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09-15 投稿



horsed 发音

英:[hɔːst]  美:[hɔːrst]

英:  美:

horsed 中文意思翻译



horsed 反义词

foot | mare

horsed 同义词

nag | pony | charger |steed | sawhorse | mount | buck | stallion | mare | colt | Colt | knight | sawbuck | cavalry | stud

horsed 词性/词形变化,horsed变形

动词过去分词: horsed |动词现在分词: horsing |动词第三人称单数: horses |动词过去式: horsed |

horsed 相似词语短语

1、unhorsed ─── v.把……拖下马,使摔下马来;从马背上卸下(unhorse的过去式和过去分词)

2、horsey ─── adj.马的,似马的;爱马的,喜欢赛马的(等于horsy);n.(Horsey)(美、英)奥尔塞(人名)

3、scorsed ─── 分数

4、horse ─── 马

5、hersed ─── 豌豆

6、Gorsedd ─── n.(英国威尔士的)吟游诗集会

7、horsier ─── adj.马的;似马的(等于sorsy)(horsey的变形)

8、horses ─── n.马;马匹(horse的复数形式);v.骑马;捉弄(horse的第三人称单数形式)

9、coursed ─── adj.层列的;被猎犬所追赶的;v.跑过;追逐(course的过去分词)

horsed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When Gwan Lai and Yan Hung were finished with their conversation, not only did they want Wing Chung and Wing Ga to go home, but also told Tai Cho to swear to never see Siu Hor ever again. ─── 君丽与殷红倾谈后,除了要永中与永家回家住外,亦要泰祖发誓不再与笑荷见面,泰祖为了母亲,迫不得已只得发誓。

2、Don't ride the high hors. ─── 勿摆架子。

3、He galloped his hors down the road. ─── 他沿着大路策马疾驰而去

4、To amh hors dawn soap is a kind of ways to avoid the prevalence of illnesses. ─── 4.用肥皂洗手是有效防止疾病传播的一种方法。

5、He didn't know he was then an object to be horsed. ─── 他不知道他那会儿成了被捉弄的对象。

6、He says that the company has some temporary financial problems. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horsed, and I think we should not supply them with any more goods until they have paid our outstanding bills. ─── 他说那家公司碰到了某些暂时的财政困难,这一消息至关重要,我认为一定要到他们付清欠我们的帐后才能继续发货给他们。

7、Harry was on his horsed and going like the wind in the direction of the mountain. ─── 哈里骑着马,朝那座山的方向飞驰而去。

8、He horsed me into his office. ─── 他把我猛地拉进了他的办公室。

9、They traveled from Mount Hor along the route to the Red Sea, to go around Edom. But the people grew impatient on the way; ─── 4他们从何珥山起行,往红海那条路走,要绕过以东地。百姓因这路难行,心中甚是烦躁,

10、I agreed with you...but pls tell me who are you...bcs hor...you the " 他 "is male leh...don't tell me you are gay.. [/quote ─── 同学,不告诉你不是我扮清高,不团结,卖关子,不可爱,见不得人,耍性格,没礼貌等等等;而是,让你更能了解本班同学的第一个考验.

11、Can you climb the tree dawnaway ywe hors. ─── 你不用手能爬上树那棵树吗?

12、When our moniter horsed around with it,out of a sudden,it spreaded its tail feathers.That's perfect thing for me. ─── 在鱼塘周围还意外的看到了孔雀,班长一逗,它还开屏了,太完美的事情对我来说。

13、Hor sie kuih mou wey da or ah. Let me cry. ─── 可惜他都没回答我啊。让我哭吧。

14、We've horsed around long enough. ─── 你不可错过这个工作。

15、The Application of SIEMENS SLE 4442 Intelligent Card in Single-Chip Microcomputer Based System hor Purchase in Advance ─── SIEMENS SLE 4442 IC卡在单片机预收费系统中的应用

16、Felis temminchi Vigers et Hors. ─── 原猫

17、When it was Gwan Lai's birthday, her grandchildren brought along Siu Hor's homemade birthday cake for her.Gwan Lai was excited. ─── 君丽寿辰,众孙儿带了笑荷亲手制作的生日蛋糕替她贺寿,君丽大喜。

