intractability 发音
英:[ɪnˌtræktəˈbɪləti] 美:[ɪnˌtræktəˈbɪləti]
英: 美:
intractability 中文意思翻译
intractability 词性/词形变化,intractability变形
副词: intracranially |
intractability 同义词
stubbornness |difficulty | recidivism | unwieldiness | recalcitrance | awkwardness | obstinacy | complexity | uncontrollability | knottiness | intractableness
intractability 反义词
intractability 相似词语短语
1、distractibility ─── n.注意力分散
2、extractability ─── n.可萃取性,提取性
3、indictability ─── 可诉性
4、retractability ─── n.收缩核;vt.退回;缩进(拉回;取消)
5、contractability ─── n.收缩性
6、ineluctability ─── n.不可避免,无法逃避
7、tractability ─── n.温顺;驯良;易处理
8、intractably ─── adv.不听话地;倔强地
9、contractibility ─── n.收缩;收缩性
intractability 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Yet a multiplicity of countries, though it makes river management complicated, does not necessarily add to the intractability of a dispute. ─── 然而,虽然一国多河使河流管理更加复杂,但它不一定使争端更加棘手。
2、Both of their security are based on the intractability of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. ─── 两种方案的安全性都是基于椭圆曲线离散对数问题的难解性。
3、His naughtiness and intractability exceeded those of normal boys. ─── 其淘气憨顽自是出于众小儿之外.
4、We can admit the intractability of depravation, and still strive for dignity. ─── 我们可以认为,腐化难以消除,但我们仍积极要求获得尊严。
5、Before yielding to despair over the intractability of political reform in India, it is worth considering the outcomes of recent elections. ─── 在对印度棘手的政治改革感到绝望之前,有必要思考一下近年来的大选结果。
6、This change will influence the human environment deeply, and it is a intractability problem for the future research of environment geology. ─── 环境地质学与其他地质学科的最大区别是,把人类活动作为一种地质作用营力加以研究,这是前所未有的。
7、The complications of duodenal ulcer that require surgical management are hemorrhage, perforation, obstruction, and intractability ─── 十二指肠溃疡需外科治疗的并发症是出血、穿孔、梗阻和顽固性。
8、Chapter 9 on provable intractability, and Chapter 10 on advanced topics, including approximation algorithms, alternation, interactive proof systems, cryptography, and parallel computing. ─── 第9章,不可证明性;第10章,高级话题,包括近似算法,交替,交互推理系统,密码学和并行计算。
9、is not that the problem has been solved, but, I think, that its intractability has sapped its interest. ─── 不是因为这个问题被解决了,我想,而是因为太过棘手搞得人没啥兴趣了。
10、Before yielding to despair over the intractability of political reform in India, it is worth considering the outcomes of recent elections. ─── 在对印度政改的复杂性绝望之前,倒是值得考虑一下最近选举的结果。
11、Predictors of intractability in early childhood epilepsy ─── 婴幼儿难治性癫癎预警因素分析
12、The computational intractability of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) over a finite field enhances security of the scheme. ─── 利用有限域上椭圆曲线点群中的离散对数问题的难解性来增强协议的安全性。
13、Intractability psychosis ─── 立体定向
14、At a moment when nationalistic claims and counter-claims are resounding over the ice-floes, the region's intractability still forces its would-be conquerors to rub along. ─── 当有朝一日国家主义的主张或反诉回漾在冰川之上时,这一地区问题的刺手性仍将迫使那些自诩的征服者们勉强共处。
15、Motivated by this concern, based on the intractability of the discrete logarithm problem, a new dynamic threshold signature scheme that solves the above problem is proposed in the paper. ─── 可以根据文件的重要性而灵活地选取不同的门限值进行门限签名;
16、As the world and the Obama administration move into 2010, it is not foolish or alarmist to express concern about the intractability of the Afghan ulcer. ─── 在世界和奥巴马政府进入2010年之际,对阿富汗战争的棘手之处表示担忧,并非愚蠢或杞人忧天。
17、This is caused by increasing intractability, disease complications, and the premalignant nature of the disease. ─── 这是由于增加的棘手性、疾病并发症和疾病癌前病变的本质。
18、Yet both feared that Hanoi in its intractability might thwart major designs with us that had matured over a period of years. ─── 但是他们又都怕难于驾驭的河内会打乱他们同我们酝酿多年的主要计划。
19、Yet both feared that Hanoi in its intractability might thwart major designs with us that had matured over a period of years. ─── 但是他们又都怕难于驾驭的河内会打乱他们同我们酝酿多年的主要计划。
20、The intractability of iron, the insipidity of bean curd, the narrowness of sedan chairs, and in addition, the smell of earth could be called the local traits; ─── 铁的硬,豆腐的淡而无味,轿子的容量狭小,还加上泥土气,这算他们的民风。
21、To solve these two problems, a new multi-secret sharing scheme based on the intractability of the discrete logarithm was presented. ─── 针对这两个问题,基于离散对数求解的困难性提出了一个新的门限多秘密共享方案。
22、Before yielding to despair over the intractability of political reformin India, it is worth considering the outcomes of recent elections. ─── 在对印度棘手的政治改革感到绝望之前,有必要思考一下近年来的大选结果。
23、One of the intractability appeared in researches is how to restrain all kinds of artifacts quickly and efficiently. ─── 大量研究表明,怎样快速有效地抑制各种原因产生的伪影,仍然是研究人员所面临的一个非常棘手的问题。
24、Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP Completeness ─── 课程名称:计算机与难处理性
25、technology is easy master, market intractability. ─── 技术易把握,市场难驾驭。
26、It is not that the problem has been solved, but, I think, that its intractability has sapped its interest. ─── 不是因为这个问题被解决了,我想,而是因为太过棘手搞得人没啥兴趣了。
27、This is caused by increasing intractability, disease complications, and the premalignant nature of the disease. ─── 这是由于增加的棘手性、疾病并发症和疾病癌前病变的本质。
28、In this thesis, we illustrate the intractability of several fundamental problems related to peer-to-peer data access in wireless ad-hoc networks, even under a rather simplified scenario. ─── 在这篇论文中,我们首先介绍一些基本的问题,这些问题即使是处于相当简化的局面下,也因为应用在无线移动随机式网路里的同侪计算的关系而变的非常棘手。
29、The 3-development-problem for farmer, rural areas and agriculture has been a long-term intractability goal in China. ─── 摘要“三农”问题错综复杂,已经对中国全面建设小康社会和实现现代化形成“瓶颈”性制约。
30、Both feared that Hanoi in its intractability might thwart major designs with us that had matured over a period of years. ─── 他们又都怕难于驾驭的河内会打乱他们同我们酝酿了多年的主要计划。
31、This is in part due to concerns about synthetic intractability and non-drug-like properties. ─── 这部分是由于担心合成棘手和非药物样性质。
32、To solve these two problems, a new multi-secret sharing scheme based on the intractability of the discrete logarithm was presented. ─── 针对这两个问题,基于离散对数求解的困难性提出了一个新的门限多秘密共享方案。
33、Objective: To analyze the significance of intractability psychosis in use of mutiple target and Stereotactic surgery. ─── 目的:探讨立体定向技术和多靶点组合对难治性精神病的治疗意义,综合评估临床疗效。
34、Both of their security are based on the intractability of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. ─── 两种方案的安全性都是基于椭圆曲线离散对数问题的难解性。
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