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09-15 投稿



histrionicism 中文意思翻译



histrionicism 相似词语短语

1、diatonicism ─── n.全音阶

2、histrionical ─── 历史的

3、histrionism ─── n.演戏;装腔作势的行为

4、historicism ─── n.历史决定论(社会和文化现象由历史决定);历史事件规律论;历史第一轮;(艺术、建筑)传统崇拜,复古主义

5、astrionics ─── n.[航]宇航电子学,太空电子学;天文电子学

6、histrionic ─── adj.戏剧的;演员的,表演的;n.演员

7、histrionics ─── n.装腔作势的态度或举止;舞台艺术;表演(histrionic的复数)

8、histrionically ─── 戏剧上地;装腔作势地

9、histrionicals ─── 历史的

histrionicism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This function is why you keep losing jobs or falling in love with histrionic martyrs. ─── 这个功能就是为何你出现会不断失去工作、或和。。

2、He gropes in darkness, panicked, his gestures slowed through re photography, and begins a histrionic dance of anguish. ─── 他在黑暗中摸索,惊慌失措,他的姿势通过慢镜头呈现。他开始了痛苦的戏剧性的舞蹈。

3、histrionic gestures ─── 故做姿态

4、However, the final realization of histrionic discourse construction should rely on the switchs between images and language signs. ─── 而戏剧性的话语建构的最终实现,必须依靠意象形象转换和语言符号转换才能完成。

5、2. suggestive of the theater or of acting; artificial, pompous, spectacular, or extravagantly histrionic: a theatrical display of grief. ─── 暗示剧院或表演;做作的,夸张的,惊人的,或者虚华的表演:剧院性地表现悲痛。

6、(of behaviour)exaggerated in order to create an effect;unnaturally showy;histrionic ─── (指行为)为产生某种效果而夸张的,做作的,演戏般的

7、her histrionic talents ─── 她的表演天才.

8、As the popular culture's representation, Hollywood, namely American film in a way, creates genre films that follow a set of commercial and histrionic principles. ─── 在海明威的小说进入自己的视野之后,好莱坞同样希望从它们身上找到符合上述三原则的特质。

9、The expressional way may be direct estimation, may be exterior as well as connotative logic dialog, or histrionic and metaphorical visual language. ─── 其表现方式可能是直言判断,可能既有表层的又有隐含的、在不同层面上的逻辑对话,也可能是富有戏剧意味的、隐喻性的形象语言。

10、Histrionic Discourse Carrier of Poems Switching Between Images and Languagesigns ─── 论诗歌的戏剧性话语载体在意象与语言之间转换

11、(music; of a singer or singing voice) marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style ─── (音乐;关于歌手或歌声)具有力量、表现力、戏剧性、戏剧风格特征的

12、histrionic personality ─── 剧化型人格

13、a histrionic gesture; ─── 做作的手势;

14、Your mind-DVR also lines up educational programming. Automatically. Even if you hate it. This function is why you keep losing jobs or falling in love with histrionic martyrs. ─── 你的”大脑-数字录像机”也能进行教育为目的的编排。而且那是自动的--即便你讨厌。这个功能就是为何你出现会不断失去工作、或和。。

15、histrionic personality disorder ─── 剧化型人格异常

16、She accept and forgive Barabara 's everything .Because this scandal,movie become to be histrionic. ─── 只是所有的所有,都不能束缚我们的思想。

17、Expressions of serum and histrionic intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and its mRNA in hepatocellular carcinoma ─── 肝细胞肝癌患者血清和组织细胞间粘附分子-1及其mRNA的表达

18、Discussion on Designing Potence and Histrionic of Character Elements ─── 论文字要素的设计力量与戏剧性

19、Though the adaptation strategy has mostly followed the traditional opera's histrionic formula, in practice, the play exhibits innovations derived from within. ─── 其编剧策略虽说是以保留传统戏曲表演程式为原则,但在实践的过程却可见传统戏曲表演程式的新变。

20、Guancheng Hui Nationality District locates in the southeast of Zhengzhou City, which is the histrionic famous city in China, one of the eight ancient capitals, and the capital of Henan province. ─── 管城,历史悠久,人杰地灵。早在3600年前,即为商王朝都邑,因西周初年在此建立管国而得名管城,是至今全国仍保持原名的历史古城和绵亘不绝、日益兴旺的商都故地。

21、She had never forgotten her one histrionic achievement in Chicago. ─── 她从未忘记过她在芝加哥的那一次成功的演出。

22、histrionic behaviour ─── 装腔作势.

