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09-13 投稿



ism 发音

英:[ˈɪzəm]  美:[ˈɪzəm]

英:  美:

ism 中文意思翻译



ism 词性/词形变化,ism变形


ism 常用词组

ism code ─── 国际安全管理规则(International Safety Management Code);国际安全管理章程

ism 短语词组

1、-ism ─── [医]〔后缀〕:状态, 情况:尤指由特定原因所致疾病状态, 如alcoholism(酒精中毒)

2、non-ism n. ─── 排斥主义;虚无主义

3、material ism n. ─── 唯物主义, ─── 唯物论;物质主义

4、me-ism ─── [网络] 唯我主义;自我中心主义

5、fairy ism n. ─── 仙人气质;相信 ─── 仙人存在的信仰

6、air ism air ism

7、fine ism ─── 精细ism

8、just me ism ─── 正义我主义

9、parallel ism n. ─── 平行;类似,对应

10、ism equipment ─── [电] ISM设备

11、photoperiod(ism) ─── [化] 光周期性

ism 相似词语短语

1、is. ─── abbr.岛(island)

2、-ism ─── n.主义;论;制度;学说

3、gism ─── n.力量;活力

4、is- ─── v.是(be的第三人称单数)

5、isms ─── abbr.资讯安全管理制度(InformationSecurityManagementSystem);国际形态学专题讨论会(InternationalSymposiumontheMorphologicalSciences);图像存储管理系统(ImageStoreManagementSystem)

6、jism ─── n.精力;力量;精液

7、ish ─── abbr.原位杂交(InSituHybridization);国际高血压联盟(InternationalSocietyofHypertension);单纯收缩期高血压(IsolatedSystolicHypertension)

8、ipm ─── abbr.每分钟英寸数(inchesperminute)

9、gsm ─── abbr.全球移动通信系统(GlobalSystemforMobileCommunications);政府标准手册(GovernmentStandardsManual);销售总经理(GeneralSalesManager)

ism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What is the purpose of ISM Audit? What is the Critical Equipment and System? ─── ISM审核的目的是什么?系统中的关键设备指什么?

2、Influence of ISM Code on shipowner's liability in marine accident ─── ISM规则对船舶所有人在海损事故中责任义务的影响

3、SCMC's top international resources include well-known professional organizations such as APICS, ISM, North Carolina State University, and many leading consulting firms in the field. ─── SCMC拥有的顶级国际资源包括权威专业机构APICS, ISM, 美国北卡州大学等国际伙伴合作。

4、ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling) ─── ISM

5、PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVESThe mission of the Industry Solution Management Consumer Products &Life Sciences (ISM CPLS) is to...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海捷毅人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-8-5

6、Prior to MarketWatch economists to investigate the average expected in March ISM manufacturing activity index will be 36%. ─── 三月份供应管理协会制造业指数(830.962,12.55,1.53%)显示制造业仍在萎缩,该指数为36.3,但萎缩幅度小于上个月的数值,略高于二月份的35.8%。

7、Going by yesterday's data, it might only be nerves since the ISM above 50 signals good things for stock markets. ─── 从昨日的数据看,可能只是神经紧张,因为高于50的ISM指数对股市应该是利好消息。

8、If you asked me to describe the rising philosophy of the day, I'd say it is data-ism. ─── 如果你让我描述一下当今正在兴起的哲学,我会说它是数据主义。

9、Based on the rheological properties of the magne tic rheological fluid,this paper carries out analysis on its transmission mechan ism. ─── 介绍磁流变液传动现象,分析了磁流变液的流变特性和传力特性,建立了磁流变液的动态屈服应力及传力的计算模型。

10、Secondly, the paper carries on a study on the management mode existing in E/R, and points out the shortcomings of ISM code. ─── 其次,对现行的船舶轮机管理模式-ISM规则进行了较为详细的研究,指出了在实施ISM规则过程中存在着缺陷,并用实例论证了这一结论。

11、The following figure shows an overview of the ISM support cycle for a typical product. ─── 下图显示ISM支持周期为典型产品的概述。

12、2)only for ISM defective items and never with a detainable deficiency. ─── 仅适用于与ISM有关的缺陷项目,且不适用于滞留行的缺陷。

13、The Effect of ISM Code on Marine Insurance ─── ISM规则对海上保险的影响


15、The Institute for Supply Management said the U. S. service sector contracted sharply in October. ─── 供应管理协会(ISM)表示,10月美国服务业急剧萎缩。

