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09-15 投稿



rareness 发音

英:[ˈrernɪs]  美:[ˈreənəs]

英:  美:

rareness 中文意思翻译



rareness 反义词


rareness 同义词

hardly ever |seldom | hardly | infrequently | once in a blue moon

rareness 词性/词形变化,rareness变形

形容词: rarefiable |

rareness 相似词语短语

1、braveness ─── n.勇敢;华饰

2、spareness ─── n.缺乏;瘦弱;贫乏

3、awareness ─── n.意识,认识;明白,知道;n.人群对品牌或产品的认知

4、parenesis ─── 麻痹

5、pareneses ─── 帕伦斯

6、bareness ─── n.裸露;赤裸

7、largeness ─── n.巨大,广大;大量

8、graveness ─── n.重大,严重;认真

9、irateness ─── 暴躁

rareness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A child with a grown-up partiality for rare and expensive foods. ─── 一个对稀少的昂贵食物的偏爱不断增长的孩子

2、He suffers from a rare blood disease. ─── 他患有一种罕见的血液病。

3、Baotou New Century Rare Earth Co., Ltd. ─── 包头市新世纪稀土抛光材料有限责任公司。

4、It's rare to find an American teenager without one. ─── 在美国要找到一个没有驾照的青少年是很不容易的。

5、Would you like your steak rare,medium or well-done? ─── 您喜欢牛排做得生一点儿,中等程度还是老一点儿?

6、Dealing in or having to do with old or rare books. ─── 古文物研究收藏的经营或有关古旧稀有书籍的

7、Jim has a supply of old pennies which he polishes up and passes off to foreign tourists as rare coins. ─── 吉姆有许多旧币,他把它们擦了一下,冒充稀有的古钱币,以此骗外国游旅者。

8、She's a rare fellow at a bargain. ─── 她才是一个了不起的会买东西的家伙呢。

9、Wild flower such as orchid and primrose is becoming rare. ─── 兰花和报春花之类的野花越来越少了。

10、She had picked up rare coins in seaports all over the world. ─── 她在世界各地港口搜集了一些珍贵的钱币。

11、How can he procure that rare stamp? ─── 他是怎么得到那张罕见的邮票的?

12、The thrill for me was finding the rare stamp. ─── 对我来说惊喜就是一直在发现稀有的邮票。

13、The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease. ─── 医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。

14、She found in him the mellowness that being rare in others at his age. ─── 她发现他具有那种他的同龄人少有的成熟。

15、Can you procure the rare old book for me? ─── 你能为我觅到那本罕见的古书吗?

16、Deaths from the disease are mercifully rare. ─── 幸运的是这种疾病很少造成死亡。

17、Such people as you describe are rare nowadays. ─── 你描述的这些人现在很少了。

18、In course of sinking the welt-shaft they came upon a deposit of a very rare mineral. ─── 在凿井中,他们,偶然发现一个稀有矿物的矿床。

19、His rareness disinclined me to grant his request. ─── 他的粗鲁使我不愿意答应他的请求。

20、He is which is rare for him, in a bad temper. ─── 他在发脾气,这对他来说是很少见的。

21、Only on very rare occasions does he give you a word of praise. ─── 他难得称赞你一句。

22、Believe it or not, she is a rare beauty. ─── 信不信由你,她是一个百里挑一的美人。

23、Will eat up extremely rare of Jean! ─── 会吃掉稀世之珍!

24、Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals. ─── 国会通过了一项法令,禁止捕杀珍稀动物。

25、They marked up the prices of those rare books. ─── 他们提高那些珍本书的定价。

26、She feasted her eyes on the ever-changing scenery of rare beauty. ─── 她尽情观赏那变幻无穷的、难得一见的美景。

27、The limitation and rareness of land resource decided that it must be utilized intensively. ─── 土地资源的稀缺性,决定了其走集约利用道路的必然性。

28、Auricular ossification is a rare clinical entity. ─── 临床上,耳壳骨化是罕见的临床症状。

29、A rare congenital disorder of childhood that is characterized by rapid onset of the physical changes typical of old age, usually resulting in death before the age of 20. ─── (儿童的)早衰症一种少见的少年身体机能失调,以类似年老的身体快速变化为特征,其结果通常导致二十岁之前死亡。

30、He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals. ─── 他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。

31、What's more, the oil price can't reflect effectively the rareness and the value of the resource. ─── 而且,我国的石油价格也未能很好地反映石油资源的稀缺程度及石油本身的价值。

32、He has a collection of rare insect specimens. ─── 他收集了很多稀有昆虫的标本。

33、He alighted on a rare medical herb. ─── 他偶然找到了一种稀有的草药。

34、She smiled with a rare flash of humour. ─── 她以少有的一丝诙谐微笑了。

35、A rare work,today is almost inaccessible. ─── 好工作现在几乎找不到。

36、The slotting fee accords with the resource rareness principle and the land rent theory of economics too, and it has positive impact on social economy. ─── 进场费也符合经济学的资源稀缺性原理和地租理论,能促进社会资源的优化配置,并不破坏市场秩序。

37、in economics, they have resource rareness, common goods and externality. ─── 在经济学上具有资源稀缺性、公共物品性和外部性。

38、It must be stressed that this disease is very rare. ─── 必须着重指出,这种病非常罕见。

39、Acute dilatation of the stomach is a rare complication. ─── 急性胃扩张是一种罕有的并发症。

40、Do you prefer your steak rare, medium or well done? ─── 您喜欢牛排生一点,中等程度还是老一点?

