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09-15 投稿



cade 发音

英:[keɪd]  美:[ked]

英:  美:

cade 中文意思翻译




cade 网络释义

adj. 离母而由人饲养的n. 杜松n. (Cade)人名;(法)卡德;(英、西)凯德

cade 短语词组

1、abbreviated cade ─── 缩写cade

2、cade cunningham ─── 坎宁安瀑布

3、cade foehner ─── 坠落的栅栏

4、Jack Cade n. ─── 杰克·凯德

5、cade klubnik ─── 落团

6、cade woodward ─── 伍德沃德瀑布

7、cade cunninghamstats cade Cunninghambats ─── 公司

8、cade oil ─── [化] 杜松油(医用) ─── [医] 杜松焦油

9、cade foehner facebook ─── 凯德·福纳facebook

10、date cade ─── 日期落下

11、anarch cade ─── 无政府组织

12、cade wild clay ─── 野生粘土瀑布

13、cade maddox falcon ─── 马多克斯猎鹰瀑布

cade 相似词语短语

1、cades ─── n.(Cades)人名;(法)卡德;(英)凯兹

2、Cade ─── adj.离母而由人饲养的;n.杜松;n.(Cade)(美、英、法、加)凯德(人名)

3、-ade ─── abbr.自动数据输入(AutomatedDataEntry);n.(Ade)人名;(德、法、西、意、阿拉伯、印尼、马里、索)阿德;(日)安谛(姓);(英)埃德(教名Adam、Adamson、Addison的昵称)

4、clade ─── n.分化枝;进化枝;n.(Clade)人名;(德)克拉德

5、cadet ─── n.幼子,次子;实习生;候补军官;陆海军官学校的学员;n.(法)卡代(人名);(英)卡德特(人名)

6、-cade ─── adj.离母而由人饲养的;n.杜松;n.(Cade)(美、英、法、加)凯德(人名)

7、cadre ─── n.干部;基础结构;骨骼

8、cadge ─── vi.乞讨;骗得白食;行乞;贩卖;vt.乞讨;行乞;贩卖;n.(Cadge)人名;(英)卡奇

9、cadie ─── 球童

cade 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、camel cade ─── [美]骆驼队

2、Brandon HillRic Flair &Shawn Michaels vs.Lance Cade &Trevor MurdochUmaga vs.Super CrazyJohn Cena vs.Mr.KennedyCarlito vs.Cody RhodesTriple H vs. ─── WWE RAW 080303是一部经典的综艺节目,该片由偶也不知道 主演,故事讲述的是: Big Show vs.

3、For example, the model produced steel radiator, not only can create a unique, but the space is spacious, clean and very convenient, can only use alcohol or detergent like Cade as the mirror clean. ─── 比如仿钢铁质地的散热器,不仅能营造现代感,还能使空间显得宽敞,清洗也很方便,只需使用酒精或洗涤剂就能擦得像镜面一样干净。

4、The content of this page is from the CADE port or CADE customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自CADE港口或CADE海关的进出口公司目录;

5、Index: Outward Appearace white powder, no cade, no variegated pellet. ─── 产品外观:白色粉末、结团、杂色颗粒。

6、Mr White:Cade,here is your jacket. ─── 凯德,这里有你的夹克衫。

7、And Ib guess the sound of the outward-bound cade him a slave to his wanderin ways. ─── 我猜想就是这种出旅的声音使他无法摆脱自己那种想四处漂泊的行径。

8、Cade has just come from Atlanta, and it's all upset they are there and talking war and--" Scarlett sighed. ─── 凯德刚刚从亚特兰大来,他们正兴致勃勃,在那里谈论战争,以及----"思嘉叹了一口气。

9、Cade D, Cole E T, Mayer J P, et al. Liquid filled and sealed hard gelatin capsules[J]. Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 1986, 12(11-13): 2289. ─── 沈航孝,顾林金.液体灌装硬胶囊技术的研究概况[J].中国医药工业杂志,2005,36(6):377.

10、Mr.Kennedy vs.UmagaSantino Marella & Carlito vs.Hardcore Holly & Cody RhodesChris Jericho vs.JBLBeth Phoenix & Katie Lea Burchill vs.Mickie James & MelinaLance Cade vs.Trevor MurdochJohn Cena vs. ─── Jeff Hardy"爱情的过程远比计划的短,细节的感受远比知道的复杂,两个人从开始相爱到分手的思念,是爱情的前阶段。

11、I'll leave Tara to you and Cade--" ─── 我要把塔拉农场留给你和凯德----"

12、This is Cade. ─── 这是凯德。

13、Cade: One cake, two apples, three oranges and a banana. ─── 一块饼、两只苹果、三个桔子和一根香蕉。

14、The Dudley Boyz vs.Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak vs. ─── 世界双打冠军4队争夺赛: La Resistance vs.

