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helminth 发音

英:[['helmɪnθ]]  美:[['helmɪnθ]]

英:  美:

helminth 中文意思翻译



helminth 短语词组

1、endoparasite helminth ─── 内寄生蠕虫

2、helminth flora ─── 蠕虫弗洛拉

helminth 词性/词形变化,helminth变形

动词现在分词: helming |动词过去式: helmed |动词第三人称单数: helms |动词过去分词: helmed |

helminth 相似词语短语

1、helminths ─── n.蠕虫肠虫;寄生虫(helminth的复数)

2、heling ─── n.(Heling)(美)赫林(人名)

3、helminthic ─── adj.驱虫的;肠虫的;驱肠虫的;n.驱虫剂;杀虫药

4、aschelminth ─── n.袋虫;袋形动物

5、helminthics ─── adj.驱虫的;肠虫的;驱肠虫的;n.驱虫剂;杀虫药

6、helming ─── n.舵;舵柄;领导地位;驾驶盘;vt.指挥;给...掌舵;n.(Helm)人名;(英、瑞典)赫尔姆;(法)埃尔姆;(德、匈、捷)黑尔姆

7、trochelminth ─── n.担轮动物

8、helminthoid ─── adj.蠕虫状的

9、helminthous ─── 蠕虫

helminth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to account of Chinese pharmacopoeia document, papaya has aid digestion, resist helminth, stimulative cut heal, aperient wait for effect, but did not mention have breast enhancement effect. ─── 根据中国药典文献记载,木瓜具有助消化、抗寄生虫、促进伤口愈合、通便等功效,但并没有提到有丰胸功效。

2、Helminth infections are a major theme of the "hygiene hypothesis. " ─── 蠕虫感染是“卫生学假说”研究的主题。

3、In addition, DEC is also apropriate for the quantitative examination of other helminth eggs in stool. ─── 集卵直检法还可用作粪内其它蠕虫虫卵定量检测。

4、Investigation on prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infections and edaphic contamination status in Poyang Lake region ─── 鄱阳湖区人群土源性线虫感染与土壤污染状况调查

5、Keywords Pelteobagrus fulvidraco;helminth;population;community;frequency distribution;seasonal dynamics;habitat fragmentation;river-lake complex ecosystem;genetic diversity; ─── 关键词黄颡鱼;蠕虫;种群;群落;频率分布;季节动态;生境破碎;江湖复合生态系统;遗传多样性;

6、Objective To explore the species of common helminth in Tupaia belangeri chinensis, and to provide scientific heals for laboratory research, domestication and artificial breeding. ─── 摘要目的了解野栖树鼩体内常见的寄生蠕虫种类,为实验研究、驯化和人工饲养提供科学依据。

7、AIM : To understand the transmission route of soil-transmitted helminth in the villages of Fujian and Jiangsu Provinces. ─── 目的 : 了解福建、江苏农村土源性线虫的传播途径。

8、Morphous identification on the human intestinal helminth eggs with pollen granola in faeces ─── 粪便中花粉颗粒与肠道蠕虫卵的形态鉴别

9、Sophora flavescens has high efficacy of anti-parasites.The diverse compositions of S.flavescens have different functions on helminth,protozoon and mite. ─── 苦参在抗寄生虫方面有很大的功效,其不同成分分别对蠕虫类、原虫类寄生虫及疥螨等有明显的防治作用。

10、To the tumour inside skull, helminth , haematoma and cerebral blood - vessel pathological changes can provide exact diagnostic basis. ─── 对于颅内肿瘤、寄生虫、血肿及脑血管病变都能提供确切的诊断依据。

11、An investigation on intestinal helminth infections among residents of Harbin City ─── 哈尔滨市居民肠道蠕虫感染现状调查

12、Analysis on Current Status of Human Intestinal Helminth Infections in Anhui Province ─── 安徽省人体肠道蠕虫感染现状分析

13、Keywords Membranous fat necrosis;Inflammation;Helminth;Differential diagnosis;Immunohistochemistry;Fluorescent microscope; ─── 膜状脂肪坏死;炎症;寄生虫;鉴别诊断;免疫组化;荧光显微镜;

14、Helminth worm infections can give the mothers symptoms such as mild anemia or stomach pain and vomiting. ─── 感染能让妈妈们患上一些症状,比如轻度贫血,胃疼,呕吐。

15、Keywords digital image processing;helminth egg;pattern recognition;texture features; ─── 关键词数字图像处理;寄生虫虫卵;模式识别;纹理特征;

16、Keywords Rural district;human intestinal helminth;infection rate;investigation; ─── 农村;肠道蠕虫;感染率;现状调查;

