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09-15 投稿



excessiveness 发音

英:[[ɪk'sesɪvnɪs]]  美:[[ɪk'sesɪvnɪs]]

英:  美:

excessiveness 中文意思翻译



excessiveness 相似词语短语

1、expressiveness ─── n.善于表现;表情丰富

2、exclusiveness ─── n.排他性;排外性;独占

3、recessiveness ─── n.[遗]隐性

4、regressiveness ─── 回归性

5、extensiveness ─── n.延伸;大范围

6、depressiveness ─── 抑郁

7、percussiveness ─── 冲击性

8、expensiveness ─── n.高价,昂贵性

9、excursiveness ─── 出游

excessiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Containing a base, especially in excess of acid. ─── 含碱的,尤指超过酸的含量

2、An excess of cholesterol in the blood. ─── 多胆固醇血血液中过多的胆固醇

3、He pared away the excess glue with a razor blade. ─── 他用剃须刀片刮去多余的胶水。

4、His father always drinks to excess. ─── 他父亲总是饮酒过度。

5、Its 2004 sales were in excess of $1.8 billion. ─── 2004年度营业额逾18亿美元。

6、To fill to excess, as with blood or other fluid. ─── 使充血充溢过量,如充血或充胀其它液体

7、He had an excess income from his part time job. ─── 他通过兼职有一份额外的收入。

8、He always spends in excess of his income. ─── 他总是入不敷出。

9、Anything in excess is a bad thing. ─── 任何事一旦过了头就不太妙了。

10、I'm afraid there'll be an excess baggage charge. ─── 恐怕得收你超重费。

11、You have 5 kilos of excess baggage. ─── 你的行李超重五公斤。

12、An excess of words for the purpose; wordiness. ─── 冗词,赘语;废话为了某一意图过多使用词语;冗长

13、To eat to excess, especially when habitual. ─── 吃得过多尤指一贯吃得过饱,暴食

14、Exercise, if carry to excess, will do you more harm than good. ─── 如果锻炼过量,会对你有害而无益。

15、Most of the excess cars were kept on huge lots in the Detroit area. ─── 大部分积压的车子都成堆地存放在底特律地区。

16、You've got 6 kilos of excess baggage. ─── 您的行李超重6 公斤。

17、An excess or deficiency of any compound may be equally disastrous. ─── 任何化合物的过多或缺乏都可造成灾难。

18、Yes, Sir, they work excessiveness weariness from overwork dead. ─── 是的,先生,它们工作过度劳累死了。

19、At the airport she was stung for a few quid for having excess luggage. ─── 在机场她由于行李超重而被索取几英镑。

20、Wind excess media using TUR button. ─── 使用 TUR 按钮卷起过长的介质。

21、Jogging works off my excess energy. ─── 慢跑消除掉我过剩的精力。

22、Problem is excessiveness the reaction may cause the crisis spread and then cause market the participants of misgiving ego realization. ─── 问题是过度反应可能导致危机蔓延,进而导致市场参与者们的担忧自我实现。

23、You must pay ten yuan for the excess. ─── 你要另付10元超重费。

24、Any excess glue I wicked away with paper toweling. ─── 任何多余的胶水我邪恶的纸以外toweling。

25、You 've not a kilos of excess baggage. ─── 您的行李超重六公斤。

26、Rains that filled the reservoirs to excess. ─── 大雨使水库的水超过了蓄水容量

27、There is excess demand for a firm's products. ─── 对某公司产品有过度需求。

28、Don't carry your anger to excess. ─── 不要肝火过盛。

29、These two layers of senses can be expressed by "neither excessiveness nor insufficiency" (or "appropriateness" ). ─── 这两层意思都可以用“无过无不及”之“中”来表述。

30、And her expenditure never was in excess of income. ─── 她对衣服从来没有过多的兴趣。

31、Payment or benefit in excess of what is expected or required. ─── 外快超出预期或需要以外的钱或好处

32、It only uses the excess capacity of the mainframe. ─── 它只使用了大型机上过剩的计算能力。

33、He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. ─── 他对过量饮酒后驾车一事表示服罪。

34、To set(type or copy) in excess of what is needed. ─── 使超排排过多的(铅字或稿子)

35、But in one area, greenery might be taken to excess. ─── 但有一个领域在这一方面可能做得过火了。

36、You must pay for the excess. ─── 你必须为超过部分付钱。

37、Don't carry excess amounts of cash. ─── 不要携带过多数额的现金。

38、He started drinking to excess after losing his job. ─── 他失业后便开始酗酒了。

39、E was charged an excess of 4 over the amount stated on the bill. ─── 向她索取的比帐单上显示的数额多出。

40、People should be guided for a rational consumption, not for excessiveness, " Xia said. " ─── “可是人们应该有个理性消费的导向,而非过度,”夏教授说道。

41、article, with sufficient reasons, argues that the judgement on the five "excessiveness" in the current curriculum is inappropriate. ─── 本文认为关于基础教育现行课程五个“过”的判断是不恰当的,并陈述了理由。

42、The skin is devoid of excess dewlap. ─── 喉咙没有赘肉。

43、She was charged an excess of 4 over the amount stated on the bill. ─── 向她索取的比帐单上显示的数额多出4英镑。

44、You'd better have the excess luggage checked. ─── 多余的行李最好托运。

45、There are heights to be gained by excessiveness and lost balance. ─── 有许多高尚的东西,由奋力而获得,求平稳则失去。

46、For his life he could not avert that excess of emotion. ─── 他无论怎样也不能回避这种感情的泛滥。

47、There are heights to be gained by excessiveness and lost balance ! ─── 有许多高尚的东西,由奋力而获得,由平稳则失去!

