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09-15 投稿



heft 发音

英:[heft]  美:[hɛft]

英:  美:

heft 中文意思翻译





heft 网络释义

n. 重量;重要性vt. 举起;举起试重量vi. 称重量n. (Heft)人名;(英)赫夫特

heft 词性/词形变化,heft变形

动词过去式: hefted |动词第三人称单数: hefts |动词过去分词: hefted |动词现在分词: hefting |

heft 短语词组

1、heft up ─── [网络] 堆积起来

heft 相似词语短语

1、hent ─── vt.抓;捕获;n.企图;目的

2、deft ─── adj.灵巧的;机敏的;敏捷熟练的

3、hefty ─── adj.重的;肌肉发达的;异常大的;adv.强有力地;非常;n.体格健壮的人;n.(Hefty)人名;(英)赫夫蒂;(法)埃夫蒂

4、heat ─── n.高温;压力;热度;热烈;vt.使激动;把…加热

5、hefts ─── n.重量;重要性;vt.举起;举起试重量;vi.称重量;n.(Heft)人名;(英)赫夫特

6、eft ─── n.水蜥;小蜥蜴

7、theft ─── n.盗窃;偷;赃物

8、hest ─── n.命令;训谕

9、haft ─── n.[建]把手;牧场;住处;vt.给…装上柄;使羊群适应新牧场;vi.安顿下来;n.(Haft)人名;(德)哈夫特

heft 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A big drop’s size and heft give it a faster terminal velocity.Because it overcomes air resistance better than a small drop. ─── 大雨滴的体积和重量使得它具有更快的自由沉降速度,因为它克服空气阻力的能力比小雨滴更强。

2、Through using the cursor of oscillograph, you can measure the frequency of each frequency heft and extent. ─── 经由过程利用示波器的游标,您能够测量各个频率分量的频率和幅度。

3、Interlink as much as possible to spread the word. You can link the petition site back to Facebook and your blog to give it more heft. ─── 你可以链接请愿网站到Facebook和你的博客给它更多的分量。

4、Powerful, rich nose which opens on aromas of pink grapefruit and blood orange. Impresses from the outset with its roundness and heft, typical of a hot-weather vintage. ─── 香气强烈、丰富,红柚和血橙的香气。入口即可感觉到该酒的圆润和丰富,非常适合天热时饮用,有一系列热带水果香味。

5、, Bd. 147, Miscellanea Bavarica Monacensia ;, Heft 147. ─── 系列: Neue Schriftenreihe des Stadtarchivs Munchen, Miscellanea Bavarica Monacensia ;

6、Research on the design of the integral fertilizer sowing mechanism with the stratification and heft ─── 整体式分层分量施肥装置设计

7、Body-mass index (BMI), the height-to-weight ratio used to measure adult heft, seemed irrelevant to people whose bodies are still growing. ─── 人体重量指数,即用来衡量成年人身体重量的身高与体重之比,看起来好像与那些身体仍在发育的人没有什么关系。

8、Das Studentenwerk gibt alle 14 Tage ein Heft heraus, in dem sich die Studierenden schon vorab ueber das reichhaltige Speiseangebot informieren koennen. ─── 大学生服务部每14天出版一个小册子,学生们可以事先了解到丰富的饭菜供给内容。

9、" Ma Yuan expresses likewise: "In Chinese literature this big board piece inside, poetic heft is distinctive, be worth us to pay close attention to all the more. ─── ”马原同样表示:“在中国文学这个大的板块里面,诗的分量是独特的,值得我们格外关注。

10、Quite literally, over time, our brains lose their heft. ─── 很坦白地讲,长期下来,我们的大脑的重量会减轻。

11、The fact remains that, beyond the cachet of his DNA, Kim Jong-un has no military or political heft. ─── 但是,除去他的优良基因不谈,金正恩其实是没有任何军事上或者政治上的影响力的。

12、Heft of Uncertainty ─── 不确定度分量

13、Widmann, R., “Simulation de Stranssenverkehrsflusses,” Schriftenreihe des Instituts fur Verkehswesen, Heft 8, Universitat Karlsruhe, 1974. ─── 彼得.圣吉,第五项修练-学习型组织的艺术与实务,天下文化出版社,1993。

