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infinitesimal 发音

英:[,ɪnfɪnɪ'tesɪm(ə)l]  美:['ɪnfɪnə'tɛsəml]

英:  美:

infinitesimal 中文意思翻译



infinitesimal 网络释义

adj. 无穷小的;无限小的;极小的n. 无限小;极微量;极小量

infinitesimal 短语词组

1、infinitesimal transition ─── [化] 无限小过程

2、infinitesimal constant ─── 无穷小常数

3、infinitesimal method ─── [计] 无穷小法, 微元法

4、infinitesimal process ─── [化] 无限小过程

5、infinitesimal circle ─── 无穷小圆

6、infinitesimal calculus ─── [计] 微积分

7、infinitesimal connection ─── 无穷小的联系

8、infinitesimal nucleus ─── 无穷小核

9、infinitesimal character ─── 无穷小特征标

10、infinitesimal strain ─── 无穷小应变

11、infinitesimal group ─── 无穷小群

12、infinitesimal parameter ─── 无穷小参数

13、infinitesimal area ─── [计] 无穷小领域, 无穷小面积

14、infinitesimal dipole ─── 无穷小偶极子, ─── 无限小偶极子

15、infinitesimal transformation ─── [计] 无穷小变换

16、infinitesimal rotation ─── [化] 无限小转动

17、infinitesimal wave ─── 无限小波

18、infinitesimal element ─── 无穷小元素

19、infinitesimal section ─── 无穷小的部分

infinitesimal 反义词


infinitesimal 同义词

inexhaustible | extreme | never-ending | multitudinous |immeasurable | innumerous | vast | unending | large | limitless | everlasting | innumerable | expansive | unbounded | inestimable | numberless | perpetual | ceaseless | incessant | unnumbered | tremendous | continuous | space | unnumberable | uncounted | immense | boundless | universal | eternal | huge | myriad | endless | unnumerable | great | stupendous | oceanic | interminable | unlimited | non-finite | countless

infinitesimal 词性/词形变化,infinitesimal变形

副词: infinitesimally |

infinitesimal 相似词语短语

1、infinitesimality ─── 无穷大

2、infinitesimals ─── adj.无穷小的;无限小的;极小的;n.无限小;极微量;极小量

3、infinitesimal calculi ─── 无穷小结石

4、infinitesimalness ─── 无穷小

5、infinite space ─── 无限空间

6、centesimal ─── adj.百分之一的;百分的;百进制的

7、infinitesimally ─── adv.极小地

8、infinitival ─── adj.不定词的

9、infinite integral ─── [数]无穷积分

infinitesimal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No matter how much effort the government makes to ease the risks, it is infinitesimal. ─── 无论政府做多少努力来降低风险,都是远远不够的。

2、3.The limits of functions include notation, properties, existence, the two important limits, infinity and infinitesimal. ─── 3.函数极限包括函数极限的概念、性质、存在的条件,两个重要极限和无穷小量和无穷大量。

3、lower order the infinitesimal ─── 低阶无穷小

4、Knack in Using Equivalent Infinitesimal Substitute to Solve Limits ─── 利用等价无穷小替换求极限的解题技巧

5、Therefore, to verify the hypothesis of invariance of light speed, a new method must be found to take accurate measurement of the infinitesimal change in the travelling time of light. ─── 因此要在地面上验证光速不变假设是否正确,必须找出一种精密测量光运行时间微小变化的新方法。

6、A Note on Equivalence Transformation of Sum-form's Infinitesimal Quantity ─── 关于等价无穷小量代换的一个注记

7、The infinitesimal amount of nuclear fuel required makes it possible to build power reactors in any part of the world. ─── 因为所需的核燃料极少,所以可能把动力反应堆建在世界上的任何地方。

8、A millionth of an inch is an infinitesimal length. ─── 一英寸的百万分之一是极小的长度。

9、The sky is thus broad, own world is what infinitesimal, look for to find in the restriction of the scope, the result just disappoints, sorrow, the wretchedness don't have no other! ─── 天空如此辽阔,自己的世界是多么的渺小,在限制的范围内寻寻觅觅,结果只是失望、悲哀、可怜别无其他!

