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09-15 投稿



intersperse 发音

英:[ˌɪntərˈspɜːrs]  美:[ˌɪntəˈspɜːs]

英:  美:

intersperse 中文意思翻译



intersperse 网络释义

vt. 点缀;散布vi. 点缀;散布

intersperse 反义词


intersperse 词性/词形变化,intersperse变形


intersperse 短语词组

1、intersperse among ─── 散布于

intersperse 同义词


intersperse 习惯用语

1、intersperse among ─── 使散布于..., 使...散置于...

2、intersperse with ─── 用...点缀着 ─── 不时用...打断...

intersperse 相似词语短语

1、interspersed ─── adj.点缀的;散置的;v.点缀(intersperse的过去式);散布

2、to intersperse ─── 穿插

3、intersterile ─── adj.互交不孕的

4、interspersing ─── v.散布;点缀(intersperse的现在分词)

5、interspecies ─── n.种间

6、interspersion ─── n.散布;点缀;布置

7、intersperses ─── v.散布,散置;点缀;在……中夹杂某物

8、interspersedly ─── 穿插地

9、interspersal ─── 散布或点缀其间

intersperse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、intersperse the sectors on the concentric magnetic circular patterns written on a computer disk surface to guide the storing and recording of data. ─── 贴于计算机磁盘表面上的用于指导存储和记录的纸张。

2、They want to intersperse this book with pictures ─── 他们想使这本书图文并茂。

3、10. The BinQi Adornment, more in riotous profusionly, will go to intersperse the excellence of the cell-phone more novelly , demonstrate the beautiful melody of the cell-phone . ─── 缤奇饰品,将更缤纷地,更新奇地去点缀手机的精彩,演绎手机美的旋律。收藏指正

4、intersperse v. ─── 散布,点缀;

5、Intersperse praise with constructive criticism ─── 在称赞之馀给予建设性的批评

6、It can be widely applied to spin、garments、decoration and so on.It is mostly as paillette to intersperse cloth and materials. ─── 广泛应用于纺织、服装、装潢等行业,主要作为亮片来点缀服饰和布料之用。

7、to intersperse a book with pictures ─── 使书图文并茂

8、Keep it to no more than six lines per screen and intersperse it with other elements. ─── 记住每一屏幕不能超过六行文本,并且在其中添加些其他元素。

9、intersperse alternately, as of protective covers for book illustrations. ─── 隔页插入来做为对书中图解的保护页。

10、Prose-oriented XML, in particular, tends to intersperse PCDATA and tags rather freely. ─── 尤其是面向散文的 XML 往往会任意散布 PCDATA 和标记。

11、The BinQi Adornment, more in riotous profusionly, will go to intersperse the excellence of the cell-phone more novelly , demonstrate the beautiful melody of the cell-phone . ─── 缤奇饰品,将更缤纷地,更新奇地去点缀手机的精彩,演绎手机美的旋律。

12、Randomly intersperse two languages (human or computer). ─── 混用两种语言(人与电脑)。

13、scatter or intersperse like dots or studs. ─── 像圆点或者大头针一样散开或者散布。

14、I will intersperse today with laughter,and I will lighten the night with songs. ─── 我要用笑声点缀今天,我要用歌声照亮黑夜。

15、The medical environment is the integrate review of humans psychology, society consciousness, physics on a hospitals intersperse. ─── “医疗环境”是指人们对医院空间所产生的心理、生理和社会意识的综合评判。

16、7. To entertain the farmers and help take their minds off their fatigue, they would intersperse their songs with interesting stories and comic routines at random. ─── 为了给干活儿的人适当解除疲劳,他们常常要唱一些有趣的故事。或临时编一段笑料,以取悦于劳作者。

17、intersperse with traditional Chinese dance movements ─── 穿插中国传统舞蹈动作

18、We will, as you must in doing fieldwork and writing ethnographies, intersperse reading with fieldwork to theoretically inform both the fieldwork and the writing. ─── 诚如您必须进行田野调查暨撰写民族志,我们将涉猎田野调查研究,以及田野调查暨写作理论。

19、Intersperse exclamation marks in the text. ─── 在文章中加进一些感叹号。

20、intersperse in time ─── 按时间散布

21、intersperse any content between the Ad and the Advertiser Page, between the page containing the Search Box and the Search Results Page, or between the Referral Button and the Referral Page; ─── 在广告与广告客户页之间、在包含搜索框的网页与搜索结果页之间或在推介按钮和推介页之间散置任何内容,或以其他方式提供不同于从广告到广告客户页的直接链接 ;

22、intersperse flower-beds among/between the trees ─── 树与树之间点缀着花坛

23、Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones. ─── 原本是想用现代场景点缀历史场景。

