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outlawed 发音

英:[ˈaʊtlɔːd]  美:[ˈaʊtlɔːd]

英:  美:

outlawed 中文意思翻译




outlawed 反义词


outlawed 词性/词形变化,outlawed变形

动词现在分词: outlawing |动词过去式: outlawed |动词过去分词: outlawed |动词第三人称单数: outlaws |

outlawed 同义词

fugitive | felon | criminalize | illegalise | expel | lawless | exclude | illegalize | forbid | veto | outcast | prohibit | illicit | runaway | exile | malefactor | banish | illegitimate | unlawful | bar | outlawed |criminal | criminalise | desperado | proscribe | crook | censure | bandit | brigand | convict | ban | suppress

outlawed 短语词组

1、outlawed religion ─── 非法宗教

2、outlawed carrying ─── 非法携带

3、outlawed slavery ─── 非法奴隶制

4、outlawed hunting ─── 非法狩猎

5、outlawed debt ─── [经] 在法律上失时效的债务

6、outlawed in russia ─── 在俄罗斯被宣布为非法

outlawed 相似词语短语

1、outgnawed ─── 被抛弃的

2、outleaped ─── n.爆发;vt.比……跳得更高或远;vi.向前跳

3、outlawry ─── n.被宣布为非法;非法化;逍遥法外

4、outland ─── n.靠近边界之土地,边境地区;adj.外国的;边远的,遥远的;n.(Outland)人名;(英)奥特兰

5、outlasted ─── vt.比…长久;从…中逃生

6、outlaid ─── outlay的过去式及过去分词

7、outglowed ─── outglowed

8、outlashed ─── 非法的

9、outlaw ─── n.歹徒,罪犯;亡命之徒,逃犯;被剥夺法律保护者;v.宣布……为不合法;禁止,取缔;将……放逐;剥夺……的法律保护;n.(Outlaw)(美)奥特洛(人名)

outlawed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He discovers there's an outlaw and her reward is enough to avoid his hanging. ─── 他发现有一个罪犯,她的赏金足以让奈特避免绞刑。

2、Outlawed the sale of firearms. ─── 宣告贩卖军火是非法的

3、To publish the name of(a person) as outlawed. ─── 公布姓名公布被放逐者的名字

4、Indeed, today's archers still honour the fabled outlaw. ─── 事实上,今天的射箭运动员们仍然尊敬那些传说中的绿林好汉。

5、He said the UWSA would be outlawed if it did not join the BGF by September. ─── 他说如果佤联军在9月份之前还未加入边防警卫部队,那么就将成为非法。

6、"Then art thou indeed that famous outlaw? ─── “这么说来,你真的是那位名扬四海的绿林好汉喽?

7、Mila and Oa have been shattered repeatedly by those fostering these types of ascension, and it is for this reason that they are now outlawed. ─── Mila和Oa已被培育此类型提升的人再三地粉碎,正是这个原因此类提升现在被禁止。

8、At his interrogation he protested bitterly against the use of the 155 in Aachen, calling it “barbarous” and claiming it should be outlawed. ─── 在对他的讯问中,上校强烈抗议美军在亚琛城内使用155口径大炮,称其为“野蛮行径”,并宣称此举违反了战争法。

9、An outlaw living in the bush. ─── 丛林土匪居住在丛林中的罪犯

10、Why hasn't someone outlawed the “shrug”? Aren't most answers attainable with a little elbow grease? ─── 为什么没有人取缔“耸肩”?是不是大多数回答用一个小小的肘部动作就可以达到效果了?

11、If the shop was not licensed to do would be to outlaw, the confiscation of illegal income. ─── 如果网店被发现没办执照,将会被依法取缔,没收违法所得。

12、Public boxing matches are outlawed. ─── 公开的拳击比赛是违法的。

13、Certain cities have outlawed the sale of alcohol. ─── 一些城市已将出售酒精饮料定为违法行为。

14、After the Civil War(1861-1865), slavery was outlawed and the big plantations were divided up. ─── 南北战争(一八六一--一八六五)之后,使用黑人奴隶已不合法,大型种植园就解体了。

15、The huge bathhouses were outlawed in 1984, and gay men crowded into meeting rooms to hear the latest on how to survive. ─── 庞大的浴室被取缔1984年和男同志挤在会议室听取最新的关于如何生存。

