undeserving 发音
英:[ˌʌndɪˈzɜːrvɪŋ] 美:[ˌʌndɪˈzɜːvɪŋ]
英: 美:
undeserving 中文意思翻译
undeserving 网络释义
adj. 不值得…的;不配受到的
undeserving 短语词组
1、undeserving of the spot ─── 不配现场
2、undeserving crush ─── 不配的迷恋
3、undeserving of ─── 不配的
4、undeserving of love ─── 不配的爱
5、undeserving poor ─── 不值得救助的穷人
undeserving 词性/词形变化,undeserving变形
现在分词:undeserving 原型:undeserving
undeserving 相似词语短语
1、undesiring ─── 不受欢迎的
2、underservant ─── 服务不足
3、deserving ─── adj.值得的;应得的;有功的;v.值得;应得到(deserve的现在分词)
4、undeservingly ─── 卑鄙地
5、underselling ─── vt.低价销售;以低于…的价格出售(undersell的现在分词);adj.低价销售的
6、undeceiving ─── v.(使)醒悟;(使)不受欺骗;(使)明白真相
7、unobserving ─── 不注意
8、undersealing ─── v.(给车底)涂防水材料;(为防尘)密封(汽车)底部;n.(给车底涂的)防水材料;底封
9、undersetting ─── n.暗流;底流;vt.放在…下面;支撑
undeserving 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、If there's anything going, and I put in for a bit of it, it's always the same story: 'You're undeserving; ─── 随便有啥好事,每次我一想捞点好处,结果总是一个样:“你是稀泥巴扶不上墙,所以不能给你。”
2、And in one of the few reminders of Jackson's darkest hours, a New York congressman branded Jackson a "pervert" undeserving of so much attention. ─── 而属于那些对杰克逊堕落的私人生活阶段念念不忘的人中的一个的纽约众议院议员给杰克逊的评价是“堕落者”,说他不值得受到这么大的关注。
3、"Wickham is not so undeserving, then, as we have thought him!" said her sister. "My dear father, I congratulate you." ─── 她姐姐说:“那么,韦翰倒并不象我们所想象的那样不成器啦。亲爱的爸爸,恭喜你。”
4、Whenever you do something good for an undeserving person, you are acting on the power of agape. ─── 每当你善待一个不配的人,便是靠著神的爱所赋予的能力行事。
5、Such trifles are undeserving of attention. ─── 这类鸡毛蒜皮的小事不值得注意。
6、has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect. ─── 具有污秽下流或不道德的不值得尊敬的品质的人。
7、But politicians and voters would have seen that as an unacceptable bail-out of some undeserving homeowners. ─── 尽管这并不比弥补抵押贷款本金的资产减值来的有效,但是政治家和选民无法接受一些不称职房屋拥有者得到解脱。
8、The press has surely been another party undeserving of our support. ─── 新闻界是不值得我们支持的另一方。
9、making invidious distinctions between the 'deserving' and the 'undeserving' poor ─── 在“值得救济”的穷人和“不值得救济”的穷人之间制造令人厌恶的区分
10、There are many undeserving rich—overpaid chief executives, for instance. ─── 比如,有很多不值得富有却薪酬过高的首席执行官。
11、“Dear Mr.Mountain, I wish to complain about your indiscriminately showering favor to the buffalos, who are a totally undeserving lot. ─── 而我,则代表一群最忠心勤劳工作者-最委身的秉公守法者-大象。
12、The corrupt politician dished out titles and honours to his friends and supporters, many of whom were quite undeserving. ─── 那个腐败的政客给他的朋友和支持者封官许愿,他们当中有许多人根本就不配。
13、He was undeserving of her affections. ─── 他不配得到她的爱。
14、These days they also seem to differentiate between the deserving and the undeserving rich. ─── 目前,人们似乎也对应该富裕和不应该富裕的人做了划分。
15、the undeserving victim of a conspiracy ─── 一场阴谋的无辜受害者
16、The former is a tale as old as journalism itself: a man in power cheats on a wife who, from the outside, seemed a supporting and loving spouse undeserving of her husband's unfaithfulness. ─── 第一个约翰的故事,已经象新闻业本身那么古老了:一个有权有势的男人公然欺骗了妻子,而这个妻子在外人看来,是一个非常支持老公、富有爱心的伴侣,应当收获爱人的忠诚。
17、Unmerited favour, the favour of God shown to the undeserving. ─── 神将他的恩惠施给不配得的人;
18、It has been described as a package to help the undeserving dinosaurs of Detroit. ─── 它被描述为帮助不值得援救的底特律庞然大物的计划。
19、They denounce debt relief, calling it a reward for the undeserving. ─── 他们谴责债务减免,称其为对缺乏信用的人的奖赏。
