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09-15 投稿


overture 发音

英:['əʊvətj(ʊ)ə]  美:['ovətʃʊr]

英:  美:

overture 中文意思翻译



overture 短语词组

1、Tragic Overture ─── 悲剧序曲

2、crater lake overture ─── 火山口湖序曲

3、overture of spring ─── 春天序曲

4、egmond overture ─── 埃格蒙德序曲

5、anacreon overture ─── 阿纳克雷恩序曲

6、d overture ─── 序曲

7、impresario overture ─── 总裁序曲

8、dedicatory overture ─── 奉献序曲

9、Festive Overture (Shostakovich) ─── 节日序曲(Shostakovich)

10、free spirit overture ─── 自由精神序曲

11、ruy blas overture ─── 鲁伊布拉斯序曲

overture 词性/词形变化,overture变形

动词第三人称单数: overtures |动词过去式: overtured |动词过去分词: overtured |动词现在分词: overturing |

overture 相似词语短语

1、overtire ─── v.使过度劳累

2、overcure ─── vt.过熟化;[化工]过硫化;过硬化

3、overturned ─── adj.倾覆的,倒转的;v.颠覆(overturn的过去式)

4、overtures ─── n.提议(overture的复数);序曲;序曲集;v.向…提出建议;为…奏前奏曲(overture的第三人称单数)

5、overmature ─── 过熟

6、overturn ─── vt.推翻;倾覆;破坏;vi.推翻;倾覆;n.倾覆;周转;破灭

7、oversure ─── 概述

8、overtured ─── n.前奏曲;提案;序幕;vt.提议;为……奏前奏曲

9、coverture ─── n.保护;覆盖;掩护;有夫之妇的法律身分

overture 习惯用语

1、make overtures to ─── 向...作主动表示, 向...建议

overture 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His overture led to nothing. ─── 他的提议没有得到什么结果。

2、Overture And Preludium (Dixit Dominus) - Orchestra and Nuns Chorus ─── 序曲(赞颂我主)

3、There was a faint thrumming all around, as if the air were being strung and practiced for an overture. ─── 四周有细碎的敲打声,仿佛空气是被绷紧的琴弦,随时为即将发生的事奏响序曲。

4、Yet he betrayed a democratic fondness for Wagner, and the "Tannhauser" overture, when she had given him the clew to it, claimed him as nothing else she played. ─── 只是他对瓦格纳流露出一种平民化的兴趣。他经她一点拨便发表意见说《坦豪瑟》序曲跟她弹奏的其他作品大不相同。

5、The people discussed the tiger changes color the loan crisis was only the overture, present's crisis already expanded to the nearly all bond variety. ─── 人们谈虎变色的次贷危机只是序曲,现在的危机已经扩大到几乎所有债券品种。

6、an advance or overture made by one person to another ─── 提议,建议由一个人为另一人做出的提议或提案

7、But the meteorological expert indicated that actually, this cold air is only an overture. ─── 但是气象专家表示,其实,这场冷空气只是一个序曲。

8、The vote overtur a ban imposed in 2002 that only allowed research on embryos left over from in vitro fertilization programs. ─── 投票结果推翻了2002年的一项禁令。这项禁令只允许对体外受精项目剩余的胚胎进行研究。

9、Due to personal prejudice against him, the general manager vetoes the overture although the majority of the company is in favor of him. ─── 尽管公司大多数人都支持他,但由于个人恩怨总经理还是一票否决了他的提议。

10、Don't hesitate to make the first move and introduce yourself, but don't make if a sexual overture. ─── 不要犹豫不决,要敢于跨出第一步,并介绍你自己,但不要把它变成一种性暗示。

11、Overture to the gypsy bayon ─── 吉普赛公爵前奏曲

12、sinfonia:An instrumental composition serving as an overture, as to an opera or a cantata, especially in the 18th century. ─── 序曲:管弦乐曲一种用于作歌剧或康塔塔序曲的管弦乐曲,尤指18世纪的。

13、Revolt of Toussaint L'overture ─── 图森-路维杜尔起义(1793-1803)

