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09-15 投稿



unanswerable 发音

英:[ʌnˈænsərəbl]  美:[ʌnˈɑːnsərəbl]

英:  美:

unanswerable 中文意思翻译



unanswerable 反义词


unanswerable 短语词组

1、unanswerable question ─── [法] 不能回答的问题

2、unanswerable argument ─── [法] 无法争辩的论据

unanswerable 词性/词形变化,unanswerable变形

副词: unanswerably |名词: unanswerability |

unanswerable 同义词

wooden | boring

unanswerable 相似词语短语

1、unanswerableness ─── 无法回答

2、answerably ─── 负责任地

3、uninsurable ─── adj.不可予以保险的

4、answerable ─── adj.应负责任的;可回答的;有责任的

5、unanswerably ─── 无法回答

6、untransferable ─── adj.不可转移的;不能转让的

7、unanswerability ─── 无法回答

8、transferable ─── adj.可转让的;[数]可转移的

9、unalterable ─── adj.不能改变的;坚定不移的

unanswerable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Semantic Web researchers, in contrast, accept that paradoxes and unanswerable questions are a price that must be paid to achieve versatility. ─── 相反的,语意网研究者认为,要换取较多功能,容许佯谬和哥德尔句存在是必须付出的代价。

2、To my surprise, as I scribbled out the last of my bitter, unanswerable questions and prepared to toss my pen aside, my hand remained poised over the paper, as if held there by some invisible force. ─── 使我吃惊的是,当我写完了最后一个痛苦的、无法回答的问题,准备把钢笔放在一边的时候,我的手好像被一种看不见的力量拉住,悬在纸上不动了。

3、I hung back in the separate unasked an unanswerable questions. ─── 但是我仍然跟在她的后边,思考着那些既没问起以无法回答的问题。

4、You know there coming: Those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job interviews. ─── 你知道该来的总会来:那些看起来无法回答的问题总会在求职面试的时候突然冒出来。

5、" The masters insist that students answer such unanswerable questions, deliberately causing severe ambivalence. ─── "他们坚持让学生们回答这类无法回答的问题,有意地产生出极度的矛盾心理。

6、How much, how soon? You ask too many unanswerable questions, Grasshopper. ─── 多少钱,多久能提车?你问了太多无法回答的问题,小子。

7、They would ask their mother unanswerable questions. ─── 他们会问他们母亲不能回答的问题。

8、It is rational and scientifically unanswerable, but still interesting. ─── 它是理性的,也是科学无法回答的,但它仍是令人感兴趣的。

9、2) It is rational, but scientifically unanswerable and hence uninteresting. ─── 它是理性的,但是无法通过科学予以回答,因而让人提不起兴趣。

10、The wizard smiled, "Finally, Milon, it's time to take up the unanswerable questions, isn't it? ─── " (巫师笑着说:“Milon,终于到了回答那些无法回答的问题的时候了,对吧?”)

11、7.It is also possible to argue that a question which is unanswerable is therefore uninteresting. ─── 对于无法回答的问题因而也是令人不感兴趣的问题,还有其它加以论证的可能。

12、The unanswerable question arising from the INSEE data is whether Romanian industry has stopped retooling; ─── 据国家统计局数据显示,罗马尼亚面临着无法解答的困惑,国内的工业是要停止设备更新呢?

13、Fermi problem is to develop the talent of breaking a seemingly unanswerable problem into sub-problems and finding the solution to it, which is a typical Fermi problem. ─── 提示:在阅读理解/阅读判断中有一部分问题是在考察考生的推断能力。

14、It's one of those questions that seem unanswerable. ─── 让我们一起来看个究竟吧。

15、1640 Of all eloquence a nickname is the most concise, of all arguments the most unanswerable. ─── 绰号是最简洁的雄辩,最无法反驳的论据.

16、unanswerable accusations. ─── 无可置辩的控告

17、It allows you to act out and ask the unanswerable questions, or hold conversations or events you wish you had the chance to (re)do. ─── 它让你能够付诸行动,提问一些无法回答的问题,或者进行一些你希望你能够有机会去进行(或再次)对话或者事件。

18、Asking the second question focuses me on the “how”rather than the “why”,on solutions and benefits rather than the unanswerable. ─── 问第二个总是让我把注意力集中在“怎样”去做,而不是“为什么”去做上,集中在总的解决和收益上,而不是找不着答案上。

19、Undoubtedly we have not questions to ask which are unanswerable. ─── 毫无疑问,我们不会提出难以回答的问题。

20、unanswerable question ─── 不能回答的问题

21、Of all eloquence a nickname is the most concise, of all arguments the most unanswerable. ─── 绰号是最简洁的雄辩,最无法反驳的论据。

22、A priori speculation upon questions that are unanswerable to scientific observation,analysis,or experiment. ─── 推理对于通过科学观察、分析或实验无法解决的问题进行的高深莫测的推理。

23、'You know they're coming: Those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job interviews. ─── 你知道该来的总会来:那些看起来无法回答的问题总会在求…

24、It is to be achieved either by gradually acquiring more and more territory and so building up an overwhelming preponderance of power, or by the discovery of some new and unanswerable weapon. ─── 达到最后胜利的方法,或者是逐步攻占越来越多的领土,确立压倒优势的力量,或者是发明某种无敌新式武器。

25、That was an unanswerable question and, as the weeks went by and the rumor spread that Scarlett was pregnant, the pro-India group nodded with satisfaction. ─── 这是一个无法回答的问题,并且随着时间一个星期又一个星期过去,谣言就漫延开来,说思嘉已经怀孕了,于是支持英迪亚的那群人就满意地点着头,觉得自己完全对了。

26、How much he still drinks is another unanswerable question, though he enjoys wine at official functions. ─── 尽管他在正式场合喜欢喝葡萄酒,但他目前的酒量也是一个无法回答的问题。

27、that it is not an unanswerable argument to say, "Can one wait when one is hungry?" ─── 这并不是一种无可非难的理由;有些人说肚子饿了也能等待么?

