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09-15 投稿



secondaries 发音

英:[ˈsɛkəndəriz]  美:[ˈsɛkənˌdɛriz]

英:  美:

secondaries 中文意思翻译



secondaries 常用词组

secondary school ─── 中等学校

secondary market ─── 二级市场;次级市场

secondary pollution ─── 二次污染

secondaries 短语词组

1、secondaries exchanges ─── 二级交易所

secondaries 词性/词形变化,secondaries变形

名词: second-stringer |

secondaries 相似词语短语

1、secondees ─── 借调人员

2、second lien ─── 二等留置权;第二留置权

3、secondarily ─── adv.在其次;在第二,在第二位

4、secondary ─── adj.第二的;中等的;次要的;中级的;n.副手;代理人

5、secretaries ─── n.秘书;书记;部长;大臣(secretary的复数)

6、seconders ─── n.附议者;后援者;赞成人

7、secondariness ─── 次要;从属;中等

8、second-tier ─── 第二层

9、second rows ─── 第二排

secondaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the truancy figures were based on averages compiled by secondaries once a year. ─── 每年的逃学数据是从对所有中学的逃学率的平均得来的。

2、If a tumour is malignant this can form new tumours that doctors call a recurrence, secondaries or metastases. ─── 乳癌的早期症状主要表现为乳房里出现小肿块。随着病情发展,肿块会逐渐增大,速度因人而异。

3、This stored procedure removes the entry for a secondary database from log_shipping_primary_secondaries on the primary server. ─── 此存储过程将从主服务器上的log_shipping_primary_secondaries中删除辅助数据库项。

4、CT (Current Transformer) Current transformers are instrument transformers used in conjunction with ammeters, control circuits and protectie relaying. They usually hae 5 ampere secondaries. ─── 电流互感器电流互感器是一种仪表变压器,通常与电流表、控制电路、保护继电器配套使用。

5、The male has black secondaries, obvious whether perched or flying. ─── 而雄鸟的次级飞羽在任何时候看起来都是黑色的。

6、Only 221,000 girls and 160,000 boys are now taught in state single sex secondaries out of a total school population of more than 3.5 million. ─── 超过3,500,000的中学生中只有221,000个女孩和160,000个男孩在公立女校或男校接受教育。

7、Most secondaries are labelled "specialist" in one of a dozen fields, from mathematics to music to media studies, but this is mere flim-flam. ─── 大多数中等学校都在数学,音乐,甚至传播媒介学等诸多领域中挑出那么一两科,然后冠以“专科学校”之名,然而这只不过是欺世盗名而已。

8、A station controller(STACO) is the corresponding unit at the secondaries. ─── 机器主频高的一定比主频低的机器速度高。

9、Within four years, nearly 30 per cent of all secondaries will have a specialism in technology, languages, arts and sports. ─── 应该在这些方面制定非常明确的指标和准则,以使得执行管理人员能够明确的来实施管理。

10、More than 400 secondaries are to get cash for a new text message service which will automatically alert parents if their child is not in class. ─── 400多所中学支取现金办理短信服名,这样能够主动提醒家长他们的孩子逃课了。

11、New statistics show that six per cent of primaries and five per cent of secondaries have intakes where 50 per cent or more of pupils do not have English as their mother tongue. ─── 新的统计数据显示百分之六的小学和百分之五的初中已经录取了百分之五十或更多的以非英语为母语的学生。

12、Impact demagnetization of the Martian crust: Primaries versus secondaries ─── 火星外壳的碰撞去磁作用:第一次与第二次

13、Ask a potenti employ to introduc you to your futur co-work either on the initi or secondari interview. ─── 初次面试或再次面试中请雇佣者给你介绍一下未来的同事。

14、As long as the secondary nodes function only as backup secondaries, they can be deployed without charge. ─── 只要辅助节点仅起到备份辅助的作用,它们可以免费部署。

15、optimization program for unstable secondaries ─── 不稳定二次产品优化程序

16、Most secondaries are labelled "specialist" in one of a dozen fields, from mathematics to music to media studies, but this is mere flimflam. ─── 大部分中学贴上了多领域之一的“专家”标签,从数学到音乐,再到媒体研究,但是这只不过是胡扯。

17、Most pupils go on to two nearby secondaries now also judged outstanding; many will get to university. ─── 绝大多数学生继续在附近的两个中学就读,现在这两所中也被评为杰出学校,多数学生接着会读大学。

18、Most secondaries are labelled “specialist” in one of a dozen fields, from mathematics to music to media studies, but this is mere flim-flam.Parents hardly care; ─── 大多数中等学校都在数学,音乐,甚至传播媒介学等诸多领域中挑出那么一两科,然后冠以“专科学校”之名,然而这只不过是欺世盗名而已。

19、The relay operates on the sum of the currents flowing in CT secondaries from switching points. ─── 继电器根据开关点CT 二次侧的总电流动作。

20、The deflection of the secondary charged particle trajectories of EAS in the geomagnetic field distorts the lateral distribution of the secondaries. ─── 广延大气簇射(EAS)中次级带电粒子在地磁场中偏转,影响次级粒子的横向分布。

21、First warbler Yellow-browed, the dark bases to the secondaries and black-centred greater coverts leave few other options. ─── 第一只是黄眉柳莺,次级飞羽暗色的基部及以黑色为中心的大覆羽留下的选择很少。

22、eastern eagle secondaries ─── 甩古窝

23、Now an influential study, commissioned by the Government, has recommended extending the coverage to all state secondaries and colleges in a drive to cut teenage pregnancies. ─── 日前,由英国政府委托开展的一项重量级研究建议,为降低青少年怀孕率,应该让性健康咨询室走进所有国立中学和大学。

24、CT( Current Transformer) Current transformers are instrument transformers used in conjunction with ammeters, control circuits and protective relaying. They usually have5 ampere secondaries. ─── 电流互感器电流互感器是一种仪表变压器,通常与电流表、制电路、护继电器配套使用。

25、One of the best history books for students from intermediate upwards and for those classes that have already studied English in their first, extra year (bilingual secondaries). ─── 其中一个最好的历史书籍,让学生从中间向上,并为那些班,至今已学习英语为其首,课外一年(双语二级)。

26、The lower bird (4-6) appears to be quite clearly Heuglin's, showing both bright yellow bill and legs, relatively dark under primaries and secondaries and a dark mantle. ─── 图4-6那只看起来明显就是灰林银鸥,嘴和脚都是鲜黄色,初级和次级飞羽下为暗色而且背羽暗色。

27、Wings black with conspicuous white bar and white tips to secondaries and tertials. ─── 尖直长的尾羽黑白相间,翼黑色,有明显的白纹。

28、Their hope was that those tumours would include the secondaries spun off by melanoma. ─── 他们希望这些肿瘤包括了黑素瘤的二次扩展。

29、Polling is an access method in which a primary network device inquires, in an orderly fashion, whether secondaries have data to transmit. ─── 轮流询问是一种主网络设备以有序的方式询问子网络是否有数据要传输的访问方法。

30、First warbler Yellow-browed, the dark bases to the secondaries and black-centred greater coverts leave few other options. ─── 第一只是黄眉柳莺,次级飞羽暗色的基部及以黑色为中心的大覆羽留下的选择很少.

31、High-availability secondary nodes can be deployed without charge if they are only functioning as backup secondaries. ─── 但是如果高可用性辅助节点仅起到备份辅助的作用,那么可免费部署。

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