械效率;水力损失;

29、His scientific achievements included accurate calculations of latitude and longitude and explanations of natural springs by the laws of hydrostatics. ─── 其科学成就包括对纬度和经度的精确计算,用流体静力学定律对天然泉水作了解释。

30、hydrostatics testing ─── 静水压试验

31、Keywords drilling;water-based drilling fluid;high temperature;high pressure;high density;hydrostatics;mathematical model; ─── 钻井;水基钻井液;高温;高压;高密度;流体力学;数学模型;

32、According to hydrostatics, BP in some vessel changes with different body postures. ─── 但是在不同的个体之间,表征这一关系的特征参数是不同的。

33、Hydrostatics - Archimedes' Principle - Fluid Dynamics - What Makes Your Boat Float? - Bernoulli's Equation ─── 流体静力学-阿基米德原理-流体动力学-是什麽使你的船浮著?-伯努利方程

34、According to the feature of the deformation zone in ring gear gag precision blanking,the effect of hydrostatics stress on metal plastic is analyzed in the theory. ─── 根据齿圈压板精密冲裁变形区受三向压应力作用的特点,理论上分析了静水压应力对金属材料塑性的影响;

35、And the specification and trend of antiwear hydraulic fluids are presented according to the hydrostatics application. ─── 简要介绍基本的液力系统,并从液力静力学应用角度对液压油规格和抗磨液压油发展趋势进行阐述。

36、Hydrostatics is a crucial sub-topic in sailing yacht design. ─── 静水力学是一个在游艇设计中至关重要的子题。

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