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09-13 投稿



harmel 发音


英:  美:

harmel 中文意思翻译



harmel 相似词语短语

1、harmful ─── adj.有害的;能造成损害的

2、charmer ─── n.魔术师;可爱的人

3、charmed ─── adj.着迷的;喜悦的;v.迷住;对…行魔法;哄诱(charm的过去分词)

4、Carmel ─── n.卡梅尔(位于美国)

5、Carmela ─── n.卡梅拉(女子名)

6、harmed ─── 损害;伤害;免于伤害;将不受损害

7、hardmen ─── n.硬汉,强硬者;粗汉,好斗者;无情者;n.(Hardman)哈德曼(人名)

8、harmer ─── 哈默(人名)

9、harmala ─── n.(Harmala)人名;(芬)哈尔马拉

harmel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After several weeks of back -and-forth , Menashe emailed Harmel to say that , regretfully, the deal was off . ─── 经过了几周来来回回的商谈,克劳蒂娅最后通过邮件告诉马克,很抱歉,这笔买卖谈不成了。

2、“I negotiate my rate all the time,” Harmel says. ─── 哪怕是 130 美金的收入,对他们来说都是意外之喜。

3、"Claudia wanted people sneezing, getting immunized, that sort of thing, " recalls Harmel, a slight, soft-spoken 52-year-old. ─── “克劳蒂娅想要一些人们在打喷嚏、接受疫苗注射等诸如此类的照片,”马克回忆道。

4、“They were on a tight budget, so I charged them my nonprofit rate,” says Harmel, who works out of a cozy but crowded office in the back of the house he shares with his wife and stepson. ─── 不过眼下,它还只是一个缺钱少粮的新机构。“他们的预算很紧张,所以我开出了针对非营利机构的价码”,马克说道。

5、October 2004, she ran across a stock photo collection by Mark Harmel, a freelance photographer living in Manhattan Beach, California. ─── 10月,她不经意中发现了马克·哈默尔(Mark Harmel)的库存图片库。 马克住在加州的曼哈顿沙滩,今年 52 岁,说话很温柔,身材略显单薄。

6、For Harmel, the harsh economics lesson was clear: The product Harmel offers is no longer scarce. ─── 经济学给马克的教训既残酷又明确:马克所提供的产品不再是稀缺物。

7、Menashe was interested in about four shots, so for Harmel, this could be a sale worth $600. ─── 克劳蒂娅对四幅照片很感兴趣,如果成交的话,马克将会有600美金的收入。

8、” In 2000, Harmel made roughly $69,000 from a portfolio of 100 stock photographs, a tidy addition to what he earned from commissioned work. ─── 2000年,除了合约工作,马克通过100幅库存照片获得了将近6.9万美金的收入,相当可观。

9、It took a while for Harmel to recognize what was happening. ─── 马克花了些时间才意识到发生了什么事情。

10、Harmel, whose wife is a doctor, specializes in images related to the health care industry. ─── 他是一位自由摄影师,专门拍摄与保健相关的图片。他的妻子是一名医生。

11、Menashe was interested in about four shots, so for Harmel , this could be a sale worth $600. ─── 克劳蒂娅对四幅照片很感兴趣,如果成交的话,马克将会有600美金的收入。

12、With a computer and a copy of Photoshop, even entry-level enthusiasts can create photographs rivaling those by professionals like Harmel. ─── 哪怕是130美金的收入,对他们来说都是意外之喜。

13、With a computer and a copy of Photoshop, even entry-level enthusiasts can create photographs rivaling those by professionals like Harmel. ─── 而计算机和 Photoshop 的使用,使得一个初级爱好者的作品都能与马克这样的专家的作品相媲美。

14、After several weeks of back-and-forth, Menashe emailed Harmel to say that, regretfully, the deal was off. ─── 经过了几周来来回回的商谈,克劳蒂娅最后通过邮件告诉马克,很抱歉,这笔买卖谈不成了。

15、“Claudia wanted people sneezing, getting immunized, that sort of thing,” recalls Harmel, a slight, soft-spoken 52-year-old. ─── “克劳蒂娅想要一些人们在打喷嚏、接受疫苗注射等诸如此类的照片,”马克回忆道。

16、For Harmel, the harsh economics lesson was clear: The product Harmel offers is no longer scarce. ─── 但它开出的价格是马克的百分之一都不到。

17、Harmel isn’t the only photographer feeling the pinch. ─── 马克并不是唯一“受伤”的摄影师。

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