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trigeminal 发音

英:[traɪˈdʒemənl]  美:[traɪˈdʒemɪnəl]

英:  美:

trigeminal 中文意思翻译



trigeminal 网络释义

n. 三叉神经adj. 三叉神经的

trigeminal 短语词组

1、trigeminal notch ─── [医] 三叉神经压迹

2、spinal tract of trigeminal nerve ─── [医] 三叉神经脊束

3、trigeminal neuralgia ─── 三叉神经痛

4、trigeminal ganglia ─── [医] 三叉神经节, 半月神经节, 加塞氏神经节

5、trigeminal groove ─── [医] 三叉神经沟

6、trigeminal paralysis ─── [医]三叉神经麻痹

7、trigeminal pulse ─── [医] 三联脉

8、trigeminal nerves ─── 三叉神经检查

9、trigeminal eminence ─── [医]三叉神经隆起

10、trigeminal cough ─── [医] 三叉神经性咳

11、trigeminal paralyses ─── [医] 三叉神经麻痹

12、trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经

13、trigeminal impression ─── 三叉神经压迹

14、Trigeminal motor nucleus ─── 三叉运动核

15、trigeminal crest ─── [医] 三叉神经嵴(胚)

16、trigeminal cave ─── 三叉神经腔

17、roots of trigeminal nerve ─── [医] 三叉神经根

18、trigeminal ganglion ─── 三叉神经节

19、central tract of trigeminal nerev ─── [医] 三叉神经中央束

trigeminal 常用词组

trigeminal neuralgia ─── 三叉神经痛

trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经

trigeminal 相似词语短语

1、trigemini ─── 特里米

2、trigeminus ─── 三叉神经

3、tegminal ─── 被盖

4、triactinal ─── adj.三辐形的

5、regiminal ─── 区域

6、bigeminal ─── adj.成对的;二联的

7、original ─── adj.原来的;开始的;首创的,新颖的,创新的;原作的;n.原件,原版;(文学中)原型;(歌,画等的)原创作品;原版唱片;真品原版服装;古怪的人

8、criminal ─── adj.犯罪的;刑事的;罪过的,错误的;不道德的;令人震惊的;n.罪犯

9、geminal ─── adj.偕的

trigeminal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whole-cell patch clamp technique was used to study the electrophysiological characteristics of nociceptive trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons labeled by nuclear yellow (NY). ─── 实验利用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了荧光染料核黄(NY)标记的支配牙髓的痛感觉神经元的电生理特征。

2、Idiopathic trigeminal neuraligia ─── 原发性三叉神经痛

3、The causes of recurrent trigeminal neuralgia after microvascular decompression and the questions related to repeat operations were discussed. ─── 对显微血管减压术后三叉神经痛复发的原因及再手术的有关问题进行讨论。

4、Abstract Objective To propose that microvascular decompression is an optimal operation for idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 摘要目的提出微血管减压术是治疗原发性三叉神经痛的最佳手术方式。

5、Abnormal muscle responses in hemifacial spasm:F waves or trigeminal reflexes? ─── 半侧面肌痉挛的异常肌反应:F波还是三叉神经反射?

6、Abstract Objective To study the relation between trigeminal neuralgia and peripheral branch demyelination, inflammation ischemia and bone tube pression. ─── 提 要 目的 为了探讨三叉神经痛与末梢支脱髓鞘、感染、缺血及神经管内压力持续增高的关系。

7、Local drug injection is a minimally invasive and useful technique to manage trigeminal neuralgia,with a high success rate and low incidence of morbidity. ─── 局部药物注射是三叉神经痛的经典治疗方法,操作较简单,作为一种相对微创、安全性较高的治疗手段,仍不失为临床治疗的可选方法之一。

8、Abstract Objective To study the pathogenesis of trigeminal neuralgia (TN) under vessel compression. ─── 摘要目的研究微血管压迫引起三叉神经痛(TN)的发病机制。

9、Second division of trigeminal nerve disorder ─── 三叉神经第二分支障碍

10、Functional operation of trigeminal neuralgia ─── 功能性三叉神经痛手术

11、The systemic effects of guanoside drugs-ACV. DCV and DHPG on preventing mice from herpes simplex virus type I (HSV- I ) latent infection in trigeminal gangliawere observed by means of cell culture and virus isolation. ─── 应用细胞培养病毒分离技术,对国产鸟苷类药物无环鸟苷(ACV)、脱氧无环鸟苷(D-CV)、丙氧鸟苷(DHPG)抗鼠单纯疱疹病毒三叉神经节潜伏感染全身用药疗效进行了观察.