16、According to social principles, only a social mechanism with morality and peace as its ism can enable people to achieve truly peaceful social life and lead a truly happy life. ─── 从社会原理来说,只有以道德与和平为主义的社会机制,才能使人类获得真正和平的社会生活,过上真正幸福的生活。

17、Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) model method ─── ISM模型法

18、Only the issuing Administration may withdraw the DOC, if the periodical verification is not requested or there is evidence of major nonconformity with the ISM Code. ─── 8如果没申请期间审核,或者存在严重不符合规定情况的证据,只有发证的主管机关可以撤销符合证明。

19、Applicable law of seaworthy under ISM Code ─── ISM规则下有关船舶适航的法律适用问题

20、Earlier this week, ISM said the growth in the manufacturing activity accelerated last month. ─── 本周早些时候,供应管理协会公布10月份制造业活动加速增长。

21、Based on such theories as agent and artificial psychology, an individualized learning-map with ISM (interpretive structural model) multi-levels structure is constructed. ─── 以Agent技术和人工心理理论为基础,构建了ISM多层级结构化Learning-Map,在此基础上实现个性化的Learning-Map。

22、You could call this Pan-psyche-ism. ─── 你可以把这叫做平灵魂主义。

23、International Maritime Organization established international Safety Management( ISM) Code, which was compelling, for preventing and decreasing shipwreck. ─── 国际安全管理(SM)则是国际海事组织为预防和减少船舶海难事故而制定的强制性规则。

24、One of the first gauges to register such an event would be the cyclically sensitive ISM. ─── 能够表明这样一个事件的早期指标之一将是周期敏感性指标ISM制造业指数。

25、In the meantime, a survey report released by ISM today shows that there is also an increase in output value in the US service sector, though the pace of increase is not as fast as that in May. ─── 同时,供应管理协会(ism)今天发表的调查报告显示,美国服务业六月的产值也告增加,虽然增加的速度没有五月快。

26、Intuitively speaking from the academic perspective, an “ism” is a social consciousness and social system in which all social affairs are dominated by a certain ideology. ─── 从学术上直观地说,“主义”就是以某种思想主导一切社会事物的社会意识和社会体系。

27、The Affection of ISM Code on Seaworthiness ─── ISM规则对船舶适航的影响

28、Q Do you have ISM certificates onboard? ─── 你船上有ISM证书吗?

29、Supply Management for Value Enhancement-Volume III of the ISM Knowledge Series ─── 供应管理中的价值提升-ISM知识系列的第三册

30、The ISM is the ideal power choice for heavy-duty vehicles with gross vehicle weight between 26 and 44 tons - including trucks, long-distance coaches and double-decker buses. ─── ISM发动机是包括重型卡车、长途豪华大巴和双层客车在内,全车总重26-44吨之间的重型车辆的理想动力。

31、only for ISM defective items and always with detainable deficiency. ─── 仅适用于与ISM有关的、滞留性的缺陷项目。

32、"Bring - it - here- ism" Promotes Suzhou Electrical Industry Getting on in Shining Vitality ─── "拿来主义"促进苏州电器行业焕发生机

33、ISM; General Meeting on National Defence; ─── 国防全面情况委员会;

34、ISM (Internet server manager) ─── 互联网服务管理器

35、From then on, the old principles were no longer to be considered as regular but were to be rejected as "guerrilla-ism" . ─── 从此以后,从前的东西不能叫做正规的了,那是应该否定的“游击主义”。

36、There is no "ism" in the world that transcends utilitarian considerations; in class society there can be only the utilitarianism of this or that class. ─── 世界上没有什么超功利主义,在阶级社会里,不是这一阶级的功利主义,就是那一阶级的功利主义。

37、Strengthen marine engineering management in implementation of ISM Code ─── ISM的实施与轮机管理力度的加强

38、The above four kinds of teleconnections reflect the links among the Asian monsoon subsystems of ISM, EASM, and WNPSM during the northward advancing march of the Asian summer monsoons. ─── 上述4种遥相关关系,反映了亚洲夏季风季节北推过程中,印度夏季风、东亚夏季风和西北太平洋夏季风子系统之间的关联。

39、The Supply Management Environment-Volume II of the ISM Knowledge Series ─── 供应管理环境-ISM知识系列的第二册

40、It also argues that "Correspondence"as a theory and "Symbol"as an ism is connected to as well as distinct with each other. ─── 作为理论的“应和”与作为主义的“象征”有联系又有区别。

41、OOCL has implemented the Safety Management System (SMS) onboard its manned vessels since 1994. International Safety Management ( ISM ) code contains the elements for the setting up of SMS. ─── 东方海外从1994年起就在人工驾驶的船舶上实行安全管理系统(SMS)。建立该系统的要素包含在国际安全管理(ism)规则内。

