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09-15 投稿


escapement 发音

英:[ɪsˈkeɪpmənt]  美:[ɪ'skepmənt]

英:  美:

escapement 中文意思翻译



escapement 短语词组

1、escapement fish ─── 擒纵鱼

2、escapement wheel ─── 擒纵机轮, ─── 擒纵轮

3、anchor escapement ─── [机] 锚形擒纵器

4、escapement parameter ─── 转义参数

5、escapement sequence ─── [计] 换码序列

6、expanded escapement ─── [计] 扩充走路

7、escapement define ─── 擒纵机构定义

8、escapement cad ─── 擒纵机构cad

9、escapement definition in fisheries ─── 渔业中的擒纵机构定义

10、escapement mechanism ─── [仪]擒纵机构

11、escapement file ─── 擒纵机锉,带方形断面尾的锉

12、escapement vector ─── 逃逸向量

13、escapement crank ─── 擒纵曲柄

14、escapement spring ─── 逃生泉

escapement 词性/词形变化,escapement变形


escapement 相似词语短语

1、scapement ─── 假象

2、estrepement ─── n.使土地枯竭,滥垦

3、casement ─── n.竖铰链窗,门式窗;窗户;窗框;n.(Casement)(美)凯斯门特(人名)

4、restatement ─── n.重述;再次声明

5、escapements ─── n.擒纵机构棘轮装置;脱逃;逃亡的出口;卡子

6、scapements ─── 景观

7、escarpment ─── n.悬崖;绝壁;陡坡

8、encasement ─── n.[交]装箱;套;包装

9、escarpments ─── n.悬崖;绝壁;陡坡

escapement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、repellent escapement ─── 反叉式擒纵机构

2、Intergovernmental meeting on the implementation of the Social Development Strategy for the ESCAP Region; ─── 亚太经社会区域社会发展战略执行情况政府间会议;

3、mixed type escapement ─── 半直进式擒纵机构

4、double roller (lever) escapement ─── 双滚擒纵机构双圆盘擒纵机构

5、ESCAP estimates that Asian countries to the current scale of capital inflows and economic development, the annual cost of almost 500 million. ─── ESCAP估计,以亚洲国家目前资本流入规模和经济发展情况,这种成本差不多每年达到500亿美元。

6、In Coalwood, West Virginia, 1957, coal mining is king and no one can escap life underground. ─── 在1957年,西维珍尼亚洲的居民都以采煤维生,但煤矿工人都在矿洞内丧命,无一幸免。

7、on a typewriter,escapement that occurs in the writing direction without a character being typed on the paper ─── 在打字机上,只沿打印方向移动,而在纸上不打印出字符

8、22. In word processing, a predetermined number of escapement units (including character spaces) forming one line of typing. ─── 在字(词)处理技术中,预先定义的换码单位数(包括字符空格),构成一个打字行。

9、Atlas of Mineral Resources of the ESCAP Region ─── 亚太经社会区域矿藏分布图

10、a deadbeat clock escapement ─── 不摆的钟的司行轮

11、Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ( ESCAP ) ─── 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会

12、crown ( wheel)escapement ─── 冕状轮擒纵机构

13、half dead escapement ─── 半反冲擒纵机构

14、He walked to the door to attempt to escap. ─── 他走向门去企图逃跑。

15、worm escapement ─── 叉式擒纵机构

16、China has always attached importance to its cooperation with ESCAP. ─── 中国一向重视与联合国亚太经社会的合作。

17、three-legged gravity escapement ─── 三脚式重力擒纵机构

18、Evaluated variables are treated the same as templates. They follow the same escapement and security features just as if they were templates. ─── 待求值处理的变量被当作模板来处理。它们和模板一样遵循同样的结构和安全特性。

19、half dead-beat escapement ─── 半摆式擒纵机构

20、s water powered celestial globe with an escapement device.The result was allegedly the world's first water powered mechanical clock. ─── In 723 AD, Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Yi-xing (一行) and government official Liang Ling-zan (梁令瓒) combined Zhang Heng'

21、Zhuge Liang in 225 AD Nanzheng "seven escapement Menghuo," the AU will be located in Qujing Jianning County. ─── 公元225年诸葛亮南征“七擒孟获”在曲靖会盟设建宁郡。

22、To be released, as a tooth on an escapement wheel in a watch. ─── 松开而开动放松、开动,如钟表上的摆轮的一个齿

23、Later Wu a Buddhist dress and arm escapement Fang La real disability in Liuhe Tower monks Zuohua there. ─── 后来武松一身头陀打扮,单臂擒方腊残疾后真正在六合塔出家坐化在那里。

24、The Non-linear Oscillation of the "Krupp" Type Tuned Two-Center Escapement ─── 克鲁伯调速器非线性振动

25、vertical escapement ─── 垂直擒纵机构

26、in word processing,a predetermined number of escapement units(including character spaces) forming one line of typing ─── 在字(词)处理技术中,预先定义的换码单位数(包括字符空格),构成一个打字行

27、Meeting of Senior Officials on Human Resources Development in the ESCAP Region; ─── 亚太经社会区域人力资源开发高级官员会议;

28、recoil escapement ─── 后退式擒纵机构

29、Specifies the angle, in tenths of degrees, between the escapement vector and the x-axis of the device. ─── 以十分之一度为单位,指定设备的行距向量和x轴之间的角度。

30、clubtooch level escapement ─── 叉瓦式擒纵机构

31、His son also escapement a beautiful women, his father said: bring home at night to much! ─── 其子又擒一美女,其父曰:带回家,晚上把你妈吃了!