12、Discovered by using endoscopy, the CPA was divided into 4 levels: petrosal veinand arachnoid mater, acousticofacial bundle, trigeminal and abducens nerves, and lower cranial nerves(glossopharyngeal,vagus, and accessory). ─── 内镜下由浅入深、由上至下可分为4层,即岩静脉层、面听神经层、三叉神经-外展神经层和低位颅神经层。

13、second branch of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经第二支

14、Objective: To evaluate the clinical effects of carbamazapine combining with vitamin B12 in the treatment of patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 摘要目的:观察维生素B12+卡马西平的联合治疗与卡马西平单独治疗原发性三叉神经痛的临床效果。

15、Trigeminal neuralgia is the most common facial pain syndrome,which remains a difficult condition to manage due to lack of knowledge on pathophysiological mechanisms. ─── 三叉神经痛是一种常见病,但其病因及发病机制尚未阐明,目前缺乏有效的治疗手段。

16、third branch of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经第三支

17、Keywords Trigeminal nerve Neurinoma Microsurgery; ─── 三叉神经;神经鞘瘤;显微手术;

18、If tumour of bone of gum, jaw and trigeminal nerve are painful,wait, also can cause the tooth that be the same as side the ache of relevant section. ─── 如牙龈、颌骨肿瘤以及三叉神经痛等,也可引起同侧牙齿相应区域的疼痛。

19、Trigeminal trophic syndrome is a rare entity characterized by the presence of ala nasi ulceration, trigeminal anesthesia, and paresthesia. ─── 三叉神经营养综合征是一种罕见的实体,其特点是存在纳阿拉椰浆溃疡,三叉神经阻滞,并感觉。

20、Third division of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经第三分支

21、Free-of -installation: The lock body can be locked in the trigeminal position of steering wheel so as to allow the owner change cars without replacing the lock at any moment. ─── 免安装:锁体锁住方向盘三叉位置即可,车主想换车时可以不换锁,随时可以带着走。

22、Peripheral facial palsy, deafness, tinnitus, and trigeminal sensory deficit are common presentations.Vertigo as the only clinical feature of AICA infarct is rare. ─── 周边颜面神经麻痹、耳聋、耳鸣及三叉感觉异常为其常见的病徵,但只以晕眩症表现的前下下小脑动脉梗塞更是罕见。

23、central tract of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经中央束

24、Background.Stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia is a new method.Methods. ─── 摘要背景以立体定位分次放射来治疗三叉神经痛是一种新方法。

25、neusrofibroma of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经神经纤维瘤

26、Repetitive migraine attacks may lead to, or be the result of, neuroplastic changes in cortical and subcortical structures of the trigeminal somatosensory system. ─── 反复发作偏头痛可能导致皮层神经可塑性改变和皮层下三叉神经躯体感觉系统结果改变,或者是其结果。

27、The trigeminal nerve is very closed to the SCA, AICA, PICA and the petrosal veins.As a result, about 46.88% of SCA has a point of contacting with the trigeminal nerve. ─── 三叉神经和相关的小脑上动脉(SCA)、小脑前下动脉(AICA)、岩静脉等关系密切,小脑上动脉的行程一般比较恒定,向尾侧凸起46.88%的尾袢对三叉神经造成压迫。

28、diagnosis is made clinically based on the rash affecting only one dermatome associated with the ophthalmic division of cranial nerve V (trigeminal nerve). ─── 皮疹仅影响一侧皮肤,病灶分布区域与第5对颅神经(三叉神经)的眼神经分支分布区相一致,基于这些临床特点即可作出诊断。

29、Abstract: Objective To study the relation between trigeminal neuralgia and peripheral branch demyelination, inflammation ischemia and bone tube pression. ─── 文摘:目的为了探讨三叉神经痛与末梢支脱髓鞘、感染、缺血及神经管内压力持续增高的关系。

30、The therapy of trigeminal neuralgia(TN) puzzles the n eu rosurgeans. ─── 三叉神经痛的治疗一直困扰着神经外科医生。

31、Objective: To study the relationship between trigeminal nerve, cerebellar arteries and petrosal veins, and provide anatomic bases for clinical diagnosis and treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 摘要目的:研究三叉神经与小脑动脉、岩静脉等之间的关系,为临床三叉神经痛诊治提供解剖学资基础。

32、Trigeminal nerve aches, how to treat? Remedial method is there? ─── 三叉神经疼,怎么治疗?有什么好的治疗方法?

