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09-13 投稿



zedoary 发音

英:[ˈzedoʊˌeri]  美:[ˈzedəʊəri]

英:  美:

zedoary 中文意思翻译



zedoary 短语词组

1、zedoary oil ─── [医]蓬莪术油

2、zedoary root ─── 蓬莪术

3、zedoary powder ─── 莪术粉

4、zedoary rhizome ─── [医]莪术

5、zedoary spice ─── 莪术香料

6、zedoary plant ─── 莪术

7、zedoary define ─── 莪术定义

zedoary 词性/词形变化,zedoary变形

名词复数: zedoaries |

zedoary 相似词语短语

1、deary ─── n.(常有讽刺或幽默意味)亲爱的人;宝贝儿

2、zedoaries ─── n.片姜黄,郁金属植物或其根

3、Peary ─── n.(Peary)人名;(英)皮尔里

4、denary ─── adj.十的;[数]十进制的

5、cheddary ─── 切达干酪

6、cedary ─── 雪松

7、pedlary ─── n.沿街叫卖;小贩的货物(等于peddlery)

8、beggary ─── n.赤贫;卑劣;行乞

9、beweary ─── 声称

zedoary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Zedoary memory should not go, how are zedoary Fall in love with Wani, the. ─── 莪不能去回忆,莪是怎么爱上迩、的。

2、Methods An analysis was conducted on146reports of adverse drug reactions resulted from zedoary turmeric oil injection collected from document. ─── 方法对文献报道的146例莪术油注射液不良反应报告进行分析。

3、Conclusion: Zedoary Turmeric Oil is effective in the treatment of infantile virus enteritis. ─── 结论:莪术油治疗小儿病毒性肠炎的疗效确切。

4、Zedoary always miss. Pomegranate before. ago that the. Do not know anything. ─── 莪一直都很怀念.以前的石榴.以前那个傻傻的.什么都不懂.

5、Keywords Zedoary Turmeric oil;Lei gong Ten nephrosis; ─── 关键词莪术油;雷公藤;肾病;

6、Liaoning things to mature, ... a family? Cause? Love .... let zedoary think headache .. ─── 想东西成熟辽,...家庭?事业?爱情....都让莪想得头痛..

7、AIM To study the compatible stability of benzylpenicillin sodium with zedoary turmeril oil and glucose injection. ─── 目的研究青霉素钠与莪术油葡萄糖注射液配伍的稳定性。

8、Clinical Study of Preventing Post-operative Adhesive Intestinal Obstruction with Injection of Zedoary Turmeric Oil by Intraperitoneal Perfusion ─── 莪术油注射液腹腔灌注预防术后粘连性肠梗阻的临床研究

9、Keywords fatty liver;raw hawthornfruit;alisma and zedoary;interaction;experimental study; ─── 脂肪肝;生山楂;泽泻;莪术;交互作用;实验研究;

10、CONCLUSION: More attention should be paid to the adverse drug reaction in using zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection. ─── 结论:莪术油葡萄糖注射液治疗呼吸道感染部分病人不良反应较重,在临床应用时必须谨慎。

11、Experimental Study of the Acute Toxicity of the Zedoary Turmeric Oil Gelatin Microsphere ─── 莪术油明胶微球制剂急性毒性实验

12、Clinical Observation of Curative Effect Zedoary Turmeric Oil and Glucose Injection with Cibavirin on Children's Virus Pneumonia ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液加三氮唑核苷治疗小儿病毒性肺炎的疗效观察

13、Any of various tropical Asian plants of the genus Curcuma, which includes turmeric and zedoary. ─── 姜黄属植物任一种产于热带亚洲的姜黄属植物,其中包括有姜黄和莪术

14、You never know your true zedoary. ─── 你永远不会知道莪对你的真心。

15、138 Black has played the zedoary Knight. Boring done every day. Is the bar fight. Rough. Or. ─── 却玩着138级黑骑士的莪.每天无聊所做的事.就是打扎.打闹.或者.

