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09-15 投稿


brooking 发音

英:[ˈbrʊkɪŋ]  美:[ˈbrʊkɪŋ]

英:  美:

brooking 中文意思翻译





brooking 短语词组

1、brooking or real estate ─── 布鲁克林还是房地产

2、brooking yourself ─── 纵容你自己

3、brooking bank note ─── 布鲁金纸币

4、brooking institution ─── [经] 布鲁金氏学会

brooking 词性/词形变化,brooking变形

动词过去式: brooked |动词第三人称单数: brooks |动词过去分词: brooked |动词现在分词: brooking |

brooking 常用词组

stony brook ─── 斯托尼布鲁克分校

brooking 相似词语短语

1、rooking ─── n.秃鼻乌鸦;(国际象棋中的)车;骗子,赌棍;(玩牌)作弊;v.诈骗;作弊;n.(Rook)(美、英)鲁克(人名)

2、broking ─── n.经纪业;掮客业;adj.做经纪的

3、crooking ─── n.骗子,坏蛋;弯处,弯曲部分;钩状物;vt.使弯曲;欺骗,诈骗;vi.弯曲,成钩形;n.(Crook)人名;(英)克鲁克

4、brooding ─── adj.沉思的;徘徊不去的;n.孵卵

5、drooking ─── 下垂

6、brooming ─── v.(用扫帚)扫(broom的现在分词)

7、booking ─── n.预订;预约;演出契约

8、abrooking ─── 扣住

9、provoking ─── adj.刺激的;令人生气的;激怒人的;v.刺激;激怒;挑拨;诱发;鼓动(provoke的现在分词)

brooking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He has a very high spirit, and will not brook unkind words. ─── 他有一颗非常高尚的心,听不得不够和善的话。

2、Beside a reedy brook the scythe had bared. ─── 但那柄镰刀偏对一丛花高抬贵手.

3、Sir Trevor Brooking believes Michael Ballack's arrival at Chelsea has had an adverse effect on Frank Lampard. ─── 特雷弗.布鲁金爵士相信迈克尔.巴拉克加盟切尔西对弗兰克.兰帕德造成了不利的影响。

4、They waded barefoot across a transparent clear brook. ─── 他们赤脚走过澄澈的小溪。

5、He cannot brook interference. ─── 他不能容忍他人的干涉。

6、McDonald's, based in Oak Brook, Ill., Said Monday that wheat and dairy products are used to flavor its fries. ─── 位于伊利诺斯州橡树溪的麦当劳总部周一称,在薯条中加入小麦和乳制品成分是用来调味的。

7、The frozen brook makes a good slide. ─── 冰封的小溪成为滑冰的好地方。

8、The facts brook no distortion. ─── 事实不容歪曲。

9、We were all stunned at how poor we were," commented Brooking. ─── 我们都对我们拙劣的表现惊呆了,”布鲁金评论到。

10、He had gone to the Tuberculosis Hospital of New York State at Ray Brook where he worked for close to two years. ─── 他来到设在雷溪的纽约州立结核病医院,在那儿工作了将近两年。

11、He stood on the bridge over the little winding brook. ─── 他站在那座横跨着弯弯曲曲的小溪的桥上。

12、"I've always asked, when talking with Sir Trevor Brooking, for an English coach to be integrated into the staff," he said. ─── “在跟布鲁金爵士谈话的时候我已经提到过想引入一名英国本土教练加入我的教练组,”他说。

13、In front of my house lies a small brook. ─── 在我家门口有一条小溪。

14、He took his rod and began leisurely to cast the brook. ─── 他拿了钓竿,开始悠闲地在溪边垂钓。

15、In a minute the mountain brook was raging ditch. ─── 不出一分钟,那条山溪就波狂涛怒,在大壕沟里面流过去。

16、He will not brook any interference. ─── 他不会容忍他人的任何干涉。

17、"The little boys in the State Department" had better be careful because Rogers would brook no nonsense. ─── “国务院里的那些小萝卜头们”最好也当心一点,因为罗杰斯不容许他们胡闹。

18、He crossed the brook in one big jump. ─── 他一个纵步跳过了小河。

19、China is an economic marvel .According to Nicholas Lardy of the Brooking s Institution ,a Washington D. ─── 中国创造了经济奇迹,华盛顿一家智囊机构不鲁金斯学会的尼姑拉丝-拉迪说;

20、"Yonder she is, standing in a streak of sunshine, a good way off, on the other side of the brook. ─── “她就在那边,站在一道阳光下,离这儿还有一段路,在小溪的对岸。

