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09-15 投稿



isothermal 发音

英:[ˌaɪsəˈθɜːrməl]  美:[ˌaɪsəʊˈθɜːməl]

英:  美:

isothermal 中文意思翻译




isothermal 网络释义

adj. 等温的;等温线的n. 等温线

isothermal 常用词组

isothermal forging ─── 恒温锻造

isothermal quenching ─── 等温淬火

isothermal compression ─── 等温压缩

isothermal 短语词组

1、isothermal absorption ─── [化] 等温吸收

2、isothermal compression ─── [化] 等温压缩

3、isothermal extrusion ─── [化] 等温压出

4、isothermal compressibility ─── [化] 等温压缩系数

5、isothermal distillation ─── [化] 等温蒸馏

6、isothermal change ─── [化] 等温过程

7、isothermal hardening ─── [机] 等温硬化

8、isothermal efficiency ─── [化] 等温效率

9、isothermal evaporation ─── [化] 等温蒸发

10、isothermal calorimeter ─── [化] 等温量热器

11、isothermal compressor ─── [化] 等温压缩机

12、isothermal flame ionization chromatography ─── [化] 等温火焰电离色谱; 等温火焰电离色谱法

13、adsorption isothermal(line) ─── [化] 吸附等温线

14、isothermal adsorption ─── [化] 等温吸附

15、isothermal expansion ─── [化] 等温膨胀

16、isothermal curve ─── [化] 等温线

17、isothermal annealing ─── [机] 等温退火

18、isothermal diagram ─── [机] 等温线图

19、isothermal gas chromatography ─── [化] 等温气相色谱法

isothermal 相似词语短语

1、isotheral ─── 等夏温线

2、isogeothermal ─── 等地热

3、isothermals ─── adj.等温的;等温线的;n.等温线

4、isocheimal ─── 等厚

5、isotherm ─── n.[气象]等温线

6、isotherms ─── n.[气象]等温线(isotherm的复数)

7、exothermal ─── adj.放热的;放能的

8、geothermal ─── adj.[地物]地热的;[地物]地温的

9、isothermally ─── adv.等温地

isothermal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Both isotherm and kinetics tests of TCB were conducted using fresh CTMAB-bentonite and CTMAB-bentonite preloaded with the representative compounds. ─── 分别用CTMAB-膨润土和预负载了共溶质1,4-二氯苯和苯胺的CTMAB-膨润土对1,2,4-三氯苯进行了等温吸附和动力学实验。

2、Porous characters of coal reservoirs in the Ordos Basin tested using the Micrometrics ASAP 2000 automatism isothermal adsorption instrument made in America. ─── 利用美国Micromritcs ASAP 2000自动等温吸附仪,测试了鄂尔多斯盆地煤储层孔隙特征。

3、The reason for using the term isothermal nor... ─── 对等温正火的名称也进行了讨论。

4、The equilibrium solubility of AlN in austenite at different temperatures and its isothermal precipitation have been studied. ─── 我们已经研究过在不同温度的奥氏体氮化铝的溶解度以及等温过程的沉淀物。

5、L-1 . The inhibition of TSC for zinc was found to be the geometricblocking effect, and its adsorption isotherm approximately followed Langmuir isotherm equation. ─── TSC在锌表面的吸附近似符合Langmuir等温式。

6、In this study, adsorption kinetic experiments, adsorption isotherm experiments and model fitting were performed to explore the adsorption phenomena. ─── 以吸附动力、等温吸附试验及模式拟合探讨吸附现象。

7、This paper presents a mathematical model of calculating gas isothermal compressibility factor. ─── 提出了一种计算天然气等温压缩系数的数学模型。

8、During the pumping cycle the gas is in intimate contact with the sealing liquid and compression is nearly isothermal. ─── 在抽运周期内,气体会与密封液和几乎等温的压缩气体紧密接触。

9、In isothermal experiments,the apparent uis-cosity decreases with the increase in isothermal holding thine,arriving at a "steady state" value after around 1000 seconds. ─── 在等温试验中,其表观粘度随等温时间的上升而下降,大约1000s后达到“稳态”值。

10、The sorption of Acenaphthene and Phenanthrene was characterized by linear isotherm, indicating solute partition between water and the organic phase in soil. ─── 土壤对多环芳烃的吸附去除效果明显,其中苊和菲的吸附等温线呈线性。

11、The sorption isotherm for the system water-ethanol-modified membrane were inverstigated.The sorption selectivity factors for water-ethanol mixture were obtained. ─── 实验测定了水和乙醇在改性膜内的吸附等温线,并给出了膜的吸附选择系数;