28、" We passed the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together.I hung back in the separate unasked and unanswerable questions. ─── 我们走过了左边的三角形农场,小路宽了起来,我们可以并排走了,但我仍落在后面,想着那些不曾问出口的无法回答的问题。

29、unanswerable argument ─── 无法争辩的论据

30、As this was an inane and unanswerable argument Benjamin made no reply, and from that time on a chasm began to widen between them. ─── 这一番无理之词让本杰明哑口无言。从这时起两个人之间的关系开始出现了裂痕。

31、The questions of philosophy may be ancient but they remain astonishingly fresh.But this isn't because the questions are unanswerable. ─── 哲学问题可能是古老的,但是它们旺盛的生命力仍然让人吃惊,这并不是说问题无法回答。

32、I remembered the stories of my mother as a child, always asking the unanswerable question and dreaming to be the successful professional. ─── 我记得有关我妈妈的一个故事是,她小时候经常问一些、别人无法回答的问题,并且梦想有一天能成为成功的专家。

33、They presented an unanswerable case for more investment. ─── 他们提出了一个无可争辩的理由,要求增加投资。

34、To solve this unanswerable question? ─── 那解不开的问题?

35、The first questions are unanswerable, of course. ─── 当然,第一个问题的答案是明摆着的。

36、Once again this argument was unanswerable. ─── 这番论证同样是无可辩驳的。

37、This question had often been asked by the Pharisees, who presented it as an unanswerable argument against Christ's claim to be the Son of God. ─── 他们想,他若去了,那不幸的一家该得到何等的安慰啊!耶稣对伯大尼这家人的感情,门徒是熟悉的;

38、Amid China's uneven, 21st century boom, that remains an open and, for the moment, unanswerable question. ─── 在中国21世纪不平等的繁荣中,这是一个没有答案,而且在此时无法回答的问题。

39、The argument for recruiting McGregor was unanswerable. ─── 录用麦克格雷格的理由是无可辩驳的。

40、A priori speculation upon questions that are unanswerable to scientific observation, analysis, or experiment. ─── 推理对于通过科学观察、分析或实验无法解决的问题进行的高深莫测的推理

41、The closet things, the dominant pattern are usually unanswerable ─── 最贴心的感受,起主导作用的心理,往往是很难解释的。

42、Asked this ultimately unanswerable question, Hawking sat rigidly in his chair, stone quiet, his eyes darting back and forth across the computer screen. ─── 面对这个终究是无法回答的问题,霍金僵直著身子,不发一语,两眼则在电脑萤幕上迅速地来回移动。

43、You know they're coming: Those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job interviews. ─── 你知道该来的总会来:那些看起来无法回答的问题总会在求职面试的时候突然冒出来。

44、Now, with thousands of children expecting a father or mother serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, the questions are as heartbreaking as they are unanswerable. ─── 现在,随着数千名孩子盼望着在伊拉克或阿富汗工作的父亲或母亲归来,(他们的)这些问题更加令人伤感,更让人无法回答。

45、For most of the students the question was unanswerable. ─── 对多数学生而言,这问题无法回答。

46、"Nor aught else, except a brief, pithy, and, as it then appeared to him, unanswerable argument against the immortality of the human soul." ─── 也想不起别的,只是说了一句简练的反对人类灵魂不朽的话,他当时觉得这是无可辩驳的论点。

47、unanswerable questions ─── 不可回答问题

48、No one can dwell long among such subjects without thinking rather deep thoughts, without asking himself searching and often unanswerable questions, and without achieving a certain philosophy. ─── 没有一个人可以长久居住于这些主题当中而不深思,而不自问一些有探索性而往往无法解答的问题,而不建立某一种人生观。

49、Many serious people (such as the 18th century Scottish philosopher David Hume) view scientifically unanswerable questions of this sort as uninteresting. ─── 许多严肃的人们(比如18世纪苏格兰的哲学家大卫.休谟)就从科学的角度把此类无法回答的问题看作是令人不感兴趣的。

50、Nor aught else, except a brief, pithy, and, AS it then appeared to him, unanswerable argument against the immortality of the human soul. ─── 也想不起别的,只是说了一句简练的反对人类灵魂不朽的话,他当时觉得这是无可辩驳的论点。

51、We find ourselves entangled with apparently unanswerable problems in unpronounceable places ─── 我们发现我们卷入了地名都念不出的地方的那些显然无以解决的问题之中。

52、How does one get a grip on this most elusive, intractable and perhaps unanswerable of questions? ─── 我们怎么才能理解这个费解、难解甚至无解的问题?

53、They presented an unanswerable case for more investment. ─── 他们提出了一个无可争辩的理由,要求增加投资。

54、(Used with a sing. Verb)A priori speculation upon questions that are unanswerable to scientific observation, analysis, or experiment. ─── (与单数动词连用)推理:对于通过科学观察、分析或实验无法解决的问题进行的高深莫测的推理。

55、His case/defence is unanswerable. ─── 他的辩解无懈可击。

56、We passed the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together. I hung back in the separate unasked and unanswerable questions. ─── 我们走过左边三角形的农场,路变宽了,可以允许我们并排走在一起。但我畏缩地走在后面,想着那些没有问出口也无法回答的问题。

57、I am not going to answer the unanswerable question. ─── 我不会回答不能回答的问题。

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