24、interspersed red and blue tiles on the walls; intersperse praise with constructive criticism ─── 在墙上点缀红色和蓝色的瓷砖;在称赞之余给予建设性的批评

25、intersperse among ─── v. 散布于

26、The usual pattern is to intersperse blocks of sitting with blocks of walking meditation. ─── 常见的方式在禅定中穿插走步练习。

27、Intersperse advertisements throughout your content by using the playlist editor to insert interstitial advertisement to the server side playlist. ─── 在您的内容中散布广告,方法是利用播放列表编辑器,将间隙广告插入服务器端的播放列表。

28、Chinese scholartree of northern part of the country, it is one that can make people recall, come on in autumn, intersperse too. ─── 北国的槐树,也是一种能使人联想起秋来的点缀。象花而又不是花的那一种落蕊,早晨起来,会铺得满地。

29、intersperse the sectors on the concentric magnetic circular patterns written on a computer disk surface to guide the storing and recording of data ─── 贴于计算机磁盘表面上的用于指导存储和记录的纸张

30、to intersperse one's talk with curses; to be foul-mouthed ─── 骂骂咧咧

31、intersperse with ─── 用 ... 点缀着

32、Sharper associate between the shorts and windbreak, the vivid green color intersperse the sweet spring in the air with embroidering. ─── 短裤与风衣的组合率性俐落,嫩绿色泽与绣花点缀甜美春意。

33、In IN, SCP is distribute disposal system which is made of many module, user data intersperse respective module. ─── 在智能网中,业务控制点是由多个模块构成的分布式事务处理系统,用户数据分布在各个模块中。

34、On the premise of solving basic inhabitation requirement, people intersperse the request of residential environment from the indoor equipments to outdoor environment and landscape. ─── 在解决基本住房要求的前提下,人们对居住的要求逐步从家庭内部的装修点缀,向户外环境景观过渡。

35、Because the regulations of protecting the media consumer interests and rights intersperse among all sorts of civil laws, few people in our country made conclusions about them. ─── 由于保护媒介消费者利益和权利的民事法律规范散布于各种各样的法律法规之中,国内鲜有人对其进行归纳和列举。

36、camp-fire looks like red,unique follow to intersperse the night. ─── 营火像红色的、别致的花朵点缀着黑夜。

37、Taking advantage of abstract line, brilliant color and high-sounding intersperse reveals luxurious feature. ─── 抽象的线条,大胆的颜色和夸张的点缀尽显致奢华。

38、I ll intersperse commentary along the way to provide you with a good understanding of what each option does. ─── 我会随时提供一些注释,帮助您理解每个选项都起什么作用。

39、Wang's novel is special in popular literature,and plays a role that break and intersperse the balance of whole cultural circle. ─── 这样的小说,是大众文学中的另类文学,在整个的文化圈子内,起到的是一种打破平衡的点缀作用。

40、Element , however, lets you intersperse patterns while obeying the cardinality of each contained pattern . ─── 元素允许您在遵守所包含的每个模式的基数同时,可以分散排列这些模式。

41、intersperse alternately,as of protective covers for book illustrations ─── 隔页插入来做为对书中图解的保护页

42、intersperse exclamation marks ina the text. ─── 惊叹号散置于课文中。

43、Sharper associate between the shorts and windbreak, the vivid green color intersperse the sweet spring in the air with embroidering. ─── 短裤与风衣的组合率性俐落,嫩绿色泽与绣花点缀甜美春意。

44、You should intersperse colorful anecdotes about your experience with perceptive queries about the vacancy. ─── 讲述自己的经历时应该加入一些有声有色的轶事,中间巧妙穿插对所应聘职位的询问。

45、Element, however, lets you intersperse patterns while obeying the cardinality of each contained pattern. ─── 元素允许您在遵守所包含的每个模式的基数同时,可以分散排列这些模式。

46、I ll intersperse commentary along the way to provide you with a good understanding of what each option does. ─── 我会随时提供一些注释,帮助您理解每个选项都起什么作用。

47、Intersperse your eating with stories for your dining partner of the amusing things that happened during your day. ─── 吃饭时向你的同伴讲述一天中发生的有趣的事情。

48、just like the game in which a bunch of flowers is passed round to the sound of drumbeats, the instruments hand the tune on to each other, compete and intersperse the solo performances with ensemble pieces, ─── 有如击鼓传花,相互传递,相互竞赛、并与合奏穿插进行。

49、Intersperse your advertisements by using the playlist editor to add interstitial advertisements in your server side playlist. ─── 通过使用播放列表编辑器在服务器端播放列表中添加间隙广告,来散布您的广告。

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