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09-15 投稿



healthily 发音

英:[ˈhelθɪli]  美:[ˈhelθɪli]

英:  美:

healthily 中文意思翻译



healthily 词性/词形变化,healthily变形

名词: healthiness |形容词最高级: healthiest |形容词比较级: healthier |副词: healthily |

healthily 反义词

ill |unhealthy

healthily 同义词

salubrious | sound | robust | constitutional | strapping | levelheaded | strong | bright-eyed | sizable | lusty | energizing | wholesome | level-headed | beneficial | blooming | in the pink | advantageous | salutary | sizeable | hardy | energetic | fit | well | buxom | intelligent | goodish | goodly | rugged | respectable | hefty | vigorous | hearty | ruddy | vital | nourishing | trim | healthful | hale | nutritious | tidy | health-giving

healthily 相似词语短语

1、unhealthily ─── adv.有病地

2、wealthily ─── adv.丰富地;富有地

3、heartily ─── adv.衷心地;热忱地;痛快地

4、healthy ─── adj.健康的,健全的;有益于健康的

5、healthier ─── adj.更健康(healthy的比较级)

6、stealthily ─── adv.暗地里

7、earthily ─── 朴实的

8、healthism ─── n.健康主义

9、healthfully ─── adv.有益健康地

healthily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Touching the Students with Love, Guiding Their Behavior with Strictness, and Developing the Class Work Healthily ─── 以爱动其心以严导其行推动班级工作的良性发展

2、But it is ultimately a healthily cathartic one, as Asia and Japan have discovered over the past decade. ─── 不过,它最终会成为有利健康的疏导剂,正如亚洲和日本在过去10年所经历的那样。

3、However, now there is still a fantasy, the most important thing is that she can grow up healthily. ─── 不过现在也还是空想,最重要的是她能健康成长。”

4、The sun is coming out again. Under the sky , on the land , the trees are growing strongly and healthily. ─── 太阳又爬上了山头。蓝天之下,土地之上,树苗茁壮成长。

5、Successfully operated in the retailing projects and the mature of the network are the most precious fortune for Fortune Bridge to grow up rapidly and healthily. ─── 对于“鑫海智桥”而言,在众多零售项目上的运作成功,招商网络的成熟和完备功不可没。

6、If we give the adult tree proper care, it will go on to live healthily for many years. ─── 如果我们给成年的树适当的照顾,它会健康地活许多年。

7、What I really want is to live healthily for as long as possible. ─── 我真正想要的是尽可能长久、健康地活着。

8、Wiping out insects is the main precautionary measure to keep trees growing healthily. ─── 为了树木的健康成长,杀虫是最主要的预防措施。

9、Therefore, we must take timely measures to mitigate the adverse eddects and promote the economy grow sustainedly and healthily. ─── 因此,必须适时采取一些配套措施,减缓不利影响,推动经济持续健康发展。

10、The aim is to provide the personality direction of textbooks' development in the future to make the students grow up healthily . ─── 其最终目的时为语文教科书选文建设提供人格化发展方向,使学生健康的成长。

11、We have to improve governing methods to eliminate those dishonest measures so as to protect the investors and to promote the growth of our nations’ security market healthily. ─── 为保护投资者利益,促进我国证券市场的健康发展,应加强对上市公司利润操纵行为的综合治理。

12、Clinic observation on abutment teeth healthily status with the patients wearing removable partial denture ─── 可摘局部义齿基牙健康状况的临床观察

13、It is not only a guidance for fund investors ,but also can influence the behavior of funds managers , promoting the funds industry to develop healthily and placidly . ─── 它不但可以指导投资者的投资策略,还可以对基金经理和基金管理公司的行为产生重要影响,促进基金业的健康平稳发展。

14、The Notice about Speeding up Electric Power Industry Adjustment and Help it Develop Healthily and Orderly ─── 关于加快电力工业结构调整促进健康有序发展有关工作的通知