15、Cade:So he is not a nice boy. ─── 所以他不是一个好男孩。

16、"He's been broken hearted because he thinks I'm in love with Brent or Stuart or Cade. ─── "他的心已经伤透了,因为他觉得我在跟布伦特或斯图尔特或凯德恋爱呢。

17、Bobby:Cade,I have a new bat. ─── 凯德,我有一块新乒乓板。

18、Rather than put the droid to work in its true capacity, however, Cade chose to rely on his own skills and knowledge. ─── 然而,跟充分利用机器人的能力比起来,凯德更愿意依靠他自己的技能和知识。

19、Lance Cade &Trevor MurdochPaul London &Brian Kendrick vs.Hardcore Holly &Cody RhodesChris Jericho vs.CM PunkRandy Orton vs.Matt HardyMaria vs. ─── WWE RAW 080331是一部经典的综艺节目,该片由偶也不知道 主演,故事讲述的是: Cryme Tyme vs.

20、Cade might not know but Cathleen knew. ─── 可能凯德还不知道,但凯瑟琳知道了。

21、May I speak to Cade? ─── 我可以和凯德说话吗?

22、CADE Administrative Council of Arab-African Technical Assistance Fund ─── 阿拉伯-非洲技术援助基金管理委员会

23、Mickie James(c) Umaga vs.Kamala Val Venis and Viscera vs.Lance Cade and. ─── 以下为本周RAW(060626)对阵表 Women’s Championship Match Trish Stratus vs.

24、Formerly he had the same combination of servility and impertinence which Wilkerson possessed but now, with Mr. Calvert and Raiford dead in the war and Cade sick, he had dropped all servility. ─── 从前他也有威尔克森那种卑躬屈膝又鲁莽无礼的两面态度,但自从在战争中卡尔弗特先生和雷福德牲以后,他就把卑屈的一面完全抛掉了。

25、A flush went over Cade's white face and Cathleen's long lashes veiled her eyes as her mouth hardened. ─── 此时凯德苍白的脸涨红了,凯瑟琳也垂下了长长的眼睫毛,紧闭着嘴。

26、Cady W E,Jessop E S,Buckner A T.Effect of rein-forcing cade silicone dioxide on the properties of a silicone elastomer and its cellular silicone.Am Gov Working Rep,1980:24 ─── 胡义,姚国萍.薄型开孔硅泡沫材料的研制.1995年中国科协第二届青年学术年会论文.成都:西南交通大学出版社,1995

27、Norm of Designation for Working Measuring Instrument and its Classification Cade ─── 工作计量器具命名与分类代码规范

28、In this study, we develop a computer-aided detection system (CADe) for MCCs, which is able to help radiologists reducing missing rates as well as arising diagnostic efficiencies. ─── 在本研究中,发展一套电脑辅助侦测系统用于侦测微小钙化群上,藉以减少放射科医师漏看的机率,提高诊断效率。

29、When you're older, you'll be seeing how 'tis.Now, do you be making up your mind about Cade or the twins or one of Evan Munroe's young bucks, and see how fine I turn you out!" ─── 等到你年纪大一些,你就会懂得----现在你要下定决心,究竟是挑选凯德还是那对双胞胎,或者伊凡-芒罗家的一个小伙子,无论谁,到时候看我让你们过得舒舒服服的。

30、Once apprentice to the pirate Rav, Cade found a home among bounty hunters and smugglers -- dropping the name "Skywalker". Not even his closest associates know Cade was a Jedi. ─── 凯德抛弃了“天行者”姓氏,拜海盗雷夫为师后,在赏金猎人及走私者中找到了自己的容身地。就连和他关系最密切的人也不知道凯德的前绝地身份。

31、cade oil ─── 杜松油

32、The character and present situation of CADE(computer aided design expression) and drawing expression were analyzed respectively. ─── 阐释了产品设计平面表达形式,分析了计算机辅助设计表达和手绘设计表达各自的特点和发展现状,并对二者进行了比较。