18、Don't just Sex take language classes and backpack around Europe at a furious pace; immerse yourself_n a culture. c Pick a placzand staythere hor several months. ─── 不要只是参加语言学习班,并且背包游玩欧洲各地。你应该使自己沉浸在一种文化里。选择一个地方,并在那里呆上几个月。

19、Aaron the priest ascended Mount Hor at the LORD'S command, and there he died in the fortieth year from the departure of the Israelites from the land of Egypt, on the first day of the fifth month. ─── 亚郎大司祭依上主的命,上了曷尔山,死在那里,时在以色列子民出埃及国后四十年五月初一日。

20、But people which favor the influx of the cheap labor toce , on the otIT hor , maintain these migrants are not comlotd to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program . ─── 但是,另一方面,力撑廉价体力劳动者流入的人主张,为了力撑大规模的都市基础功设施建设规划,流动大家是必需的。

21、Per business rapid expansion and development, a MNC market research is looking for Director level talent through us(Hor...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海好伯人力资源咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-20

22、The bold folk fold up the gold or hold it in hor. ─── 大胆的大部份人将金子折叠起来拿在手里。

23、On the first hor, it is indisgetcapable these boarding educates are not exerting a growing importance effect, especiwhichley in continue less ages. ─── 一方面,寄宿学府正在发挥愈来愈很重要的功能,尤其是最近几年,这是无可争辩的。

24、When our moniter horsed around with it, out of a sudden, it spreaded its tail feathers. That's perfect thing for me. ─── 在鱼塘周围还意外的看到了孔雀,班长一逗,它还开屏了,太完美的事情对我来说。

25、"Li old son," or quietly in the habit of "norms" of people dining in the order, such as eating fruit after dinner, hors d'Hekou soup first, and so on. ─── 一些“老理儿”或习惯在悄悄地“规范”着人们进餐的顺序,如餐后进食水果、餐前先喝口汤等。

26、And I'd like to have pate de foie gras for our hors'd oeuvres. ─── 同时餐前小吃我们点一份肥鹅肝酱。

27、Then they journeyed from Mount Hor and camped at Zalmonah. ─── 以色列人从何珥山起行、安营在撒摩拿。

28、And they journeyed from Kadesh, and the people of Israel, the whole congregation, came to Mount Hor. ─── 以色列全会众从加低斯起行,到了何珥山。

29、There are hors d'oeuvres at the table, fruit punch at the bar. ─── 在桌子上有小菜 柜 有水果调味饮品。

30、Even The Straits Times also ran a report. Very large-scale hor? ─── 包括海峡时报也有报导,声势浩大吧?

31、Three kinds of hors d'oeuvres ─── 三式拼盘

32、Get Aaron and his son Eleazar and take them up Mount Hor. ─── 26把亚伦的圣衣脱下来,给他的儿子以利亚撒穿上。亚伦必死在那里,归他列祖。

33、A typical banquet consists of four appetizer dishes, such as cold cut platters or hot hors d'oeuvres;six to eight main courses; ─── 一个典型的宴会,包括四个冷切盘子或热的开胃菜等的开胃菜菜、 六至八个主要的课程 ;

34、we din bully u hor....we r innocent de.... ─── 全都不要来比较好啦...来了就像我酱被欺负...几可怜...

35、Don't feel as if the key to successful comgeting is only in ywe hors. ─── 别感想好像完成计算的钥匙仅把握在你手中。

36、used for hors d'oeuvres or as seasoning in e.g. sauces. ─── 在沙司中作调味品。

37、He's heavily horsed by the officer. ─── 他被上级长官狠狠鞭打了一顿。

38、He's heavily horsed by the officer. ─── 他被上级长官狠狠鞭打了一顿。

39、Mylitta lapidescens Hor. ─── [医] 雷丸

40、Your hors d'oeuvre, sir. ─── 先生,您的开胃菜。

41、Our conclusion is that 4 hors can be saved from Beijing to Detroit if you fly to the arcitic pole. ─── 从数学上合理地解释了“飞越北极 ,北京到底特律的飞行时间可节省 4h”这一结论