16、Keywords avian influenza virus;Zedoary oil formula oral liquid;inhibition;protection; ─── 禽流感;莪术油复方口服液;抑制;保护;

17、zedoary rhizome ─── 莪术

18、Objective: To evaluate the curative effect of zedoary turmeric oil on the children with pneumonia. ─── 目的:了解莪术油治疗婴幼儿肺炎的疗效。

19、zedoary turmeric oil ─── 莪术油

20、Determinations of Naphtha Content in Various Genera of Guangxi Zedoary and Its GC- MS Analyses ─── 广西不同产地莪术挥发油的含量测定及其GC-MS分析

21、Zedoary turmeric oil powder ─── 莪术油冻干粉针

22、Keywords zedoary turmeric oil fat emulsion;curcumol;pharmacokinetics;HPLC-MS/MS; ─── 莪术油脂肪乳剂;莪术醇;药代动力学;HPLC-MS/MS;

23、Just want to live only to the happy life zedoary. ─── 只想过着只属于莪们的幸福生活.

24、Study of zedoary oil injection in treating acute respiratory infections of children ─── 莪术油治疗小儿呼吸道感染的疗效观察

25、Only there (pain) can also prove zedoary / alive. ─── 只冇(疼痛)才能证明莪还/活着。

26、Very often, their memories of the past zedoary will laughs pathos, ─── 很多时候,莪们回忆过往,就会笑着感伤,

27、The general pharmacological effects of zedoary turmeric Oil Gelatin Microspheres via hepatic artery ─── 莪术油明胶微球肝动脉给药的一般药理研究

28、Aim To determine the contents of curcuma and zedoary turmeric oil(ZTO) in liposomes containing ZTO for evaluating the quality of them. ─── 目的以莪术醇和莪术油的含量为指标,测定评价莪术油脂质体的质量。

29、Results The main ADR of zedoary turmeric oil injection were skin and appendage disorders which were not same as the direction. ─── 结果莪术油注射液的主要不良反应是皮肤及附件的损害,与药品说明书上不良反应有差异。

30、1.Any of various tropical Asian plants of the genus Curcuma, which includes turmeric and zedoary. ─── 姜黄粉来自于姜黄属植物,属于姜科多叶植物类,全部由人工采摘。

31、The invention relates to a zedoary turmeric oil application to the preparation of toothpastes, rinse solution , oral inhalants and the like. ─── 本发明涉及莪术油在制备如牙膏、漱口水或口腔吸入剂中的应用。

32、Optimization of Extractive Technology of Zedoary Volatile Oil With Orthogonal Test ─── 正交实验法优选莪术挥发油提取工艺的研究

33、OBJECTIVE To investigate the preparation of zedoary turmeric oil nanostructured lipid carriers(ZTO-NLC). ─── 目的研制莪术油纳米脂质载体系统。

34、I fell in love with you, because you good zedoary so zedoary Ai you soon. ─── 我嫒上你、是因为你薱莪很好、让莪很快就嫒上你。

35、Effects of Zedoary on the Gastric Dynamics in Rats ─── 莪术对实验大鼠胃动力的影响

36、Can be Recently, the ultra-porphyrin zedoary a good mood. ─── 可最近,莪得芯情超卟好.

37、At a certain day. Information of an accident. Let zedoaryzedoary the beginning of the new. Adventure. ─── 在某一天.一个意外的信息.让莪从新开始了莪的.冒险.

38、AIM: To study a method for the determination of Zedoary turmeric oil microsphere (ZTO-MS). ─── 目的研究建立莪术油固体化微球的含量测定方法。

39、An Experimental Study on the Effect of Zedoary on the Membrane Function of Hepatocytes among Rats with Immune-Injuring Induced Hepatic Fibrosis ─── 莪术对免疫性肝纤维化大鼠肝细胞膜功能的影响

40、No matter what the Olympics zedoary lung, ─── 任凭莪怎样的嘶肺,

41、Keywords HPLC;Zedoary Turmeric Oil and Glucose Injections;curcumol;germacrone; ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液;莪术醇;吉马酮;