12、The coking and deactivation of virgin naphtha aromatization catalyst are studied on isothermal reactor. ─── 利用等温固定床反应器研究了直馏汽油芳构化改质催化剂的结焦失活规律。

13、The mechanism and kinetic parameters of the non isothermal thermal degradation of PFA were studied by a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curve and infrared spectra. ─── 利用一条非等温的DSC曲线,从研究PFA热降解的最可几反应机制及其活化能入手,推导出在等温条件下反映热稳定性的降解率、温度和时间之间的简单关联式。

14、A test method for determination of toluene adsorption isotherm of activated carbon was introduced. ─── 介绍了一种活性炭吸附甲苯的吸附等温线的试验方法。

15、The thermal damping is maximum for frequencies corresponding to pulsations that are somewhere between isothermal and adiabatic. ─── 当脉动处于等温和绝热之间某个状态时,相应频率下的热阻尼是最大的。

16、So this is an isothermal expansion. ─── 这是个等温膨胀过程。

17、During the isothermal constant strain rate compression process, the effect of deformation heating on flow stress increases with increasing equivalent strain rate. ─── 在等温恒应变速率压缩过程中,随着等效应变速率的增大,变形热效应对流动应力的影响程度增大。

18、from one to two it's isothermal. ─── 从一点到二点是等温过程。

19、The adsorption isotherm of activated alumina conforms to Langmuir adsorption equation as qe = 1.035Ce/l + 0.246Ce in 25 C. ─── 二1 .035Cl+0 .246C活性氧化铝的吸附量随活性氧化铝粒径的减小而显著增加,在pH值今~9的范围内,吸附量随着PH值的增大而略有减小;

20、Isothermal spheroidizing process for H13 hot-working die steel was studied in th is paper. ─── 对H13热作模具钢的等温球化退火工艺进行了试验研究。

21、Isothermal flow of the polymer melt in channel was discussed based on the work principle of screw in dynamic processing with self-mended Tanner constitutive equations. ─── 同时,近似地给出了振动力场下注塑螺杆熔体输送能力的表达式,理论分析了振动参数对沿程压力降及动态成型熔体输送能力的影响。

22、The heat stability of PC/ABS alloys containing halogen-antimony composite flame retardant was studied with both isothermal and nonisothermal decomposition approaches. ─── 以等温和非等温热分解方式对使用卤/锑类阻燃剂的阻燃PC/ABS合金的热稳定性进行了研究,并对合金的阻燃性能、力学性能进行了测试。

23、XF-1 gas adsorption isotherm measuring instrument for real reservoir core at high temperature and high pressure. ─── XF-1高温高压储层孔隙介质气体吸脱附测试仪

24、Under consideration of cost, it is therefore suggested to let the isothermal tempering process last just for 30 min in practical use. ─── 因此在成本考量之下,实际应用只需要进行30分钟的恒温回火持时就已足够。

25、The velocity fields in the panel zone and horizontal gas-passwere carefully measured in an isothermal model with a 600MW tangentially-fired boiler. ─── 在冷模试验台上利用热线风速仪对屏区中气流流动情况进行了详细的测量;

26、Isothermal precipitation behavior of the calcium cerite phase in RE-bearing blast slag was studied by quenching method. ─── 应用“淬火法”研究了等温过程含稀土高炉渣中铈钙硅石相的结晶行为,并讨论了该相析出和长大的动力学规律。

27、Reference Output. The output signal representing the temperature of the reference channel, usually the isothermal block, on some thermocouple scanner cards/ modules. ─── 参考输出在一些热电偶扫描卡/模块上表示参考通道温度的输出信号,通常为等温块。

28、This paper numerically simulated natural convective heat transfer of isothermal vertical strip by using the concept and equations set of tridimensional boundary layer. ─── 应用三维边界层的概念及方程组,数值模拟了等温竖窄条自然对流换热。

29、A non-isothermal kinetic model, which took account of the effect of microwave, was proposed to fit the experimental data. ─── 提出的微波非等温磷矿分解反应动力学模型与实验结果很好地相符。

30、The relational expression of natu ral convective heat transfer of isothermal vertical strip was found. ─── 以条宽为特征量,得出了竖窄条自然对流换热关系式。

31、When the equivalent strain rate is relatively low, this influence can be neglected and the compression process can be considered as an isothermal process. ─── 当等效应变速率很小时,变形热效应对流动应力的影响可忽略不计,压缩过程可近似认为是等温过程;

32、A simple computational model for isothermal phase change problem was based on the enthalpy formulation. ─── 基于焓法模型导出了一种求解等温相变问题的简单计算模型。

