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09-15 投稿



improvising 发音

英:[ˈɪmprəvaɪzɪŋ]  美:[ˈɪmprəvaɪzɪŋ]

英:  美:

improvising 中文意思翻译



improvising 词性/词形变化,improvising变形

动词过去式: improvised |动词过去分词: improvised |名词: improviser |动词现在分词: improvising |动词第三人称单数: improvises |

improvising 相似词语短语

1、improvident ─── adj.浪费的;无远见的;无先见之明的

2、improving ─── v.提高;改善;变得更好;利用;康复(improve的现在分词);adj.有教育意义的

3、impressing ─── adj.令人印象深的,极好的;n.印象,特徵;压印;v.给……留下深刻印象;使钦佩;盖印;使意识到;使铭记;使(某人)有想法;外加(电流、电势)(impress的现在分词)

4、improvisating ─── 即兴表演

5、improvisate ─── 即兴的

6、imposing ─── adj.壮观的;给人深刻印象的;威风的,仪表堂堂的

7、improvise ─── vt.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提供;vi.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时凑合

8、imparadising ─── vt.使成为天堂,使如置天堂;使欣喜

9、compromising ─── adj.有失体面的;不宜泄露的;使处于难堪境地的;v.妥协,让步;损害(名声);违背(原则);达不到(标准);使陷入危险(compromise的现在分词)

improvising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Chalk" were(was) shot in a documentary style with actors improvising most of their lines, A says this style of acting requires crew and provise(to improvise)) as well. ─── “粉笔”以记实的方法拍摄,伴随着演员们即兴表演他们的台词,导演A说这样的拍摄手法需要所有成员都能够即兴发挥。

2、This paper examines the relationship of adopting compression, improvising model and the performance of new product development individually. ─── 本研究分别检视公司采用压缩模式与即兴模式之新产品开发方法与绩效表现之关系。

3、Sitting around a campfire, clicking on a link, capturing on film, beating the boss, improvising on stage, being part of life. ─── 不管是围坐在营火旁,或是用滑鼠点选连结,还是捕捉在底片里,打败上司,台上即兴,成为生命中的一部分。

4、In Gurgaon, economic growth is often the product of a private sector improvising to overcome the inadequacies of the government. ─── 在古尔加翁,经济增长通常是私有部门为克服政府缺位所即兴应对的产物。

5、If you don't know the answer just improvising. ─── 如果你不知道这个答案是什么的话,你就即兴发挥一下吧。

6、There'd been enough improvising for one day, some of which had cost the life of one of his men earlier at the Round Tower. ─── 他们一天内自作主张捅了很多篓子,其中有一条,已经让他的其中一手下在圆塔付出生命。

7、A roomful of mechanical organisms improvising with each other demands a similar local knowledge. ─── 满屋子机械有机体之间相互改进也需要类似的局部性知识。

8、As the trumpet is the loudest, it normally carries the melody, with the clarinet and trombone improvising above and below the trumpet, respectively. ─── 因喇叭的声音最大,就由它吹奏主旋律,黑管和伸缩喇叭则配合小喇叭分别作即与高低音搭配。

9、"Chalk" was shot in documentary style with actors improvising most of their lines. Akel says this style of acting required the crew to improvise as well . ─── "粉笔"以记录片的方式拍摄,并有演员们即兴发挥他们的台词.A称这种形式同样要求工作人员即兴发挥.

10、Theres a graduation ceremony for a another school in my campus, and I will be there to play this piece, followed by improvising 2 songs. ─── 在十月初,有一个毕业典礼,所以我将在那里弹这片,后续的即兴两首歌曲。

11、When someone makes an invention, soon there will be others who would work on improvising it. ─── 一种新发明出现后,许多人就会努力尝试改进这个发明。

12、A few lecturers have been improvising to catch up. ─── 少数教师的课程已临时赶上。

13、'll be ready some time next week, I expect,' she said, improvising. ─── 我估计下个星期内会准备好的。”她随口说道。

14、Was shot in documentary style with actors improvising most of their lines. Akel says this style of acting required the crew to improvise as well. ─── 尝试以记录片形式拍摄,大部分台词也是由演员即兴表演的。Akel表示这种表演方式要求其全体工作人员都参与即兴表演。

15、Just the flute improvising and interrupting itself. ─── 刚才长笛即兴和中断本身。

16、For a bump I painted the lip wrinkles and added some noise around the eyes ( improvising , you know. . . ). ─── 对于凹凸贴图,我绘制了嘴唇上的皱褶并在眼睛周围添加了一些噪点。

17、doing the Southern voice, improvising it inventively as he goes along(bWilliam H. Pritchard) ─── 他边走边模仿南方人的口音,即兴弄出不少噱头(b威廉h.普里查德)

18、The only plan you should make is to plan on improvising. ─── 唯一可做的规划就是不断变化的规划。