32、The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is contributing to the Year through its publication Water Conservation: A Guide to Promoting Public Awareness (ST/ESCAP/SER. ─── 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)通过其题为“节约用水:促进公众认识指南”(ST/ESCAP/SER.

33、In a mechanical watch, the oscillation is provided by a wound spring through a set of gear wheels (the wheel train) which ends in a mechanism known as an escapement. ─── 在一只机械表内,振荡是由一个通过齿轮系上弦弹簧的纵擒机构提供的。

34、Consultative Meeting among the Executive Heads of Subregional Organizations and ESCAP; ─── 分区域组织和亚太经社会行政首长协商会议;

35、The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is contributing to the Year through its publication Water Conservation: A Guide to Promoting Public Awareness (ST/ESCAP/SER.F/81,No. 81 of its Water Resources Series). ─── 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)通过其题为“节约用水: 促进公众认识指南”(ST/ESCAP/SER.F/81,亚太经社会水资源系列第81 号的出版物),对国际年作出贡献。

36、ESCAP, in turn set up a Working Group of experts to report on the resolution and the report submitted by the Group was circulated to ESCAP member governments. ─── “亚太地区经济和社会委员会接着建立了一个专家工作组,负责对决议提出报告,而工作组提出的报告送给各ESCAP会员国政府传阅.”

37、Meeting of Senior Officials on a Programme of Action in Support of Education for All in the ESCAP Region; ─── 亚太经社会区域支持普及教育行动纲领高级官员会议;

38、double roller lever escapement ─── 双圆盘擒纵机构

39、verge dub-footed escapement ─── 冕状爪式擒纵机构

40、From the barrel to the escapement, the engine energy is transmitted through a succession of wheels and pinions, each one rotating faster than its predecessor. ─── 从发条盒到擒纵系统,是通过若干个小齿轮来传递动力。靠近发条盒端的齿轮速度比远离发条盒端的齿轮转得更快。

41、semitangential escapement ─── 半切线式擒纵机构

42、escapement repeater ─── 出口围盘

43、Expert Group Meeting on Environmental Management of Transnational Corporations in Pollution-Intensive Industries in the ESCAP Region; ─── 关于亚太经社会区域跨国公司对高污染工业的环境管理问题专家组会议;

44、On most type writer, the escapement value of each character is identical. On typesetters, the escapement value of each character is different. ─── 在大多数的打字机上,每个字符的移位值相同。但在排字机上,每个字符的移位值则不同。

45、During the 18th century invented a variety of escapement body bags table for the further development and have laid the foundation. ─── 18世纪期间发明了各种各样的擒纵机构,为袋表的进一步产生与发展奠定了基础。

46、Dynamics of Straight- sided Verge Runaway Escapement Based on Virtual Prototype ─── 基于虚拟样机的卡摆式擒纵机构调速器动态性能研究

47、four legged gravity escapement ─── 四脚重力擒纵机构

48、The voluntary contributions of the members and associate members of ESCAP; ─── 亚太经社理事会各成员国和准成员国的自愿捐助;

49、He hesitated a moment, supporting the Rotary hat head, escapement from suitcase to break down the freedom of strangers. ─── 他迟疑了一下,扶了扶头上的帽子,擒起破皮箱向陌生的自由走去。

50、mid-1970s he made a double-escapement watch for Mr Clutton which, over 32 days, lost less than a second. ─── 中期,他为Sam Clutton制作了一块双擒纵机构的表。32天里表的误差没有超过一秒。

51、On a typewriter, escapement that occurs in the writing direction without a character being typed on the paper. ─── 在打字机上,只沿打印方向移动,而在纸上不打印出字符。

52、On a typewriter,escapement that occurs in the writing direction without a character being typed on the paper. ─── 在打字机上,只沿打印方向移动,而在纸上不打印出字符。

53、ESCAP 60th session of this year the Chinese government sponsored a major international conference that the Chinese government attaches great importance to this session. ─── 亚太经社会第60届会议是今年中国政府主办的一次重要国际会议,中国政府高度重视本届会议。

54、Seminar on the Implications of Accession to the International Conventions on Road and Rail Transport [ESCAP, Tehran, Nov 1994] ─── 加入国际公路和铁路运输公约所涉问题讨论会

