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09-15 投稿



invaginated 发音


英:  美:

invaginated 中文意思翻译




invaginated 词性/词形变化,invaginated变形

动词现在分词: invaginating |动词过去式: invaginated |动词第三人称单数: invaginates |动词过去分词: invaginated |

invaginated 相似词语短语

1、invagination ─── n.[胚]内陷,[胚]凹入;反折处;入鞘

2、invalidated ─── v.使无效(invalidate的过去分词)

3、invaginate ─── v.使入鞘;收进鞘中;使内陷;使成囊腔;adj.入鞘的;摄取的;缩入的;(器官或部位)套叠的

4、unvaccinated ─── 未接种疫苗

5、invigilated ─── 监考(invigilate的过去式和过去分词)

6、invaginating ─── v.使入鞘;收进鞘中;使内陷;使成囊腔;adj.入鞘的;摄取的;缩入的;(器官或部位)套叠的

7、incardinated ─── vt.隶属于同一主教管区

8、evaginated ─── v.使(管状、袋状器官或构造)外翻;使(器官或部位)表层外翻

9、invaginates ─── v.使入鞘;收进鞘中;使内陷;使成囊腔;adj.入鞘的;摄取的;缩入的;(器官或部位)套叠的

invaginated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In maggots the true head is completely invaginated into the thorax and the mouthparts can be seen as apair of hooks. ─── 十分退化,外部只见到一对口针,上颚刀片状,下颚呈长探针;如蝇类幼虫的口器。

2、An invaginated organ or part. ─── 缩入部分反折的器官或部分

3、"cysticercus:The larval stage of many tapeworms, consisting of a single invaginated scolex enclosed in a fluid-filled cyst." ─── "囊尾幼虫:许多绦虫的幼虫时期,由在充满液体的囊中单个的肠套头结构成."

4、Each cysticercus consists of a cyst wall and a single scolex invaginated into the lumen ─── 每一个囊尾蚴是由一个囊壁和陷入囊腔中的单独一个头节所组成的。

5、invaginated lingual fossa ─── 畸形舌侧窝

6、larval stage of many tapeworms, consisting of a single invaginated scolex enclosed in a fluid-filled cyst. ─── 一个囊尾蚴是由一个囊壁和陷入囊腔中的单独一个头节所组成的。

7、Conclusion Purse-string invaginated double-layer anastomosis of pancreaticojejunal would be feasible for pancreaticoduodenectomy preventing pancreatic fistula. ─── 结论 采用荷包套入式胰空肠双重吻合术式,手术操作安全可靠,可避免胰瘘发生。

8、Conclusions Limited invaginated vein stripping, EVLT, and RFO can be used to treat saphenous vein reflux. ─── 结论激光、射频、内翻剥脱是治疗大隐静脉返流的有效方法。

9、Application of a New Anastomosis-Esophageal Wall-Gastric Mucosa Invaginated Anastomosis in the Operation of Cardial Cancer ─── 食管与单层胃黏膜套入式吻合在贲门癌手术中的应用

10、Membranes of host mesophyll cells had marked pathological changes, organelles disintegrated, cytoplasm condensed, plasmalemma invaginated, and eventually the whole cell disintegrated and necrotized. ─── 寄主叶肉细胞的膜系统明显病变,细胞器解体,细胞质凝聚,质膜内陷,最终整个细胞坏死解体。

11、invaginated synapse ─── 陷入型突触

12、Upon opening the cecum, the invaginated appendix was recognized. ─── 打开盲肠即发现套叠的阑尾。

13、An invaginated appendiceal stump mimicking a cecal polypoid tumor was found by colonoscopy in four out of 396 patients in the period from October 1990 to October 1993. ─── 摘要阑尾切除术后被反塞入盲肠的阑尾残端有时极似盲肠息肉样肿块。

14、The larval stage of many tapeworms,consisting of a single invaginated scolex enclosed in a fluid-filled cyst. ─── 囊尾幼虫许多绦虫的幼虫时期,由在充满液体的囊中单个的肠套头结构成。

15、The larval stage of many tapeworms, consisting of a single invaginated scolex enclosed in a fluid-filled cyst. ─── 囊尾幼虫许多绦虫的幼虫时期,由在充满液体的囊中单个的肠套头结构成

16、Each cysticercus consists of a cyst wall and a single scolex invaginated into the lumen. ─── 每一个囊尾蚴是由一个囊壁和陷入囊腔中的单独一个头节所组成的。

17、testa thin, crustaceous, smooth to reticulate or verruculose, sometimes adaxially invaginated at hilum; ─── 种皮薄,壳质,平滑到网状或者小瘤状,有时正面在种脐凹入;

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