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toleration 发音

英:[tɒlə'reɪʃ(ə)n]  美:['tɑlə'reʃən]

英:  美:

toleration 中文意思翻译



toleration 短语词组

1、toleration of ambiguity ─── 容忍歧义

2、toleration act ─── 宽容法案

3、toleration ecology ─── 耐性生态学

toleration 词性/词形变化,toleration变形

动词第三人称单数: tolerates |动词过去式: tolerated |名词: tolerator |动词现在分词: tolerating |形容词: tolerative |动词过去分词: tolerated |

toleration 反义词


toleration 同义词

liberally | considerately | generously | charitably | understandingly

toleration 相似词语短语

1、to deration ─── 减额

2、moderation ─── n.适度;节制;温和;缓和

3、coloration ─── n.(植物或动物的)自然色彩,自然花纹;着色法,染色法;普遍特性;染色效应;音调(或音质)的变化;(某种)特征,品质;表明(某种)态度的一面

4、tolerative ─── 宽容的

5、intoleration ─── 不容忍

6、tolerator ─── n.杠杆式比长仪

7、operation ─── n.操作;经营;[外科]手术;[数][计]运算

8、tolerating ─── 容忍;忍受

9、to ration ─── 配给

toleration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Toleration Is of an Important Goal of Current Education ─── 宽容:当代教育不可忽视的重要目标

2、HSIX8 at price 13850), or using the “market price” plus the “toler”. ─── 又或可选择以“市场价”,或使用“市场价+追价”开仓。

3、Difference is the context condition of toleration, while negation, power and restraint are three conditions of the definition of toleration. ─── 差异是宽容存在的情境条件,而否定反应、能力和克制是宽容的定义条件。

4、judicial toleration ─── 司法纵容

5、The Sources and Limits of Confucian Toleration: The Case of The Xunzi ─── 儒家宽容观念溯源及其局限性:以荀子为例

6、You love him , in the condition of the toleration to his weakness . ─── 爱一个人,上包容了他的缺点。

7、The proposed indexing and matching algorithm performs well both in matching speed and in toleration of the non-linear deformation, besides its shift and rotation invariant property. ─── 同时表明本文所提出的匹配算法除了具有平移、旋转不变性外,在匹配速度和容忍非线性形变方面具有良好的性能。

8、Maximum Toleration Test of Curcumin ─── 姜黄素最大耐受量试验

9、So this function allows user to set a stop price higher or lower than the targeted stop price, and set the toler so the total would be equal to the targeted stop price. ─── 因此可以设一个较原本高或低的止损价,然后再追加点数,而这个新设定止损价+追加点数=原本要求的止损价位。

10、Toleration is the best religion. ─── 宽容是最好的宗教。

11、We should strive for the active happy toleration,which is not giving up the thoughts but choose the freedom.Without tolerati... ─── 我们应争取主动快乐的宽容,宽容不是放弃思想,而是选择自由。

12、“Toleration” is the name we give to the practice of acquiescing publicly in difference. ─── “宽容”的意思是我们勉强同意一些公然的发表的一些不同的言论。

13、I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strang, I am ungrateful to these teachers. ─── 我从健谈者那里学会了静默,从狭隘者那里学会了宽容,从残忍者那里学会了仁爱;但奇怪的是,我对这些老师并未心存感激。

14、toleration of free press ─── 容许新闻自由

15、The Depth of Toleration--Analyze the Influence of West Post-modernism Current of Thought to Chinese Contemporary Oil-painting ─── 宽容的深度--浅析西方后现代主义思潮对中国当代油画的影响

16、In 311 and edict of toleration was issued by the associated Emperor Galerius, and in 324 Constantine the Great, a friend and on his deathbed a baptised convert to Christianity, became sole ruler of the Roman world. ─── 311年,联合统治的加利里斯皇帝颁布了容许信仰自由的法令; 324年,君士坦丁大帝成为罗马世界的惟一统治者,他支持基督教,临死前接受洗礼,皈依基督教。

17、no toleration of cheating ─── 不容许作弊

18、Williams founded the colony of Rhode Island based upon principles of complete religious toleration, separation of church and state, and political democracy (values that the U. ─── 威廉斯凭著宗教宽容、脱离教会的状态,以及民主(注意美国是其后才建立的)的信条,建立罗德岛州。

19、toleration . . . is the greatest gift of the mind ─── 宽容.是思想中最伟大的礼物

20、On the left hand side of Figure 1 , it is set to open a position at a particular price (i.e. sell 2 lots of 0005.hk at price 123.80) , or using the “market price” plus the “toler”. ─── 图一左手边显示,用户先设定在123.80价位沽出两手汇丰控股股票(两手=800股)开仓。又或可选择以“市场价”,或使用“市场价+追价”开仓。

21、Keywords TXP/TXS system;Data communication;Single failure toleration;Nuclear power plant; ─── TXS系统;数据通信;单一故障容错;核电厂;