16、Then again they gave a loud cry, Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was an outlaw. ─── 他们又喊著说、不要这人、要巴拉巴。这巴拉巴是个强盗。

17、They are so powerful that the Dark Templar have outlawed their creation for a thousand years out of fear. ─── 他们是如此强大,已取缔的黑暗圣堂武士为他们创造出了一千多年的恐惧。

18、The German government has outlawed some fascist groups. ─── 德国政府已宣布一些法西斯团体为非法。

19、Any outlaw peculiar is forbit. ─── 不允许任何人有超越法律的特权。

20、A robber or bandit, especially one of an outlaw band. ─── 强盗,土匪强盗或土匪,尤指违法的匪帮

21、He gravitated to the Outer Rim, where he eventually began racing with outlaw swoop gangs. ─── 他流落到外环,开始和为非作歹的飞车党鬼混。

22、Over the years, the U.S. has made a number of election reforms. Some early reforms outlawed cheating, giving bribes and threatening voters. ─── 多年来,美国在选举方面做了一些改革。早期有些改革禁止作弊、收受贿赂或威胁选民。

23、Adams attempted to outlaw slavery in the District of Columbia (Washington.D.C.). ─── 亚当众议员尝试在哥伦比亚(华盛顿市)废除奴隶制度。

24、Many popular Westerns have a sheriffand an outlaw. ─── 不法之徒;歹徒。

25、Roy hit a pair of free throws, and Travis Outlaw hit a jumper to make it 111-107 with 2:14 left. Aldridge added a pair of free throws to extend it. ─── 在时间还剩下2:14的时候,罗伊两罚全中,还有特里斯-奥特劳命中一个跳投,把比分变成了111比107。阿德里奇再两罚全中,把比分进一步扩大。

26、Wait: does it really mean to outlaw STATE monopoly in national economy? ─── 对于电信、铁路、电力、民航、金融等行业的垄断行为,近来公众反映强烈.

27、If his shot ain't falling, then you want to keep giving him shots," the Portland Trail Blazers' Travis Outlaw said. ─── 当他投篮不中时,你要投中一个,”开拓者队的奥特洛说。

28、In 1865 the Constitution was amended to outlaw slavery in the United States. ─── 一八六五年美国正式修改宪法,明定蓄奴为非法。

29、A bold or desperate outlaw, especially of the American frontier. ─── 亡命徒胆大妄为、铤而走险的歹徒,尤指美国边境的匪徒

30、The college of Amherst outlawed all MUDing from its campus. ─── Amherst的大学就禁止在它的校园内进行任何MUD活动。

31、The celebration of Christmas was actually outlawed from 1659 to 1681 in Boston, a prohibition enforced with a fine of 5 shillings. ─── 在1659年到1681年的波士顿,圣诞节的庆祝事实上是不合法的,庆祝圣诞节会被强制性地罚款五先令。

32、I don't care what they think. I'll show them what flying is! I'll be pure Outlaw, if that's the way they want it. And I'll make them so sorry. ─── 我不管他们想些什么、我要让他们看看什么才.是飞行!要是他们把我当作叛逆赶出来,那我就要做一个真正的叛逆!我要让他们后悔。

33、Before the second world war, marriages between blacks and whites were outlawed not only in the South but also in nearly every non-southern state with a sizeable black population. ─── 在二战之前,黑人和白人通婚无论是在南部地区,还是在拥有相当数量黑人的非南部各州都是不合法的。

34、In 392 A.D.,Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the empire and outlawed all other religions. ─── 公元392年,迪奥多西一世宣布基督教为罗马国教,其他宗教皆不合法。

35、I hope the sale of tobacco will be outlawed someday. ─── 我希望有朝一日烟草制品会禁止销售。

36、It is important that we voice out the need to outlaw discrimination against us. ─── 我们必须发声让针对我们的歧视行为受法律制裁。

37、Congress outlawed any use of U.S. airpower, and assistance levels dropped sharply each year. ─── 但“和平协议”一签署,政治支持就垮台了。

38、Any and all magic and/or technology that can miraculously resurrect a secondary character who has given up his/her life through self sacrifice will be outlawed and destroyed. ─── 任何能够让已经自我牺牲的次要角色奇迹复活的魔法或科技,将会被宣布为非法并加以毁灭.