15、Enterprises can't fail in aboil market competition and develops continuously, healthily and steadily. ─── 一、供应商 供应商是影响企业营销的微观环境的重要因素 之一。

16、He was small and healthily built. ─── 他个子小但身体很健康。

17、China outward and directly invests promote of level and will keep on national economy healthily develop good promote a function. ─── 中国对外直接投资水平的提升将对国民经济的持续健康发展起到良好促进作用。

18、So this text manages a government with kind manage theory as analyze a frame to investigate our country the third section develops healthily of path. ─── 因此本文把政府治理与善治理论作为分析框架来探求我国第三部门健康发展的路径。

19、Develop a special business management model to promote real estate development companies go steadily, continuously and healthily. ─── 4. 探索出独到的企业管理模式造就房地产开发企业稳定、长期及健康地发展。

20、With the loves and cares from all of you, baby Yok Shan has now reached 4 pounds of body weight, she is growing up healthily and lovely. ─── 因为有您们的爱,如今小钰珊的体重已有四磅,她健康活泼地成长。

21、Parents, the child was born one, we will shoulder the mission of a bitter look forward to their children can grow healthily grow fast. ─── 为人父母了,孩子一出世,我们就肩负着一个苦涩的使命,期待着自己的孩子能健康成长,快高长大。

22、It is the duty of colleges to make relevant efforts,especially to have them instructed in psychological heath and to help them relieve psychological pressure,so as to enable them to grow up healthily. ─── 学校相关部门尤其是心理健康教育机构应采取有效措施缓解学生心理压力,努力维护和提高学生的心理健康水平,使他们健康成长。

23、Alive happily and healthily is the best love to a mother. To a mother nothing is more joyful than to see healthy children. ─── 好好活着,就是对母亲最好的爱。再没有什么比看到健康的孩子们,让母亲更幸福快乐的了。

24、To keep the study-loan policy developing healthily, each side must make great efforts as ell as cooperate with each other. ─── 国家助学贷款工作的健康发展,既需学生、学校、银行和政府的单方努力也需要多方配合。

25、Area of Inner Mongolia border carries healthily development only, ability is cast off and solve an a lot of reconciliatory difficulty and problem. ─── 内蒙古边境地区只有通过快速而健康地发展 ,才能摆脱和解决所面临的许多困难和问题。

26、The ideal models are propitious to evaluate the validity or the reliability of a certain education research correctly, and help the educational theory research to develop more maturely and healthily. ─── 依据这种理想模型,将有利于恰当地评价某项教育研究的有效性或可靠性,并促进教育理论研究更成熟和更健康的发展。

27、The angel should respond to protect and spread the information about Lavender, which can make the Lavender grow healthily and let more people to appreciate and enjoy these fantastic Lavender. ─── “守护天使”担当起美丽薰衣草的保护与传播之责,让薰衣草持续健康地成长,让更多人能够分享壮观的薰衣草花海。

28、Give full play to the function of educating people and enlightening by education of mathematics, promote students to be overall, harmonious and develop the aim that mathematics educates healthily. ─── 充分发挥数学的育人与教化的功能,促进学生全面、和谐与健康地发展是数学教育的宗旨。 数学作文这种新的教学方式:有利于学生养成良好的数学学习习惯;

29、Promote walling materials innovation work continued stably developing healthily ─── 促进墙改工作持续稳定健康发展

30、Remind in time, feel the pulse of as soon as possible, grow healthily for its just about, for a long time development. ─── 及时提醒,及早号脉,正是为了其能更健康地成长、更长久地发展。

31、It is one of the tasks for the education in any countries to help a newborn generation melt into the society smoothly and healthily and complete the socialization process. ─── 帮助新生一代健康地融入社会,顺利地完成社会化过程是任何一个国家教育的本职任务之一。

32、The financial strategy management of modem enterprises is very important in the whole managemenl, because it can make the enterprise develop stably and healthily. ─── 企业财务战略管理在企业整个经营管理活动中处干举足轻重的地位,它能使企业保持长期、稳定、健康地发展。

