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09-13 投稿



erective 发音

英:[[ɪ'rektɪv]]  美:[[ɪ'rektɪv]]

英:  美:

erective 中文意思翻译



erective 相似词语短语

1、elective ─── adj.选修的;选举的;选任的;n.选修课程

2、precative ─── adj.恳求的;委托的

3、defective ─── adj.有缺陷的;不完美的;n.有缺陷的人;不完全变化词

4、detective ─── n.警探;私人侦探;刑侦;adj.侦探的;侦察的

5、ejective ─── adj.喷出的;驱逐的;放出的;n.外爆音

6、perfective ─── adj.完成的;完成式的;n.完成式;完成式的动词

7、erectile ─── adj.勃起的;[昆]可使直立的

8、directive ─── n.指示;指令;adj.指导的;管理的

9、effective ─── adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象

erective 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Shrubs erect, rarely climbing, rarely spinescent. ─── 灌木直立,很少攀援,很少具刺。

2、The soldier was ordered to stand erect. ─── 士兵被命令笔直地站着。

3、For a dog,an erect tail indicates aggression. ─── 对狗而言,竖立起来的尾巴表示进攻。

4、Cilia jackknifed erect, her dark eyes blazing. ─── Cilia站直身体,黑色的眼睛里流光溢彩。

5、Soldiers are trained to stand erect. ─── 士兵们训练站得笔直。

6、They plan to erect an apartment house on that property. ─── 他们计划在那片地产上建造一座公寓楼。

7、Stems erect or ascending, often branched basally. ─── 基部的茎直立或上升,通常分枝。

8、Small trees, erect or scandent shrubs. ─── 小乔木,直立或攀缘灌木。

9、Plants xerophilous, 12-45 cm tall, erect. ─── 喜旱的植株,12-45厘米高,直立。

10、Shrubs scandent or erect, to 10 m tall, armed. ─── 攀缘灌木或直立,对10米高,具刺。

11、Fruiting pedicels erect, ascending, divaricate, or reflexed. ─── 果梗直立,上升,,或反折。

12、Herbs, annual, erect to 1 m tall, often tinged red. ─── 一年生草本,直立达1米高,通常微染红色。

13、The body must have been erect when this chest wound was inflicted. ─── 当他遭受这一胸伤时,他的身体一定是挺直的。

14、Woody climbers or erect or scrambling shrubs. ─── 木质藤本,或直立或攀缘的灌木。

15、My head swam as I stood erect. ─── 我站直身子的时候,我的头发晕。

16、Used as a command to assume an erect military posture. ─── (口令)立正用作要求军人立正姿势的口令

17、She was naturally of exquisite figure, erect. ─── 她天生仪态万方,亭亭玉立。

18、Legend illicit takes erect issue! ! ! Ace is entered! ! ! ─── 传奇私服架设问题!!!高手进!!!

19、We will work into the night to erect a barrier around the archway. ─── 我们将连夜施工,修起一个围挡将牌楼圈起来。

20、Shrubs, evergreen, erect or climbing. ─── 灌木,常绿,直立或攀援。

21、He's very tall and erect for his 78 years. ─── 他虽然已78岁了,但依然个头高,腰杆直。

22、Stems 60-90 cm, erect, white stellate dendroid tomentose. ─── 抑制60-90厘米,直立,白色星状被绒毛。

23、Research and Application of Running Safely Protecting System in Erective Raw Mill and Roller ─── 立磨、辊压机安全运行保护系统的研发与应用

24、The flagpole toppled over and a crane had to be used to erect it. ─── 旗杆倒下了,必须用起重机将它扶直。

25、She held her head erect and her back straight. ─── 她昂着头,把背挺得笔直。

26、An erect spine was found to need the least spending of energy. ─── 人们发现直立的脊背用的能量最少。

27、The count was erect and triumphant, like the Avenging Angel! ─── 只有伯爵笔挺地站着,面露胜利的神色,象是复仇的天使。

28、Whenever he speak with a lady, he will stand erect, cap in hand. ─── 每当他与女士交谈时,他总是恭恭敬敬地站著。

29、And do not erect a sacred stone, for these the LORD your God hates. ─── 也不可为自己设立柱像。这是耶和华你神所恨恶的。

30、Angry animals erect the mane. ─── 动物发怒时鬃毛会竖起。

31、Corona lobes 5, erect, acuminate, fleshy, attached to gynostegium. ─── 副花冠裂片5,竖立,渐尖,肉质,着生。

32、"It had to be somebody," she said to the erect, austere missionary. ─── “总要有人来做,”她对坐得笔挺的严肃的传教士说。

33、Carpels erect, free, stipitate, many ovuled. ─── 心皮直立,离生,,很多胚珠。

34、Trees or erect or scandent shrubs, evergreen or deciduous. ─── 乔木或直立或攀缘灌木,常绿或落叶的。

35、Several pine trees stand erect on the hillside. ─── 几棵青松挺立在山坡上。

36、Herbs, erect, viscid pubescent throughout. ─── 全部的草本,直立,黏的短柔毛。

37、They decide to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erect a statue. ─── 他们为永远纪念那位领袖决定建一座雕像。

38、They'd erect your statue of you next to it with perfect hair. ─── 他们会用完美的头发帮你竖立你的形象。

