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09-14 投稿



superposing 发音

英:[ˌsuːpəˈpəʊzɪŋ]  美:[ˌsuːpərˈpoʊzɪŋ]

英:  美:

superposing 中文意思翻译



superposing 词性/词形变化,superposing变形

动词过去式: superposed |动词第三人称单数: superposes |动词现在分词: superposing |动词过去分词: superposed |

superposing 相似词语短语

1、superfusing ─── v.浇盖

2、supposing ─── conj.假定,假设;v.认为,料想;假定,假设;(婉转表达建议等)我看,要不;需以……为条件;认为应该(suppose的现在分词)

3、interposing ─── 干预(interpose的现在分词)

4、supercooling ─── n.[热]过冷;v.使过冷(supercool的现在分词)

5、supervising ─── v.监督;管理;指导(supervise的ing形式);n.[自]监控

6、superpraising ─── 超饲养

7、superimposing ─── v.迭加,叠加(superimpose的现在分词);迭合

8、supercoiling ─── v.使……成为超螺旋(supercoil的现在分词)

9、purposing ─── n.目的;用途;意志;vt.决心;企图;打算

superposing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、superposing basin ─── 叠合盆地

2、To cause beating by superposing waves of different frequencies. ─── 振动叠加不同频率的波以产生拍差,拍音

3、by superposing them in the time domain. The unsteady aerodynamic loads of the given vibration motion are obtained. ─── 然后在时域中将它们叠加,即可求得该翼面在时域中以给定的波形作振动时的非定常气动力。

4、This paper points out the trend of high resolution raster radar display system, and describes the method of superposing radar image on computer graphics. ─── 指出了高分辨率光栅扫描雷达显示系统的发展方向,并叙述了实现雷达图像与计算机图形叠加显示的方案。

5、The acoustic pressure and acoustic power of the whole structure are obtained by superposing those of each infinitesimal element. ─── 以每个微元为一单位,分别计算声压和声功率之后叠加起来,即得整个结构的声辐射。

6、Research of a New Kind of Highly Integrated Video and Character Superposing System ─── 新型高度集成化的视频字符叠加系统的研究

7、Study on the Grounding in Superposing DC Current Method for the On-line Monitoring of XLPE Cable ─── XLPE电缆绝缘在线检测直流叠加法的接地

8、Forest resource investigation by superposing topographic maps of remote sensing image ─── 应用遥感影像叠加地形图方法进行森林资源调查

9、Further, the printer includes at least one device for measuring the superposing degree between adjacent printing head sections; ─── 所述打印机进一步包括至少一个用于测量相邻打印头段之间的重叠度的装置;

10、In fact, PBB fail can also be found by the superposing of several factors.The effect of factor superposing will accelerate the fail happening sometime or restrain the fail happening in other times. ─── 实际上,PBB失效也往往是由这多个因素叠加造成的,叠加的效果有时会加速失效的发生,有时则会抑制失效的发生。

11、The results show that the chaos can be restrained by superposing a periodic vibration. ─── 结果表明,叠加周期振动可以抑制系统的混沌。

12、Sub pixel matching is carried out by superposing edge feature on image. ─── 同时,采用特征与影像叠加进行了亚像素匹配。

13、The generation methods of the special OAM are introduced, including superposing the beam lights with special phase and frequency, computer-generated hologram and mode converter. ─── 介绍了具有轨道角动量的光束模式的生成方法:一、具有特定相位以及频率关系的光束模式的叠加;

14、Methods By utilizing the principle of superposing states in quantum mechanics and the general theory of multimode squeezing states, the quantum fluctuation of the general both electronic and magnetic field component were figured. ─── 方法根据量子力学中的态叠加原理并利用多模压缩态理论,推出广义电场和广义磁场分量的量子涨落情况。

15、A new method of analyzing three waves interaction in nonlinear periodically poled crystals (PP-crystals) on the theorem of quasi-phase-matching, called the vector superposing method is presented. ─── 摘要从准相位匹配的基本原理出发,提出了一种研究周期极化介质中二阶非线性的三波互作用现象的分析方法-矢量叠加法。

16、A new forecasting model combined the season tendency superposing and Markov forecasting methods together is presented to forecast the average yield of rapeseed. ─── 摘要为提高利用季节性叠加趋势模型预测有较大波动性数据序列的预测精度,提出一种季节性叠加趋势-马尔柯夫组合预测新方法,并用于油菜平均产量的预测。

17、Computer simulation for superposing of multiple coherent laser beams[J]. ─── 引用该论文 张春梅,吴健,谢德林.

18、Our company’s superposing is the created ability during research and produce. ─── 公司主要经营范围是生产汽车用滤清器(三滤);开发和生产汽车关键零部件制造;

19、Although the external standard method and superposing peak k-value method are applicable, but their accuracy is often not satisfactory. ─── 结果表明,虽然外标法和重叠峰自清洗法对于水泥熟料的物相定量分析是可行的,但其结果的准确性往往不够理想;

20、By means of superposing ring turbulent jet flow with confluent flow, the mathematical model of flow-field of wind-curtain dust-catching fan is established, which provi... ─── 将环形紊流射流与汇流进行叠加,建立了风幕集尘风机流场的数学模型,为风幕集尘风机的应用奠定了理论基础。

21、Numerical experiments show that the embedded watermark is robust to signal manipulations, such as superposing noise, cropping and filtering. ─── 对算法的测试结果表明:该水印算法具有很强的抗剪切、滤波攻击的能力,鲁棒性强。

