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09-15 投稿



inelegant 发音

英:[ɪn'elɪg(ə)nt]  美:[ɪn'ɛlɪɡənt]

英:  美:

inelegant 中文意思翻译



inelegant 网络释义

adj. 不雅的;粗野的;不优美的

inelegant 反义词


inelegant 同义词

vulgar | splay | ungainly | maladroit | awkward |unstylish | gawky | clumsy | graceless | uncouth | unpolished | tasteless | unsophisticated

inelegant 词性/词形变化,inelegant变形

副词: inelegantly |

inelegant 相似词语短语

1、inelegantly ─── 不优美地

2、inerrant ─── adj.无错误的,绝对正确的

3、instigant ─── 学院

4、elegant ─── adj.高雅的,优雅的;讲究的;简炼的;简洁的

5、inelegance ─── n.粗俗;不雅;粗糙(等于inelegancy)

6、intrigant ─── n.阴谋者,奸夫

7、inelegancy ─── n.不雅;粗俗

8、inelegancies ─── n.不雅;粗俗

9、inebriant ─── n.酒类;致醉剂,酒类饮料;adj.使醉的

inelegant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This may not only convert waste water to useful re sources, but also improve the inelegant landscape resulted from open evaporation tanks. ─── 这不仅可变废为宝,也改变了道路蒸发池的不雅景观。

2、2. An inelegant and usually temporary solution to a problem. ─── 一个问题粗略的,通常是临时的解决方法。

3、It is usually non constructive, inelegant , hard to generalize. ─── 它通常是非构造性的,不优美的,难于一般化的。

4、The crane had been designed and built by the authorities, who had decided to cleanse the sky of its inelegant encumbrance. ─── 这辆起重机由权威专家设计,专为清除这些不雅之物制造的。

5、The inelegant design was necessary to absorb the powerful recoil after. ─── 粗糙的设计使这把步枪的使用者在射击后需要承受很大的后座力。

6、Researchers investigating the neurons in a crayfish's tail reported astonishment at how clunky and inelegant the circuit was. ─── 那些研究小龙虾的尾部神经细胞的科学家,震惊于这种回路的不优美的程度。

7、"I began with your inelegant scene at Twelve Oaks and, since then, I've picked up many things by keeping my eyes open. ─── "我是从你在'十二橡树'村演出的那一幕开始的;后来我一直注意观察你,又了解到许多情况。

8、Dogs with clumsy or inelegant gait must be penalized. ─── 笨拙或不优雅的步态属于缺陷。

9、"Inelegant men and women park behavior " stretches such that the foreigner looks askance at. ─── 首页>>图片猎奇>>男女公园“不雅行为”引得老外侧目.

10、It's an inelegant solution that frequently leads to a poor user experience. ─── 这是一种不完善的解决方案,经常会导致糟糕的用户体验。

11、Unaccus tom ed as I am to public speaking,I beg your indulgence for my few inelegant words. ─── 由于我不习惯于发表演说,有些话讲得不得体敬请包涵。

12、Listen to some people inelegant voice on the stage, my heart all wants ground. ─── 听着台上有些人并不优美的声音,我心都要碎了。

13、The grand piano has been replaced with a small, inelegant electric model. ─── 这架大钢琴被一架粗俗的小电子琴所取代。

14、It is usually nonconstructive, inelegant, hard to generalize. ─── 它通常是非构造性的,不优美的,难于一般化的。

15、The analysts could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant ─── 分析学家只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。

16、The analyst could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant ─── 分析学家却只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。

17、an inelegant gesture, reply ─── 有失风雅的姿势﹑ 答覆.

18、Spot everywhere is not only inelegant but also unwholesome. ─── 随地吐痰既不雅观也不卫生。

19、It is inelegant to retain the one and introduce the other, and then literally minimize the difference between them. ─── 保留一个,引入另一个,然后缩小它们之间的差异,这样做很不合适。

20、Inelegant behavior of campus reproduction men and women student. ─── 首页>>图片猎奇>>校园再现男女学生不雅行为。

21、At the same time, it is an inelegant view, producing a fragmented picture of nature, on which physical and phenomenal properties are only very weakly integrated in the natural world. ─── 同时,这是不雅的观点,产生的是自然的片段和粹片,按此,物理和现象属性是只有很弱的整合(在自然中)。

22、He dreamed the elegant homes of yore, but give no thought to their inelegant plumbing. ─── 他追忆着往昔雅致的屋舍,而不去回忆他们毫无风致可言的铅工业。

23、We're American too say the flags inelegant glued to the city apartment windows. ─── 我们也是美国人--这是斜贴在这所市内公寓窗外的国旗传达出的信息。

24、14.Should not present inelegant behavior such as crossing one’s arms, shaking leg or foot during conversation in the public places.Should use gentle tone and accurate polite words. ─── 14、在公共场所不应以双臂交叉、翘腿抖脚等不雅之举与人交谈,应做到语调温和,用词准确礼貌,不可粗声大气、手舞足蹈。

25、I have seen lives ended at the hands of enraged cattle, good people's shells stripped apart by inelegant tools of destruction. ─── 我曾经看见过众多的生命结束在激怒的牲畜手中,人们完好的躯壳被不雅的毁灭工具撕成碎片。