10、Equivalent Infinitesimal in Trigonometric Functions ─── 三角函数的等价无穷小

11、Theorem 1 The sum of finite number of infinitesimal is an infinitesimal. ─── 定理1有限个无穷小的和也是无穷小。

12、The infinitesimal size of the Powder LSI chips under development also helps to conjure sci-fi scenarios. ─── 尚在研发的粉末LSI晶片尺寸极小,也有助于实现科幻小说的情节。


14、That great, infinitesimal question - I can't shake it out of my thoughts. ─── 那伟大的浩瀚无涯的问题我是无法赶出脑袋了。

15、An infinitesimal increment in a variable. ─── 变量无限小的增量

16、The thousands of stars you can see with the naked eye are no more than an infinitesimal fraction of what is there. ─── 你能用肉眼看到的数以千计的星星仅仅是所有的极少一些。

17、Note to the Infinitude Calculation of Infinitesimal ─── 关于无穷小进行无穷运算的注记

18、When you gallop about between the world of that a moment, would discover own infinitesimal and weak. ─── 当你驰骋在天地之间的那一刻,才会发现自己的渺小和脆弱。

19、In the wired portion of its journey, a file of such infinitesimal size is inconsequential. ─── 在其有线之旅中,如此微不足道的文件是无关紧要的。

20、The Skillful Application on the Replace of Equivalence Infinitesimal to Solve Complicated Limit Problem ─── 巧用等价无穷小替换求解复杂极限的研究

21、Limit Calculation by the Equivalent Infinitesimal Replace Methods ─── 应用等价无穷小量的代换方法求极限

22、He painted the lake repeatedly for more than 20 years, recording the infinitesimal changes in the light reflected in the water's surface ─── 他在对多年里反复描绘这座池塘,记录下了水面反光的细微变化。

23、infinitesimal process ─── [化] 无限小过程

24、infinitesimal calculus ─── n. 无穷小计算, 微积分学, 微积分

25、"Fofa ranges from being infinitesimal to infinity. ─── “‘佛法’是从粒子、分子到宇宙,从更小至更大,一切奥秘的洞见,无所不包,无所遗漏。”

26、He did not publish all these discoveries, and at this time infinitesimal methods were still considered disreputable. ─── 他没有公布所有这些发现,并在这个时候无穷小方法仍然被视为违规。

27、An initial approach to teaching the unique theorem of the solution to usual infinitesimal calculus equation ─── 常微分方程中解的存在唯一性定理教学初探

28、Certainly myself clarity are own infinitesimal and frail, my this article also there will be not enough place in not a few mistakes, hope the everyone corrects. ─── 当然我自己清楚自己的渺小孱弱,我的这篇文章也会有不少错误不足之处,望各位指正。

29、An equation for the calculation of true shear strain was derived from the integration of infinitesimal shear strain in plane shearing process with constant principal shear strain direction. ─── 对切应变主轴不变的平面简单切变过程,通过无穷小应变的积分,导出了真实切应变计算公式。

30、The acoustic pressure and acoustic power of the whole structure are obtained by superposing those of each infinitesimal element. ─── 以每个微元为一单位,分别计算声压和声功率之后叠加起来,即得整个结构的声辐射。

31、New and strange objects have also been found at this infinitesimal level--the strangest of all being the quarks ─── 在极细微的层次里,同样发现了奇妙的新客体,而最奇妙的是夸克。

32、Some Sufficient Conditions about the Product of Countable Infinitesimal for Infinitesimal ─── 可列个无穷小乘积仍为无穷小的若干充分条件

33、To understand the world thru the point of view of infinitesimal, see the power of calculation it can achieve. ─── 了解如何以无穷小之观念去了解这个世界。使用、见识无穷小观念在计算上之威力。

34、New Approaches to the Application of Multi-element Function Infinitesimal Method in Geometry ─── 多元函数微分法在几何中应用的新认识

35、Use of Infinitesimal Calculus to Calculate the Capacity of a Hyperbolic Coal Hopper ─── 利用微积分求煤仓双曲线漏斗容积

36、In some cases, before even providing laboratory proof of the capabilities of their molecular-size creations, nanotechnologists have started to muse about whether infinitesimal robots will run amok and consume the planet. ─── 在某些情况中,奈米科技专家甚至还没有在实验室中证明这些分子级发明的功能,就开始忧虑超小型机器人会不会疯狂乱跑、毁灭地球。

37、Infinite/at which gravitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume, and space and time to become infinitely distorted. ─── 奇点:时空中的一点,在该点重力使物质的密度无穷大、体积无穷小,空间和时间被极度的扭曲

38、The Ways of Getting Limits with the Equivalent Infinitesimal ─── 利用等价无穷小求极限方法的一个推广

39、The right squiggles coming out of an instrument are usually enough to confirm that they have caught their quarry, however infinitesimal, insubstantial, or bizarre. ─── 仪器测到的适当的不起眼波形,不管多么微小、脆弱、奇特,通常就足以证实他们已经找到了目标。