33、But some problems in enterprise grouping have also reveled.Only these problems are solved, can the enterprise group grow healthily and rapidly. ─── 但在集团化过程中也暴露出了许多问题,只有解决好这些问题,企业集团才能健康、快速地发展。

34、"You can be living your life quite happily and healthily, when all of a sudden you are flung into a different world which can de stroy a person because you haveto relearn the rules of living," she says. ─── “当你突然被抛入能摧毁你的另一个世界,一切都得以从头学起时,你照样能过健康幸福的生活。”她说。

35、No one knows if it can grow healthily. ─── 它们能否稳健成长,是一个未知数。

36、Engines expected will include BMW's 3.0 liter twin-turbo and the 4.4 liter, twin-turbo V8, all with plenty of power output to keep the new 5-series healthily chugging along. ─── 发动机预期将包括宝马的3.0升双涡轮增压和4.4升,双涡轮增压V8引擎,所有用大量的输出功率,以保持新的5系列健康加莫玛。

37、Live along with people horizontal of exaltation, consume healthily get into people's consumption idea, so health care the article also is subjected to favor. ─── .随着人们生活水平的提高,健康消费成进入人们的消费观念,因此保健品也越来越受到青睐。

38、Discussing about the ethical disputation on cloning technique will be beneficial to evaluate the technique correctly and make it develop healthily. ─── 克隆技术是现代生物工程的重要生物技术手段之一,目前发展迅猛,且争议甚多。

39、Cost share in secondary vocational edu cation is the investable condition of raising funds from various means and keeping the secondary vocational education to develop healthily. ─── 中等职业教育实行成本分担是多渠道筹集教育经费,保证中等职业教育健康发展的充要条件。

40、I'd stop drinking, eat healthily and go to bed early ─── 停止喝酒,合理膳食,早睡觉

41、The baby, so long as you can come near us healthily, we feel gratified. ─── 宝贝,只要你能健康的来到我们的身边,我们就感到欣慰了。

42、"The national economy is developing continuously, rapidly and healthily" ─── 国民经济持续、快速、健康发展

43、The author thought that the EIPs had been expanding healthily and rapidly, while it was still within the exploring phases. ─── 作者认为,我国关于生态工业园区的建设,发展态势好,速度较快,但整体上还是属于积极探索的阶段。

44、So we must take the syn-thetical measures with multilevels and links to prevent and control its breeding and extension,so as to safeguard the teen-agers growing up healthily. ─── 因此,我们必须从社会、家庭、学校等多方面入手,采取高层次、多环节的综合措施,预防、控制精神虐待现象的滋生蔓延,确保青少年健康成长。

45、There are still some damp tolerant species like Phyllostachys heteroclada, B.multiplex raeuschel var. luteawen, bambusa oldhami which can grow healthily by the water side. ─── 在一些潮湿低压地区,为了增加竹林的观赏价值,人们常采取措施来改造土地来使其符合竹子的生长条件。

46、If I do not end it today, then the problem creates disorder, a disturbance, and the brain needs order to function healthily, normally, not neurotically. ─── 如果我今天不结束它,那么那个问题产生了无序,产生了干扰,然而大脑需要秩序,来健康而正常地运做,而非神经质地运做。

47、The tax of individual income is closely related to social politics and economy,which is also play an important role in advancing socialistic market economy healthily. ─── 个人所得税与社会政治、经济密切相关,对促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展有重要意义。

48、Alive happily and healthily is the best love to a mother.To a mother nothing is more joyful than to see healthy children. ─── 好好活着,就是对母亲最好的爱。再没有什么比看到健康的孩子们,让母亲更幸福快乐的了。

49、How to just grow height healthily? ─── 如何才能健康地增长身高?