19、Teaching Method of Improvising Differentiation in Indefinite Integral ─── 不定积分凑微分法教学探析

20、improvising differential method ─── 凑微分

21、This paper examines the relationship of adopting compression, improvising model and the performance of new product development individually. ─── 摘要本研究分别检视公司采用压缩模式与即兴模式之新产品开发方法与绩效表现之关系。

22、Chelsea just plough on , improvising ways of scoring the odd goal or two while keeping their opponents out. ─── 而切尔西仍然能努力前行,能临时想出办法打进一两个球,同时不让对方破门。

23、I knew he was improvising, an old habit of his. ─── 我知道他是在即兴发挥,这是他的老习惯。

24、make out of components; often in an improvising manner. ─── 用成分制造;用于临时准备样式。

25、Chelsea just plough on, improvising ways of scoring the odd goal or two while keeping their opponents out. ─── 而切尔西仍旧能努力前行,能临时想出办法打进一两个球,同时不让对方破门。

26、I asked her what the piece was and she said, "Oh, I'm just improvising." ─── 我问她那首乐曲是什么,她说,“哦,我只是即兴演奏。”

27、With no formal education, "Pussy" Jones spent her childhood reading and "making up" (compulsively walking up and down very fast with a book in her hand, while improvising an imaginary story out loud). ─── 琼斯“小姑娘”并未受过任何正式教育,童年时喜欢阅读和“编故事”(即手中携一本书不受自主地疾步来回走着,同时大声念出自己即时编构的故事)。

28、make out of components; often in an improvising manner ─── 用成分制造;用于临时准备样式

29、The Chinese are very good at improvising. ─── 中国的临时准备非常好。

30、The women play musical instruments, such as the mukkur, made out of bamboo, imitating and improvising the sounds of nature, like animal calls or raindrops. ─── 妇女演奏著乐器,如用竹子做的乐器,模仿大自然的声音,像动物叫声或雨滴声。

31、"I had no money left to buy it, so I copied it." I didn't think this unusual. Improvising was routine for me. ─── “我没有余下的钱来买这本书,所以我把它用打字机敲出来了。”我并不以为怪。侃侃而谈是我的一贯作风。

32、2. If you don't know the answer just improvising. ─── 如果你不知道这个答案是什么的话,你就即兴发挥一下吧。

33、Old bottles, wooden crates, wire and plenty of good-natured, stubborn Chinese mule sense went into the improvising of the equipment. ─── 旧瓶子、木箱、电线,加上中国人温厚倔强的驴脾气,使他们临时制作出仪器设备。

34、Chalk" was shot in documentary style with actors improvising most of their lines. Akel says this style of acting required the crew to improvise as well. ─── 电影展示了教师们面临的挑战,但是用了稍微荒诞的幽默."它是痛苦但有趣的.所谓艺术家,我想我们需要去做的是用愉快的方式展示真相.

35、If you don't know the answer just improvising. ─── 如果你不知道这个答案是什么的话,你就即兴发挥一下吧。

36、an actor skilled at improvising ─── 擅长临场发挥的演员.

37、"Chalk" was shot in documentary style with actors improvising most of their lines. ─── 像纪录片一样,“粉笔”在这里很短,而演员们即兴创作了大部分的台词。

38、doing the Southern voice, improvising it inventively as he goes along(William H. Pritchard) ─── 他边走边模仿南方人的口音,即兴弄出不少噱头(威廉h.普里查德)

39、By that time, the Treasury was improvising solutions and decided it had to treat all banks equally. ─── 那时财政部正在拼凑解决方案,并决定必须平等对待所有银行。

40、'It'll be ready some time next week, I expect,' she said, improvising. ─── “我估计下个星期内会准备好的。”她随口说道。

41、"Chalk" was shot in documentary style with actors improvising most of their lines. Akel says this style of acting required the crew to improvise as well. ─── “粉笔”以记录片的形式让演员临时准备大部分他们的台词。Akel说这种表演方式同时需要全体人员的即兴之作。

42、The band played happy music,improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes presented at the funeral. ─── 句意知道:乐队演奏愉快的音乐,在葬礼上即兴演奏和谐与优美的曲调。

43、The results indicated that the moderating effect of formal knowledge integration mechanism is positive and significant under whatever compression or improvising context. ─── 本文进一步以知识基础观点探讨正式与非正式知识整合机制,对采用压缩模式、即兴模式的方法进行新产品开发与新产品绩效间之调节效果。

44、Chalk” was shot in documentary style with actors improvising most their lines. Akel says this style of acting require the crew to improvise as well. ─── “粉笔”以记录片的方式拍摄,演员的台词都是即兴的。艾克儿说:“这种即兴表演要求所有的工作人员的即兴发挥”

45、Manuela: I can lie very well, and I'm used to improvising. ─── 为了完成儿子的心愿,她决定去巴塞罗那找那个人。




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