14、His work ethic matched the heft of a 10-man labor force, was perhaps rivaled only by his insatiable desire to learn. ─── 他的工作热情甚至超过了10个人合在一起,大概只有他永远无法满足的求知欲才能与其匹敌。

15、If be overhead suspension large wall lamp, consider weight even, some festive lantern heft 5 jins, be not the problem that main wall can appear to be installed hard. ─── 假如是悬挂式大型壁灯,则还要考虑到重量,有些花灯重达5斤,非承重墙会出现难以安装的问题。

16、Of Lei Jun " mental cacique " does heft have multiple? ─── 雷军的“精神领袖”分量有多重?

17、The heft of the larger European countries, it reasoned, would restrain the growing clout of the United States. ─── 它的动机是,几个主要欧洲国家的分量将削弱美国日益增长的影响。

18、The 155-page American edition of the book packs the intellectual heft of a much longer text. ─── 此书的美国版本只有155页,但具有加长版的知智分量。

19、Tiger penis has been banned for obvious reasons, so the equally impressive (in terms of heft) deer penis is more often consumed. ─── 在虎鞭被国家禁止之后,就饮鹿鞭酒代替。

20、“American” suggests breadth, width and heft: a bigger, more panoramic vision. ─── “美国”意味着宽度、广度和分量:一种更大、更为全景式的景象。

21、Lord Turner's is one of the few voices with real intellectual heft. ─── 特纳勋爵的观点是少数几个真正有智力分量的观点之一。

22、The car had to be able to go 100+ mph despite its size and heft. ─── 不论车的大小和重量,蝙蝠车要的时速要达到每小时100英里以上。

23、Von Beginn an hatte man das Heft in der Hand und der deutliche Sieg war zu keiner Zeit in Gefahr. ─── 人们从一开始就控制着局势,毫无疑问,胜利在望。

24、Results Among the 48 cases,46 were cured, 1died, Heft hospital-inentiondlly. ─── 结果死亡1例,1例自动出院,46例低钠血症症状恢复。

25、Impresses from the outset with its roundness and heft, typical of a hot-weather vintage, before developing a range of fruit flavours. ─── 入口即可感觉到该酒的圆润和丰富,非常适合天热时饮用,有一系列水果香味。

26、Technically, crab exists in the middle of the seafood hierarchy.It doesn't carry the same status heft as lobster, shark fin, or abalone. ─── [从技术层面上来讲,螃蟹位列海鲜的中档,没有龙虾、鱼翅和鲍鱼那样的尊崇地位。

27、A big drop's size and heft give it a faster terminal velocity. Because it overcomes air resistance better than a small drop. ─── 大雨滴的体积和重量使得它具有更快的自由沉降速度,因为它克服空气阻力的能力比小雨滴更强。

28、And although Google is doing a pretty good job aggregating meanings, I would prefer some human experts to give authority and heft to a new database of meaning. ─── 尽管谷歌在聚合释义方面做得不错,但我更希望能有一些专家学者给新的释义数据库提供权威、有份量的内容。

29、Economy does not grow, international does not have a position, conversation does not have heft, take a beating in the war, the passivity in competition, this has been a deep history chides our nation. ─── 经济不发展,国际没地位,说话没分量,战争中挨打,竞争中被动,这已经是我们国家一个深刻的历史教训。

30、Females have more heft in the neocortex, a higher-order region that wires them for complex tasks like nurturing and reading social cues. ─── 而女性大脑皮层的分量更多,这是一个高级区域,保证她们适应诸如哺乳和解读社会线索等复杂的任务。

31、Under it, ludicrously undemocratic elections are to be held in 2010, giving some veneer of legitimacy to the soldiers' unbudgeable heft in parliament and government. ─── 根据这一宪法,荒诞的不民主的选举将在2010年举行,还借助合法的外衣,赋予军队在议会和政府中不可动摇的力量。