22、Her toleration of his brazen attitude is enough to show her great tolerance. ─── 她容忍了他厚颜无耻的态度,足以显示她的宽容。

23、Toleration was to be the basis on which he was to fight his battles. ─── 宽容将是他立足在上面进行战斗的根基。

24、The Toleration of Manzu from Zudashou was Given Red-carpet Treatment by Huangtaiji ─── 从皇太极优礼祖大寿看满族的包容性

25、It is about toleration and compromise. ─── 有主见是宽容和妥协。

26、Hard work keeps away poverty. Toleration keeps away violence. ─── 以勤为富则不贫乏,以忍为力则不暴戾。

27、Value-pluralism is the strong foundation of the liberal toleration as well as great challenge to the liberal universalism. ─── 价值多元主义给自由主义宽容理想提供了稳固的基础,同时也对自由主义普遍主义产生巨大的冲击。

28、toleration and concealment system ─── 客隐制度

29、The exploration of method for blood samples collecting on oral glucose toleration test ─── 口服葡萄糖耐量试验采血方法的探讨

30、I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers. ─── 我从多话的人学到了静默,从偏狭的人学到了宽容,从残忍的人学到了仁爱,但奇怪的是我对于这些老师并不感激。

31、Taking mechanical parts as example, the application procedures of the meth od to 3D dimension and toler... ─── 以机械零部件为例,详细说明了应用该方法进行三维尺寸及公差分析的过程,从而证明了该方法的有效性和实用性。

32、So some effective steps must be taken to improve fault toleration of the systems. ─── 因此,必须采用有效的故障容错方法以提高系统的容错性能。

33、Toleration, Edict of ─── 信仰自由法令

34、For the first hundred or so years of America's history, religious toleration was extended primarily to Christian denominations . ─── 美国历史的头一个一百年左右,宗教信仰自由主要是扩及到那些基督教的支派。

35、I have learned silence from the talkative,toleration from the intolerant,and kindness from the unkind;yet strange,I am ungrateful to these teachers. ─── 我从话多的人那里学会沉默,从偏执的人那里学会宽容,从刻薄的人那里学会仁慈;但也奇怪,我对这些老师并不感激

36、Keywords Zuoguishuangjiang Fang;diabetes;hypertension;sugar toleration nourishing Yin;reinforcing Qi;radix rehmanniae praeparata; ─── 左归双降方;糖尿病;消渴;高血压;糖耐量;滋阴;益气;熟地黄;

37、3. Complete religious toleration exists in this country. ─── 在这个国家有完全的宗教信仰自由。

38、After all, we claim, we have done lots of good things. However, a few sins are not God's toleration level. ─── 毕竟我们声称我们做了许多好事,然而,再少的罪上帝也是不能容忍的。

39、toleration of dishonest officials encourages corruption ─── 对腐败官吏的容忍常鼓励贪污行为。

40、Toleration and liberty are the foundations of a great republic. ─── 宽容和自由,是伟大的国家的基础。

41、However, in our collective, we shouldn't be overcritical for the moment. On the contrary, more forgiveness, compassion, toleration and concerns are needed. ─── 在我们目前现状的队伍中,我们暂时还不能苛求过高,相反因(应)当多一些包容心、慈悲心、宽容心、关怀心,

42、toleration of criminal law ─── 刑法容忍

43、The H9c2 cells are sensitive to toxicity of CdCl2,low dose and short time treatment with CdCl2 can induce apoptosis of H9c2 cells,but the H9c2 cells have certain toleration to the effect of cadmium. ─── H9c2细胞对CdCl2的作用较敏感,低剂量、短时间作用即可引起细胞凋亡,但H9c2细胞对CdCl2有一定耐受性。

44、[2]Zhao J, Yang H C, Zha Z L, et al.Inspection of Drug Toler ance of Veterinary Medicine[J].Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicin. 1998,24(11):12-13. ─── (in Chinese)赵静,杨汉春,查振林.规模化猪场大肠杆菌耐药性监测[J].中国兽医杂志,1998,24(11):12-13.

45、intrusion toleration ─── 入侵容忍

46、To sum up, church influences ethnical toleration in the following five ways: first, a basic characteristic of an ethnic, church is an important symbol of ethnical toleration; ─── 宗教对民族尤其民族认同具有五个方面的重要影响:一、宗教是民族的一个基本特征,是民族认同的重要标识;

47、The legal toleration of abortion or euthanasia is therefore an abdication of the state's primary duty to safeguard human rights through law. ─── 因此,容忍堕胎或安乐死的法律是对于国家通过法律保护人权的基本义务的放弃。

48、Where they have not the power to carry on persecution and to become masters, there they desire to live upon fair terms and preach up toleration. ─── 在他们还没有拥有迫害他人的权力并成为主宰的地方,他们渴望公平相处并鼓吹宽容。

49、The legal toleration of abortion or euthanasia is, therefore, a violation of a fundamental human right, which runs directly contrary to the state's primary duty of safeguarding human rights. ─── 因此,法律对于堕胎或安乐死的容忍恰是对于基本的人权的侵犯,它直接与国家保护人权的首要义务相矛盾。

