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09-13 投稿


backwardly 中文意思翻译



backwardly 短语词组

1、backwardly inclined fan ─── 后倾风机

2、backwardly compatible ─── 后向兼容

backwardly 相似词语短语

1、backwards ─── adv.倒;向后;逆

2、backyards ─── n.后院;后庭

3、backword ─── 背景词

4、backward ─── adj.向后的;倒退的;(人)智力迟钝的;落后的;(场地位置)线后的;adv.向后地;往回地;回溯(过去);每况愈下地;前后反过来(等于backwards);n.后面(或过去)的部分;n.(Backward)(美、俄)巴克克华尔德(人名)

5、backwoodsy ─── adj.粗旷的;荒蛮的

6、blackguardly ─── adj.流氓的;粗鄙的;不堪入耳的

7、awkwardly ─── adv.笨拙地;无技巧地

8、backwords ─── 后台驱动器

9、backyard ─── n.后院;后庭

backwardly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A backward somersault or handspring. ─── 后翻斤斗向后翻的筋斗或后手翻

2、He cut the ball so that it bounded almost backward. ─── 他斜削这个球,使其几乎向后弹起。

3、He who do not advance fall backward. ─── 不上进,必落后。

4、Summer is backward this year. ─── 今年夏天来得晚。

5、The crops are backward this year. ─── 今年的收获期较往年晚。

6、A backward flow of water,as from the action of oars. ─── 反流,逆流向后流的水,如由浆的划动引起。

7、He is backward in mathematics. ─── 他数学差。

8、He looked backward over his shoulder. ─── 他回头向后看。

9、Count backward from ten to one. ─── 从十倒数到一。

10、According to SAWS, two-thirds of the country's coal mine deaths occurred in small mines that were backwardly equipped and poorly managed. ─── 按照国家安监总局的统计,三分之二的煤矿死亡发生在小煤矿,这些小煤矿设备落后,管理混乱。

11、Two of their toes point forward and two point backward. ─── 他们的足趾中的二个指出向前的和二点向后的。

12、More often than not conservative people look backward rather thean forward. ─── 保守的人大半都向后看而不是向前看。

13、A backward flow of water, as from the action of oars. ─── 反流,逆流向后流的水,如由浆的划动引起

14、He is very grouchy is, microsoft is backward competitor. ─── 他非常不兴奋的是,微软落后竞争对手。

15、One step backward / forward, everyone. ─── 向后退一步/向前进一步。

16、He took three steps backwardly. ─── 他倒退了三步。

17、Although he is clever, he is backward in giving his views. ─── 他虽然很聪明,却不善发表他的意见。

18、A sudden or violent backward whipping motion. ─── 后冲,反撞突然或强烈的向后抽动

19、The backward action of a firearm upon firing. ─── 后坐因开火而引起的枪炮的向后运动

20、Also a diagonal backward arrow, works the same as a normal barrow. ─── 另外,斜向向后拉线和通常的向后拉线效果相同。

21、He stumbled backward against a chair and fell into it. ─── 他趄趄趔趔倒在一把椅子上。

22、Backward inland waterways have been improved distinctively. ─── 内河航道落后面貌得到了明显改善。

23、He stepped backward a pace or two. ─── 他后退了一两步。

24、You can travel forward and backward through time. ─── 你可以通过时间穿梭于过去和未来。

25、Employ backward chaining to develop the class. ─── 使用逆向链接来开发类。

26、He stepped backward and fell over the cliff. ─── 他向后退了一步就从悬崖上掉下去了。

27、China was poor and backward. ─── 中国穷困和落后。

28、He began to pace backward and forward on the bridge. ─── 他开始在桥上来回踱步。

29、Drive backward across the spinning bridge! If you fall, you're out! ─── 倒车驶过旋转之桥!如果掉下来的话,就挂了!

30、Can you say the alphabet backwardly? ─── 你能倒著念字母表吗?

31、The other people called him a ratter in the backward. ─── 别人背后骂他无赖。

32、He is backward in giving his views in public. ─── 他怯于在公众场所发表意见。

33、Do not let him lie down or tilt his head backward. ─── 不要让他躺下,也不要让他的头向后倾歪。

34、The drivers are backwardly compatible with the AppCodePage attribute, but you must now use the IANAAppCodePage attribute. ─── 驱动程序向后兼容AppCodePage属性,但您现在必须使用IANAAppCodePage属性。

35、Did you know? a "mirror image "is actually a backward image. ─── 你知道吗?镜子中的肖像实际是张反面的肖像。

36、He is backward in giving people his views. ─── 他不善向人表示他的意见。

37、He had a firsthand taste of life in backward mountainous areas. ─── 他直接体验过落後山区的生活。

38、He lined out for home without a backward glance. ─── 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。

39、He took three steps backwardly. ─── 他倒退了三步。

40、He walked away without a backward glance. ─── 他头也不回地扬长而去。

41、Does your handwriting slope forward or backward? ─── 你的书法向前斜还是向后斜?

