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09-15 投稿



influentially 发音

英:[[ɪnfl'ʊenʃəlɪ]]  美:[[ɪnfl'ʊenʃəlɪ]]

英:  美:

influentially 中文意思翻译



influentially 反义词


influentially 同义词

powerful | dominant | weighty | forceful | persuasive | important | favored | significant | classical | leading | effective | occasional | authoritative | instrumental | momentous | classic | prominent

influentially 词性/词形变化,influentially变形

副词: influentially |

influentially 相似词语短语

1、affluentials ─── 有钱有势的

2、influential ─── adj.有影响的;有势力的;n.有影响力的人物

3、differentially ─── adv.区别地

4、inferentially ─── adv.推理地

5、affluential ─── 有钱有势的

6、deferentially ─── adv.谦恭地;表示敬意地

7、influential role ─── 有影响力的角色

8、confidentially ─── adv.秘密地;作为心腹话地

9、inflectionally ─── 屈折变化地

influentially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、composers of baroque, classic, romantic and modern times wrote good operatic ensembles in their influentially appealing works. ─── 巴洛克时代到古典、浪漫直到近现代的一些大作曲家,有许多影响深远、脍炙人口的精美的歌剧重唱。

2、One roamed lonely yet the other influentially; ─── 一者吸风引露,一者食不厌精。

3、The EMM is suitable for the case that all F-type influentially uncontrollable subnets are normalized cascade Petri nets, and the advantage is that control patterns can be on-line computed within polynomial times. ─── 特征标识法适用于所有凡型影响不可控子网为规范化序状Petri网这种场合,用该方法设计的控制器在线运算工作量是多项式可解的。

4、The level of this regional competition ability is based on whether local governments could efficiently and influentially play a key role or not. ─── 这种区域间的激烈竞争,很大程度上表现为地域的竞争,对地域竞争能力的高下,关键在于地方政府能否更有效率和影响地发挥作用。

5、Mark Kleiman teaches public policy at the University of California, Los Angeles; he has written influentially about drug policy for a couple of decades. ─── 马克·克雷曼在加州大学洛杉矶分校执教公共政策;几十年来,他已就毒品政策发表了多部有影响力的著作。

6、My oral English is not that great, because I can't always express the things I want to say influentially. Do you have any good ideas to help me with? ─── 我的英语口语不是很好,总是不能流利地表达想要说的话,你有什么好的办法可以帮我吗?

7、In the meantime, stipulated publisher does not last influentially of gain ability a certain number of planting case. ─── 同时,规定了发行人不得有影响持续盈利能力的若干种情形。

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