50、In Huizhou Foreign Language School, this big family, we are learning happily and growing healthily. ─── 在惠外这个大家庭里,我们快乐地学习,健康地成长。

51、Carry Out Three Tactics to Promote Privately Owned Enterprise to be Healthily Developed ─── 实施三大战略促进私营企业健康发展

52、The paper discusses the power source planning and imagines the power grid planning of Hunan so as to help the power market of Hunan develop healthily and orderly. ─── 为适应我国电力体制改革下“厂网分开”的新形势,保证电网规划的顺利进行,有必要协调电源规划与电网规划之间的关系。

53、Increasing Support, Acceleration Development of Non-governmental Enterprises Quickly and Healthily ─── 加大扶持力度促进民营科技企业快速健康发展

54、He graduated healthily “unintimidated by business and its practitioners”, not least by HBS itself, which had two failings in his view. ─── 对“商业和从商者”,尤其是对HBS“心有畏惧”,布劳顿先生还是成功毕业了--终于脱离了苦海。

55、As her teacher, I was very happy for her and hoped that she could continue to uphold the belief, grow healthily and fulfill her dream. ─── 作为她的老师真的让我很为她开心,希望她可以一直这样坚持信念,健康的成长,完成她的梦想。

56、Hope it can let you healthily andhappily enjoy to belong to your lifes everyday. ─── 希望它能让你们每天都健康快乐的享受属于你们的生活。

57、According to this point, the enterprises in China should establish the enterprise cultures with their Chinese features, in order to make the enterprises develop sustainedly and healthily. ─── 中国企业应该以企业文化建设为突破口,形成具有中国特色的企业文化,推动企业的可持续健康发展。

58、Nowadays, Sanhe impression "Three Gather the One being as same as others in the world" grows healthily and strongly in independent design printing. ─── 三合印象“三合为一,大同天下”在当今群雄逐鹿的设计印刷界中茁壮成长;

59、The company insists on the principle of “honesty and faithfulness, creating bilateral benefit and cooperation for a win-win result” and is keeping moving forward stably, healthily and continuously. ─── 企业坚持“诚实守信,互惠互利,合作共赢",坚实地迈出每一步,实现健康持续发展。

60、We should pay attention to pluralistic concept as well as humanistis care, and distinguishing products.In this way, religion-oriented tourism of Shijiazhuang will develop healthily. ─── 在宗教旅游规划中,应以多元化开发思路,本着人文关怀的精神,注重特色产品的开发,使石家庄市宗教旅游文化产业健康有序发展。

61、Only then like this, can cause the filial piety feeling the social economy comprehensive, stable, coordinated, healthily to develop. ─── 只有这样,才能使孝感的社会经济全面、稳定、协调、健康地发展。

62、In the world of youth, there is a place where they can play, study and grow up healthily. ─── 在青少年的世界里,有一个地方可以嬉戏,可以学习,可以健康成长。

63、How to resolve them to make educational technology specialty develop healthily and fast? ─── 如何去发现并解决这些问题才能使教育技术学专业健康快速的发展?

64、Little the past two days on the go home, I hope you grow up healthily Oh, oh, we need to create a miracle. ─── 小小这两天就回家了,希望你健康成长哦,我们要创造奇迹哦。

65、Therefore, it is necessary that we make systemic cognition about the concept and connotation of ecotourism in order to promote the ecotourism to develop healthily in our country. ─── 因而有必要对生态旅游的概念内涵进行系统认识,以期促进我国生态旅游的健康发展。

66、Thus make the international freight transportation act for the industry in the our country can more quick but develop healthily. ─── 从而使国际货运代理业在我国得以迅速、健康地发展。

67、If anyone who love me or i love could be live healthily and happily, i would choose to die without any regret. ─── 如果可以让爱我的人和我所爱的人都能健康幸福的活着,那我选择没有遗憾的死。

68、To advance the development of Olympic Games healthily, this article analyzed three different controversies of Olympic marketing's main body from benefits of social and economical angles. ─── 为促进奥林匹克运动会会在我国健康发展,本文从社会效益角度和经济效益角度审视奥林匹克运动会营销主体。