32、His evidence is that China has agreed to chip in $40 billion, prior to any changes to its voting power in the IMF (it has the same heft as Belgium). ─── 他的证据是中国同意注资400亿美元,并且首先要改变其在国际货币基金组织里的投票权(现在其投票权重仅与比利时相当)。

33、To stomach trouble patient, the most important is the heft that should notice to take food, is not alimental soft tough question. ─── 对于胃病患者来说,最重要的是要注意进食的分量,而不是食物的软硬问题。

34、A long-time bureaucrat who has never run for public office, Mr Steinmeier needed to convince sceptical voters that he has the heft to do Ms Merkel's job. ─── 官僚阶级很长时间未曾竞选公共职位,斯泰因迈尔需要说服持怀疑态度的选民相信他有足够的能力承担默克尔的工作。

35、Pass TDS3SDI module, you can dog and identify signal of ITU-R BT.601 video, check the imitate heft of its representing and compound video weaveform, analysis flow. ─── 经由过程TDS3SDI模块,您能够跟踪和识别ITU-R BT.601视频信号,检查其代表的模拟分量和复合视频波形,分析位流。

36、Goldstone wished Tom Hill were there to add heft to his argument. ─── 戈德斯通曾希望汤姆·希尔能在那里给他的辩论增加分量。

37、JBIC encourages Japanese firms to form consortiums to increase their heft. ─── 日本国际协力银行鼓励日本企业组成财团以增加其分量。

38、It is reported, of whole marriage gauze heft 160 kilograms, enchasing above amount to 30 thousand Austria to use strange crystal of Hua Luo world. ─── 据悉,整件婚纱的重达160公斤,上面镶嵌着多达3万颗奥地利施华洛世奇水晶。

39、The dirndl skirt features a gathered waistband which adds loads of bulk to a body area most women don't need any more heft. ─── 紧身连衫裙的特点是多褶有腰带,无疑是给腰部增加体积,而多数女性都不希望那里再多点什么了。

40、Then the authors present “coordinate heft separate” method, discover self-similar structure of points set on plain area; ─── 进而提出“坐标分量分离方法”,并由此发现了平面区域上点集坐标数值的自相似结构;

41、The size and heft of current fuel cells has been a major obstacle to making them practical for use in automobiles. ─── 目前的燃料电池的体积和重量是将它们实际运用于汽车的主要障碍。

42、31. The carpenter expects similar feedback: the feel of the nail sinking, the sound of the steel striking steel, and the heft of the hammer's weight. ─── 木匠也希望有类似的反馈,如钉子下沉的感觉,铁互相击打的声音,以及举起锤子的感觉等。

43、Despite his heft, the 2-year-old pig is not lazy. ─── 尽管他的分量,2岁的猪是不是懒惰。

44、The heft of the concrete walls is offset by the riotous plantings of Texas elderberry, coralberry, and wax myrtles as well as black granite slabs that appear to hover above the water. ─── 视觉上混凝土墙的厚重感被一丛丛茂盛的德克萨斯接骨木、珊瑚莓和桃金娘抵消。这些花丛同时还转移了水面上花岗岩石板的压迫感。

45、But making a public pledge before leaders of 33 other nations, many of whom he had not yet met, gave his words added heft. ─── 但在33个国家领导人面前(其中很多他以前还未见过)做出公开的承诺,更加重了他的话的分量。

46、Apple says this makes sense because sealing in the batteries lets the company make them larger, without adding heft to the laptops. ─── 苹果公司表示,这么做是有道理的,因为使用内置电池的话,公司就可以将电池做的更大,又不用加大笔记本电脑的厚度。

47、Das Studentenwerk gibt alle 14 Tage ein Heft heraus, in dem sich die Studierenden schon vorab ueber das reichhaltige eiseangebot informieren koe en. ─── 大学生服务部每14天出版一个小册子,学生们可以事先了解到丰富的饭菜供应内容。

48、I won't be compensated for any injuries I might sustain if I heft your bag into the overhead compartment for you. ─── 如果要我帮你把袋子放进位于头上的柜子中,我因此受伤的话,是不会得到任何赔偿的。

49、Stunning interior materials start with the heft of the console lid and the LED lighting on the glovebox button and contribute to a strong quality feel. ─── 美轮美奂的内饰材料的试验开始的控制台盖子和LED照明的手套箱按钮,并有助于建立一个强有力的质量的感觉。

50、Melly couldn't even heft that sword!" ─── 媚兰连那刀子也举不起来呢!