42、And they journeyed from Mount Hor and encamped at Zalmonah. ─── 41以色列人从何珥山起行,安营在撒摩拿。

43、They left Hor Haggidgad and camped at Jotbathah. ─── 从曷哈及甲起行,安营在约巴他。

44、If your opponent is horsed , and you are not, a sword will not be as effective as a lance. ─── 如果您的对手是骑马的,而您不是,那么剑就不比长矛来得有效了。

45、And the children of Israel, [even] the whole congregation, journeyed from Kadesh, and came unto mount Hor. Setelah mereka berangkat dari Kadesh, sampailah segenap umat Israel ke gunung Hor. ─── 以色列人全会众从加低斯起行,到了何珥山。

46、He didn't know he was then an object to be horsed. ─── 他不知道他那会儿成了被捉弄的对象。

47、In the process of harmonization, the theoretical basis is to recognize the relations between mainstream and varieties.And the aut hor mentions four principles to stick to. ─── 协调中要从理论上正确认识主体化和多元化之间的关系,监持合作性、通用性、多样性和迫切性等原则。

48、They left Kadesh and camped at Mount Hor, on the border of Edom. ─── 37从加低斯起行,安营在何珥山,以东地的边界。

49、But this year, with business so bad, we only had a stand-up reception with a few hors d“oeuvres like cheese on crackers and some cheap wine. ─── 可是,今年生意不景气,我们只举行了一个招待会,只有一些像咸饼干加奶酪那样的小点心和便宜的酒。”

50、Those months we were first getting to know each other, Henry and I played, we horsed around, we read stories. ─── 在那几个月里,我们第一次开始相识,亨利和我玩耍,我们嬉戏、我们讲故事。

51、SO,the formulas of BHA's critical load and critical length were deduced and given by the hor to fit in with the BHA's loading features as well as to improve the calculating exactness. ─── 为此,推导了钻具在自重作用下失稳的临界钻压及临界失稳长度公式,以便使公式更符合BHA自身的受力特点,提高计算准确性。

52、There will be hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar chair benefiting Brookside's educational programs. ─── 不少专业投资机构反映,当前,影响股票指数价格的不再是单纯的供求关系,而是错综复杂的国际环境。

53、And they went on from Kadesh, and put up their tents in Mount Hor, on the edge of the land of Edom. ─── 以色列人出了埃及地后四十年,五月初一日,祭司亚伦遵着耶和华的吩咐上何珥山,就死在那里。

54、Aaron was a hundred and twenty-three years old when he died on Mount Hor. ─── 亚伦死在何珥山的时候年一百二十三岁。

55、But this year, with business so bad, we only had a stand-up reception with a few hors d oeuvres like cheese on crackers and some cheap wine. ─── 可是,今年生意不景气,我们只举行了一个招待会,只有一些像咸饼乾加奶酪那样的小点心和便宜的酒。”

56、Om. quar. hor. ─── [医] 每十五分钟

57、Then the other get up his hor. ─── 又一独立个体举手了。

58、Hors up ago you say. ─── 回答疑难前,请举手。

59、What attracted me to Shuang Hor was its great product Lingzhi.It helped me with my backache, helped my son's asthma and helped my mums athritis. ─── 双鹤极品灵芝是吸引我加入双鹤的主要原因,它不仅医好了我的背痛,我儿子的哮喘,还治愈了我妈妈的关节炎。

60、you horsed your master? ─── 你给你主人备好马了吗?

61、Qq hor. ─── (=quaque hora) (拉)每小时

62、Can you conceive of six of eight civilized, educated human beings strapped into a harness and pulling a wagon, like horsed before a plow? ─── 能想象吗,六到八个受过文明教育的人,像拉犁的马一样,挽着马具拖一辆货车的情形吗?

