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09-15 投稿



harmonizer 发音

英:[['hɑ:məˌnɑɪzə]]  美:[['hɑ:məˌnɑɪzə]]

英:  美:

harmonizer 中文意思翻译



harmonizer 词性/词形变化,harmonizer变形

动词第三人称单数: harmonizes |动词过去式: harmonized |动词过去分词: harmonized |动词现在分词: harmonizing |名词: harmonization |

harmonizer 相似词语短语

1、harmonisers ─── n.使和谐协调者(等于harmonizer)

2、harmonies ─── n.协调;和睦;融洽;调和;n.(Harmony)人名;(英)哈莫尼

3、harmonise ─── vt.使和谐;vi.和谐(等于harmonize)

4、harmonize ─── vt.使和谐;使一致;以和声唱;vi.协调;和谐;以和声唱

5、carbonizer ─── n.碳化器

6、harmoniser ─── n.使和谐协调者(等于harmonizer)

7、harmonizes ─── vt.使和谐;使一致;以和声唱;vi.协调;和谐;以和声唱

8、harmonizers ─── n.使和谐协调者

9、harmonized ─── 调和

harmonizer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In addition, if you are already in Vivid Cinema mode, the Light Harmonizer does not have any incremental effect on light output. ─── 另外,如果你已经在VividCinema模式下,LightHarmonizer对亮度输出没有任何增加。

2、1:You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:"i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber![/img]hat's your response? ─── 你遇到一个疯狂的避难所科学家,他说:我打算将我的量子调谐器插进你的光子共振腔,你将作何反应?

3、, Harmon, Maurice. ─── 供稿: Schneider, Alan.

4、She received the Harmon Trophy, the highest award given to a pilot in America. ─── 她获得了美国为飞行员设置的最高奖:哈蒙特罗菲大奖。

5、Recorded by Adam Harmon, mastered by Eval 3 and DJ Matt at Remission Studio Jinn = ...... ─── 2006年的相关专辑:总记录数:2总页数:1当前页:1首页上一页1下一页末页

6、Harmon Paula.Newsome Laura Harris Aubrey. ─── 灭罪红颜第1季 主演:Angie.

7、Expert Systems --- Tools &Applications, Paul Harmon, Rex Maus, William Morrissey, John Wiley &Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd. ─── 新月图书公司代理)(专家系统概论,郑福炯编译,第三波文化事业股份有限公司。

8、Yoon K-J, Zimmerman JJ, Chang C-C, Harmon KM, Reitz P, McGinley M. ─── 张志成、钟文彬、林敏雯、杨平政、翁仲男、邱云棕、张文发、朱瑞民。

9、harmon ic generation coating system ─── 倍频膜系

10、When the Bakers came to visit on a cold night, Mr. Harmon offered them a drink to warm their blood . ─── 当贝克夫妇在一个寒冷的晚上来访时,哈蒙先生请他们喝一杯酒暖暖身子。

11、Abe Harmon is down here saying he has business to settle with you, business about his daughter, Buchanan had said when he called.It could be just drunken bluster, but I thought you ought to know. ─── 艾比.哈尔蒙在这里说他找你有事要了结,关于他女儿的事情,当时布查南打电话就是这么说的,也许他是酒后的胡言乱语,但我认为得让你知道。

12、You will each go straight out through breaks in the wall, and you will be cast out toward Harmon," declares the LORD. ─── 你们各人必从破口直往前行,投入哈门。这是耶和华说的。

13、And you will go out through the breaches, each one straight ahead of her; And you will cast yourselves into Harmon, declares Jehovah. ─── 3你们各人必从破口直往前行,投入哈门;这是耶和华说的。

14、Harmon:OK. Ah, that's Damon Warner. What's it all about? ─── 哈蒙:好吧。啊,那是戴蒙.沃纳。说的是什麽?

15、John Harmon: Okay, my name is John HarmonSCUBA stands for self-contained, underwater, breathing apparatus. ─── Scuba这个词在中文里就是水肺,是一种帮助人在水下呼吸的设备。

16、The Splinter concept was developed by Joe Harmon for his graduate project at the Industrial Design Course - North Carolina State University. ─── 在分裂的概念是由乔哈蒙的研究生项目,工业设计课程-北卡罗莱纳州立大学。

17、1:You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:"i’m going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" ─── (你遇到一个疯狂的避难所科学家,他说:我打算将我的量子调谐器插进你的光子共振腔,你将作何反应?

18、Keywords Radar target recognition,Clutter,Scattering center,Range profile,Radar image,Parameter estimation,Spectrum estimation,Harmon,Feature extraction.; ─── 雷达目标识别;杂波;散射中心;距离像;雷达成像;参数估计;谱估计;谐波;特征提取。;

19、Our 2.4L tester was fitted with sat-nav, a harmon kardon sound system, cruise control, power seats with memory, auto headlights, and a sunroof. ─── 2.4升的测试车有个导航仪,哈曼卡顿的喇叭,定速巡航地,电动座椅带记忆地,大灯是自动地,有天窗地。

20、Harmonizer can quickly and accurately identify tariff codes for your products. ─── Harmonizer均可为您的产品迅速准确地查找关税号码。

21、You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:"i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" what's your response? ─── 你遇到一个疯狂得避难所科学家,他说:我打算将我得量子调谐器插进你得光子共振腔,你将作何反应?