22、The distribution of high-quality reservoirs of the third middle-top member of the Shahejie Formation are delineated by superposing the diagenetic facies map on the microfacies map. ─── 通过成岩相图和沉积微相图的叠合,预测了沙三中上亚段优质储层的分布。

23、Although the external standard method and superposing peak k-value method are applicable,but their accuracy is often not satisfactory. ─── 结果表明,虽然外标法和重叠峰自清洗法对于水泥熟料的物相定量分析是可行的,但其结果的准确性往往不够理想;

24、Much less EPU times are required for calculating the superposing acoustic field than calculating the classical Fresnel integral. ─── 用单阵元分布函数迭加所得的换能器声场分布的数值计算,比计算经典的Fresnel积分的运算量要小得多。

25、The quasi-quadratic relationship between voltage and displacement of an actuator, the quasi-linear superposing among the actuators for MMDM were experimentally verified in our experiments. ─── 在实验中验证了MMDM单个电极控制电压与其变形量的近似平方关系以及各电极产生形变的近似线性叠加关系。

26、Numerical experiments show that the algorithm is robust to the attacks of the JPEG lossy compressing, cropping, superposing noise and resampling from the screen copy. ─── 数值计算结果表明:该水印算法对JPEG有损压缩、剪切、噪声污染和重采样等攻击具有较强的鲁棒性。

27、This method first enlarged the target area by dilation operation to make target in different frames have superposing part, and then the power of target is enhanced by accumulation. ─── 图像序列的邻域判决法也是目标检测的一种常用方法,它利用目标运动的连续性来剔除图像中的虚警点,可以获得较好的处理效果。


29、Results The general expressions of equal-power high-power nonlinear difference squeezing in the multimode state light field with any amount of states superposing was given. ─── 结果给出了任意多态叠加多模叠加态光场的广义非线性等幂次高次差压缩的一般表达式。

30、The general expressions of equal-power high-power nonlinear difference squeezing in the multimode state light field with any amount of states superposing was given. ─── 给出了任意多态叠加多模叠加态光场的广义非线性等幂次高次差压缩的一般表达式。

31、Three X-ray methods for quantitative phase analysis of cement clinker (external standard method,superposing peak k-value method and Rietveld method)were studied comparatively. ─── 对水泥熟料物相定量分析的常规X射线衍射法(外标法和重叠峰自清洗法)与X射线全谱拟合法的分析结果进行了对比分析。

32、the verb ingredient they decorate, including the verbs with the quantity complement、the result complement, the verb with the auxiliary verb, the superposing form of the words, etc; ─── 所修饰的动词性成分,包括动词后带数量补语、结果补语,带助动词的动词,动词重叠式等几类动词;

33、Vivid color contrast and two ordinary Chinese characters superposing delicately produce a strong visual impact. ─── 鲜艳的色彩对比度和两个普通的汉字叠加产生微妙的强烈视觉冲击力。

34、vector superposing ─── 矢量叠加法

35、Key Technology Research on Superposing and Display of Radar Background Information in Electronic Sea Chart Navigation System ─── 电子海图与雷达背景信息叠加显示关键技术研究

36、and superposing the acquired fringe field of the projection plane of each ray. ─── 将获得的每条射线投射面的散射场进行叠加;

37、Application of Double-Seat Valves in Superposing Reconstructions of Power Plants ─── 双座阀在电厂叠加式改造中的应用实践

38、This new superposing method will possess important theoretical and application value in the fields of big and long object reconstruction. ─── 这种新的叠加重建算法在大长物体的重建中,具有重要的理论和应用价值。

39、the result of soil erosion sensitivity evaluation of Changsha is calculated by Multi-factor superposing with weight. ─── 最后通过加权叠加法获得长沙市土壤敏感性评价结果。


41、The high-quality reservoirs of the third middle member of Shahejie Formation are delineated by superposing the diagenetic facies map on the microfacies map. ─── 通过成岩相图和沉积相图的叠合,预测了沙三中亚段优质储层的分布。

42、To cause beating by superposing waves of different frequencies. ─── 振动叠加不同频率的波以产生拍差,拍音

43、Sub pixel matching is carried out by superposing edge feature on image. ─── 采用特征与影像叠加进行了亚像素匹配。

44、optical superposing ─── 光叠加

45、Superposing Applied in Sheer Diagram and Moment Diagram ─── 叠加法在剪力图和弯矩图中的应用

46、Time has another way to count which is superposing, iteration and extending. ─── 时间,或许它有另一种计算方式叫做事物的叠加、重复、延伸。

47、Otherwise, current arithmetic of Soft-handoff increase the voice quality throw superposing multi channal , so it reduce the capability of the system.My paper give a new method to solve this problem. ─── 但是,虽然目前的软切换算法通过使用重叠建立多条信道的办法使话音质量提高,但却降低了系统的容量,这个问题就在本论文的课题中给出了新的解决方案。

48、The conditions for superposing the hologram onto the content images are also investigated in detail. ─── 文中还详细研究了全息数字水印的嵌入强度及对应恢复水印的效果。

49、Aim To find out the squeezing conditions theoretically and the properties of equal-power nonlinear difference squeezing in multimode radiation field with any amount of states superposing studied. ─── 摘要目的研究任意多态叠加多模叠加态光场的广义非线性等幂次差压缩特性,从理论上导出该光场呈现高次差压缩的条件。

50、season tendency superposing ─── 季节性叠加趋势

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