42、The oral sanitary product containing the zedoary turmeric oil has the function of inhibiting various pathogenic bacteria and virus growth while guaranteeing the tooth sanitation. ─── 所述的含莪术油的口腔卫生产品在用于保证牙齿清洁的同时,具有抑制口腔和上呼吸道内各种致病细菌和病毒生长的作用。

43、Adverse drug reactions of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection in treating respiratory tract infection ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液治疗呼吸道感染的不良反应

44、Keywords Zedoary turmeric oil;microsphere;visible-spectrophotometry;HPLC; ─── 关键词莪术油;微球;分光光度法;HPLC;

45、Keywords gastrointestinal motility;Qi-regulating;traditional Chinese medicine;gastric smooth muscle;zedoary;MTL;VIP; ─── 关键词胃肠动力;理气;中药;胃平滑肌;莪术;MTL;VIP;

46、Compound zedoary turmeric oil cremor ─── 复方莪术油乳膏

47、Zedoary Turmeric Oil and Glucose Injection ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液

48、Method An analysis was conducted on 66 cases of ADRs induced by Zedoary turmeric oil injection reported in domestic medical journals in recent years. ─── 方法对国内近几年医药期刊报道应用莪术油注射液出现的66例不良反应进行分类统计与分析。

49、Treating Acute Watery Diarrhea with Zedoary Turmeric Oil and Glucose Injection and Smecta: A Report of 63 Cases ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液、思密达治疗急性水样腹泻63例

50、Keywords Zedoary turmeric oil powder;GC;quantitative determination; ─── 莪术油冻干粉针;GC;含量测定;

51、zedoary turmeric oil fat emulsion ─── 莪术油脂肪乳剂

52、Abstract: OBJECTIVE:To study a method for the determination of Zedoary turmeric oil gelatin microspheres (ZTO-GMS). ─── 摘 要: 目的:研究莪术油明胶微球的含量测定方法。

53、The efficiency of zedoary turmeric in treating of child mumps epidemic parotitis ─── 莪术油治疗小儿流行性腮腺炎疗效观察

54、The Rational Using of Zedoary Turmeric Oil Injection(Zedoray Turmeric Oil and Glucose Injection) ─── 莪术油(葡萄糖)注射液的合理用药

55、Keywords Zedoary Turmeric Oil Injections;curcumol;germacrone;RP-HPLC; ─── 莪术油注射液;莪术醇;牛儿酮;反相高效液相色谱法;

56、Zedoary oil formula oral liquid ─── 莪术油复方口服液

57、Hourglass remember , that zedoary Germany have forgotten time. ─── 沙漏记得,莪们遗忘德时光。

58、Keywords oil of zedoary turmeric;children pneumonia; ─── 莪术油;婴幼儿肺炎;

59、61 Cases of Treating Child Diarrhea by Zedoary Oil Combined with Dietetic Treatment ─── 莪术油配合饮食疗法治疗小儿秋季腹泻61例

60、Zedoary only want to have a simple stainless happiness. ─── 莪只想要拥有简略恴幸福。

61、Zedoary Turmeric Oil Injections ─── 莪术油注射液

62、Cost-effectiveness analysis of zedoary turmeric oil and ribavirin in treatment of viral pneumonia of children ─── 莪术油与利巴韦林治疗小儿病毒性肺炎的成本-效果分析

63、Objective To investigate the rule and characteristics of the adverse drug reactions(ADR)of zedoary turmeric oil injection. ─── 目的探讨莪术油注射液不良反应的规律和特点。

64、Zedoary Turmeric Oil and Glucose ─── 莪术油葡萄糖

65、Study on Absorption Mechanisms of Zedoary Turmeric Oil by Caco-2 Cell Model ─── 莪术油在Caco-2细胞模型中的吸收机制研究

66、oil of zedoary turmeric ─── 莪术油

67、From this perspective, With the implementation of the Housing and mutter a reasonable offer blood in sacrifice much zedoary Po. lure for city of Shenzhen is not a "all city". ─── 从这个角度看,作为一个实施微利房?咕诱哂衅湮莪拐?策的城市,深圳并不是一个“所有人的城市”。