33、5.Once apprentice to the pirate Rav, Cade found a home among bounty hunters and smugglers -- dropping the name "Skywalker". ─── 凯德抛弃了“天行者”姓氏,拜海盗雷夫为师后,在赏金猎人及走私者中找到了自己的容身地。

34、Cade Skywalker is a direct descendant of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. Trained as a Jedi, he has since turned his back on his legacy. ─── 凯德·天行者是阿纳金与卢克·天行者的直系后裔。他曾接受绝地训练,但后来却叛出师门。

35、mouse; keyboard; pc camera; earphone; speakers; computer cade; MP3; USB products; ─── 光电鼠标;光电鼠标;鼠标垫;

36、"I wouldn't have Cade on a silver tray," cried Scarlett in fury. ─── “把凯德用银盘托着送给我,我也不会要,”思嘉气愤地喊道。

37、Cade:Ellen,let's go to school. ─── 爱伦,让我们上学去。

38、Oil of cade ─── 杜松焦油

39、Cade:This is not my jacket. ─── 这不是我的夹克衫。

40、Elizabeth Cade is a writer and lecturer. ─── 伊丽莎白·凯德是一名作家兼讲师。

41、Index:Outward Appearace white powder,no cade,no variegated pellet. ─── 产品外观:白色粉末、无结团、无杂色颗粒。

42、Property managers to bridge railings are Cade earnest, it is conceivable that their strong sense of service, higher quality of service. ─── 物业管理人员对桥上的栏杆都擦得那么认真,可以想象,他们的服务意识较强,服务质量较高。

43、Il messo malvagio cade in sciagure, ma l’ambasciatore fedele reca guarigione. ─── 忠心的使臣,使人复原。

44、Mr White:;Who can sing songs,Ada or Cade? ─── 谁会唱歌,艾达还是凯德?

45、A method of air defence hiding in EIS of CADE ─── 城市人防工程信息系统中防空隐蔽方法的实现

46、property managers to bridge railings are Cade earnest, it is conceivable that their strong sense of service, higher quality of service. ─── 物业管理人员对桥上的栏杆都擦得那么认真,可以想象,他们的服务意识较强,服务质量较高。

47、Cade Calvert was at home at Pine Bloom and, as Scarlett came up the steps of the old house in which she had danced so often in happier days, she saw that death was in his face. ─── 凯德 - 卡尔弗特家的松花村,是一幢老房子,思嘉以前曾常去那里跳舞。 当思嘉走上台阶时,她发现凯德的脸色像死人一样。

48、When you're older, you'll be seeing how 'tis. Now, do you be making up your mind about Cade or the twins or one of Evan Munroe's young bucks, and see how fine I turn you out!" ─── 等到你年纪大一些,你就会懂得----现在你要下定决心,究竟是挑选凯德还是那对双胞胎,或者伊凡 - 芒罗家的一个小伙子,无论谁,到时候看我让你们过得舒舒服服的。

49、Cade added a skull to the tatoo he received under the apprenticeship of Rav, and made the mark his own. ─── 凯德在担当雷夫的学徒时纹在身上,并在上面增刻了一个骷髅头,作为自己的私人徽记。

50、Scene 1 : Two women dressed in overalls in the artificial "tossing of billows Shenyang Lake" became a bridge railings Cade very dedicated and carefully. ─── 镜头一:有两个穿着工作服的女工在人造“滟阳湖”的一座桥上擦栏杆,擦得非常专心、仔细。

51、Cade Calvert was there and, after I settled about Dilcey, we all set on the gallery and had several toddies. ─── 凯德 - 卡尔弗特也在那里。 我办完迪尔茜的事以后,大家在走廊上喝了几盅棕榈酒。

52、CADE: Canadian Association for Distance Education ─── 加拿大远程教育协会

53、Cade's ship, the Mynock, is named for the parasitic creatures, common throughout the Galaxy, which feed on energy from the power cables of ships. ─── 凯德的飞船“米诺克”号,命名自星际间常见的一种寄生生物,它们以飞船电缆上传输的能量为食。

54、Chain Cade ─── 链码

55、i cieli sono arrotolati come un libro, e tutto il loro esercito cade, come cade la foglia dalla vite, come cade il fogliame morto dal fico. ─── 天也像书卷一般被卷起,所有星宿也必衰残,像葡萄树的叶子衰残一样,又像无花果树的叶子凋落一样。