14、CEO John Chapple, former Grey Global Group Inc.CEO Edward Meyer, Jaynie Studenmund, the former chief operating officer of Overture Services Inc. ─── 此外,周六是微软给雅虎的最后期限:进行友好谈判,还是面对敌意收购。

15、He added that the international community has two choices if they disagree with his overture: either try to oust him or leave. ─── 他补充说,国际组织如果不同意他们的建议有两种选择:要么换掉他,要么走人。

16、Barack Obama made a conciliatory overture to Iran's leaders and people. ─── 奥巴马向伊朗领导人和人民表现出愿意和解的姿态。

17、BACH, J.S.: Overture (Suite) No. 1 / Concerto for Oboe and Violin in C minor / Brandenburg Concertos Nos. 1 and 2 (Tabuteau) (1950, 1951 ─── 巴赫,J.S.:第一组曲中的序曲/C小调双簧管与小提琴协奏曲/第1,2布兰登堡协奏曲(塔布托)(1950,1951

18、BARBER: Overture to the school for Scandal ─── 巴伯:造谣学校序曲

19、He resolved, therefore, to let things take their course without making any direct overture to the count. ─── 所以他决定让事情顺其自然发展,而不向伯爵作任何正面的提议。

20、with Overture, it can take a few hours to a few days to have your ads approved and displayed. ─── 与序曲,它可以在数小时到数天贵广告批准结果.

21、It was unclear whether those offers might have prompted Mr. Lee's overture on Wednesday. ─── 或许基于这些建议。李明博才作出周三的那番言论。

22、to overture some concessions for the agreement ─── 为达成协议作为一种主动姿态而提出部分让步

23、The overture to an oratorio, opera, or act of an opera. ─── 序曲圣乐、歌剧或一幕歌剧的序曲

24、Overture - The Showgirl Theme ─── 序曲-秀自己主旋律

25、For the infant nation, victory in the war and for the republican principle came as a heartening overture. ─── 对于刚刚出生的国家而言,战争与共和原则的胜利,是使人鼓舞的开端。

26、Prokofiev's overture to 'Romeo and Juliet' ─── 普罗科菲耶夫的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的序曲

27、They played the overture at a fairly slow tempo. ─── 他们用相当缓慢的速度演奏那首序曲。

28、The bell for the new year is soon to strike; The overture for the ceremony is soon to play. ─── 新年的钟声就要敲响,庆典的序曲正要奏响

29、A great deal of prolocutor consumingly attacked this overture at the meeting. ─── 大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。

30、Overture conditions for a cease fire. ─── 提出停火条件。

31、"He took the letter in his hand and held it up, but made no immediate overture to return it." ─── 他用手把信拿起来举着,不过并没有立即表示归还。

32、overture conditions for a cease fire ─── 提出停火条件

33、Big overture ─── 大序曲

34、Usher: No, even the overture hasn't started yet. ─── 招待员:没有,连序幕都没有开始呢。

35、Go to the Overture Keyword Selector Tool and enter your keyword or keyword phrase in the search box. ─── 去选择工具,进入你的序曲关键字或关键字搜寻关键字短语箱。

36、BACH, J.S.: Overture (Suite) No. 3 in D major / Violin Concerto in E major / TARTINI: Violin Concerto in D minor (Szell) (1953-1955 ─── 巴赫,J.S.:D大调第三组曲中的序曲/E大调小提琴协奏曲/塔蒂尼:D小调小提琴协奏曲(塞尔)(1953-1955

37、Usher: No, even the overture hasn't started yet. There are still 10 minutes left. ─── 招待员:没有,连序幕都没有开始呢。还有十分钟。

38、Festival:special forging-steel sound launching an overture, different hearing sense of temper brining out the delight and pleasure atmosphere of festival. ─── 欢宴:特殊营造的打铁声敲开了音乐序曲,不一样的听觉心境,带著浓厚节庆的欢愉气份,不自觉的也跟著摇摆轻松起来。

39、In the overture, the author incorporates several tunes from the operetta itself, including the famous waltz. ─── 在序曲中,小约翰.史特劳斯巧妙地把剧中所有精彩片段融聚在一起,还把他著名的华尔滋荟萃其中。