42、ISM's definition of supply management is the identification, acquisition, access, positioning, management of resources and related capabilities the organization needs or potentially needs in the attainment of its strategic objectives. ─── 全美供应管理协会将供应管理定义为:为满足符合组织战略目标的当前和潜在需要所开展的对资源和相关能力的识别、寻求、获取、定位和管理。

43、Exploration of the Strategies in Realizing the Efficency of the ISM Code ─── 充分发挥 ISM Code 效能的策略探讨

44、As well as changes caused by interactions with the ISM, interactions between jets moving at different speeds within HH objects also cause variations. ─── 也可能会有新的团块出现。喷流物质的速度差异也可能会造成HH天体外观的改变。

45、ISM(Interpretive Structure Modeling) ─── ISM解释结构模型

46、The Trends of Follow-up legislation of ISM Code and Problems That Should be Settled ─── ISM规则的后续立法趋势和应解决的问题

47、In order to improve the effectiveness of air accident analysis and promote flight safety, an air accident based on the interpretive structural model (ISM) contained in systems engineering is analyzed. ─── 为了提高航空事故分析的有效性,促进飞行安全,运用系统工程中解释结构模型(ISM),以发生的航空事故为例建立ISM并进行了系统分析。

48、"ISM code is under the International Convention of Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). ─── "ISM规则由""海上生命安全国际会议(SOLAS)""制定。

49、The Masai Mara communities are under huge pressure with the ongoing drought and the loss of cattle as pastoral ism is their number one income earner at present followed by tourism. ─── 到处都没有草可以吃了,野生动物跟牲畜一样饥饿。这些山丘曾经长满长长的茂密绿草,现在全都没了。

50、He was always preaching the virtues of capital ism. ─── 他总是宣传资本主义的长处.

51、Extremism is not the only "ism" that we need to worry about among the anti-globalists. ─── 我们担心的是,极端主义并非反全球化浪潮中唯一的“主义”。

52、Spreading of Taoism was approximately divided into celestial being Tao ism and folk Taoism in Tang dynasty, their manifestations are “Celestial being T ao” and “Ghost Tao”. ─── 唐代道教的流播 ,大致可分为神仙道教与民间道教 ,其表现形式为“仙道”与“鬼道”。

53、The manufacture base of XCEC locate in Economy Development Area of Xian, XCEC will introduce the Cummins ISM 11-liter heavy-duty engine and forecast to produce in the middle of 2007. ─── 公司基地设在西安市经济技术开发区内,引进康明斯ISM型11升全电控重型柴油机,已于2007年七月份正式投产。

54、They are Cronin Wang Luning (ISM Yr 2) and Carrie Chan Ka-yee (ACCT Yr 2). ─── 他们分别是资讯系统管理学二年级生王路宁及会计学二年级生陈嘉仪。

55、Affection of ISM Code on Maritime Navigational Safety ─── ISM规则对船舶海上航行安全的影响

56、With the ISM ensure proper use and maintenance of financial systems, including adequate security and back up procedures. ─── 与信息系统经理确保财务系统的正确使用和维护,包括足够的安全和备份程序.

57、Second, NIMBY ism represents a barrier not to societal goals but to the goals of capital. ─── 其次,邻避主义并非为阻碍社会目标,而是针对资本家目标衍生的抗争。

58、Historical Evolution of Information Resources Management--from ISM to IRM ─── 信息资源管理的历史沿革--从信息源管理到信息资源管理

59、only for ISM defective items and never with a detainable deficiency. ─── 仅适用于与ISM有关的缺陷项目,且不适用于滞留行的缺陷。

60、That ism an aluminum head tends t run cooler, other factors being equal. ─── 也就是说,在其他因素一样时,铝盖更易冷却。

61、The ISM index rose to 42.8 in May from 40.1 in the month before. ─── 供应管理协会指数4月时才为40.1,5月就涨到了的51.1。

62、ALR /HPO gene fam ily is broad ly d istributed in m any organ ism s. ─── 其同源基因广泛存在于各种生物体中。

63、Do you have ISM certificate? A: Yes, I am holding ISM certificate issued by QingDao ─── 你有ISM证书吗?是的,我有青岛船务公司签发的ISM证书

64、Optimization of Parameters for ISM Process of Ti6A14V Alloy ─── Ti6Al4V合金ISM熔炼工艺参数优化

65、Furthermore the computer program ISM for analyzing structural reliability is developed by using Advanced First Order Second Moment method and Important Sampling Monte-Carlo method. ─── 分析了4种损伤:即疲劳、凹坑、腐蚀和海生物损伤,并推导出时变构件可靠性计算的有关公式。

66、Pier---->ISM or BQ mall 50P ... ─── sm 讲价后50...跳表唔洗50...