21、A brook is murmuring down through low hills. ─── 一条小溪穿过小山潺潺地流着。

22、The straight flow of the brook formed a ravine. ─── 不间断的溪水形成了一个峡谷。

23、In every babbling brook he finds a friend. ─── 他对每条潺潺的小溪都感到亲切。

24、She across a brook and avoided the chase . ─── 他穿过一条小溪才得以躲过追击。

25、And pore upon the brook that babbles by. ─── 他凝视着一旁的小溪,流淌声汩汩。

26、He would brook no interruptions from his listeners. ─── 他不能容忍听众打岔。

27、September is a changeling, busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. ─── 九月真是变幻莫测,忙来如山核桃树上的松鼠,闲来却又象懒散缓流的小溪。

28、Brooking said: "It was totally different [from Rooney]. The reaction straight into the camera [from Rooney] was the difference. " ─── 布鲁克说:“这和鲁胖子的事完全不同,他在镜头前的反应是完全不同的。”

29、The Surrealist Art Centre at 31 Brook Street is well worth a visit. ─── 位于布鲁克街31号的超现实主义者艺术中心很值得一看。

30、September is a challenging busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. ─── 九月,她如此繁忙,仿佛山桃树上忙着采摘食物的松鼠;九月,又如此悠闲,仿佛缓缓而行的淙淙小溪。

31、"Leap across the brook, naughty child, and run hither! ─── “跳过小溪来,顽皮的孩子,跑过来!

32、The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees. ─── 一条小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳树和桤树的树荫间,淙淙作响。

33、Oh! Quickly string the harp, I yet can brook to hear. ─── 啊!快调好竖琴琴弦,我还能耐心倾听。

34、He sit listening to the murmur of the little brook. ─── 他坐著倾听小溪流水的潺潺声。

35、A small brook glides through the valley with a murmur. ─── 一条小溪潺潺流过峡谷。

36、A brook bubbling along its course. ─── 一条汩汩流动的溪水

37、In the brook beneath stood another child- another and the same- with likewise its ray of golden light. ─── 在她脚下的小溪中站着另一个孩子--是另外一个,但又一模一样--身上同样洒满阳光。

38、A great man cannot brook a rival. ─── 一山难容两虎。

39、China's sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no division. ─── 中国的主权和领土完整不容分割。

40、He sat listening to the murmur of the little brook. ─── 他坐着倾听小溪流水的潺潺声。

41、There runs a small Brook around the village. ─── 一条小溪围着村于流过。

42、It would not do for her to drink too much, to reel about in public like the idlers of the Bamboo Brook. ─── 她不宜饮酒过多,免得在大庭广众间象浪迹于竹林溪涧的隐士一样有失体统。

43、He has often cast this brook. ─── 他常在这小河边垂钓。

44、In our room we could hear the murmur of a distant brook. ─── 在我们房间能听到远处小溪汩汩的流水声。

45、He jumped clean over the brook. ─── 他俐落地跳过那条小溪。

46、A little brook trout took the fly, and I held it so my client could see the blue rings around the bright? orange spots. ─── 一条小鳟鱼咬了钩,我抓住它,好让我的客户看清鱼身上桔色斑点周围的蓝圈儿。

47、South of them, the ground rose gently away from the brook. ─── 在它们的南面,地面逐渐从溪谷抬升隆起。

48、H. is a political scholar at the Brooking Institution in Washington. ─── H.是华盛顿B.协会的政治学者。

49、"We were all stunned at how poor we were, " commented Brooking. ─── “我们都对我们拙劣的表现惊呆了,”布鲁金评论到。

50、He would brook no interruptions. ─── 他不容许别人打岔。

51、Medical Image Processing Lab - SUNY Stony Brook. ─── 医学图象处理实验室。

52、Take a leaf out of Craig Busch and Karen Grey Brook's book. ─── 从CraigBusch和KarenGreyBrook合著的书中取出一片叶子。

53、He finally met for discussions with FA chief executive Brian Barwick and director of football Sir Trevor Brooking in London on Wednesday. ─── 他最终与英足总执行总裁布莱恩。巴威克以及英足总足球发展部总监布鲁金爵士会面并进行了谈判。

54、A brook winds through the woods. ─── 一条小河蜿蜒地流过树林。

55、What other sound could emanate from the mountains on so still a night but Brook Suoxi? ─── 在这样的深山! 在这样的静夜!