41、A rare sense of honor; a rare friend. ─── 不寻常的荣誉感; 极好的朋友

42、However, the rareness of Chinese land resource has not caused the efficient utilization in the economics meaning. ─── 但是,中国土地资源的稀缺并没有导致经济学意义上的有效率利用。

43、His chances of meeting Dorothea were rare. ─── 他跟多萝西娅见面的机会极少。

44、His rare gifts and bold strategy can enable him to command an army. ─── 他的雄才大略足以统率千军万马。

45、Players as skilful as this are a rare breed. ─── 如此有技巧的演奏者很少见。

46、Do you like your steak well-done,or medium or rare? ─── 您喜欢牛排老一点,适中还是嫩一点?

47、On rare occasions, you may not find a match. ─── 在很少见的情况下,您或许真的找不到配对,遇上这情况,您可以日后再查看本网站。

48、It is rare for her to arrive late. ─── 她极少迟到。

49、He has, what is rare, true tolerance. ─── 很难得,他真有耐性。

50、It is rare to see snow in summer. ─── 夏天难得见到雪。

51、His rareness disinclined me to grant his request. ─── 他的粗鲁使我不愿意答应他的请求。

52、He is gifted with rare eloquence. ─── 他天生具有罕见的口才。

53、Deviation from this rule are very rare. ─── 很少有违反这条规则的。

54、Was set up to protect the rare plants. ─── 为保护珍稀植物设立了一项基金。

55、Do you want your steak well-done, medium, or rare? ─── 你想吃全熟,半熟,还是生的牛排?

56、The doctor was unable to type the rare disease . ─── 医生确定不了这种罕见疾病的类型。

57、In course of sinking the well-shaft they came upon a deposit of a very rare mineral. ─── 在把钻杆插入井下的过程中,他们意外地发现了一种稀有矿物的矿床。

58、Such people as you describe are rare now. ─── 你描写的这种人现在已很少见了。

59、Platinum , the extreme of the Metals, becomes the dream chased by millions peoples for its rareness . ─── 铂金,乃金属中的至尊,因其稀有而成为千万人追逐的梦想。

60、The bird is now a rare sight in this country. ─── 如今在这个国家,这种鸟已罕见了。

61、Baotou Rhodia Rare Earth Co., Ltd. ─── 包头罗地亚稀土有限公司。

62、A marvelous collection of rare books. ─── 一流珍本书籍的收藏。

63、But these cases are exceedingly rare. ─── 但是这些病例是绝对罕见的。

64、It's very rare for him to be so late. ─── 他很少迟到。

65、Would you like the steak well done or rare? ─── 你喜欢牛排煎得透一点,还是略生一点?

66、distant future, humans will form caste systems based on the rareness of the animals whose poop we eat. ─── 的将来,人们就会依据食用粪便动物的缺稀性来建立等级制。

67、This morning I lighted on a rare book in the secondhand bookshop. ─── 今天上午我在那家旧书店偶然看到一本很难弄到的书。

68、However, this kind of Enlightened Master is rare! ─── 不过这种明师很少!

69、A rare smile lit up his stern features. ─── 他那难得一见的微笑在他死板的脸上平添一些生气。

70、Many kinds of wild orchid are becoming rare. ─── 很多种野生兰越来越罕见了。

71、The doctors are dilating on the rare case. ─── 大夫们正在讨论这个罕见的病例。

72、It's extremely rare for it to be this hot in April. ─── 四月份就这样炎热是极其罕见的。

73、Polyhedra with seven vertices are rare. ─── 具有七个顶点的多面体是稀少的。

74、Households without a few family jars are rare. ─── 不发生口角的家庭是少有的。

75、Ten years ago,we saw little of the BBcall,but now it waw rareness. ─── 十年前,寻呼机挺少见的,现在太不稀罕了。

76、It's very rare that you can be so humble. ─── 你这么谦虚可不多见啊!

77、A discriminating collector of rare books; a dish for the discriminating palate. ─── 一位有鉴赏力的稀有书籍收集者; 为美味鉴赏者而备的一道菜

78、How would you like your steak? Well-done or rare? ─── 您喜欢什么样的牛排?老一点还是嫩一点?

79、An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder. ─── 奇观,奇迹奇特的或罕见的引起人们惊叹的事件或行为

80、He has some rare old vintage in his collection of wine. ─── 在他的酒类收藏中有一些名贵的陈年葡萄酒。

81、Will you like it rare,medium,or well-done? ─── 您喜欢做得生一点,中等程度,还是老一点?

82、It is rare for her to speak up in a crowd. ─── 她难得在众人面前讲话。

83、She is a rare talent in literary and art circles. ─── 在文艺界她是一个奇才。

84、Baotou Golden Rare Earth Biological Appl. ─── 包头市金稀土生物应用有限公司。

85、A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest discoveries. ─── 一位稀有昆虫采集家将给我们看一些他的最新发现。

86、Fixed a rare crash in multiplayer games. ─── 修正一种少见的联网游戏。

87、In rare cases, the mismatch might be unimportant. ─── 在极少情况下,这种不匹配可能无关紧要。

88、Can you procure that rare old book for me? ─── 你能设法为我搞到那本珍惜的古籍吗?

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