40、In this paper,infinitesimal classification is given and theorem condition of equivalent infinitesimal replacement is simplified,thus,this theorem is easy to operate. ─── 对无穷小提出了新的分类法,并对等价无穷小替换定理的条件进行了简化,从而使得该定理应用更加方便。

41、Infinitesimal details become artistic expression, a translucent tip of a fin becomes like fine gossamer of haute couture fabric. ─── 微妙的细节成为艺术的表达,鱼鳍的透明末梢就似奢华的薄纱。

42、second order infinitesimal neighborhood ─── 二级无穷小邻域

43、In point of fact the three actions of perceiving, determining, and responding were sequential;but so infinitesimal were the intervals of time between them that they appeared simultaneous. ─── 事实上,这三个动作是连续发生的,但时间间隔极为短暂,显得好像是同时发生的。

44、A drop of water is infinitesimal in the ocean, great in the desert;The red crowned crane is infinitesimal in the cranes, great in the chickens;You are infinitesimal in the crowd, great in the pigsty! ─── 一滴水在海洋中渺小,在沙漠中伟大;丹顶鹤在鹤群中渺小,在鸡群中伟大;你在人群中渺小,在猪圈伟大!

45、Because of the growth of brain and mind, people know more and more about the infinitesimal of themselves and the infinity of surrounding. ─── 因为随着大脑的发育,心灵的成长,人类会越来越认识到自身的无限小,环境的无限大。

46、The condition of this model converge to degenerate normal distribution is discussed by citing the idea of infinitesimal, combining with the law of 0-1. ─── 引用无穷小概念,结合0-1律讨论了该模型的分布收敛于退化正态分布的条件。

47、For pin-bar assembly, uniform cognitions to its geometrical stability, stability of prestressed mechanisms, stability of loaded mechanisms and stability of infinitesimal mechanisms are expounded. ─── 对铰接杆件体系的几何稳定、预应力机构稳定、受荷机构稳定以及无穷小机构稳定进行了统一解释。

48、New and strange objects have also been found at this infinitesimal level--the strangest of all being the quarks. ─── 在极细微的层次里,同样发现了奇妙的新客体,而最奇妙的是夸克。

49、The odds of any Kraft bid hitting nine pounds are infinitesimal. ─── 卡夫的出价触及9英镑的几率简直是微乎其微。

50、Discuss on Solving the Limit Value of Power and Exponent Functions by Equivalent Infinitesimal Substitution ─── 幂指函数极限中等价无穷小代换的探讨

51、Infinitesimal element method can be used for calculating those effects the stress birefringence of imperfect polarization-maintaining fibers, which could not be discussed by other theoretical methods. ─── 微元算法可计算以往理论方法无法讨论的非理想保偏光纤中的应力双折射。

52、He painted the lake repeatedly for more than 20 years,recording the infinitesimal changes in the light reflected in the water's surface. ─── 他在20多年里反复描绘这座池塘,记录下了水面反光的细微变化。

53、Every infinitesimal piece of attachment or karma is completely surrendered unto God and dissolved into the Divine Ocean of Love. ─── 每一个无穷小的附件或业报都完全地听任于神,溶解入爱的海洋里面。


55、The most complete work on finite and infinitesimal analysis was written in 1748 by Maria Gaetana Agnesi. ─── 玛丽亚·盖特纳·阿涅西于1748年写出了关于有限和无穷小分析的最完整的作品。

56、These are known as the nine components of stress and are illustrated with reference to an infinitesimal rectangular element about a point in Figure 1. 2. ─── 它们被称为应力的九个分量,均示于图1.2中一点附近的无限小的平行六面体单元上。

57、Very small; infinitesimal. ─── 很小的;极小的

58、infinitesimal balance equation ─── 微元平衡方程

59、A Study of Equivalent Infinitesimal Replacement in a Limit Formula with Plus Minus Operation ─── 含加减运算极限式中等价无穷小代换的研究

60、The body's annual intake of metallic iron is infinitesimal. ─── 人体对金属铁的年摄入量是微不足道的。

61、It predicts that stars can collapse to infinitesimal points but fails to explain what happens then. ─── 它预测恒星会塌缩至无限小的点,但无法解释之后会发生什麽事。

62、According to the principles of infinitesimal calculus,a new method on how to ratiocinate the arbitrary quadrilaterals area was put forward. ─── 利用微积分原理给出任意四边形面积公式推证的一种新方法。

63、And roam it does, from the infinitesimal to the infinite, from the subatomic realm to the far reaches of the universe. ─── 并且智慧遨游,从无穷小到无穷大,从亚原子王国到遥远的宇宙。

64、Qimu is “so great without the outside, so small without the inside”, is the strange matter of a body gathering the infinity and the infinitesimal, the mother of the myriad things. ─── 炁母“其大无外,其小无内”,是集无限大与无限小于一身的奇异物质,万物之母。

65、Induction in Teaching about Application of Symmetry in Infinitesimal Calculus ─── 对称性在微积分应用中的教学归纳

66、A drop of water is very infinitesimal,but do you know many a pickle makes a muckle's truth? ─── 一滴水是十分微小的,但是你知道积少成多的道理吗?