33、Responses to direct activation of the trigeminal motor root (R-MEP) were able to be recorded in all ALS. ─── R MEP可在所有ALS患者中引出。

34、Spinal Nuclei of Trigeminal Nerve ─── 三叉神经脊束核

35、They pass the news to the trigeminal nerve, which then lets your brain know that it’s time to feel the burn and to tear, or cough or gag,or just generally back off. ─── 化学感应细胞将感受到的气味传递给三叉神经,之后,三叉神经告诉你的大脑感觉到了灼热,你会流泪、咳嗽、呕吐、或者仅仅向后退几步。

36、Oral cavity jaw is facial nerve fibroma often comes from facial nerve and trigeminal nerve, grow slow, common at young. ─── 口腔颌面部神经纤维瘤常来自面神经和三叉神经,生长缓慢,常见于青年人。

37、Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of treating trigeminal neuralgia with super laser for irradiation and acupuncture. ─── 摘要目的:观察超激光照射并针灸治疗原发性三叉神经痛的疗效。

38、Objective: To evaluate diagnostic value of magnetic resonance tomographic angiography (MRTA) in trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 摘要目的:探讨磁共振体层血管造影(MRTA)对三叉神经痛的诊断价值。

39、Abstract: Purpose To explore the effects of cervical sympathetic nerve on the axoplasmic transport of the trigeminal nerve. ─── 摘 要: 目的探讨颈部交感神经对三叉神经轴浆运输的影响。

40、Second division of trigeminal nerve function ─── 三叉神经第二分支功能

41、"In trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux), Brief attacks of severe shooting pain along a Branch of the trigeminal nerve (in front of the ear) usually Begin after middle age, more often in women. ─── 三叉神经痛(痛性抽搐)以沿三叉神经任何分支(位于耳前)的短暂剧烈枪击痛为主要特征,通常在进入中年后发病,好发于女性。

42、The results suggest that BSI B 4 labeled neurons are generally not as the same as substance P energic neurons but are similar to glutamate energic neurons on function in nociceptive trigeminal primary afferents. ─── 提示:传导伤害性信息的三叉初级感觉神经元中,BSI-B4标记的神经元和P物质(SP)能神经元在功能上有明显差异,而标记神经元和谷氨酸能神经元可能具有类似的功能

43、The distribution of microvessels in trigeminal nerve root was uneven.The number of microvessels in the medial portion was less than that of the distant. ─── 三叉神经根内的微血管配布不均,其近侧端微血管数量较少,远侧端微血管数量较多。

44、It was observed by immunohistostaining that increased expression of NOS1 and CGRP in the spinal trigeminal nucleus of migraine rats were depressed by Tianshu capsule (all P

45、Our result subests that transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation may be used safely and effectively as a routine method in treating trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 我们的结果表明,穴位体表电刺激可以作为治疗三叉神经痛的安全而有效的手段。

46、pontine nucleus of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经脑桥核

47、Objective: To investigate the primary causes of TN and HFS via studing the imaging funding of Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) and Hemifacial Spasm (HFS) and comparing with the results of operations. ─── 摘要目的:分析总结三又神经痛和面肌痉挛的影像学表现,经与手术结果对照,探讨三叉神经痛和面肌痉挛的主要致病原因。

48、Microvascular decompression (MVD) surgery for trigeminal neuralgia (Jannetta operation) is common in our institution, and postoperative complications are uncommon. ─── 摘要本院做了很多三叉神经痛的显微脑神经减压手术,且术后的并发症并不常见。

49、Abstract: Radiofrequency thermocoagulation technique, as a maturity procedure, has been used routinely for trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 摘要:三叉神经痛的射频治疗,是一项较成熟的治疗手段,在临床中已常规开展。