39、Republicans vowed last week to outlaw the rationing of care by age. ─── 上周共和党人发誓要取缔这种按年龄分配医疗的方法。

40、Long ago in England, lived a famous outlaw named Robin Hood. ─── 很久以前,在英国有一位很出名的大盗,名叫罗宾汉。

41、Even though he was an outlaw, he never harmed the people of the country. ─── 他虽然是一个绿林大盗,但从来没有伤害过普通百姓。

42、Telling others about Jesus has been outlawed, and it is illegal to import religious books or materials. ─── 与别人分享耶稣是不合法的,进口有关宗教方面的书籍和资料是违法的。

43、In 1933, all German political parties, except the Nazi Party, were outlawed. ─── 1933年,德国所有反对纳粹党的政府官员被判罪。

44、Simon, despite having seen only its tail and back legs thus far, felt a sudden affinity with this outlaw roof cat. ─── 尽管迄今为止只看到了它的尾巴和后腿,可他突然觉得自己和这只在逃的屋顶上的猫有那么一些亲近感。

45、The 2004 headscarf ban outlawed “conspicuous” religious symbols of all faiths. ─── 2004年的头巾禁令使“引人注目的”各种信仰的宗教象征不再合法。

46、To outlaw deficits is a pie in the sky. ─── 宣告赤字非法是空想。

47、So loss will come on you like an outlaw, and your need like an armed man. ─── 你的贫穷,就必如强盗速来,你的缺乏,仿佛拿兵器的人来到。

48、So most states outlawed duelling in the early 19th century. ─── 因此,在19世纪初多数国家禁止决斗。

49、Most states outlaw this practice which is known as "pyramiding. ─── 大多数的州法律认定他们非法它被称为“金字塔”。

50、outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump. ─── 市区禁止户外焚烧垃圾,园林工人必须用推车把垃圾运到垃圾场。

51、He watched as the archers came forward but he still saw no sign of the famous outlaw. ─── 当弓箭手进场时,他仔细地看着,但还是没有看到那位有名的绿林大盗。

52、In the completion, this will not occur as the addition of foreign karma is outlawed. ─── 在终结后,这将不再发生,因为被增加的外来业力已被取缔。

53、If they were suddenly to be outlawed, or to magically disappear overnight, the planet would have a nervous breakdown. ─── 如果手机突然间被宣布为不合法的,或者一夜之间魔法般的消失不见,这个星球肯定会陷入神经系统故障。

54、When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl. ─── 假如密码算法是非法的话,那么你就什么都看不懂了.

55、It's basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists not to add to the 10% service charge that many highend hotels tack on to the bill. ─── 在樟宜国际机场,这种行为基本上是违法的。官方鼓励游客拒绝支付一些高级饭店附加在帐单上的10%的服务费。

56、It was the Quintessons who, seeking to control every aspect of Cybertronic life, outlawed collaborative reproduction and, in fact, rigorously segregated the genders. ─── 五面怪致力于尝试控制塞伯特恩生命的各个方面:违法的合作生产,实际上,不同性别之间被严酷的隔离开了。

57、Is it possible to formulate a code of rules for companies which would outlaw bribery in all its forms? ─── 可能为公司制定经营规定以使各种形式的贿赂成为非法行为吗?

58、If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw's salute to the force of law-and-order. ─── 如果说坏人往往把好人说成伪善,那么,真正的不法者在法律和秩序的威力面前倒真是偷偷摸摸地干的。

59、Once, before he became an outlaw, he decided to enter a contest to prove his skill. ─── 在他成为绿林大盗之前,有一次,他决定参加一场比赛,以证明他的武艺。

60、B: I liked that one, too. In fact, he was a noble man, not an outlaw. ─── 我也喜欢。他实际上本是个贵族,不是土匪。

61、To banish or outlaw(a person). ─── 发配,放逐驱逐或将某人放逐

62、In some states gambling was outlawed. ─── 在一些州赌博被宣布为非法。

63、The authorities put a price on the outlaw's head. ─── 当局悬赏缉拿歹徒。

64、In fact, there are a lot of sysadmins out there who would be ecstatic if CGI were outlawed. ─── 事实上,如果CGI能够被人们所抛弃,很多系统管理员会感到非常高兴的。

65、Outlaw would've been a good test for him. ─── 奥特洛对他会是个很好的考验。

66、Nate must break the outlaw out of jail in order to save his life. ─── 奈特必须把最这个罪犯从监狱救出,才能得到赏金。

67、One of his backbenchers Ernest Smith called for J-FLAG to be outlawed, and gave warning that gays were infiltrating the police. ─── 他的支持者欧内斯特•史密斯呼吁取缔牙买加同志论坛的合法资格,并且发出警告说,同性恋势力正在向警队渗透。

68、If a pet kills an outlaw after its master is dead, can he get a benefit from the outlaw's death? ─── 如果某人死亡后但是他的宠物杀死了敌人,那么这个人能否获得收益?