51、The heft of the concrete walls is offset by the riotous plantings of Texas elderberry, coralberry, and wax myrtles. ─── 混凝土墙的厚重感被一丛丛茂盛的德克萨斯接骨木、珊瑚莓和蜡杨梅消减了不少。

52、The heft of environmental protection continues to accentuate in bedroom adornment, and this in September, "Use board less " became a modern word. ─── 环保的分量在居室装饰中继续加重,而这个9月,“少用板材”就成了一句时髦的话。

53、Yuan of mat appearance that henry produces and this common mat do not have too big difference, style and bamboo make " mahjong card " mat is same, but heft should weigh several times. ─── 这款元亨利产的凉席外表与普通凉席没有太大差别,样式和竹制的“麻将牌”凉席一样,但分量要重好几倍。

54、Technically, crab exists in the middle of the seafood hierarchy.It doesn't carry the same status heft as lobster, shark fin, or abalone.But for ordinary Chinese, the crab is special. ─── 按道理,螃蟹位列海鲜中游,没有龙虾、鲨鱼鳍和鲍鱼那样的尊崇地位。

55、He carries it off with a style that combines intellectual heft with some deft glad-handing and showmanship. ─── 他把智力与娴熟的逢迎技巧和作秀功夫结合在一起,这种方法获得了成功。

56、Other groupings are gaining heft. ─── 其他组织的重要性也开始凸现。

57、Part of what contributes to the Yamaha's heft is a steel chassis. ─── 部分内容有助于雅马哈的试验是一个钢铁底盘。

58、have puffed up and sexed up Eileen Chang's original story without adding any psychological depth or sociopolitical heft. ─── 编剧们渲染张爱玲的小说中的情色一面,却没有加入任何有关人物心理和社会政治的深度描写。(简言之,编剧一败涂地!)

59、It has a satisfying heft and an actual QWERTY keyboard with decent spacing and nice tactile feedback. ─── 该软件并能每隔指定时间将被控端屏幕图片保存在控制端电脑中,方便您以后随时进行调阅。

60、This follows at the outset Ma Yun is taken when cleaning out treasure to be hit with easy interest, heft differs already completely. ─── 这跟当初马云拿淘宝跟易趣打的时候,分量已经完全不同。

61、But Christensen figures he's got at least another 10 to 15 to go before he'll have amassed the heft that the Dark-Side Darth demands. ─── 但是克里斯腾森认为,他至少要再增加10到15磅的体重,才能达到扮演黑暗面的达斯所需要的体重。

62、They have the heft of balsa wood. They are as porous as a sponge,brittle as a coffee mug dropped on the floor ... ─── 它们重如轻木的木材,它们象海绵一样多孔,象咖啡杯一样掉到地上那样易碎。

63、Taste : Impresses from the outset with its roundness and heft, typical of a hot-weather vintage,before developing a range of fruit flavours (tropical fruit like mango,citrus fruit and fresh apricot). ─── 口感:入口即可感觉到该酒的圆润和丰富,非常适合天热时饮用,有一系列水果香味(热带水果如芒果、柑橘和新鲜杏子)。

64、Also, adventurers can see the spirits of the fallen outside of Orgrimmar and Ironforge and can take a moment to heft a mug of Harvest Nectar to their memory. ─── 而且,冒险者们可以在奥格瑞玛以及铁炉堡外面看见英雄们的灵魂,而且可以抽出一点时间举起一杯收割节的甘露献给英雄。

65、” Further she goes to say that this revelation of self “oppresses, like the Heft of Cathedral Tunes” and causes “Heavenly Hurt”, yet does not scare for it is neither exterior nor permanent. ─── 她进一步去说, 自已的这揭示"压迫, 象大教堂重量定调" 和导致"天堂般伤害", 不惊吓为它是不外部亦不永久。