26、just perfect."We're American too" say the flags inelegant glued to the city apartment windows. ─── 我们也是美国人"--这是斜贴在这所市内公寓窗外的国旗传达出的信息。

27、Then the technology changed, and I improvised an inelegant three-finger style for computer keyboards. ─── 然后科技改变,我临时凑合三个手指头不雅观的方式用电脑键盘。

28、3rd, pen name inelegant or use mark, digit, foreign language, the main office will clean up non-periodically, and gives cancels the account number. ─── 三、笔名不雅或使用符号、数字、外文者,本社将不定期清理,并予注销帐号。

29、Is inelegant in the Pakistan dike , above the elevation 1800 meters , the fresh oxygen , the anoin , the fragrance fine has blocked each exportation , hat moment , I and nature love ! ─── 不在巴堤雅,在海拔1800米之上,鲜氧、负离子、芬多精封锁了各个出口,那一刻,我与大自然恋爱了!

30、It was inelegant. ─── 它太不雅观了。

31、an inelegant fall ─── 不雅观的摔倒

32、While I do drink beer, I do not like drinking pints, I find the glasses unwieldy &inelegant, &most halves aren't any better. ─── 当我住在德国时,喝一大杯波兰维斯酒的基础上有一种惊人的啤酒。(白兰地?)

33、The quality of writing is often a good guide to an entry's usefulness: inelegant or ranting prose usually reflects muddled thoughts and incomplete information. ─── 写作的质量通常可以作为作品的作用的风向标:不优雅或者是夸大的散文经常反映出混乱的思维和不完整的信息。

34、The survey indicated that Chinese men are perceived to be modest, diligent and intelligent, but also inelegant, unconfident and unappealing. ─── 调查显示,中国男人诚实、勤奋、聪明,但缺少风度,自信不足,不吸引人。

35、It might be possible to change this limitation (although doing so would by inelegant within a SAX framework). ─── 更改这个限制是可能的(尽管这样做会在SAX框架内造成不雅效果)。

36、The flexibility of this inelegant approach would allow early mitigation efforts to serve as policy experiments from which lessons could be learned about what works, when and where. ─── 这个并不完美的方案会使早期的减排努力当作政策性试验,我们从这些试验中可以获得经验教训,可以了解到该方案中是什么起了作用,在什么时候以及在多大范围内起了作用。

37、Not only is this inelegant and crude, but it is error-prone and fails to capitalize on a productive division of labor between humans and machines. ─── 这不仅丑陋而笨拙,而且使用者也很容易出错,另外原本希望人机分工带来的高生产力也没有体现出来。

38、Screen scraping is often considered an inelegant solution, and for good reasons. ─── 屏幕抓取通常被认为是一个不雅的解决方案,这是有一定的原因的。

39、2nd, pen name inelegant or outside use Chinese mark, digit, foreign language, please excuse my inability to comply. ─── 二、笔名不雅或使用中文以外之符号、数字、外文者,均敬谢不敏。

40、It is also inelegant to leave the cigarette unsupported in the mouth... ─── 不用手指夹着,而只靠嘴叼着烟也是不雅的。”

41、It is inelegant to retain the one and introduce the other, and then literally minimize the difference between them. ─── 保留一个,引入另一个,然后缩小它们之间的差异,这样做很不合适。

42、Those inelegant cables plugged into your phone line are largely a thing of the past. ─── 那些乱七八糟的接入电话线路的网线大概已经成为过去了。

43、rubbish poems; inelegant verses; doggerel ─── 歪诗

44、inelegant behaviour ─── 不雅的举止

45、Scolding words are inelegant ─── 责言不雅

46、Inelegant park men and women behavior is looked askance at really by person! ─── 首页>>图片猎奇>>公园男女不雅行为真让人侧目!

47、Researchers investigating the neurons in a crayfish's tail reported astonishment at how clunky and inelegant the circuit was. ─── 那些研究小龙虾的尾部神经细胞的科学家,震惊于这种回路的不优美的程度。

48、osa, Brazil, the only sound to be heard was a chorus of zestfully inelegant slurping. ─── osa,Brazil)宽敞的大厅里,杯测比赛(CupofExcellencecompetition)正进行得热火朝天,大家能听到的只有此起彼伏的“啧啧”声。

49、To make their feet look less inelegant, they adopted a style of shoe with a high platform, which forced them to take the small steps characteristic of Chinese women whose feet had been bound. ─── 为了减少这种不雅,她们穿一种中间有高跟的鞋具,这迫使她们不得不迈小步子走路,就像那些中国裹脚的女人一样。

50、an inelegant phrase ─── 粗俗的措辞

51、say the flags inelegant glued to the city apartment windows. ─── --这是斜贴在这所市内公寓窗外的国旗传达出的信息。


language表示语言,表示某种具体的语言,是可数名词。例如:He can speak several languages.他会讲好几种语言。表示抽象意义的语言或指某一方面的语言,通常为不可数名词。

举例:Language is an instrument for communication.语言是交际的工具。




语言;语言文字[不可数名词] Language is an instrument for communication.

(国家、民族等的)语言文字[可数名词] He can speak several languages.

(使用文字以外的)表达方式;(动物的)表意方式[可数名词或不可数名词] The deaf and mute communicate by sign language.

语言风格[不可数名词] His prose is written in elegant language.

强烈的言词,骂人的话[不可数名词] You shouldn't use such strong language.

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