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09-15 投稿



inexpertness 中文意思翻译



inexpertness 相似词语短语

1、inexactness ─── n.不精确性,不确切性

2、unexpectedness ─── n.出乎意外,突然

3、inertness ─── n.惰性;无生命力;不活泼

4、inexplicitness ─── 莫名其妙

5、apertness ─── 开口度

6、expertness ─── n.专门性;专业性

7、inaptness ─── 不适当

8、ineptness ─── n.拙劣;荒谬

9、indirectness ─── 间接

inexpertness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、inexpert advice, guidance, etc ─── 不在行的劝告、 指导等.

2、when it saw that the tactical situation had changed only slightly, it simply began an even more straightforward attack, dodging Gnea's inexpert shots by jumping behind a mound of debris. ─── 当它发现战术形势只是发生了轻微的改变,就兀自发起了更为直接的进攻。

3、Characteristic of an amateur;inexpert. ─── 不在行的为一名业余爱好者的特征的;非专家的

4、an inexpert dancer ─── 蹩脚的舞蹈演员

5、6.a very amateurish job; inexpert but conscientious efforts; an unskilled painting. ─── 很不专业的工作;虽不熟练但很尽责的工作;业余水平的画儿。

6、a very amateurish job; inexpert but conscientious efforts; an unskilled painting ─── 很不专业的工作;虽不熟练但很尽责的工作;业余水平的画儿

7、· RESULTS: Complications including cornea injury, iris injury, posterior capsule rupture, iris prolapse and hyphema, were mainly caused by inexpert skill and lacking of experience. ─── 术中并发症主要是角膜损伤、后囊膜破裂、虹膜损伤、虹膜脱出、前房出血,主要原因是技术不熟练和操作经验不足。

8、Research published by the Journal of Wine Economics shows that inexpert wine drinkers actually prefer cheap wine in a blind tasting. ─── 发表在葡萄酒经济学期刊上的研究表明,实际上非专家的饮酒者在盲试中更喜欢便宜的酒。

9、"a very amateurish job";"inexpert but conscientious efforts"; ─── 注释列句:lacking professional skill or expertise;

10、Characteristic of an amateur; inexpert. ─── 不在行的为一名业余爱好者的特征的;非专家的

11、 双语使用场景

12、Some people are white, like the Rightists in the Party who are politically white and technically inexpert ─── 有一些人是白的,比如党内的右派,政治上是白的,技术上又不专。

13、Most people who become 3D artists rarely venture beyond modeling, and their forays into animation are inexpert at best, and cringe-worthy or unwatchable at worst. ─── 大多数的人成为3D艺术家很少敢于越过模型制作后,他们中最好的有进军动画领域,最坏的阿谀应付或者不值得一提。

15、Inexpert official intervention can easily backfire. ─── 官方的外行干预容易产生相反的效果。

16、He was inexpert in driving an automobile. ─── 他开车不熟练。

17、I'm inexpert at cooking. ─── 我的烹调技术甚差。

18、Results The trend in general outpatient service was down and inexpert service and emergency up. ─── 结果普通门诊量呈下降趋势,专家、急诊工作量呈上升趋势;

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