69、President Clinton stopped government-funded research on human cloning and put a bill before Congress proposing to outlaw such research for five years. ─── 克林顿总统停止了政府对人类无性繁殖研究的资助,并在国会提出此研究在5年内属违法之前制定了一项法案。

70、Perfect for "outlaw" class racers. ─── 完美的“取缔”级赛车。

71、One of the key characteristics of the FCPA is that it attempts outlaw payment to government officials. ─── FCPA的关键特点是它试图将所有支付给政府官员的报酬认定为非法。

72、Four months later, in a ceremony conducted by the outlawed Roman Catholic church, Danton married the 16-year-old nanny of his children. ─── 四个月后,在一场由已被宣布为非法的罗马天主教会主持的仪式中,丹东迎娶了其子女16岁的保姆。

73、Goss would not comment on an amendment introduced by Senator John McCain that would outlaw torture. ─── 戈斯不愿对麦凯恩参议员推出的明文取缔酷刑的修正案给予评论。

74、In essence, it outlawed sterilisation of children unless it occurs as a byproduct of appropriate surgery to treat some malfunction or disease. ─── 从本质上讲,法律禁止儿童绝育,除非是作为治疗某些故障或疾病的适当的外科手术副产品。

75、He was suspected of giving shelter to a hunted outlaw. ─── 他被怀疑窝藏逃犯。

76、Such a practice is outlawed now but at the time it was not known that Mr Wiesner was providing the majority of the samples. ─── 这种做法在如今当属违法行为,但当时人们并不知道大部分精子都是威斯纳提供的。

77、The border area is a known stronghold of Baituallah Mehsud, leader of the outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. ─── 人们都知道这个边界地区是巴基斯坦塔利班分支组织领导人拜图拉.马苏德的堡垒。

78、Still the outlaw band throve in Sherwood, and hunted the deer in its glades. ─── 当他在沉思中变老了,世界还是照样走它的路,亡命之徒仍然在修武德日渐壮大,在空地里猎鹿。

79、Therefore, we can reasonably expect that they will be outlawed in static fields in Tiger as well. ─── 因此,我们有理由期待在Tiger的静态字段中使用类型参数也是不合法的。

80、He acted a noble outlaw in the play. ─── 在这部戏里他扮演一个高尚逃犯。

81、Most states outlaw this practice, which is known as "pyramiding. ─── 大多数的州法律认定他们非法,它被称为“金字塔”。

82、If you think these taxis are uncomfortable, you should have seen the old breadboxes, which were outlawed from the city about a year ago. ─── 如果你觉得现在的出租车不舒服的话,你应该看看一年前才被禁止的面包车。

83、Although concubinage and foot-binding have been outlawed, the woman's role is still considered to be in the home. ─── 虽然非法同居和脚束缚被禁止了,妇女的角色仍然认为是在家。

84、Together their heroism earned Blue Max and Bollux their freedom from the outlaw techs. ─── 同时,布鲁曼克斯和博卢克斯的英雄主义行为也为他们自己赢得了自由,摆脱了非法技术的束缚。

85、After Travis Outlaw made a layup for Portland, Radmanovic hit a 3-pointer to make it 104-99. ─── 在奥特洛上篮成功后,拉德命中三分把比分追至104:99。

86、He was accused of giving shelter to a hunted outlaw. ─── 他被指控窝藏逃犯。

87、If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the ture outlaw's salute to the force of the law-and-order. ─── 如果伪善代表着恶行对美德的称赞,那么鬼鬼祟祟的行为则代表着违法者对法治力量的敬仰。

88、Change of a gang outlaw comes Guilin is not the landscape of covet beauty, however brazenly does " big company " . ─── 一帮不法之徒窜至桂林并不是贪图美丽的山水,而是明目张胆办起“大公司”。

89、Their reasoning is pretty well summed up by slogans like'When guns are outlawed,only out-laws will have guns'. ─── 他们的理由从下述口号就可以很好地概括出来:“当枪支成为非法时,只有那些违法者才会拥有枪支”。

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