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09-15 投稿



hooky 发音

英:['hʊkɪ]  美:['hʊki]

英:  美:

hooky 中文意思翻译



hooky 网络释义

n. 逃学;逃学者adj. 多钩的vt. 偷

hooky 短语词组

1、hooky player ─── [网络] 好玩的玩家

2、play hooky ─── 逃学

hooky 习惯用语

1、blind hooky ─── 纸牌赌博; 盲目的冒险

2、By hooky! ─── [美口]岂有此理! 糟糕! 真的! 说句老实话!

3、play hooky ─── 逃学

hooky 相似词语短语

1、gooky ─── 粘的;滑腻的;肮脏的

2、cooky ─── n.饼干(等于cookie)

3、hooey ─── n.胡言乱语;傻事;int.真傻

4、hoody ─── n.套头衫;年轻小混混

5、honky ─── n.白鬼子(黑人对白人的贬称);n.(Honky)人名;(英)杭基

6、hook ─── n.挂钩,吊钩;vt.钩住;引上钩;vi.钩住;弯成钩状;n.(Hook)人名;(德、荷)霍克;(英)胡克

7、booky ─── adj.书呆子气的;好学的;书本上的;咬文嚼字的,书面语的

8、hooka ─── n.水烟筒(利用水的吸烟装置,等于hookah);n.(Hooka)人名;(日)保冈(姓)

9、hookey ─── n.(非正式)逃学,旷课;adj.(曲调、旋律)简单动听的;n.(Hookey)(加)和凯(人名)

hooky 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Let's play hooky today! *play hooky为俚语“逃学” . ─── 今天偶们逃学吧.

2、B: Because I got caught playing hooky. ─── 因为我逃学被逮到。

3、Leave application for the failure in love-is it an effective "medicine" or just the disguise for playing hooky from work? ─── “失恋假”是疗伤良药还是翘班幌子?“失恋假”是疗伤良药还是翘班幌子?

4、Unfortunately, one day the fawn who played hooky stepped in a snare and was trapped. ─── 一天,这只逃课的小鹿不幸踩到陷阱上被捕了。

5、LL: Every kid plays hooky once in a while, but playing hooky as often as my little sister does is a serious problem. It's affecting her .mp3des. ─── 对,偶尔旷课还可以,如果像你妹妹这样常常逃课,成绩当然会受影响喽!那你妈妈打算怎么做?

6、play hooky; play truant ─── 逃课

7、M: No, to play hooky means to skip class. ─── l:噢,原来to play hooky是指逃学,旷课。我还以为是玩什么游戏呢!

8、LL: Oh, it's just that my little sister is giving my mom a lot of trouble. She played hooky from school two days in a row last week. ─── 你妹妹给你妈惹麻烦了。你说她上星期在学校连续两天played hooky?那是一种游戏吗?为什么你妈妈会生气啊?

9、looking for all kinds of auto LED Bulbs hooky, IF YOU CAN SUPPLY ,PLEASE CONTACT US. ─── 寻找不同型号的汽车灯泡,请生产厂家联系我们.

10、I still remember how I played hooky in high school and made tracks from one movie theater to another to see the latest movies. ─── 这个人说:“我还记得在中学时我是怎么逃学,怎么从一个电影院赶到另一个电影院去看最新的电影。

11、Play hooky. ─── 枢垢、枢仁。

12、6.Youngsters who play hooky are usually bored with some courses. ─── 逃学的青少年通常是对某些课程感到厌烦。

13、play hooky ─── 逃学

14、He’s not your sort, who plays hooky at will. ─── 他可不像你,动不动就逃学。

15、Let&;quot play hooky today! play hooky为俚语“逃学”。 ─── 今天我们逃学吧。

16、Later they heard the sad news.The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter. ─── 后来,它们得知这个不幸的消息,逃课的小鹿已经掉入陷阱被猎人捕杀了。

17、Tom is failing in school because he has played hooky so many times during the year. ─── 汤姆今年的成绩不及格,因为他逃学的次数太多了。

18、The boy was whipped for playing hooky . ─── 那个男孩因逃学而遭鞭打。

19、Lets play hooky today! ─── 今天我们逃学吧。

20、Hey, I may play hooky once in a while, but I applying absorbing exert. ─── 哟,哪儿来那么大的火气呀!

21、Then they found a young fish who was known for playing hooky from school. ─── 于是他们找了条以逃学出名的小鱼仔。

22、Schools usually keep a record for children who play hooky ─── 学校通常保存一项孩子代借故逃学的纪录

23、We all played hooky today and went to a movie. ─── 我们今天全都逃课去看电影。

24、re sick!You can also play hooky from work. ─── 不过,我只有一个小时的时间,下午我得去工作。

25、"Hooky?" said Gil. "But what if we get caught?" ─── “逃学?”吉尔说。“我们被捉到怎么办?”

26、In us many people play hooky, the game, the love regards one custom. ─── 我们 中很多人把逃学,完游戏,恋爱当成一种习惯。

27、Let's play hooky today! ─── 今天我们逃学吧!