22、John Harmon: Okay, my name is John Harmon and SCUBA stands for self-contained, underwater, breathing apparatus. ─── 这个词在中文里就是水肺,是一种帮助人在水下呼吸的设备。

23、She said she named the Oscars in honor of her first husband, Harmon Oscar Nelson. ─── 她说她为了纪念她第一任丈夫哈尔曼?奥斯卡?尼尔森而将此奖项命名为奥斯卡。

24、Eicher, John Harmon Mutti, Michelle H. ─── 放大图片 作者: Theo S.

25、"Hang in there, big guy," Harmon urged. "Stay with me." ─── “坚持下,小男子汉”哈蒙鼓励道“有我在呢!”

26、"You will go out through breaches in the walls, Each one straight before her, And you will be cast to Harmon," declares the Lord. ─── 摩4:3你们各人必从破口直往前行、投入哈门.这是耶和华说的。

27、8 Group-Dynamics-Oriented Roles -- Informal roles played by team members;includes the coordinator, networker, harmonizer, and gatekeeper.See Informal Roles for more information. ─── 面向团队动力的角色 -- 团队成员的非正式角色,包括协调人、网络组织人、指挥、监督人的等,更多的信息参见非正式角色。

28、Finally, the sweet red date is an important harmonizer that adds flavor to bland tasting Chinese herbs. ─── 第三个,它是很重要的一个调味剂,原本没有什麽味道的中药,加上红枣,就会刺激人的唾液腺的分泌。

29、Harmon dry-cooling system ─── 哈蒙式空冷系统

30、Online access to the product Harmonizer to obtain the current tariff codes for your products ─── 能够网上使用Harmonizer,为您的产品获得最新关税代码

31、Somarked was the change in her manner, such depths of sad initiation didit imply, that with some doubts as to my delicacy, I put the case anewto my village oracle, Harmon Gow; ─── 尤其是赫尔太太,具有一种黯淡的优雅态度,和她的灰色的旧式房子恰恰相称。

32、Does the Harmonizer support all chapters from published tariff guides? ─── Harmonizer是否支援关税表上公布的所有分类?

33、Harmon:What do you mean? ─── 哈蒙:我不明白你的意思。

34、Paul Frank Harmon Printed Tank Top - Girls' Life can be rough.Thank goodness the characters on the Paul Frank Girls' Harmon Printed Tank Top have perfected the art of listening. ─── 商品简介:Paul Frank 大嘴猴黑色女士无袖T恤 Paul Frank 大嘴猴黑色女士无袖T恤,穿着舒适,设计新颖大方,大嘴猴的可爱形象让您忘记烦恼与忧愁。

35、"And I've got a doll," Harmon called back. ─── “我发现了一个布娃娃”哈蒙回应道。

36、That real learning took place at South Harmon. ─── 真正的学习发生在南哈蒙。

37、"As soon as we rolled him over, he gasped and started crying," Harmon says. ─── “我们把他翻过来,他一边喘气一边哭”哈蒙说。

38、Diana has been making friends with Harmon for three months;however,to my knowledge,nothing serious has yet happened. ─── (Diana和Harmon朋友交了三个月了,但据我所知他们仍然保持着一般关系。)

39、Well, first we should that Scuba is an acronym. S-C-U-B-A. And it stands for something. Here's John Harmon to give us an explanation. ─── 哎,说了半天我们是不是先给大家解释Scuba这个词是怎么来的?

40、The essential target of railway transport industry policy I s to increase its effective supply in transport market, and this harmon ious policy must be put in effect through the market. ─── 推进铁路运输有效供给的增长是行业政策的根本目标,应该通过市场实现协调型的铁路运输发展政策。

41、"And I've got a doll," Harmon called back. The doll was lying face-down, arms over its head and dressed in a green T-shirt and a loosened diaper. ─── “我发现了一个布娃娃”哈蒙回应道。这个布娃娃穿着一件绿T-恤,还有一张松开的尿布歪歪斜斜挂着。它脸朝下趴着,胳膊搭在头上。

42、According to Harmon's "second wife" Cheryl said, she does not believe that "polygamy" family of women are not educated women, are forced to accept such non-traditional marriage. ─── 据哈蒙的“二太太”丽尔称,她并不认为“一夫多妻”家庭的女性都是没有受过教育的女性,是被强迫接受这种非传统婚姻的。

43、And a third way is to resolve contradictions and establish harmon... ─── 三是化解矛盾,建立政府、医院、患者的和谐关系。