69、Nantan and in the numerous villages of Xinhui, we can see the silhouettes of the healthily growing Chinese palms. ─── 唯此,我更愿意把这本摄影集看作是摄影家冯耀华以艺术的形式敬献给葵乡的歌与诗。

70、The construction cost default has been a key problem that perplexes our country building industry to develop healthily. ─── 工程款拖欠一直是困扰我国建筑业健康发展的一个主要问题。

71、We should make sure to develop rural urbanization positively,stably and healthily by way of insisting on the leading of industry,on reforming the investment system of town construction,on dee... ─── 坚持产业引领、改革小城镇建设的投资体制、深化制度的配套改革、合理布局、科学规划,积极、稳妥地推进农村城镇化的健康发展。

72、Directing College Development Healthily by Scientific Development Points ─── 以科学发展观指导高等教育健康发展

73、The mechanism is the core problem that restricts press to develop healthily ─── 体制是制约我国报业健康发展的核心问题

74、Help Your Child Grow Up Healthily ─── 帮助你的孩子健康成长

75、Therefore, brand establishment is urgently demanded to promote economic development of Nanhai continuously, steadily and healthily. ─── 因此迫切需要打造自己的品牌,以推动经济的持续、稳定、健康发展。

76、How might this knowledge be used to help people eat more healthily? ─── 如何利用这些知识来帮助人们吃得更健康呢?

77、Drawing on the developed countries' experiences,consummating policy system and developing suitable technologies,the field of waste water reuse would be developed rapidly and healthily in China. ─── 借鉴发达国家成功经验、完善政策法规体系、开发适合中国国情的回用技术,将促进具有巨大潜力的中国城市污水回用市场健康快速发展。

78、People often become vegetarians in order to lose weight or eat more healthily. ─── 人们变成素食主义者经常是为了减肥或为了吃得更健康一些.

79、The General Manager added, "I am glad to see Kempinski Hotel Suzhou as it is now. It is like watching a kid grow up quickly and healthily. " ─── 蒲克南先生说,“酒店能有今天的这样一个成果,我感到很高兴,就像看着一个小孩在健康快速成长”。

80、It is our choice to start our education to the teenage the elite of Confucianism and let them grow up healthily in the edification of Confucianism. ─── 从幼儿开始,让他们淋浴在儒家精华文化中,让他们在熏陶中健康成长,这就是我们的选择。

81、Mr Edwards said the number of paying subscribers was " fairly small , but growing healthily " . ─── 爱德华兹表示,付费用户数量“相当少,但在健康地增长”。

82、To keep the economy growing persistingly and healthily, the connection relationship between economic and energy must be studied. ─── 为了保持国民经济的稳定、持续和健康发展,需要研究经济增长与能源投入之间的关联关系。

83、As a pupil, let's control ourselves more strictly to grow up more healthily .Please try to do these things. ─── 作为一名小学生,让我们从小更严格地要求自己,更健康地成长吧。让我们一起努力做到以下几点:

84、Managing According to the Laws Make Sure the Rural Hydropower Developed Healthily and Nicer ─── 依法管理确保农村水电健康发展

85、A happy family provides a good environment for children to grow healthily. ─── 孩子们需要幸福的家庭环境才能健康地成长。

86、I thought I should give it a chance and unexpectedly it survived healthily. ─── 我想我应该给它一个机会。令人意外地,它健康地存活下来。

87、All these specific features as a part of Australian culture will further develop healthily. ─── 其特色作为澳洲民族文化的一个组成部分,一定会健康地发展下去。

88、S.. Thereby, the frictions between China and the United States will be eased up, and the bilateral economic and trade relations will continue developing healthily. ─── 从而缓和中美两国之间的摩擦,促使双边经贸关系能够继续健康发展。

89、The ossa membri inferioris fracture patient healthily educate of clinic practice with realize ─── 下肢骨折病人健康教育的临床实践与体会

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