42、Versa provides this operation in the form of a backward traversal. ─── Versa以向后遍历的形式提供这一操作。

43、Most of the country is backward and poor. ─── 中国的大部分地区仍很贫穷落后;

44、From a climate change perspective, this is a step backward. ─── 从气候变迁的角度来看,这是开倒车的做法。

45、With or having the stern foremost;backward. ─── 向后的船尾在最前面的;

46、Britain and the West saw China as backward and therefore coercible. ─── 中国自视为世界的中心,周边的国家只能卑屈地前来通商。

47、He toppled backward onto the earth. ─── 他向后仰倒在地。

48、With or having the stern foremost; backward. ─── 向后的船尾在最前面的;向后的

49、It is dangerous to walk backward. ─── 倒退着走是危险的。

50、Although he is clever , he is backward in giving his views . ─── 他虽然聪明,但不勇于发表自己的意见。

51、You have put your hat backward(s). ─── 你把帽子戴倒了。

52、If only foresight could be as accurate as the backward view! ─── 先见要是与后见一样准确无误该多好!

53、Never tilt the chair backward on two legs. ─── 决不能把椅子往后翘,以致使椅子前面两条腿悬空。

54、China is a backward country. ─── 中国在国际上处于落后状态

55、The zero-based starting index of the backward search. ─── 向后搜索的从零开始的起始索引。

56、You are altogether backward, and below the mark. ─── 你完全落后了,不及格。

57、He leaned over backward( s) to please his immediate superior. ─── 他拼命讨好他的顶头上司。

58、He did a brilliant backward somersault. ─── 他翻了个漂亮的后翻跟头。

59、China must not be content to remain backward. ─── 中国不能安于落后。

60、This may seem backward and illogical. ─── 你可能似乎是倒退和不合逻辑的。

61、Shops that had been backward caught up with those that were advanced. ─── 原来后进的车间也赶上了先进的车间。

62、Being in a backward direction. ─── 向后的处于向后的方向的

63、The ex post perspective is backward looking. ─── “事后”的视角乃是向后看的。

64、Without a backward glance, he walked away. ─── 他头也不回地走了。

65、Do you think you could move your car backward a bit? ─── 你把你的车往后移一点行吗?

66、Backhand: A stroke with the hand turned backward. ─── 反手:把手转移到身体另一侧击球。

67、Their policy of bullying backward countries has not changed. ─── 发达国家欺侮落后国家的政策没有变。

68、The rainy season is backward this year. ─── 今年的雨季来得晚。

69、Can you say the alphabet backwardly? ─── 你能倒著念字母表吗?

70、I think their backward attitude is a little distressing. ─── 他们的看法不合潮流,是叫人觉得有点难堪。

71、He leaned over backward( s) in his efforts to prove he is unprejudiced. ─── 他极力证明自己是没有成见的。

72、The backward areas shouId catch up with the advanced. ─── 后进地区应该赶上先进地区。

73、It is not large because China is economically backward. ─── 中国因经济落后,故(现代工业无产阶级)人数不多。

74、The crops are early [backward] this year. ─── 今年的庄稼早 [晚]熟。

75、But why be so shy and backward about it? ─── 可是为什么那样胆小怕羞?

76、Does your handwriting slope forward or backward ? ─── 你的书法向前斜还是向后斜?

77、While most 2.0-compatible drives are backwardly compatible with 1.1, it is generally advisable to avoid using 1.1 unless there is no other option (due to its slow speed). ─── 虽然大多数兼容2.0的驱动器都可向后兼容1.1,但是一般最好避免使用1.1,除非别无选择(因为它的速度比较慢)。

78、He took a backward step and ran away. ─── 他向后退了一步,跑了。

79、He is backward in proposing to her. ─── 他在向她求婚时畏缩了。

80、He has a firsthand taste of life in backward mountainous area. ─── 他直接体验过落后山区的生活。

81、As a pupil, he was backward. ─── 他读书时,是个迟钝的学生。

82、"That' s right. A bunch of backward elements! ─── “不是她们是谁,一群落后分子

83、The lower mandible could not move backward. ─── 下颌不能再向后运动。

84、He stepped backward from the table. ─── 他倒退了几步离开桌子。

85、He looked backward(s) forty years. ─── 他回顾到四十年前。

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