20、He was crude, drank too much, knew little law, and hence was undeserving to be Lincoln's equal Partner ─── 他粗鲁,酗酒,对法律懂得甚少,因此配不上当一个与林肯平起平坐的合伙人。
21、The fact that I am not special and there is nothing deserving about me makes me qualified. The undeserving buffalo tried to explain. ─── 年轻水牛尝试解释:“就是因为我没有特别,而且也不配,所以就让我得到了。”
22、The young man's unwillingness or inability to consummate the marriage for an astonishing and awkward seven years inspired gossip and derision, mostly directed at the undeserving Dauphine. ─── 16岁那年,一个男人在玛丽的生命之间掀起了大波澜,这男人的名字叫做菲尔逊,一个瑞典的贵族。
23、If you feel undeserving of Divine intervention, simply ask for our assistance in bolstering your faith. ─── 如果你觉得不配得到神性的关照,只要请求我们协助与支持你的信心。
24、The punishment for putting their stamp of approval on collateralised-debt obligations, bond insurers and various undeserving dross is becoming clearer. ─── 给担保债务凭证,债券保险和各种垃圾项目盖上批准印章所带来的惩罚已越发清晰。
25、has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect ─── 具有污秽下流或不道德的不值得尊敬的品质的人
26、The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to fix the punishment or destiny of one found to be guilty or undeserving" ─── 这些动词都有“对一个发现有罪或不配的人或事物施以惩罚或命中注定”的意思
27、and I mean to go on being undeserving. ─── 我就是块稀泥巴,这稀泥巴我是当定了。
28、The most undeserving two time MVP winner in sports history. ─── 历史上最不合格的两次MVP获得者。
29、For a long time I could not understand how someone of his caliber could remain so intractably loyal to such an undeserving employer. ─── 有很长时间我一直无法理解,为什么像他一样有能力的人长期忠诚于这般没有吸引力的职位。
30、Food, money or other donations received or given (usually with the idea that the giver is overgenerous or the recipient is undeserving) ─── 救济食品、钱财和其他救济物(通常捐赠人过于慷慨或被救助人不值得施予)
31、AT THE best of times, the self-made rich are usually held up in fiction as shallow, contemptible and undeserving of sympathy even when their wealth leads to misery and ends in ruin. ─── 最好的时代,小说里白手起家的富人一贯浅薄可鄙,倘若穷困潦倒、破败坍台,也不配得到一丝同情。
32、The belief that an individual is undeserving of love may lead to the perception, or reality that ones love is rejected. ─── 具有不应得到爱这一观念的人,会导致求爱被拒的现实。
33、He was crude, drank too much, knew little law, and hence was undeserving to be Lincoln 's equal Partner. ─── 他粗鲁,酗酒,对法律懂得甚少,因此配不上当一个与林肯平起平坐的合伙人。
34、Jules et Jim, the classical, painfully moving story about uncompromising friendship and uncontrollable love - not so much unrequited as undeserving and unfulfilled. ─── 儿女私情,为何只能一加一?剧情不用多讲,祖与占与凯瑟琳纠结半生的情事,耳熟能详得像民间传奇。
35、"That shows that the Eastern nations have too much good sense to waste their time and attention on objects undeserving of either. ─── “这证明东方人的头脑是很清醒的,他们决不会把他们的时间和注意力浪费到不值得注意的目标上。
36、undeserving of attention ─── 不值得注意的
37、Unlike the “deserving” rich entrepreneurs who set up Microsoft and Google, the “undeserving” traders and brokers just shuffled money around the system to nobody’s profit but their own. ─── 和那些创立微软和谷歌的“应”富企业家们不同,这些“本不该富”的交易人和经纪人将钱转入自己的腰包之中,而其他人都失去了自己的利益。
38、May we today be those faithful ones who follow in the ways of the lord and, though undeserving, receive His promised blessings provided through Jesus Christ. ─── 愿我们都作那群忠信的子民,遵守上帝的道,并且接受我们不配得的,上帝藉著耶稣基督所应许的祝福。
39、Thank you, Lord, for your boundless grace which gives us entrance into Your kingdom, though we are undeserving and unworthy servants. ─── 亲爱的主,谢谢您,虽然我们是不配的仆人,但因著您无止境的恩典,使我们得以进入您的天国。奉主耶稣基督圣名,阿们!