28、The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter. ─── 那只不听话的小鹿掉进了陷井,被猎人杀死了。

29、to play hooky ─── 逃学旷课

30、We'll have a little quiz tomorrow, so don't play hooky! ─── 明天我们要小测,可别逃课噢!

31、Though they both considered the family a "school for scandal, " it wasn't so easy to play hooky . ─── 他们俩虽然把家里当作“造谣学校”,逃学可不容易。

32、Of course, that counts! Actually, I think every kid has used that trick to play hooky at least once. ─── 对,假装生病是孩子们想逃学时常用的借口。我记得我是因为有的同学老是取笑我,所以我不想上学。

33、It seems like you have been working a lot lately.I have an idea!Why don't you call in to work and tell them you're sick!You can also play hooky from work. ─── 你要到学生中心那儿去看看,然后再吃午饭呀?我跟你一起去,我本来就要去吃午饭.不过,我只有一个小时的时间,下午我得去工作.

34、On the first warm spring day the boys played hooky to go swimming. ─── 在第一个暖和的春天,男孩们逃了学游泳去了。

35、play hooky from school. ─── 从学校逃学

36、LL: Unfortunately, I think that's probably a very common reason for playing hooky from school. ─── 对,假装生病是孩子们想逃学时常用的借口。我记得我是因为有的同学老是取笑我,所以我不想上学。

37、to play truant, to play hooky ─── 逃学, 旷课

38、So the question has to be, was Gaddafi playing hooky during his first week at Dictator's School? ─── 所以我们不禁发问,难不成卡扎菲刚进独裁者学校的第一周就旷课了?

39、Every kid plays hooky once in a while, but playing hooky as often as my little sister does is a serious problem. It's affecting her grades. ─── 偶尔旷课还可以,如果像你妹妹这样常常逃课,成绩当然会受影响喽!那你妈妈打算怎么做?

40、You don't have to be American to want to play hooky from high culture, though Americans may be prouder of it than anyone else. ─── 对所谓高雅文化敬而远之,唯恐避而不及,这自然不是美国人的专利,但也许美国人对此更多了几分得意吧。

41、The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter. ─── 那只不听话的小鹿掉进了陷井,被猎人杀死了。

42、Why not pretend you are sick and play hooky from work? ─── 为什么不假装你生病了,然后不去上班了呢?

43、Ben got caught playing hooky. ─── 本逃课被发现了。

44、The shop teacher's note was a face-saver when another thought they were playing hooky in town. ─── 尽管另一位老师以为他们是逃学进城去了,但上手艺课的老师的便条替他们解了围。

45、The schoolboy is often cutting classes and playing hooky. ─── 那男生经常跷课和逃学。

46、Pcombination hooky. ─── 旷工、旷课。

47、As I asked this, I realized it was not a good question. (This was not because I put my colleague on the spotin case he was thinking of playing "hooky. ─── 但当我这样问时,才发现这不是一个恰当的问题。

48、the misadventures of a happy-go-lucky boy who plays hooky from school." ─── 一个乐天派男孩逃学后的不幸遭遇。

49、Though he often plays hooky, he does well in study. ─── 他经常逃学,然而他的功课却很好。

50、Do you want to play hooky? ─── 你想翘课吗?

51、You can also play hooky from work. ─── 不过啊,我只有一个小时的时间喔,下午我得去工作。

52、LL: Of course, that counts! Actually, I think every kid has used that trick to play hooky at least once. ─── 对,假装生病啊是孩子们想逃学时最常用的藉口了。我记得我是因为有的同学老是取笑我,所以我不想上学。

53、" Then they found a young fish who was known for playing hooky from school. ─── 于是他们找了条以逃学出名的小鱼仔。

54、LL: Every kid plays hooky once in a while, but playing hooky as often as my little sister does is a serious problem. It's affecting her grades. ─── 对,偶尔旷课还可以,如果像你妹妹这样常常逃课,成绩当然会受影响啰!那你妈妈打算怎麽做啊?

55、Oh, it's just that my little sister is giving my mom a lot of trouble. She played hooky from school two days in a row last week. LH ─── 你妹妹给你妈惹麻烦了。你说她上星期在学校连续两天

56、The schoolboy is often cutting classes and playing hooky. ─── 那男生经常跷课和逃学。

57、Absence without leave ; ditching;play hooky ─── 不假外出;擅离职守

58、This is the second time this month he's played hooky. ─── 那是他这个月第二次缺课了。

59、If I catch you playing hooky from school once more, you are going to be severely punished. ─── 如果你再逃学,我就要狠狠地收拾你。

60、Later they heard the sad news. The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter. ─── 后来,它们得知这个不幸的消息,逃课的小鹿已经掉入陷阱被猎人捕杀了。

61、Mom: Lily, if you're acting sick just because you want to play hooky... ─── 莉莉:(咳嗽)不是,妈。我真的病了。妈妈:喔,咳得蛮严重的。我摸摸你的头。(摸她的额头)你好烫!。

62、Tom:Okey.oh,what a lovely day it is.let's play hooky today. ─── 汤姆:号,哦,今天天气不错。我们今天逃学吧。

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