50、Although a large number of drugs have been used to treat trigeminal neuralgia,there still remains a great challenge to reduce the recurrent rates and complications both intra-or post-injections. ─── 临床治疗及实验研究所用药物较多,每种药物各有优缺点,也存在着一系列并发症及复发问题,如何提高治疗效果及减少并发症,降低复发率,仍然值得探讨。

51、Imaging diagnosis of trigeminal neuroma ─── 三叉神经瘤的影像学诊断

52、In oder to reduce the recurrence rate, the author developed a new method and operated on 19 cases with intraoral high level trigeminal neurotomy based on 21 cases of adult human skull anatomy. ─── 为减少术后复发率,作者在21具成人头颅解剖研究的基础上,对19例下颌神经进行了口内径路的三叉神经高位切断术。

53、CT and MRI could display clearly the trigeminal nerve invasion by tumor well. ─── CT和mri能准确显示三叉神经肿瘤侵犯三叉神经情况。

54、Second division of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经第二分支

55、Right eye is facial be equivalent to trigeminal mandible raising distributinging area and on the right side of cervical those who bleb bequeath falls is scabby. ─── 右眼面部相当于三叉神经下颌支分布区域和右侧颈部有疱疹遗留下的结痂。

56、The objective is to establish a new tractotomy for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia (TN). ─── 目的是建立一种治疗三叉神经痛(TN)的新束切断术。

57、Indeed, since the early 1970s neurophysiologists have studied the rodent trigeminal system to try to answer fundamental questions about the nature of neural coding. ─── 事实上,自1970年代初起,神经生理学家就开始研究齧齿动物的三叉神经,试图厘清神经编码特性这个根本的问题。

58、In this experiment, anhydrous glycerol was injected into the mental foramen of rabbits to determine neurolytic effects on the peripheral trigeminal nerve by electrophysiologic and morphologic methods. ─── 摘要本实验于兔下颌颏孔内注射无水甘油,通过电生理学及形态学方法,观察注射后下齿槽神经的变化情况。

59、BACKGROUND: Trigeminal ganglion percutaneous puncture is one of the methods for the therapy of primary trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 背景:经皮三叉神经半月穿刺损毁术是治疗原发性三叉神经痛的方法之一。

60、This report details the experience of two people who suffered a unique type of periodontal atrophy following trigeminal sensory rhizotomy. ─── 这份报告详细介绍了经验,两个人谁遭受一类独特的牙周萎缩三叉神经感觉后根切断术。

61、Objective To summarize the nursing experience during radiofrequency thermocoagulation of trigeminal gasserian ganglion. ─── 目的总结三叉神经半月节射频热凝术的护理经验。

62、ES1 is assumed to be pontine di- or oligosynaptic reflex, ES2 is mediated polysynaptically by inhibitory interneurons probably located in the lateral tegmental field of the brainstem next to the trigeminal nucleus caudalis. ─── 对健康者研究表明,ES1为脑桥单或少突触反射所介导,而ES2是由脑干多突触抑制性中间神经元所介导; 介导ES2的这些抑制性中间神经元可能临近三叉神经脊束核尾端的背外侧。

63、Objective: To evaluate the effect of treating trigeminal neuralgia using radiofrequency thermocoagulation. ─── 摘要目的:观察射频温控热凝术治疗原发性三叉神经痛的治疗效果。

64、X ray, 3D CT and navigation oval foramen locations were used in 22, 19 and 4 patients respectively on intractable trigeminal neuralgia in order that the direction and position could be defined. ─── 对 4 5例半月神经节定位困难的三叉神经痛病人 ,在射频热凝治疗术中应用X线、三维CT或导航进行卵圆孔定位或在术中验证靶点。

65、Of or relating to the trigeminal nerves; trifacial. ─── 三叉神经的属于或关于三叉神经的

66、spinal tract of trigeminal nerve ─── [医] 三叉神经脊束

67、Among all patients,facial angioma involving into the distributional regions of trigeminal nerve or companing with intracranial pathologic changes were found. ─── 全部病例均有面部三叉神经分布区皮肤血管瘤或伴有颅内相关的病理改变。结果MRI平扫可显示患侧脑萎缩及侧脑室内脉络丛球增大。