40、He was undeserving of her affections. ─── 他不配得到她的爱。
41、A major assault is being mounted by the nation's colleges and universities against laxity in grading that is showering A's and B's on hundreds of thousands of undeserving students. ─── 全国的学院和大学正在发动一次大规模的攻势,反对把“甲”和“乙”随便评给几十万个不配得这么高分数的学生。
42、I'm only the undeserving poor; ─── 我只是个不值得帮助的穷汉;
43、I should be undeserving of the confidence you have honoured me with. ─── 您使我荣幸地得到了信任,我实在有愧于此。
44、SOCIETIES have often distinguished between the deserving poor (afflicted by sickness or disability) and the undeserving sort (the feckless and workshy). ─── 社会通常会区分值得帮助的穷人(他们饱受疾病或残疾折磨)和不值得帮助的穷人(这类人没有责任感而且不喜欢工作)。
45、This injury could not have happened to a more undeserving player. Please get well soon! ─── 这种伤病再也不会发生在你这种不该受伤的球员身上了,请快点好起来!
46、Enormous though the cost of bailing out the banks has been, there is nothing inherently undeserving about finance; ─── 拯救银行的成本固然高昂,金融的本质上并无不良之处,即使是在出了问题的状态下。
47、Be happy, take what's been given. Hear no evil, see no evil, do no difficult task and love no undeserving. ─── 行乐及时,上天给你什么,就享受什么。千万不要去听难堪的话,一定不去见难看的人。或者是做难做的事情,爱上不应爱的人。
48、Praise to the undeserving is severe satire . ─── 赞美不该赞美的人是一种严厉的讽刺。
49、The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to fix the punishment or destiny of one found to be guilty or undeserving" ─── 这些动词都有“对一个发现有罪或不配的人或事物施以惩罚或命中注定”的意思
50、Don't be too quick to give your heart to someone undeserving. ─── 白羊:别太快把心交给还不值得你这么做的人。
51、Free markets shun seemingly worthy causes, whereas the frivolous or apparently undeserving are rewarded. ─── 自由市场表面上逃避了该它承受的责任,但它却显而易见的轻率的享受了不该它得的奖赏。
52、These days they also seem to differentiate between the deserving and the undeserving rich. ─── 目前,人们似乎也对应该富裕的人和不应该富裕的人做了划分。
53、should resign, to make a statement &stop wasting time on undeserving bosses. there are other ways to achieve the same goal, dont bet on promisses. ─── 以一敌百。这样的工作你来当。不烦死也气死啦。。还是三十六计,走为上计。留的青山在,哪怕没材烧。再不走的话,连江山也会断送
54、Without it one is undeserving of respect. ─── 没有面子,就不值得尊重。
55、This mountain gave me a quiz. Whom do you think will receive the favor, the deserving one or the undeserving one? ─── 山给我一个难题。“你认为一个配得的人,还是一个不配得的人,将会得到上帝给的一切好处-恩典?”
56、Just tell the elephants I love them as much as I love the buffalos, undeserving them all is. ─── 告诉他,我爱大象和爱水牛一样,虽然它们也是一样不配得我的白白恩典。”
57、Yao, this injury could not have happened to a more undeserving player. Please get well soon! ─── 姚,这种伤病再也不会发生在你这种不该受伤的球员身上了,请快点好起来!
58、Ballyhoo is the use of sensational or over the top means to draw attention to something undeserving of such attention. ─── 是使用耸动或言过其实的方式来引人注意某样不起眼的东西。
59、Far from epitomising capitalism, the undeserving rich undermined it: it was socialism for the wealthy. ─── 这些人非但不能为资本主义增光,反而削弱了它,因为资本主义已成为富人的社会主义。
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