63、Omn. hor. ─── [医] 每小时

64、Summore hor, always hear she have to go back to school on holidays, sometimes also have to cancel balik kampung trip because of that. ─── 中学学生叛逆,需要无限的爱心和想出各种招数招架。坦白说,都是蛮辛苦的。就像八爪鱼一样,要兼顾很多事情。

65、But this year, with business so bad, we only had a stand-up reception with a few hors d'oeuvres like cheese on crackers and some cheap wine. ─── 可是,今年生意不景气,我们只举行了一个招待会,只有一些像咸饼乾加奶酪那样的小点心和便宜的酒。"

66、So Moses did just as Jehovah had commanded, and they went up Mount Hor in the sight of the whole assembly. ─── 27摩西就照耶和华所吩咐的行,三人当着全会众的眼前上了何珥山。

67、So Moses did as the Lord had said, and before the eyes of all the people they went up Mount Hor. ─── 27摩西就照耶和华所吩咐的行,三人当著会众的眼前上了何珥山。

68、And this shall be your north border: from the great sea ye shall point out for you mount Hor ─── 北界要从大海起,划到何珥山

69、Enneard we hor you a price-current to the bads. ─── 兹随函寄上该商品的现行价格表一份,请查收。

70、At Mount Hor, near the border of Edom, the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, ─── 以东王说、你不可从我的地经过、免得我带刀出去攻击你。

71、Those which are first lot timest the plan get up ywe hors please. ─── 凡是反对这项商量的人,请举手。

72、and from Mount Hor to Lebo Hamath. Then the boundary will go to Zedad, ─── 从何珥山起画界,直到哈马口,使边界直到西达达;

73、Alt. hor. ─── [医] 每隔二小时

74、Tom horsed his girlfriend and wiped the horse on. ─── 汤姆让的女朋友骑到马上,然后策马而行。

75、A typical banquet consists of four appetizer dishes, such as cold cut platters or hot hors d'oeuvres; ─── 一次典型的饭宴包括四个开胃菜,如冷拼盘或者热的餐前小菜;

76、D: If you want something to eat, there are snacks and hors d'oevures on the side tables. ─── 如果你想吃点什么的话,旁边桌子上有点心和冷盘。

77、The hors d'oeuvres were so tasty I filled up on them and didn't eat any dinner when I got home. ─── 他们的点心真好吃,我吃了好多,回到家连晚饭都没吃。

78、At the LORD'S command Aaron the priest went up Mount Hor, where he died on the first day of the fifth month of the fortieth year after the Israelites came out of Egypt. ─── 38以色列人出了埃及地后四十年,五月初一日,祭司亚伦遵着耶和华的吩咐上何珥山,就死在那里。

79、E quelli partirono dal monte Hor e si accamparono a Tsalmona. ─── 以色列人从何珥山起行,在撒摩拿安营。

80、Take Aaron and Eleazar his son and bring them up to Mount Hor. ─── 你带亚伦和他的儿子以利亚撒上何珥山,

81、They left Bene Jaakan and camped at Hor Haggidgad. ─── 32从比尼亚干起行,安营在曷哈及甲。

82、Have you horsed your master? ─── 你给你主人备好马了吗?

83、I'll have hors d'oeuvres followed by trout. ─── 先上冷盘,再上鳟鱼。

84、From mount Hor ye shall point out your border unto the entrance of Hamath; and the goings forth of the border shall be to Zedad ─── 从何珥山划到哈马口,通到西达达

85、If you want something to eat, there is snack and hors d'oeuvers on the side table. ─── 如果你想吃点什么,边桌上有点心和冷盘。

86、And Aaron [was] an hundred and twenty and three years old when he died in mount Hor. Harun berumur seratus dua puluh tiga tahun, ketika ia mati di gunung Hor. ─── 亚伦死在何珥山的时候,年一百二十三岁。

87、Keywords composite roof;tunnel supporting;cut hole with large section;anc hor rope and anchor net coupled supporting; ─── 复合顶板;巷道支护;大断面切眼;锚网锚索耦合支护;

88、We've horsed around long enough. ─── 我们闹够了,该工作了。

89、And the children of Israel, even the whole congregation, journeyed from Kadesh, and came unto mount Hor. ─── 以色列全会众从加低斯起行,到了何珥山。

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