48、Last year's profit was in excess of one billion dollar. ─── 去年的利润超过了十亿美元。

49、They neither give nor withhold from their excess. ─── 他们既不捐献也不吝啬他们多余的东西。

50、The heavy rain filled the lakes to excess. ─── 大雨使湖水超过了湖的容量。

51、Excess fatty tissue; plumpness. ─── 丰满多余的脂肪组织;肥胖

52、I am afraid there'll be an excess baggage charge. ─── 恐怕您得付行李超重费。

53、You are getting 6 kilos of excess baggage. ─── 您的行李超重6公斤。

54、Profit is the excess of sales over costs. ─── 利润就是价格超出成本的部分

55、It seemed that she had an excess of energy. ─── 并且她的花销从来都不超过她的收入。

56、An excess of blood in the circulatory system or in one organ or area. ─── 多血在循环系统或在一个器官或区域中的血过多

57、How to allocate excess or shortage of inventory? ─── 如何分配多余或短缺库存?

58、You'll have to pay for the excess luggage. ─── 您得付超重行李费。

59、The excess yeast is saved for future use. ─── 剩余的酵母粉被保留下来以备以后使用。

60、This breed is expected to show haw, or the redness of the drooping lower lid, but excessiveness here can be a potential problem. ─── 这个品种是预计将显示山楂,或盖发红的下垂较低,但过度这里可能是一个潜在的问题。

61、She jogs every morning to get rid of her excess weight. ─── 为了减肥,她每天早晨慢跑。

62、They boiled the excess liquid away. ─── 他们把多余的水分煮掉。

63、He have an excess of assets over liability. ─── 他的资产多于负债。

64、In effect, excessiveness is never a good term for either rest or work. Rational lifestyle is the sole key to good health. ─── 其实,无论闲与累,过度皆不可行。要想身体好,就要选择合理的生活方式。

65、A card trick won in excess of contract or game, as in bridge. ─── (桥牌中的)超约得墩如在桥牌戏中赢的超过了叫牌墩数或比分的叠牌

66、His life on this earth is just excess!!! ─── 他活在世上是多余的!!!

67、He spent in excess of his income. ─── 他过度奢侈,入不敷出。

68、I am afraid you have to pay for the excess luggage. ─── 恐怕您必须付行李超重费。

69、Some local government officials have delusions of grandeur far in excess of their actual value to the community. ─── 一些地方政府官员对自己的夸大妄想,远远超出了他们对社区产生的实际价值。

70、Another complication was the excess of imports over exports. ─── 另一个新增的困难就是输入超过输出。

71、There was an excess of saliva in his mouth. ─── 他嘴里的口水太多。

72、You've not kilos of excess baggage. ─── 你的行李超重六公斤.

73、An amount in excess of need; a surplus. ─── 剩余超出需要的量; 过剩

74、You must pay extra for any excess baggage that you bring. ─── 你必须为超重行李付额外的费用。

75、He has on excess of assets over liability. ─── 他的资产大于其他负债。

76、He cut away most of the excess fat. ─── 他把大部分多余脂肪切除了。

77、Dnot carry your anger to excess. ─── 不要使自己过分生气。

78、Trim a way the excess fabric at the seamline. ─── 剪掉缝线处多余的面料。

79、Your luggage weighs seven kilograms in excess of the allowance. ─── 你的行李超重7公斤。

80、Where should I pay the excess fare? ─── 外宾: 我该在哪里补票?

81、He often drinks in excess. ─── 他常常饮酒过度。

82、I am afraid there'll be an excess baggage charge, sir. ─── 恐怕您要付超重行李费,先生。

83、The lawful taking by a government of a fixed amount of the profits of a public-service corporation in excess of a stipulated rate of return. ─── 依法征收政府用超用规定的比率对公众服务企业的利润征收一定数量的钱的合法行为

84、He drinks to excess. ─── 他嗜酒无度。

85、Natural increase simply measures the excess of births over deaths. ─── 人口的自然增长是出生抵消死亡后的增长。

86、You have to pay for excess luggage on a plane. ─── 在飞机上你得付超重的行李费。

87、In an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late. ─── 我一时热情过度答应了工作到很晚。

88、To pay an amount in excess of(a sum due). ─── 多付款付款超过(应付量)

89、The students bowed their heads on their knees in excess of joy. ─── 学生们乐得直不起腰来。

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