23、Don't ever tell me any more that a nigger ain't got any histrionic talent. ─── 别再告诉我说黑奴没有演戏的天才啦。

24、histrionic paralysis ─── [医] 表情性麻痹(部分面肌麻痹)

25、histrionic palsy ─── 表情肌麻痹, 面肌麻痹

26、Disorders with symptoms similar to those of traditional hysteria include conversion disorder, factitious disorder, dissociative disorder, and personality disorder (histrionic type). ─── 其障碍症状类似传统歇斯底里发作的症状,包括转化症、伪病症、解离症及人格障碍(剧化型)。

27、Garbo’s natural manner distinguished her from more histrionic silent actors. ─── 嘉宝自然的气质使她在众多的无声电影演员中脱颖而出。

28、a histrionic gesture ─── 做作的手势

29、histrionic gestures; an attitude of melodramatic despair; a theatrical pose. ─── 做作的姿势;做作的失望神态;戏剧性的姿势。

30、histrionic gestures; ─── 做作的姿势;

31、histrionic a. ─── 戏剧的;

32、The improvement of parents'breeding model can prevent histrionic personality disorder. ─── 改善父母的养育方式可以预防表演型人格障碍。

33、He enunciated, quietly, but in something like his usual modulated and faintly histrionic tone ─── 他清晰地说,虽然是轻声的,却依旧是他平时那种抑扬有致,微微带些戏剧性的声调。

34、Case Report on Panic Disorder with Histrionic Personality Disorder ─── 惊恐障碍伴癔症性人格特征一例报告

35、From the Yuan Zaiu's Loss to Think the Histrionic Creative Power ─── 从元杂剧的不传,反思演员的创造力

36、And at the same time, it also offers histrionic and mysterious life in a hidden way. ─── 也同时用潜伏的原理忧挂生命发生的神秘和戏剧性;

37、 双语使用场景

38、This reference to archery is taken from Mencius.It describes how the expert teacher of archery draws his bow with a histrionic gesture but does not release the arrow. ─── 这句话引自《孟子·尽心上》,大意是说善于教人射箭的人,引满了弓,却不射出去,只摆着跃跃欲动的姿势。

39、Histrionic personality trait ─── 表演样人格特性

40、histrionic spasm ─── [医] 面肌抽搐, 表情样痉挛

42、The core symptom of histrionic personality disorder is attracting other's attention. ─── 表演型人格障碍的核心症状是寻求关注。

43、The symptom, formation and tratment of histrionic personality disorder ─── 表演型人格障碍的表现、形成和治疗

44、The subjects of the content in teleplay are mainly folk, colloquial and histrionic. ─── 电视剧的题材内容倾向于民间性、通俗性、戏剧性;

45、(music; of a singer or singing voice) marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style. ─── (音乐;关于歌手或歌声)具有力量、表现力、戏剧性、戏剧风格特征的。

46、Suggestive of the theater or of acting; artificial, pompous, spectacular, or extravagantly histrionic: a theatrical display of grief. ─── 暗示剧院或表演;做作的,夸张的,惊人的,或者虚华的表演:剧院性地表现悲痛。

47、Group therapy is not recommended for those with HPD because it provides the person with an audience to play to (perform for), giving opportunity to perpetuate histrionic behavior. ─── 治疗集中在改善患者的人际交往上并且教会她们如何表达她们的渴望与需要。

48、The increasingly histrionic Eden, in particular, wanted not only the reversal of the canal's nationalisation but also regime change: he wanted Nasser “destroyed”. ─── 特别是越来越象演员的艾登,他不仅想废除运河的国有化,还想颠覆政权:他想让纳赛尔“毁灭”。

49、histrionic muscles ─── 表情肌

50、of a singer or singing voice) marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style. ─── 关于歌手或歌声)具有力量、表现力、戏剧性、戏剧风格特征的。

51、histrionic mania ─── 戏迷病

52、"Disorders with symptoms similar to those of traditional hysteria include conversion disorder, factitious disorder, dissociative disorder, and personality disorder (histrionic type). " ─── 其障碍症状类似传统歇斯底里发作的症状,包括转化症、伪病症、解离症及人格障碍(剧化型)。

53、The transformation of the sufferer's cognitive and behaviour pattens can lessen or halt their existing self-perpetuation of histrionic psersonality disorder. ─── 改变患者的认知和行为方式 ,可减弱或阻断表演型人格障碍者的自我塑造

54、"For Carrie, as we well know, the stage had a great attraction. She had never forgotten her one histrionic achievement in Chicago." ─── 正如我们十分了解的那样,舞台对于嘉莉有着巨大的吸引力。她从未忘记过她在芝加哥的那一次成功的演出。

55、histrionic personalistics ─── 表演状人格(病)

56、Q analysis with the SWAP-200-A identified five personality disorders (antisocial-psychopathic, emotionally dysregulated, avoidant-constricted, narcissistic, and histrionic) and one personality style. ─── 以SWAP-200-A 鑑定Q分析可以辨识出,包括反社会精神异常、情绪失调、畏避型、自恋型、戏剧型人格障碍等五种人格异常,以及一种人格特质。

57、histrionic gestures; an attitude of melodramatic despair; a theatrical pose ─── 做作的姿势;做作的失望神态;戏剧性的姿势

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