56、She had led across a meadow to a tree-shaded brook. ─── 她带头走过一片草地,来到一条两岸绿树成荫的小溪旁。

57、The soldiers got over the wall and jumped the brook. ─── 士兵们爬过高墙,跳过小溪。

58、He will also discuss with Sir Trevor Brooking how to integrate an English presence into the coaching set-up. ─── 他也会和特洛夫·布鲁克林爵士讨论如何将一个英格兰教练融和到整个教练组中去。

59、He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head. ─── 他要喝路旁的河水,因此必抬起头来。

60、Sir Trevor Brooking added: "Fabio Capello is widely recognised as one of the world's finest coaches." ─── 洛夫·布鲁克林爵士补充到:”法比奥·卡佩罗被普遍誉为世界上最好的教练之一。

61、A brook meanders through the meadow. ─── 一条小溪从草地中蜿蜒流过。

62、He boated across a brook in a windy morning . ─── 在一个刮风的早晨,他划着小船穿过一条河流。

63、And the king passed over the brook Kidron, and all the people passed over toward the way of the wilderness. ─── 众民尽都过去,王也过了汲沦溪;众民都向着通往旷野的路过去了。

64、Her pride would not brook such insults. ─── 她的自尊心难以容忍这种侮辱。

65、He could brook no interruptions. ─── 他不能容忍打插。

66、She was brooking over whether life was worth living. ─── 她在沉思人生是否值得活下去。

67、Ph.D. diss., State University of New York at Stony Brook. ─── 国立台湾师范大学教育心理与辅导研究所硕士论文。

68、His pride would not brook such insults. ─── 他的自尊心无法忍受这样的侮辱。

69、Football Association director Sir Trevor Brooking says the next England manager should be homegrown. ─── 足球协会理事布鲁金爵士表示英格兰国家队教练应该是土生土长的。

70、They came to a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides. ─── 他们来到一条两岸长满红花、绿草的小溪边。

71、But person who send letter on halfway a brook flank break, because he walked a lot of roads, very weary, asleep. ─── 但是送信的人在半路上一条小河旁边休息,因为他走了很多路,很疲倦,就睡着了。

72、The wasters of a brook are limpid and laughing in the summer's sun. ─── 夏日的阳光下,小溪清清,流水淙淙。

73、He cross a brook and avoided the chase. ─── 他看见气泡从水底冒起。

74、"Devil's-needles zigzagging along the Nut-Meadow brook. ─── “魔鬼的针在坚果草地小溪那里蜿蜒而行。”

75、By the brook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies. ─── 在溪边,厨子在做钩形饼干之前查阅了一本食谱。

76、A brook ran through the adjoining woods. ─── 一条小溪穿过附近的树林。

77、He jumped his pony across the brook. ─── 他使小马驹跳过了小河。

78、Not far from the brook stood a frowning rock. ─── 在小河的不远处立着一座望夫石。

79、As the stones in his stomach made him very thirsty, he got up and went to the brook to drink. ─── 因为他肚子里的石头让他觉得很渴,他便起身到河边去喝水。

80、Everything goes on just like a shallow brook, babbling over my mind. ─── 一切顺利的就像一个浅的小溪,胡说了我的想法。

81、The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook. ─── 人口中的言语,如同深水。智慧的泉源,好像涌流的河水。

82、A wandering brook meanders around the park. ─── 一条蜿蜒的小溪围绕着公园缓缓流过。

83、He splashed his way across the brook. ─── 他淌水走过小溪。

84、The McDonald's Corp., based in Oak Brook, Ill. ─── 但座落在美国伊利诺伊州奥克布鲁克的麦当劳总部对此却不能充耳不闻。

85、"What does this sad little brook say, mother? ─── “这条伤心的小河都说些什么啊; 妈妈?”

86、He won't brook any criticism of his work. ─── 他不容忍对他工作的任何批评。

87、"I've always asked, when talking with Sir Trevor Brooking , for an English coach to be integrated into the staff, " he said. ─── “在跟布鲁金爵士谈话的时候我已经提到过想引入一名英国本土教练加入我的教练组,”他说。

88、A little brook trout took the fly, and I held it so my client could see the blue rings around the bright orange spots. ─── 一 条 小 鳟 鱼 咬 了 钩 , 我 抓 住 它 , 好 让 我 的 客 户 看 清 鱼 身 上 桔 色 斑 点 周 围 的 蓝 圈 儿 。

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