17、helminth antigen ─── 蠕虫抗原

18、Objective To explore how to develop a micro-image recognition system for helminth eggs. ─── 目的探讨建立寄生虫虫卵显微图像计算机自动识别系统的相关问题。

19、Keywords Intestinal helminth Preschool children Infection Influence factors; ─── 关键词蠕虫;儿童;感染;影响因素;

20、Parasitic Helminth Name List in rare Wild Animal of xining Zoo ─── 西宁动物园珍稀野生动物寄生蠕虫名录

21、Keywords Soil-transmitted helminth;Ascaris lumbricoiodes;Trichuris trichura;Hookworm;Poyang Lake region; ─── 土源性线虫;蛔虫;鞭虫;钩虫;鄱阳湖区;

22、Do not have infection with understanding a patient to have, have suffer from without helminth and nephritic disease etc. ─── 以了解病人有无感染,有无寄生虫和肾脏疾患等。

23、Investigation on the current status of infection of human intestinal helminth in Yunnan Province ─── 云南省肠道蠕虫感染现状调查

24、To the tumour inside skull, helminth, haematoma and cerebral blood-vessel pathological changes can provide exact diagnostic basis. ─── 对于颅内肿瘤、寄生虫、血肿及脑血管病变都能提供确切的诊断依据。

25、helminth vaccine ─── 蠕虫疫苗

26、I let the helminth of common people revile namely, add inside man body recumbent his enormous riches goes back on his word in order to live. ─── 我就是让世人唾骂的寄生虫,附在男人体内靠着他庞大的财产赖以生存。

27、7.Trichomonad is helminth, have certain infectivity. ─── 滴虫是寄生虫,具有一定的传染性。

28、Field study on control of soil-transmitted helminth infection with onefold chemotherapy ─── 单纯化疗控制土源性线虫感染的现场研究

29、Intestinal helminth; ─── 肠道蠕虫;

30、Associated press atttacked Gu Ge and website of other news group again yesterday is network helminth, minatory will take legal step. ─── 美联社昨天再次攻击谷歌和其他新闻聚合网站是网络寄生虫,并威胁将采取法律手段。

31、Helminth infection ─── 蠕虫感染

32、helminth worms ─── 寄生蠕虫

33、Abstract:Genetic markers including allozyme,mtDNA,RAPD/RFLP and micro DNA have been used in the research of helminth population genetics. ─── 寄生蠕虫群体遗传学研究常用的遗传标记有等位酶、线粒体DNA、随机扩增多态性DNA或扩增性片段长度多态性和微卫星DNA等。

34、Parasitic helminth eggs ─── 寄生蠕虫卵

35、Still can wait by fungus, virus, helminth now and then cause disease. ─── 偶尔还可由真菌、病毒、寄生虫等致病。

36、Keywords helminth;infection rate;analysis; ─── 关键词蠕虫;感染率;分析;

37、Helminth genes ─── 蠕虫基因

38、Swamp fever is infected by helminth when the mosquito bite people's body. ─── 疟疾是通过蚊虫叮咬向人体传播寄生虫而感染的。

39、Also red blood cell of partial case of illness is destroyed without plasmodium helminth, the likelihood is the hemolysis that pass oneself immunity mechanism and happens. ─── 也有部分病例红细胞没有疟原虫寄生虫破坏,可能是通过自身免疫机制而发生的溶血。

40、Also somebody thinks, alvine path helminth also can cause inflammation of this kind of allergic reactivity. ─── 也有人认为,肠道寄生虫也可引起这种过敏反应性炎症。

41、Helminth Infection of Tupaia belangeri chinensis in the Wild ─── 野栖树鼩的蠕虫感染

42、helminth eggs ─── 蠕虫卵

43、Keywords Tupaia belangeri chinensis;Helminth;Infection; ─── 树鼩;蠕虫;感染;

44、Contagion is by some kind of special pathogen (wait like bacterium, virus, helminth) what cause, the disease that has infectivity. ─── 传染病是由某种非凡的病原体(如细菌、病毒、寄生虫等)所引起的、具有传染性的疾病。


46、Keywords benzimidazol carbamate drugs;mechanism of action;helminth; ─── 苯并咪唑氨基甲酸酯类;抗蠕虫药物;作用机理;

47、The prevailing conditions in activated sludge may even promote the hatching of some helminth eggs ─── 在活性污泥中,适宜的条件甚至可能刺激一些蠕虫卵的孵化。

48、helminth flora ─── 蠕虫区系

49、Also somebody thinks, alvine path helminth also can cause inflammation of this kind of allergic reactivity. ─── 也有人认为,肠道寄生虫也可引起这种过敏反应性炎症。