66、He carries a lot of heft. ─── 他很有势力。

67、Indians in the capital much prefer to talk of the economic boom, of India's flourishing trade and its growing international heft. ─── 首都的印度人更愿意谈论印度腾飞的经济,繁荣的贸易和它不断提升的国际地位。

68、The repeal of Glass-Steagall, in 1999, allowed commercial banks to break into the securities business and ultimately gain the heft to compete with the likes of Bear Stearns and Merrill. ─── 该法案于1999年被废除,商业银行进而得以从事证券业务,并最终有实力与贝尔斯登和美林等公司竞争。

69、3. The smallest weighed in at a mere three kilograms, hardly more than a small housecat; the largest tipped the scales at a gorillalike heft of 80 kilograms. ─── 最小的体重只有三公斤,与小号家猫差不多大;最大的体重80公斤,与雌性大猩猩相当。收藏指正

70、The main principle of gem gal nutrition is heft little, eat high quality food. ─── 瑜伽营养的主要原则是分量少,吃高品质的食物。

71、The smallest weighed in at a mere three kilograms, hardly more than a small housecat; the largest tipped the scales at a gorillalike heft of 80 kilograms. ─── 最小的体重只有三公斤,与小号家猫差不多大;最大的体重80公斤,与雌性大猩猩相当。

72、He will have the heft to advise on policy toward China, and that would be a bad thing only if he becomes frustrated with the decisions above him. ─── 他的意见将在对华政策中占有重要分量,只有他对上级的决定感到失望时事情才会变坏。

73、Even so, regulators still fret that banks might use their combined heft to overcharge. ─── 即便如此,管理者仍旧对银行可能利用联合的力量来讨价还价而感到烦恼。

74、Beijing could also use its heft to corral developing nations into pushing the Doha Round of global trade talks to a conclusion. ─── 北京也可以利用其分量,说服发展中国家,拖动全球贸易谈判多哈回合的结束。

75、This article introduces the gray zone of competitive intelligence, and discusses that how the staffs in the gray heft gather competitive intelligence. ─── 本文介绍了竞争情报中的灰色地带,并对灰色地带中竞争情报的搜集工作进行了探讨。

76、Hyundai's 3.8-liter V6 is actually pretty peppy when you consider the heft it's dragging around. ─── 现代汽车的3.8升V6引擎实际上是相当peppy当你考虑到试验的拖曳周围。

77、The text narrates the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement for rotameter, specifying the engenderof various heft. ─── 本文讲述了转子流量计测量不确定度的评定。具体分述各个分量的产生。

78、Haitang Heft ─── 海棠合剂

79、He reckons digital technology is more likely to increase the heft of blockbusters. ─── 他认为数字技术更有可能提升那些大片的影响力。

80、Influence will increase along with economic heft. ─── 影响将随着经济实力的增强而增加。

81、Thus all these tiny scratches give us breadth and heft and depth. ─── 可见,所有这些小来小去的一撇一点都给我们增加了广度、分量和深度。

82、The heft of 1 news information becomes heavy apparently. ─── 1 新闻资讯的分量明显变重了。

83、The size and heft of current fuel cells has been a major obstacle to making them practical for use in automobiles. ─── 目前的燃料电池的体积和重量是将它们实际运用于汽车的主要障碍。

84、Education is to achive people, if classroom teaching doesn"t regard students as subjective people, doesn"t develop people"s subjectivity, it will become heft people, which is the negtive of education. ─── 教育是成就人的,课堂教学如果不把学生当有主体性的人看,不发展人的主体性,那它就走向了教育的反面而成了害人。

85、Lightweight runners with normal arches may prefer neutral-cushioned shoes without any added support, or even a performance-training shoe that offers some support but less heft, for a faster feel. ─── 不要选择稳定跑鞋或者动作控制跑鞋,因为这两种鞋会减弱或者控制内翻,这与我们的目的恰恰是相悖的。

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