40、He took the letter in his hand and held it up, but made no immediate overture to return it. ─── 他用手把信拿起来举着,不过并没有立即表示归还。

41、but everyone knows that there'sno overture in "hairspray. ─── 但人人都知道可没有序曲。

42、Treat each course as an overture to lovemaking. ─── 把每一道菜当作是做爱的前戏来对待。

43、Its latest friendly overture to Taiwan's largest opposition party ─── 对台湾最大在野党最新释出的善意

44、He took the letter in his hand and held it up, but made no immediate overture to return it. ─── 他用手把信拿起来举着,不过并没有立即表示归还。

45、There was a faint thrumming all around, as if the air were being strung and practiced for an overture. ─── 四周有细碎的敲打声,仿佛空气是被绷紧的琴弦,随时为即将发生的事奏响序曲。

46、Offenbach:Overture"La Vie parisienne"15.Schnittke:Life with an Idiot,Act II,Scene 1: A few days ─── 东方的天使之音12-光阴的故事...36.50元[瞧瞧卓越音乐有没有

47、program overture ─── 序曲

48、All of this chimes with Mr Erdogan's broader Kurdish overture: an assortment of measures that are intended to satisfy the Turkish Kurds' demands for more political and cultural freedoms. ─── 所有的这些和谐和埃尔多安更为开放的库尔德的提案,所有的措施都是为了满足库尔德人在政治和文化上获得自由的要求。

49、Violin Concerto, In the South Concert Overture ─── 小提琴协奏曲,在南方序曲

50、a drama set to music; consists of singing with orchestral accompaniment and an orchestral overture and interludes. ─── 一种置于音乐中的戏剧;它包括有管弦乐队伴奏的歌唱、音乐序曲和间隔时间。

51、In the South Overture, Op. 50, "Alassio" ─── 在南方序曲,作品50,“阿拉希奥”

52、They played the overture at a fairly slow tempo . ─── 他们用相当缓慢的速度演奏那首序曲.

53、Experimentation and theory applied new overture of testing instantaneous flux using hydro-network ─── 应用流体网络测量瞬时流量新提案理论与试验

54、Overture--SUI Shanghai Tobacco Percussion Ensemble (Congratulation Concert) ─── 上海烟草打击乐团(祝贺演出)

55、Once you've made an overture and been turned down,let your co worker make the next move if there is to be one. ─── 一旦你提出约会的试探遭到拒绝,如果下次还有希望,你也要让你的同事采取主动。

56、Each set of Hami mukamu consists of a sanban overture and several songs and has no independent period. ─── 每套哈密木卡姆由一首散板序唱和若干首歌曲构成,没有独立的器乐段落。

57、And, knowing little about Geely, it didn't take the overture seriously, according to people familiar with the situation. ─── 据知情人士透露,由于对吉利知之甚少,福特汽车没有认真对待这一提议。

58、Since is the overture, then this originally should be a light competition. ─── 既然是序曲,那么这本应是一场平淡的比赛。

59、They played the overture at a fairly slow tempo ─── 他们用相当缓慢的速度演奏那首序曲

60、Key Concepts: Gluck\'s reforms, importantance of drama &music, overture, libretto, simplification of plot, importance of the chorus, idiomatic scoring ─── 主要音乐概念:格鲁克的歌剧改革,音乐和舞台艺术之间的重要关系,序曲,歌剧剧本,剧情简化,合唱队于歌剧的重要性,总谱记法

61、to overture one's cooperator to hold another talk ─── 向合作者建议举行另一轮谈判

62、Shadows fell in tessellated patterns of grey and black.There was a faint thrumming all around, as if the air were being strung and practised for an overture. ─── 但是我相信这也就为什么翻译行业的认可和欣赏度极低的原因之一。

63、The child views the overture as someone offering an adventure (exactly what risk-takers relish) or love (the very thing the child may be missing in his or her own life). ─── 孩子们以为这个人可以给他们带来奇遇(这恰恰是处于风险中的人的想法)或爱(这正是孩子们在他或她一生中可能错过的东西)。

64、Chris McGurk, who runs Overture, reckons that three-quarters of the newly financed outfits will be gone within five years, and he may be right. ─── 序曲影业公司老板克里斯?麦克歌克估计,接受资助的新影业公司中有三分之一将会在五年内消失。