39、He was erect in attitude, and quiet in demeanour. ─── 他器宇轩昂,举止文静。

40、An erect lily stalk;an erect posture. ─── 挺立的百合花茎;直立的姿势

41、The paper reports pharmacognostic features of erect hypecoum. ─── 报道了角茴香的生药学特征。

42、Ovary erect, fusiform, ca. 2.2 mm. ─── 子房直立,纺锤形,约2.2毫米。

43、Shrubs, deciduous or semievergreen, erect, many branched. ─── 灌木,落叶或半常绿,直立,多分枝。

44、Build or erect(a monument,statue,etc. ─── 建造或树立(纪念碑、雕像等)

45、Flags are plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks. ─── 剑兰是一种具有剑形叶子和直立茎干的植物。

46、Karyotypical Analysis of Erective and Creepy Ophipogonjaponicus in Mianyang of Sichuan ─── 四川绵阳直立和匍匐麦冬的核型分析

47、Subshrubs or perennial herbs, erect or twining, often rhizomatous. ─── 亚灌木或者多年生草本,直立的或缠绕,经常根状茎。

48、He was tall with a neat, erect carriage. ─── 他个子高而腰背挺直。

49、"People are free to erect effigies," a spokesman said last week. ─── 上周,一位发言人说:“人们可以自由设立竞选替身。

50、All social problems erect their interrogation point around this chopping-knife. ─── 所有的社会问题都在那把板斧的四周举起了它们的问号。

51、It made her feel erect and proud again. ─── 她又感到扬眉吐气了。

52、Practice about Operation and Maintenance of Erective Furnace ─── 直立炉运行保养实践

53、The moist hair is erect and may be depilated. ─── 湿润的皮毛竖立,可能有脱落。

54、Herbs biennial.Stem solitary erect, branching, retrorsely hispid. ─── 二年生草本茎单生直立,分枝,具糙硬毛。

55、Six policemen started to erect a roadblock. ─── 六个警察着手建立一道路障。

56、The act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position. ─── 假定或维持一种直而垂的动作。

57、Stand with your arms by your side and your head erect. ─── 手放两边,昂首站立。

58、Her mother was an erect, square-shouldered, defiant woman. ─── 她的妈妈是一位挺胸直立,双肩宽阔而顽强的女人。

59、It takes only a few minutes to erect a tent . ─── 仅用几分钟时间就可搭个帐蓬。

60、Follicles 2, cylindric-fusiform, erect. ─── 蓇葖果2,圆筒状,直立。

61、Fruiting pedicel erect or deflexed. ─── 果梗直立或外折。

62、He sat very erect, listening intently. ─── 他坐得笔直,专心地听 。

63、We ladies of Barchester will erect for it a fitting receptacle . ─── 我们巴彻斯特的妇女会给它竖立起一个合适的座子的。

64、Herbs, annual, shrubby, erect to 1 m tall. ─── 一年生草本,灌木状,直立达1米高的。

65、He is a man of erect and soldierly bearing. ─── 他是一个身子挺直、具有军人风度的男子。

66、His tall figure sprang erect again with a start. ─── 他那高高的身体惊跳一下,又直了起来。

67、Does he walk erect and confident or is he humbly stooped? ─── 他走起路来是昂首挺胸、满怀自信,还是弯腰曲背,卑微猥琐?

68、A monument is erect in front of the town hall. ─── 一座纪念碑在市政厅前建起。

69、A monument to the national hero is erect here after the war. ─── 战後在这儿竖起了民族英雄纪念碑。

70、Herbs annual.Stems erect, dichotomously branched. ─── 一年生草本茎直立,二歧的分枝。

71、I tried to erect a facade of imperviousness and self-confidence. ─── 我竭力装出一幅不受外界干扰,十分自信的样子。

72、Don't erect scaffold during thunder and fire-flag weather. ─── 打雷闪电天气不得进行脚手架搭设作业;

73、They are going to erect a monument in memory of the dead. ─── 他们将立碑以纪念死者。

74、She held herself erect [upright] and was grave in manner. ─── 她挺直着身子,态度很严肃。

75、He walked away erect and stiff, like a man angrily drunk. ─── 他僵挺挺地走开了,像个喝得烂醉的人。

76、Development and application of erective technology method for 500 kV compact transmission lines ─── 500kV紧凑型输电线路架设工艺方法的研究及应用

77、He confronted his visitor in an erect attitude. ─── 他直着身子面对来客。

78、He was rigid, erect, and impassive. ─── 他一动不动,笔直地站着,脸上毫无表情。

79、Rhizome erect, 7-8 cm, robust, 3-4 mm in diam., without rootlets. ─── 根状茎直立,7-8厘米,粗壮,直径的3-4毫米,没有细根。

80、Shrubs erect, sometimes decumbent or scandent, 1-3(-5) m tall. ─── 有时,灌木直立或,1-3(-5)米高。

81、A basal or subterranean shoot which is more or less erect. ─── 多少直立的基生的或地下的枝条。从地下长出的枝条。

82、Whenever he speaks with a lady, he would stand erect, cap in hand. ─── 每当他与女士交谈时,他总是恭恭敬敬地站著。

83、Two Chinese players erect a double block. ─── 两名中国队员双人拦网。

84、The flagpole toppled over, and a crane bad to be used to erect it. ─── 旗杆倒了,得用吊车把它竖起来。

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