68、Objective: The text has inquired into the rational using of Zedoary Turmeric Oil Injection(Zedoray Turmeric Oil and Glucose Injection) in clinical. ─── 目的:探讨莪术油(葡萄糖)注射液的临床合理用药。

69、Objective:The natural traditional Chinese medicine biologics curcuma zedoary oil investigation and discussion is applied cures baby infantile diarrhea curative effect,the decrease abuses antibiotic. ─── 目的探讨应用天然中药生物制剂莪术油治疗婴幼儿腹泻的疗效。

70、zedoary glucose injection ─── 莪术葡萄糖注射液

71、Zedoary Turmeric Oil (ZTO), a volatile oil, was extracted from the dry rhizome of Curcuma phacocaulis Valeton, Curcuma kwangsiensis or Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton. ─── 莪术油(Zedoary Turmeric oil)为莪术中提取的挥发油,莪术是姜科植物蓬莪术(Curcuma phacocaulis Valeton)、 广西莪术(Curcurma kwangsiensis )和温郁金(Curcuma wenyujin)的干燥根茎。

72、Conclusion Rational use of zedoary turmeric oil injection can reduce ADRS. ─── 结论合理使用莪术油注射液,能够减少其不良反应的发生。


74、Anaphylactic shock attributed to intravenous infusion of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液静滴致过敏性休克

75、The experiment study of the anti-virus effects of zedoary oil on influenzavirus and respiratory syncytial virus ─── 莪术油抗流感病毒和呼吸道合胞病毒作用的实验研究

76、The observed group was treated with Zedoary Turmeric Oil, and the clinical effect was compar ed with that of the control group. ─── 结果:观察组总有效率和显效率高于对照组,疗程短于对照组,经统计学处理,具有显著性差异。

77、OBJECTIVE:To study a method for the determination of Zedoary turmeric oil gelatin microspheres (ZTO-GMS). ─── 目的:研究莪术油明胶微球的含量测定方法。

78、You never know your true zedoary. ─── 你永远不会知道莪对你的真心。

79、Baby. Zedoary on this has always been in love go on, please? ─── 英文翻译:宝贝.莪们就这样一直相爱下去好吗?

80、compound zedoary turmeric oil suppositories ─── 复方莪术油栓

81、Study on the Preparation of Zedoary Turmeric Oil Spray and Its Anti-virus Effects ─── 莪术油喷雾剂的研制及抗病毒作用的实验研究

82、AIM: To observe the adverse drug reaction of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection in treating respiratory infection. ─── 目的:观察莪术油葡萄糖注射液治疗呼吸道感染的不良反应。

83、Keywords Oil of zedoary turmeric in GS;Anti-scorbutic acid;Capillary bronchitis;Nursing; ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液;抗坏血酸;毛细支气管炎;护理;

84、Xu Nie, zedoary were touting wrong. Happenings never belong zedoary. ' ─── 也许,莪们兜错了.迩永远不属于莪.'

85、Nursing about treatment of capillary bronchitis by Vitamin C plus oil of zedoary turmeric in glucose intraveinous drip solution(GS), ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液加维生素C治疗毛细支气管炎的护理

86、Keywords zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection;curcumol;compatible;stability;antibiotic; ─── 莪术油葡萄糖注射液;莪术醇;配伍稳定性;抗菌药物;

87、Keywords Zedoary turmeri oil;Spray drying method;Microencap sulation; ─── 莪术油;喷雾干燥法;微囊;

88、Keywords Zedoary turmeric oil;Curcumol;Gelatin microspheres;Drug release in vitro; ─── 关键词莪术油;莪术醇;明胶微球;体外释放;

89、Invoke loud you heart trouble .. follow the rhythm .. zedoary their hair together nerve ..! ─── 大声的叫出你心里的烦恼..跟着节奏..莪们一起来发神经..!

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