50、Keywords Parasite;Specimens;Collection;Preservation;Helminth;Protozoan;Insect; ─── 关键词寄生虫;标本;采集;保存;蠕虫;原虫;昆虫;

51、Blood piece in can not find plasmodium certainly, because the red blood cell of helminth is major already,may be destroyed. ─── 血片中不一定能找到疟原虫,可能由于寄生虫的红细胞已大部分被破坏。

52、Associated press attacked Gu Ge and website of other news group again yesterday is network helminth, minatory will take legal step. ─── 美联社昨天再次攻击谷歌和其他新闻聚合网站是网络寄生虫,并威胁将采取法律手段。

53、Investigation on Rat- like Animals Infected with Helminth in Dali City ─── 大理市鼠形动物常见寄生蠕虫感染的调查研究

54、CONCLUSION : The vegetables shoe-sole soil contaminated with helminth eggs and larvae played a role in the dissemination of soil-transmitted helminths. ─── 结论 : 被虫卵污染的蔬菜与鞋底土在土源性线虫传播上起相当作用。

55、Investigation on the infection of helminth in old schistosomiasis epidemiological area of Guangxi ─── 广西血吸虫病旧疫区人体蠕虫感染调查分析

56、A variety of bacteria, helminth, virus can harm red blood cell directly and produce anaemia of acute hemolysis sex. ─── 多种细菌、寄生虫、病毒可直接损害红细胞而发生急性溶血性贫血。

57、Paper industry also begins to express the dissatisfaction to Gu Ge again, think Gu Ge is " helminth " . ─── 报纸业也再次开始表达对谷歌的不满,认为谷歌是“寄生虫”。

58、intestinal helminth infection ─── 肠道寄生虫感染

59、Keywords Trichinella spiralis;Helminth genes;Pichia pastoris;Gene expression; ─── 旋毛虫;蠕虫基因;毕赤酵母菌;基因表达;

60、helminth infestation ─── 蠕虫侵袭

61、Demonstration and application effects of sheep helminth comprehensive control model ─── 绵羊蠕虫病综合防制模式示范应用的效果


63、Keywords Pheretima aspergillum;Helminth;Cross reaction;Immunocompetence; ─── 蚯蚓;蠕虫;交叉反应;免疫活性;

64、The comprehensive measures should be taken for the control of human intestinal helminth infection. ─── 十二指肠钩虫在该地钩虫流行中占了重要地位。

65、Investigation on the infection of intestinal helminth in rural district of Hebei Province, China ─── 河北省农村人群肠道蠕虫感染调查

66、Objective To explore the species of common helminth in Tupaia belangeri chinensis, and to provide scientific basis for laboratory research, domestication and artificial breeding. ─── 目的了解野栖树鼩体内常见的寄生蠕虫种类,为实验研究、驯化和人工饲养提供科学依据。

67、Accordingly, evaporate of high temperature of proposal eating crab is boiled 20 to 30 minutes, such ability can mix the bacteria inside crab helminth is killed. ─── 因此,吃蟹建议高温蒸煮20至30分钟,这样才会把蟹内的病菌和寄生虫杀死。

68、Investigation on infection of intestinal helminth in new college student ─── 大学入学新生肠道线虫感染情况调查

69、It's an atlas of the distribution and prevalence of helminth diseases, including roundworm, hookworm, and whipworm. ─── 这是一个寄生虫疾病分布和预防的图集,其中包括了蛔虫、钩虫和鞭虫。

70、Keywords Pupils and middle school students;intestinal helminth;infection;control effect; ─── 中小学生;肠道蠕虫;感染;防治效果;

71、Investigations on Intestinal Helminth Infections in 820 Kindergarten and Primary School Children in Wuhan ─── 武汉市820名幼儿、小学生肠道蠕虫感染调查

72、A variety of bacteria, helminth, virus can harm red blood cell directly and produce anaemia of acute hemolysis sex. ─── 多种细菌、寄生虫、病毒可直接损害红细胞而发生急性溶血性贫血。

73、Intestinal helminth ─── 肠道蠕虫

74、And the helminth that carpet can cause the naked eye such as mite bug to lose sight of, make children contracts disease of the upper respiratory tract thereby. ─── 而地毯会滋生螨虫等肉眼看不见的寄生虫,从而使儿童患上呼吸道疾病。

75、AIM : To understand the transmission route of soil - transmitted helminth in the villages of Fujian and Jiangsu Provinces. ─── 目的:了解福建、江苏农村土源性线虫的传播途径。

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