33、This paper introduces some methods which are applicated to calculate Curie isothermal surface by regional magnetic date. ─── 介绍了利用区域磁测资料计算居里等温面的几种常用方法。

34、Within less than 1 millisecond the steep-fronted shock wave has traveled some distance ahead of the isothermal region. ─── 在不到1毫秒的时间内,陡直的冲击波波阵面已比等温区领先一段距离了。

35、It is necessary to carry out an isothermal evaporation experiment at lower temperatures to understand the crystalization path of salt mnerals at ambient temperatures. ─── 为了更好地了解卤水在自然条件下的蒸发结晶规律,需对相应卤水进行低温室内等温蒸发实验研究。

36、Based on isothermal and axial-flow assumptions, a simplied method of computation and approximate solution were given for gas flows in a long microchannel. ─── 对长微管道气体流动,基于等温和仅有轴向流的假设,给出了简化计算方案及近似解。

37、Experiments such as isothermal adsorption, different filled columns, VFW simulated columns planted with Cyperus alternifolius, VFW simulated pots planted with Canna Indica Linn. ─── 在基质的物理性质中,容重和比重与磷的吸附量呈极显著负相关关系;

38、The physical properties of the composites were characterized by the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm, XRD, UV-Vis, PL, TGA, TEM, and SEM. ─── 另外也希望藉著萤光界面活性剂的共轭系统,可以将复合材料的吸收光谱延长至可见光的范围。

39、The dynamic method was used to determine the deblocking temperature, and the isothermal method was used to calculate kinetics and thermodynamics parameters. ─── 动态方法用于确定去块温度和温方法用于计算动力学和热力学参数。

40、The kinetics of thermal decomposition of Ag 2HgI 4 is studied by both isothermal and nonisothermal TG methods. ─── 分别用等温热重法和程序升温热重法研究了碘汞酸银热分解动力学,得到了反应级数、速率常数和活化能。

41、The spherulitic growth rate and isothermal crystallization rate of PEG or PLLA were influenced when the other component was added. ─── 当其中一成分的增加会影响PEG或PLLA的球晶成长和等温结晶的速率。

42、Explicit solutions are presented for the linear and Smith forms of the isotherm equations. ─── 其应用之假设条件为食品乾物质与所含水份的总质量不变,且在混合过程中无化学反应发生。

43、The isothermal heat transformation diagram(IHT)is an important basis to makea heat treatment process of steels. ─── IHT图是制定钢的热处理工艺的重要依据。

44、Compressed gas is isothermal, that is, the process of compressed gases very small temperature changes. ─── 压缩气体基本上是等温的,即压缩气体过程温度变化很小。

45、The adsorption isotherm results showed that ACF1 was the best sorbent of TOC,UV254,CHCl3,as if the equilibrium concentration was same,it has the greatest adsorption capacity. ─── 吸附等温线表明,ACF1对TOC、UV254、CHCl3的去除效果最好,在相同的平衡浓度下,ACF1的吸附容量最大;

46、A numerical procedure is used to calculate the water activity for nonlinear isotherm equations. ─── 利用等温水份线的直线公式和史密斯公式,虽然可以直接求得预测值,但误差偏大。

47、Among those forging methods, isothermal forging obviously exceeds others for its high quality and low cost. ─── 在各种锻造方法中,等温锻造技术的高质量、低成本优势明显地优于其他方法。

48、In short, the water ring vacuum pump in the gas compression is isothermal, and it can be pumped in addition to flammable and explosive gases. ─── 总之,由于水环式真空泵中气体压缩是等温的,故可以抽除易燃、易爆的气体。

49、The results of adsorption isotherm indicated that NP10EO adsorption was not influenced by temperature. ─── 吸附等温线结果表明,NP10EO的吸附量基本不受温度影响。

50、Structural evolution of AZ91D magnesium alloy during semisolid isothermal heat treatment[J].The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2001, 11(4): 571-575. ─── AZ91D在半固态等温热处理中的组织转变[J].中国有色金属学报,2001,11(4):571-575.

51、Langmuir equation could describe the sorption isotherm of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ . ─── Langmuir方程可对Cu2+、Zn2+和Cd2+的等温吸附过程进行很好的描述。

52、The different isothermal heat treatment techniques for AZ31 magnesium alloy tube were studied. ─── 对AZ31镁合金管材试样进行不同工艺参数的等温热处理。

53、Liu Xiaoling,Yang Peiran.Analysis of Power Law Non-Newtonian Fluid Lubricationin the Isothermal EHL Line Contact[J].Lubrication Engineering,2002 (1):5-6. ─── [6]刘晓玲,杨沛然.指数率非牛顿流体的等温线接触弹流润滑分析[J].润滑与密封,2002 (1):5-6.