44、You just need people with a desire to better themselves,and we got that by the shitload at South Harmon. ─── 婚后的秀真,记忆开始逐渐消退,就象被橡皮擦擦去一样。

45、Harmon held a pint jar in his hand, what remained of its contents barely covering the bottom. ─── 5哈蒙的手里拿着一个小烧酒瓶,瓶里的酒只剩下浅浅一层。

46、Harmon and two "wives" father of a total of 8 children and the youngest is only 1-year-old daughter, Eva. ─── 哈蒙和两个“妻子”共育有8个儿女,最小的女儿爱娃只有1岁。

47、Extra interview with Mark Harmon and Michael Weatherly (credit: ncisfans. ─── com) 这是Extra TV对Mark和Michael的访问。

48、The Light Harmonizer feature is interesting, but it does not provide the full range of automatic adjustments to ambient light that the projector is capable of if you adjust it manually. ─── Light Harmonizer功能很有趣,但是它不能提供可以通过手动调整获得的,对环境光线的全范围自动调节。

49、The character played by actor Mark Harmon on “NCIS” (Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs) is modeled on a composite of Nance and other NCIS special agents. ─── 那个角色gibs,在电视剧NCIS里面(特工杰斯罗 吉布斯)就是以南斯和其他一些NCIS特工为原型共同塑造的。

50、From "Cooperation" to "Harmon": The Trend of International Institutions'Role ─── 从“合作”到“和谐”:国际制度的作用趋向

51、Harmon threw out between reminiscent pauses. ─── 哈蒙一边儿回想一边儿说。

52、Harmon Paula. ─── 主演:Angie.

53、( a group leader, encourager, harmonizer, contributor, agitator, joker, follower, observer. ─── 学生角色:学生是任务的主要执行者。

54、Addressing the ceremony, Ban pledged to act as a harmonizer and bridge-builder in the UN's endeavor to build a more peaceful, prosperous and just world. ─── 在就职典礼上番基文保证说,他将扮演一个协调员和建桥人的作用,努力将世界建成和平,繁荣和公正的社会.

55、You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:'i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!' what's your response? ─── (你遇到一个疯狂的避难所科学家,他说:我打算将我的量子调谐器插进你的光子共振腔,你将作何反应?)

56、You act as a diplomat and harmonizer between people with differing viewpoints. ─── 在人们之间,你就应该像一个外交大使一样,见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话。

57、Thermal design for Harmon dry-cooling system in large power station ─── 大型电站哈蒙式空冷系统的热力计算

58、Buchanan caught Pemberton’s eye first, gave him a warning nod toward Harmon and his daughter before acknowledging Serena with a stiff formal bow. ─── 彭伯顿第一个看到的是布查南,后者朝哈尔蒙父女所在的方向抬了抬下颌,示意他当心,然后中规中矩地向塞丽娜行了个鞠躬礼。

59、The address is 1123 Harmon Tower, 235 Main Street, Hudson. ─── 地址是哈德森市,235街,哈门塔1123号。

60、Harmon:With his dad's millions he's certainly got plenty of time to choose the right woman. ─── 哈蒙:他父亲那麽有钱,他绝对可以慢慢挑选合适的女人。

61、Butch Harmon Laser Trainer, Opti-Putt?, SNAG, Whippy TempoMaster, EDH FlightScope, Full Swing Golf and Dead Solid Golf Simulations ─── 高尔夫训练辅助器材和高尔夫模拟器的著名品牌,如

62、You will each go straight out through breaks in the wall, and you will be cast out toward Harmon, " declares the LORD. ─── 以色列人哪、任你们往伯特利去犯罪、到吉甲加增罪过.每日早晨献上你们的祭物、每三日奉上你们的十分之一。

63、Use of Sprayed Dried Egg in studies conducted in China Purdue University, B.G. Harmon and Li Qiang ─── 中国试用喷雾干燥蛋粉的结果

64、Does the Harmonizer support all chapters from published tariff guides? ─── Harmonizer是否支援关税表上公布的所有分类?

65、Indirect Dry Cooling system with surface condenser is also called Harmon system. ─── 带表面式凝汽器的间接空冷系统也称为哈蒙式系统。

66、1:You are approached by a frenzied vault scientist, who yells:"i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" what's your response? ─── 一个疯狂的避难所科学家接近你并叫道:我打算将我的量子调谐器插进你的光子共振腔,你的反应是?

67、Designed by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, it was finished in 1931. ─── 金门大桥 金门大桥是世界著名大桥之一,被誉为近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹。

68、When former Matson executive Bill Harmon was in the Navy during World War II, he would write ahead to Esperanto speakers in ports where his ship was due to dock. ─── 当前玛特森海运公司退休主任比尔哈蒙,曾经于二战期间在海军服役时,他会提前给即将停泊港口地的世界语使用者写信。

69、The TANTRA OF SOUND Harmonizer represents a new dimension of sound. ─── 密宗的音泛音的声音代表了新的层面。

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