67、These are known as the nine components of stress and are illustrated with reference to an infinitesimal rectangular element about a point in Figure 1.2. ─── 它们被称为应力的九个分量,均示于图1.2中一点附近的无限小的平行六面体单元上。

68、It has become a funeral pyre, grab my infinitesimal possession in the twinkling of the moment.It will also destroy others hearts and minds, and burn everything to ashes including me. ─── 它终将在无尽的雪原上摧灭他人的心灵与意志,在风雪中吞噬一切,而我亦将在其中焚毁,化为灰烬,在寒风中四散开去。

69、Introduce Application of Infinitesimal Method in Process Calculation ─── 微元法在工艺计算中的应用

70、Effective and robust finite element methods are developed for both infinitesimal TNT deformation theory and flow theory. ─── 为小变形的TNT形变理论和流动理论,发展了有效的有限元方法。

71、Infinitesimal generator of particle systems with aggregation property ─── 具有聚合性质的粒子系统的无穷小生成元

72、A theory for a quantum version of the infinitesimal Schur algebra is studied by Anton Cox in [4]. ─── Anton Cox在他的博士论文[4]中研究了无穷小Schur代数的量子化。

73、The stars that you see shining in the blue sky, began to be born when an infinitesimal particle attracted another to form an atom. ─── 你在蓝色天空看到的闪烁着的星星,是由无限小的粒子开始吸引其它粒子而形成原子开始的。

74、If we imagine rewinding the expansion of the universe back in time, the galaxies we see all seem to converge on a single infinitesimal point: the big bang singularity. ─── 如果能倒转宇宙的时间,我们所见的星系会全都汇聚到一个无限小的点:大霹雳奇异点。

75、She spoke with that gentle infinitesimal inflexion of mockery which descended to her from her mother ─── 她说话时,带着她母亲传给她的那种温柔细致的嘲笑语调。

76、If, in conditions of tolerable average employment, this net yield turns out to be infinitesimal, time-honoured methods may prove unavailing. ─── 它能诱使财富所有者牺牲他的流动性偏好如果在过得去的平均就业水平条件下,这个净收益低微到不足道的程度,则久负盛名的办法也证明无效了。

77、She spoke with that gentle, infinitesimal inflexion of mockery which descended to her from her mother ─── 她说着话,带着她母亲传给她的那种温柔细致的嘲笑语调。

78、Application of infinitesimal calculus to drawing internal force diagrams ─── 微分关系在画内力图中的应用

79、If it were, the whole world would apply for it, and your chances of getting the job would be infinitesimal. ─── 如果确实存在的话,全世界都会去应聘,那么你得到该职位的机会就是微乎其微了。

80、It has wide working range, infinitesimal air pressure and temperature susceptive system. ─── 宽广的工作范围,极小的气压、温度灵敏度。

81、This is like Carlin's "Why is infinitesimal such a long word? ─── " 为什么“极其微小”是一个如此长的词?

82、This paper simplifies the flowing model and conducts an infinitesimal processing of the two-phase flowing zone,thus establishing a more reasonabl... ─── 另外,该方法还可用来计算水平井极限产能和极限生产压差。

83、Determination about the integrand of infinite integto be infinitesimal ─── 关于广义积分的被积函数为无穷小的判定准则

84、A new concept for large strain-true shear strain-was proposed based on the definition of strain at infinitesimal deformation. ─── 从无穷小变形条件下应变的定义出发,提出了大变形时真实切应变的概念。

85、an infinitesimal risk ─── 微乎其微的风险

86、Based on the spectral properties of the infinitesimal generator, the properties of the commodity semigroup in the Banach space are discussed. ─── 基于无穷小母元的谱性质,讨论了商品半群的性质。

87、They strongly suggest that the neutrino has mass, albeit an infinitesimal amount. ─── 他们强烈表明中微子是有质量的,尽管质量是无穷小的。

88、A Plain Analysis for the Misunderstanding of Applying Infinitesimal Method ─── 微元法应用误区浅析

89、Has it occurred to you that the mathematical probability of your being here is infinitesimal? ─── 你是否想过,你存在于此处的数学概率是微乎其微的?



2、有限小的增量我们用△表示,如△x是x的有限小增量,读成delta x;






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