54、High temperature isothermal mechanical fatigue and in phase thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) tests in stress control were carried out on a molybdenum alloy. ─── 对钼合金进行了应力控制高温低周等温疲劳和同相位热机械疲劳试验。

55、It reveals that much of nano-sized carbides of interface precipitation and supersaturated precipitation generating in the ferrite matrix when the isothermal temperature is low. ─── 实验显示在低温恒温时会产生奈米级之界面析出碳化物与过饱和析出碳化物于肥粒铁中而有效地强化基地。

56、The degree of influences of PH and adsorbate ion on isotherm can be known from X and Y. ─── X、Y 反映了 PH 和吸附质性质对等温线的影响程度。

57、The phase transformation and weight loss rate of ludwigite in oxidizing roasting were studied by DTA-TG,isothermal TG and XRD. ─── 利用DTA-TG、恒温TG和XRD测试方法研究了硼铁矿氧化焙烧过程中的相变和失重率。

58、AECTS adsorbed Co2+ mainly by complexation and physical style, the experimental data fit well into the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm at the same time. ─── AECTS对Cu~(2+)和Ni~(2+)的吸附符合Langmuir等温方程,属于单分子层吸附; AECTS对Co~(2+)的吸附同时符合Frundlich模型和Langmuir模型;

59、It is not a practical engine cycle because the heat transfer into the engine in the isothermal process is too slow to be of practical value. ─── 它不是一个实际的发动机循环,因为传热进入发动机,在等温过程中,是速度太慢,具有实用价值。

60、The principle and equipment of sorbitizing isothermal heat treatment without lead are introduced. ─── 指出钢丝铅浴索氏体化热处理存在的问题,介绍无铅索氏体化等温热处理的原理和设备。

61、An example using data fro m the literature illustrates very good fittings by using appropriate isotherm equation for calculating of water activity of the mixture. ─── 利用非线性公式推衍所得的混合模式可以以数值方法求得预测值,其验证结果则十分精确。

62、Relief piping pressure drop shall be determined using isothermal compressible gas flow equations. ─── 安全泄压管道的压降(阻力降)通过等温压缩气流的公式来确定。

63、By the use of SIMPLE algorithm a numerical simulation has been conducted of the three-dimensional isothermal flow field in a tangential-fired boiler furnace model. ─── 利用SIMPLE算法对一角置式切向燃饶锅炉炉膛模型内三维等温流场进行了数值模拟。

64、It can replace traditional isothermal anneal as advance heat treatment of roughcast of bearing rings. ─── 可部分替代传统的等温退火作为轴承套圈毛坯的预先热处理。

65、The microstructures of ZA27 alloy was investigated during isothermal treatment at solid-liquid phase region,and the compositions of some structures were examined by EDXA. ─── 对高锌铝基ZA27合金重新加热到固液两相区进行等温处理,研究了等温处理过程中组织的变化,并对有关组织的成分进行了测定.

66、Two schemes,"V type baffles + dams" and "turbo stopper + dams",were optimized by orthogonal experiments under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions. ─── 实验结果表明,该中间包在无控流装置时存在短路流,死区较大;

67、To master the basic course of gas-solid catalytic reaction, the derivation of kinetics of gas-solid catalytic reaction by using Langmuir's adsorption isothermal line. ─── 掌握气-固相催化反应进行的基本过程,掌握朗哥缪尔吸附等温线推导气固相催化反应本征动力学的方法。

68、The adsorption behaviour of dodecylamine obeyed Flory-Huggins isotherm model. ─── 吸附模型的拟合结果证明十二胺在铜镍合金表面的吸附符合Flory-Huggins等温线模型.

69、Autogenous deformation: the bulk deformation of a closed, isothermal cementitious material system not subjected to external forces. ─── 自生变形:没有受到外力的,封闭的、等温的水泥胶结材料系统的总体变形。

70、Reference Channel. On a thermocouple scanner card, the channel that measures the temperature of the isothermal block. ─── 参考通道在热电偶扫描卡上,测量等温块温度的通道。

71、Conclusions It is feasible to estimate emulsifiability to the method of isothermal curve of the surface(interfacial) tension . ─── 结论乳化剂表(界)面张力等温线比较法用于评价乳化剂的乳化能力是可行的。