67、A shaman is not a sorcerer, but does have magical powers. You cannot have both a Shaman ism and a Sorceryadvantage at the same time. ─── 一个洒满不同于余个魔法师,但是他有魔力。你不能同时担当洒满和魔法师。

68、Academically and illustratively, “ism” is a cultural and spiritual system and social living system with a certain ideology as the dominance. ─── 从学术上直观地说,“主义”就是以某种思想为主导的文化精神体系和社会生活体系。

69、Design of nRF903 in the ISM Frequency Channel Communication Proctocols ─── nRF903在ISM频段中通信协议的设计

70、Meanwhile, we also organize the related training of English, oil tanker, chemical, LPG, ISM regulation, special requirements of ship-owner as well as PSC checking and so on. ─── 同时按照船东的要求或船务公司的需要,及时组织、安排船员参加英语、油安油操、化安化操、液安液操、ISM规则、船东特殊要求以及PSC检查等项目的培训。

71、People have done so in all ages, Hindus live according to Hinduism, Muslims live according to Islam, and so-and-so lives according to such-and-such ism. ─── 人们自古以来一直是在这样做着,印度教徒按照印度教的态度生活,回教徒按照回教的态度生活,某某主义者按某某主义生活。

72、Proposed Addendum to: Standardization Mark (SM) of quality and Import Standardization Mark (ISM), Directives 2009. ─── 修订提案:质量标准标志(SM)和进口标准标志(ISM),指令2009。

73、The Implementation of ISM Code on Seaworthiness of the Vessel ─── ISM规则对船舶适航标准的影响

74、"Formalism, by being an ‘ism,’ kills form by hugging it to death" (Peter Viereck) ─── “形式主义,因为成为了一种‘主义’,就把形式拥抱得太紧而杀死了它”(彼得·维莱克)

75、Subversion is the soul of deconstruction ism. ─── “颠覆”是解构主义的灵魂。

76、ISM Band Medium Power Amplifier ─── ISM频段中功率功率放大器

77、Anti-interference Performance of ZigBee and Analysis of the Mechanism of Coexistence in 2.4GHz ISM Band ─── 4GHz无线技术标准及ZigBee抗干扰性能

78、ISM code is under the International Convention of Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). ─── ISM规则由"海上生命安全国际会议(SOLAS)"制定。

79、Otherwise, Justine, the third generation member, who disregarded the marriage since the childhood, grows up with the thought of celibacy ism. ─── 另外,第三代的朱丝婷从小就蔑视婚姻,是抱着独身主义的思想长大的。

80、They pledged their determination to carry on the struggle for social ism . ─── 他们提出为社会主义而进行斗争的决心。

81、On Management Thought and Management Methods of ISM Code ─── ISM规则的管理思想和管理方法

82、Norbert Ore, chairman of the ISM, said: "The sector may be benefiting from an excessive destocking cycle. " ─── ISM协会主席诺伯特-奥尔(NorbertOre)表示:“制造业可能正受益于一个过度的清理库存周期。”

83、ISM Code which will take effect compulsorily and completely on 1 July 2002 provide an international standard for safe management and operation of ships and for pollution prevention. ─── ism规则旨在提供船舶安全管理与营运和防止污染的国际标准,ism规则将于2002年7月1日全面强制性实施并对船公司国际海上货物运输合同权利义务产生重要影响。

84、ISM Code International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention ─── 国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则

85、interpretative Structural Modeling ( ISM ) ─── ISM

86、Way of Philosophic Thinking: From Ism of to Bear to Ism of Bearing ─── 哲学思维方式的嬗变:从预成论到生成论

87、The guts of the ISM survey also helped the optimists. ─── ISM调查中的分类指数也提振了乐观情绪。

88、The TH72005 FSK/ASK transmitter IC is designed for applications in the 315 MHz industrial-scientific-medical (ISM) band. ─── FSK信号的TH72005/ASK发送器IC是专为在315兆赫的工业科学医疗(ISM应用)频段。

89、By using ISM and AHP Methods of systematology, established system elements, got the interpret structure model and the general weight of quality culture construction based on ASRI. ─── 利用系统工程理论方法(ISM、AHP法),以623所为研究主体进行了质量文化建设体系要素、层次的分析研究,得到了解释结构模型和总体优先级权重以及相应的分析。

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