55、Workshop on ESCAP regional Specifications for phase VI of the International Comparison Programme; ─── 国际比较方案第六阶段亚太经社会区域规格讲习班;

56、compulsory insurance sets does not include escapement. ─── 交强险规定的免责范围不包括逃逸。

57、In the mid-1970s he made a double-escapement watch for Mr Clutton which, over 32 days, lost less than a second. ─── 20世纪70年代中期,他为SamClutton制作了一块双擒纵机构的表。32天里表的误差没有超过一秒。

58、Guidelines for National Programmes of Action in Implementation of the Social Development Strategy for the ESCAP Region; ─── 国家执行亚太经社会区域社会发展战略行动纲领准则;

59、Subsequently, an emphasis on wing began secretly recruiting, opportunistic rebellion, was Du Shigetake Tsam escapement. ─── 后来,安重荣暗地里开始招兵买马,伺机谋反,被杜重威擒斩。

60、Escapement that occurs in a direction contrary to that of the writing direction without a character being typed on the paper. ─── 与写入方向反向的返回动作。完成该动作时,在纸上不印出任何字符。

61、escapement that occurs in a direction contrary to that of the writing direction without a character being typed on the paper ─── 与写入方向反向的返回动作。完成该动作时,在纸上不印出任何字符

62、on a typewriter , escapement that occurs in the writing direction without a character being typed on the paper. ─── 在打字机上,只沿打印方向移动,而在纸上不打印出字符。

63、To address this, a variation on the original escapement was invented in 1670, in England. ─── 为了解决这个问题,1670年在英国发明了一种对原来擒纵装置的变体。

64、double three-gravity escapement ─── 双重三星轮重力式擒纵机

65、IPM; Integrated Plan of Action on Human Resources Development for the ESCAP Region; ─── 亚太经社会区域人力资源开发综合行动计划;

66、expanded escapement ─── [计] 扩充走路

67、half-frog brake-shoe escapement ─── 半辙叉脱鞋器

68、Basically, the ancient Chinese escapement regulator was a waterwheel steelyard-clepsydra device. ─── 古中国擒纵调速器的基本型式是「水轮秤漏装置」。

69、variable escapement ─── 可调擒纵机构

70、the ESCAP developing country ─── 亚太经社会发展中国家

71、ESCAP Network of National Focal Points for Human Resources Development; ─── 亚太经社会人力资源开发国家协调中心网;

72、Expert Group on Regional Cooperation in the Production of Coarse Grains and Pulses in the ESCAP Region; ─── 亚太区域粗谷物和豆类生产区域合作问题专家组;

73、Harrison has designed a "grasshopper" of the escapement, to improve the accuracy of time clocks. ─── 哈里森设计了一种有“蚂蚱”之称的擒纵器,提高了钟表计时精准度。

74、1. The voluntary contributions of the members and associate members of ESCAP; ─── 亚太经社理事会各成员国和准成员国的自愿捐助;

75、4.The impunity what compulsory insurance sets does not include escapement. ─── 交强险规定的免责范围不包括逃逸。

76、periodical escapement ─── 周期擒纵机构

77、Huang ,Jikun and Chunlai Chen.Agricultural Trade Liberalization in China:Commodity and Local Agriculture Studies“,United Nations ESCAP CGPRT ,April1999. ─── 国务院发展研究中心,中国加入世界贸易组织对世界经济及其自身的影响,研究报告,1998.

78、8.In word processing, a predetermined number of escapement units(including character spaces) forming one line of typing. ─── 在字(词)处理技术中,预先定义的换码单位数(包括字符空格),构成一个打字行。

79、Manila Declaration on Accelerated Implementation of the Agenda for Action on Social Development in the ESCAP Region; ─── 关于加速执行亚太经社会区域社会发展行动议程的马尼拉宣言;

80、8, Shi Renzu hunting and his son, his son escapement a Shouzi, his father said: Fang, no meat! ─── 8、食人族父子打猎,其子擒一瘦子,其父曰:放,没肉!

81、reversed escapement ─── 反向擒纵机构

82、straight - sided runaway escapement ─── 卡摆式调速器

83、duplex escapement ─── 双联擒纵机构双重擒纵机构

84、inverted escapement ─── 反装式擒纵机构

85、double roller ( lever ) escapement ─── 双滚擒纵机构, 双圆盘擒纵机构

86、His son also escapement a fat man, his father said: Fang, too tired! ─── 其子又擒一胖子,其父曰:放,太腻!

87、crown wheel escapement ─── 冠轮擒纵机构

88、And so they proceeded to invent the verge-and-foliot escapement, using a falling weight as with its Greek antecedents. ─── 于是他们利用希腊早就使用的重锤着手发明了立轴横杆式擒纵机构。

89、The Escapement field specifies both the escapement and orientation. ─── Escapement字段既指定行距,又指定方向。

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