56、if you have had anything ,you would been called this cade and someone meet you. ─── 如果你有什么问题,只要打个电话就会有人来接你。

57、Well, let's go over to Cade Calvert's and have supper. ─── 那么,咱们到凯德·卡尔佛特家去吃晚饭。

58、All parts contacting the medicine powder are cade of quality stainless steel, provide dust collector device and made according to GMP standard. ─── 与药物接触部分全部采用优质不锈钢精工制造,附吸尘装置,达到"GMP"标准要求。

59、Cathleen was as white as Cade had been the day Scarlett called, white and hard and brittle, as if her face would shatter if she spoke. ─── 凯瑟琳跟思嘉拜访那天的凯德一样苍白,苍白、冷峻而刚脆,仿佛一说话她的脸就会破裂似的。

60、I know every crab Block men, almost all of Cade discerning shoes, shirts and trousers on the whole line Tangde average, they are often skills housework than his wife's smart. ─── 我认识的每一个蟹座男人,几乎都是皮鞋擦得雪亮,衬衫和西裤上的线条烫得平平整整的,他们做家事的本领常常比太太高明。

61、They're fine lads, but if it's Cade Calvert you're setting your cap after, why, 'tis the same with me. ─── 他们是些好小子,不过,如果你在设法猎取的是,凯德 - 卡尔弗特,那么,这对我也完全一样。

62、Mr White:Who can help you move the desk,Ada or Cade? ─── 谁能帮你搬动桌子,艾达还是凯德?

63、Cade Calvert was in Atlanta this morning and he says--will you be quiet and let me be hearing me own voice? ─── 凯德 - 卡尔弗特今天上午在亚特兰大对我说----你们安静一点好吗?

64、A cade calf. ─── 一头人工抚养大的小牛

65、- Plated steel kitchen table would not only create a modern, but the space is spacious, clean and very convenient, can only use alcohol or detergent like Cade as the mirror clean. ─── 镀钢的厨房台面不仅能营造现代感,还能使空间显得宽敞,清洗也很方便,只需使用酒精或洗涤剂就能擦得像镜面一样干净。

66、Ada:Cade,your hands are dirty. ─── 凯德,你的手很脏。

67、Jesus Robles, Dale Rush and Cade Hayes from DUST design build have designed a mountain retreat for a small family of three in Arizona. ─── 耶稣罗伯斯,戴尔拉什和凯德海斯从除尘设计建设设计了在亚利桑那州的3个小家山撤退。

68、Miss Daisy:Cade,go and fetch me some chalk. ─── 凯德,替我去取些粉笔来。

69、I'm sure I don't know how we would have managed without him, with no money and Cade--" ─── 我敢说要是没有他,我们真不知该怎么对付,一个钱也没有,凯德又----"

70、Chi ha il cuor falso non trova bene, e chi ha la lingua perversa cade nella sciagura. ─── 舌头搬弄是非的必陷在祸患中。

71、Lance Cade, Matt Striker vs. ─── 本周Heat的对阵:Eugene vs.

72、Cade has a small arsenal of weapons, including a collection of antique blasters liberated on various missions. ─── 凯德拥有一个小型军械库,收集了在任务中缴获来的各种老式爆能枪。

73、I know Cade would rather see her dead. ─── 那么一来,卡尔弗特家就会完了。

74、I need your bank name. bank adress, your complete name, account number , sort cade from your bank, your adress complete. ─── 我需要你的开户名,开户行,你完整的名字,存折账号,银行分类账号,你完整的地址。

75、a cade lamb ─── 驯羊

76、Jesus Robles, Dale Rush and Cade Hayes from DUST design build have designed a mountain retreat for a small family of three in Arizona. ─── 耶稣罗伯斯,戴尔拉什和凯德海斯从除尘设计建设设计了在亚利桑那州的3个小家山撤退。

77、But behind the glittering fa-cade of Tatum's life lay heart break: abandonment, abuse, and neglect. ─── 但在闪闪发光的表面背后却是悲伤:遭遗弃、受虐待和无人理睬。

78、Carlito & Santino MarellaMr.Kennedy vs.SnitskyMaria & Mickie James vs.Beth Phoenix & MelinaJeff Hardy vs.UmagaLance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs.Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad)Randy Orton vs. ─── VS163高清影视 | 最新影片,快播电影,Qvod影视,用Qvod看影视,在线看连续剧,尽在VS163高清影视Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly (w/Roddy Piper) vs.

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