65、Sinfonia: An instrumental composition serving as an overture, as to an opera or a cantata, especially in the 18th century. ─── 序曲:管弦乐曲一种用于作歌剧或康塔塔序曲的管弦乐曲,尤指18世纪的。

66、Due to personal prejudice against him, the general manager vetoes the overture although the majority of the company is in favor of him. ─── 尽管公司大多数人都支持他,但由于个人恩怨总经理还是一票否决了他的提议。

67、training is a necessary preliminary to employment; drinks were the overture to dinner. ─── 一首歌揭开了演出的序幕。

68、Position Technologies.Offers paid inclusion for Overture Site Match and Ask Jeeves Site Submit.... ─── Category: World > Chinese Simplified > 计算机 > 互联网络 > 搜寻 > 搜索引擎 > Google.

69、His orchestral legacy is limited to the Symphony in B flat, the Concerto for Harpsichord in A major, and his Overture in D major. ─── 他的学生阿尔韦尼斯、格拉纳多斯、法利亚是20世纪西班牙民族乐派的代表,在不同程度上都受法国印象派的影响。

70、"This is an overture to the Russians. ─── “这是对俄罗斯人的序曲。

71、r vetoes the overture although the majority of the company is in favor of him. ─── 尽管公司大多数人都支持他,但由于个人恩怨总经理还是一票否决了他的提议。

72、The playlist for their Asian tour contains but one classical cover: Tchaikovshy's 1812 Overture. ─── 她们在亚洲巡回演奏的曲目只有一首古典乐曲:柴可夫斯基的《1812序曲》。

73、"and his "" 1812"" overture are now considered warhorses." ─── 他的序曲

74、fantasia overture ─── 幻想序曲

75、to seek out and make a sexual overture to ─── 找出性对象并发出进攻

76、CABAL: Cortez, consider this is the overture to my symphony, a culling is at hand, human. A culling. ─── 柯特兹,把这当成我交响曲的前奏吧,筛选即将来临,人类。筛选。

77、For the infant nation, victory in the war and for the republican principle came as a heartening overture ─── 对于刚刚出生的国家而言,战争与共和原则的胜利,是使人鼓舞的开端。

78、When you make a sexual overture, your partner may or may not accept, but if you offer to also throw in $10, you will strike out for sure. ─── 如果你主动做出性暗示,你的伴侣可能接受也可能不接受,但如果你同时提议要付给你的伴侣10美元,肯定会失败。

79、She had heard a piano arrangement of his overture to The Tempest Noble music! ─── 她听过他的《暴风雨》序曲的钢琴改编曲。

80、Ernest was clattering next door in the kitchen, whistling a few bars of music that Simon recognized as part of a Rossini overture. ─── 恩尼斯在隔壁厨房整理东西,口里吹着口哨,赛蒙听出那是罗西尼序曲的一小段。

81、No feast or celebration was complete without a special overture composed for the occasion. ─── 每一次宴会或庆典都必有专门谱写的乐曲相伴才算完美。

82、An instrumental overture or interlude, as in early opera. ─── 序曲,插曲:由乐器演奏的前奏曲或插曲,如在早期歌剧中。

83、This is an overture to the Russians. ─── 这是对俄罗斯人的序曲。

84、Not listen to any overture of peace. ─── 彻底毁坏之前不听取任何和平建议。

85、The Overture opens with four of the most evocative chords in music which beguilingly invite the listener into the magical forest outside. ─── 乐曲一开始奏出四个神妙的和弦,将气氛带入仲夏夜的月光下。

86、There was a faint thrumming all around, as if the air were being strung and practised for an overture. ─── 四处可闻一种微弱的声音,仿佛有人正拨动空气的弦,在试弹一首序曲。

87、peace overture ─── 和平建议

88、Still, many lawmakers remain unconvinced by China's overture. ─── 仍有许多议员依然不相信中国作出的姿态。

89、Overture: This is the age of star booming, this is the age of youth come to publicity. ─── 引子:这是一个造星的时代,一个英雄少年风起云涌的时代。






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