72、The programs have been compiled to simulate the processes of thermochromatography and isothermal chromatography with different experimental conditions and properties. ─── 按气相色谱微观动力学模型编译的计算机程序模拟了超重元素化合物在等温色谱及热色谱的动力学过程,并根据不同实验条件进行了大量计算。

73、When the equivalent strain rate is relatively low, this influence can be neglected and the compression process can be considered as an isothermal process. ─── 当等效应变速率很小时,变形热效应对流动应力的影响可忽略不计,压缩过程可近似认为是等温过程;

74、The concept of draft is expanded and a new PDV model is presented to predict the percentage of people feeling drafts in warm isothermal conditions. ─── 将吹风感的概念加以推广,提出了一个预测等温较热环境中产生吹风感机率的数学模型。

75、The effect of desilication process during cooking on the viscosity and volumetric isothermal expansivity(VIE) of the wheat straw black liquor was studied. ─── 主要介绍同步法除硅处理对黑液粘度的影响,给出除硅前后硫酸盐法麦草浆黑液粘度、固形物浓度及温度三者之间的关系,共八条曲线;

76、An analytical solution of contaminant diffusion through soil was presented based on the assumption of simplified non-linear adsorption isotherm. ─── 在考虑分段吸附等温模式的基础上,建立了污染物在黏土中的一维扩散模型。并得到了简化求解条件下的解析解。

77、Isothermal vapor liquid equilibrium data of two binary systems carbon dioxide etanol and carbon dioxide iso propanol at 303. ─── 应用汽液双循环高压相平衡装置,测定了二氧化碳-乙醇和二氧化碳-异丙醇二元混合物分别在303。

78、The spheroidizing behaviors of carbides formed from deformation at high temperature in medium chromium cast semi steel had been studied during isothermal spheroidizing process. ─── 对中铬半钢经高温形变后所获得的碳化物在等温球化过程中的球化行为进行了研究。

79、Biosorption isotherm of single heavy metal of mixed SRB population and their EPS could be represented well with Freundlich equation. ─── SRB混合菌群及其EPS吸附单一重金属具有选择性,符合Freundlish等温吸附方程。

80、Abstract: The correct recognition of radiant directionality of non isothermal mixed pixel is a precondition to its retrieval of component temperatrues. ─── 中文摘要: 正确认识非同温混合像元热辐射方向性规律是利用多角度遥感数据反演像元组分温度的前提。

81、Along this red path, you start with an isobaric process and end with an isothermal process. ─── 沿着这条红色路径,你从一个等压过程开始,以一个等温过程结束。

82、The adsorption isotherm of neptunium on silica gel corresponds to the form of Langmuir isotherm. ─── 三种价态的镎的吸附规律符合Langmuir吸附等温线,镎在硅胶上的吸附属于单分子层吸附。

83、The principle of isothermal calorimetry,typical instrument(TAM Air) and its application in field of cement hydration have been described. ─── 介绍了等温量热法测量的原理、典型的仪器以及在水泥水化研究中应用所具有的特点。

84、A mathematical model was developed to describe the isothermal reaction process of N2-H2S gases in a fixed bed, for removing H2S by the desulfurizer containing 30%K2CO3. ─── 建立了N2-H2S混合气在含30%K2CO3的多孔脱硫剂的固定床中等温反应过程的数学模型。

85、Based on polytrophic process of air compression and isothermal gas combustion inside the turbine, an improved gas turbine with generality Carnot cycle is suggested. ─── 基于气体多变压缩以及等温涡轮燃烧技术,提出了一种改进的概括性卡诺循环燃气轮机,通过模型预测分析了其性能,并与传统燃气轮机进行了比较。

86、Competitive adsorption isotherm data for the two enantiomers of tryptophan were measured by frontal analysis and inverse method. ─── 分别采用前沿分析法和逆向法确定色氨酸对映体的竞争型吸附等温线。

87、The Langevin model frequently provides a numerical method to simulate the dynamic of liquid or gaseous molecules over an isothermal plate. ─── 兰吉芬方法在分子动力学模拟中,常用来提供一个等温的平板边界,以模拟液、气态分子在固态壁面的运动情形。

88、After isothermal normalizing,SAE8620H steel gear obtained the ideal hardness,microstructures and fine cutting behaviors. ─── SAE8620H钢齿轮采用等温正火工艺,获得了理想的硬度、金相组织和良好的切削性能。

89、The deblocking reactions of blocked isocyanates were carried out under dynamic and isothermal conditions using hot-stage FTIR spectrophotometer. ─── 封闭异氰酸酯的反应的块效应下进行动态和使用等温条件下进行热红外分光光度计阶段。

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