68、Third division of trigeminal nerve disorder ─── 三叉颅神经第三分支障碍

69、sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve, lower ─── 三叉神经下感觉核, 三叉神经脊束核

70、The types of synapses can be divided into four compound groups, which are the fast adapting afferent terminal group(FA), the slow adapting afferent terminal group(SA), spinal tract of trigeminal nerve group(VS) and pontine nuclei(SA-VP). ─── 4个复合组:快适应纤维组(FA),慢适应纤维组(SA),三叉神经脊束核组(VS),三叉神经脑桥核组(VP)组。

71、This membrane, termed pit membrane, is innervated by unmyelinated nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve. ─── 因此具这种感受器的蛇类能在夜间准确判定附近恒温动物的存在及其位置。

72、Terminal branches of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经终末支

73、Objective To Survey the therapeutic effect and complication of CT positioning with RFT in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, further expound advantage of CT guide positioning in RFT. ─── 摘要目的对CT定位下进行射频温控热凝治疗三叉神经痛的疗效进行总结,进一步阐明CT定位的优点。

74、electrocoagulation in trigeminal neuralgia ─── 三叉神经痛电凝疗法

75、BSI B 4 labeled neurons in the trigeminal ganglion are middle or small ones,and number of small neurons is very much larger that of middle neurons. ─── 三叉神经节中的BSI-B4标记神经元为中小型神经元,其中以小神经元为主。

76、Trigeminal neuroma diagnosed by CT ─── 三叉神经瘤的CT诊断

77、Trigeminal neuralgia is a representative of severe pain disease.Treatments include nonin-vasive methods and surgery. ─── 三叉神经痛是剧烈性疼痛疾病的代表,治疗方法大致分为无创疗法与手术疗法。

78、Abstract Objective: To observe whether calcitonin gene-related peptide participates in the attack of trigeminal neuralgia and get a deeper understanding about its pathogenetic mechanism. ─── 摘要 目的: 观察三叉神经痛发作时是否有降钙素基因相关肽参与,加深对三叉神经痛发病机理的认识。

79、For the study of cause and treatment of recurrent trigeminal neuralgia,repeat ope-rations were performed in 12 patients with recurrent trigeminal neuralgia after microvascular decompression. ─── 为探讨三叉神经痛复发的原因及治疗,对12例显微血管减压术后复发的三叉神经痛患者进行了再手术。

80、Aim: To raise the removal degree and to improve the postoperative result of MP (middle and posterior fossae) trigeminal neurinoma. ─── 目的:提高中后颅窝型三叉神经鞘瘤的切除程度和术后疗效。

81、Third division of trigeminal nerve function ─── 三叉神经第三分支功能

82、To review and analyze the progress of stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia,realize it is an effective and safe treatment for the intractable trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 回顾分析原发性三叉神经痛的治疗进展,认识到采用立体定向放射外科技术治疗原发性三叉神经痛是安全有效的。

83、Objective: MRI appearance and imaging characteristics were analyzed in order to improve the diagnosis of intracranial trigeminal neurinoma. ─── 摘要目的:分析三叉神经鞘瘤的生长部位、MRI表现及其影像特征,以提高其诊断准确性。

84、Background: Non-antiepileptic drugs have been used in trigeminal neuralgia management since the 1970s. ─── 背景:二十世纪近八十年代以来非抗癫痫药物开始用于治疗原发性三叉神经痛。

85、So it is an optimal approach to treat trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 因此,显微血管减压手术是外科治疗三叉神经痛的最佳手段。

86、Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia/surg ─── 三叉神经痛/外科学

87、It can treat headache, which is due to wind cold type of cold, migraine, and trigeminal neuralgia effectively. ─── 头痛的病因复杂。本品对风寒感冒性头痛、偏头痛、三叉神经痛有一定的效果,

88、Trigeminal neuralgia, also known as tic douloureux, sometimes is described as the most excruciating pain known to humanity. ─── 三叉神经痛,也称为抽动痛,有时被描述为人类已知的最严重的疼痛。

89、The commonly used therapy of primary trigeminal neuralgia is nerve block. ─── 原发性三叉神经痛的治疗方法以神经毁损术最为常用。

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