50、He preached toleration for all religions. ─── 他宣扬要容许所有的宗教信仰。

51、In the minds of almost all religious persons, even in the most tolerant countries, the duty of toleration is admitted with tacit reserves. ─── 即使在最富宽容的国度里,在几乎一切宗教人士的心中,对于宽容的义务的承认还是带有暗含的保留的。

52、Lisa heard Toler's chair swivel. ─── 丽莎听到托勒转动他的椅子。

53、Toleration is a kind of culture,civilization.It is a mature ethical style and represents Zeitgenst.It is also important content of bioethics. ─── 宽容是一种文化,一种文明,一种成熟的伦理风格,一种时代精神,是生命伦理学的重要内容;

54、with others is unlimited toleration. ─── 与人相处之道,在于无限的容忍。

55、"She directed her voice starboard, toward Toler's station beneath the threat board."Mister Toler, you're the youngest among us.How's your vision? ─── 她对着右舷托勒的方位说道,“托勒先生,你最小,看到什么了吗?”

56、Secondly, toleration is necessary to public sphere of which toleration is lifeline. ─── 中国古代公共领域不发达甚至 经常夭折是因为不宽容。

57、"Lieutenant Toler," she said. "Mister Hakawa?" ─── “托勒中尉,”她叫到,“羽川先生?”

58、Toleration,moreover,is something which is won,not granted. ─── 容忍,是从艰苦中争取来的,不是别人赏赐的。

59、Therefore, we can acquire good comprehension on the implications and dialectical relations of constitutionalism and toleration only from the angle of the theory of liberalism. ─── 作者认为,对于宪政与宽容之涵义及其辩证关系,唯有在自由主义的理论体系中方可获得恰当的理解。

60、finally, being a means of ethnical toleration, church shows the greatest sense of interethnical toleration. ─── 五、宗教是族类认同的一种方式,其族际认同意识最为强烈。

61、Religious minorities were allowed a wide measure of toleration. ─── 宗教少数派获得广泛的宽容对待。

62、rights of toleration and concealment of relatives ─── 容隐权

63、The reasons for that are its limited concept of toleration and misplaced limitation of toleration. ─── 宽容困境主要是源于文化多元主义所采纳的狭隘的宽容概念和宽容边界的误置。

64、toleration was to be the basis on which he was to fight his battles ─── 宽容将是他立足在上面进行战斗的根基。

65、The fact of reasonable pluralism is the subjective circumstance of toleration, while reasonableness is the basis of toleration. ─── 其中,理性多元论事实是宽容的主观环境,而合乎理性则是宽容的基础。

66、On the left hand side of Figure 1 , it is set to open a position at a particular price (i.e.HSIX8 at price 13850), or using the “market price” plus the “toler”. ─── 图一左手边显示,用户先设定在某一价位买入一张期指开仓(例如一张HSIX8,价位为13850)。又或可选择以“市场价”,或使用“市场价+追价”开仓。

67、Variety and toleration; ─── 多样性与包容性;

68、System of Toleration and Concealment ─── 亲亲相隐

69、Religious Toleration ─── 宗教上的宽容

70、She never imposes her own value orientation upon those characters under her pen or any individual in reality.Her novels more displays understanding and toleration. ─── 她绝不将自己的价值取向强加于笔下的人物或现实中的任何人,她在作品中流露更多的是理解和宽容。

71、Religious Toleration and Reconciliation of Social Conflict in Northern Ireland ─── 宗教宽容与北爱社会冲突的化解

72、instrusion toleration ─── 容忍入侵

73、But it is noticeably liking in those who worry about the human being waiting in line behind the room at the automated toleration while they behind there . ─── 但它明显地喜欢谁在这些担心的人排队等候后面的房间自动容忍,而他们后面有。

74、Single failure toleration ─── 单一故障容错

75、But there is toleration of a different kind, the kind that arises from principle. ─── 但还有一种不一样的宽容,这种宽容建立在自已的原则之上。

76、I have no toleration for his gab. ─── 我不能忍受他的唠叨。

77、fault toleration ─── 容错

78、That will force the Russians, as always, to respond, and "provoke an end to the long regime of peaceable toleration of satellites" . ─── 这将迫使俄国人和以往一样作出反应,从而“促使长期以来太平无事地容忍人造卫星的局面结束”。

79、Induced toleration may, depending on the circumstances, require a little or much effort. ─── 取决于所处的环境,被引导的宽容需要付出或多或少的代价。

80、For use in the food industry Toler... ─── 刺入式热电阻Resistance Thermometers Insertion Probes 食品处理行业专用铂电阻.

81、HAVE REFERRED to various union make-work and featherbed practices. These practices, and the public toleration of them, spring from the same fundamental fallacy as the fear of machines. ─── 前面我已经提到了工会制造工作机会和闲职就业的种种做法。这些做法的起因,以及公众容忍它们的原因,跟害怕机器一样,是源于同一个根本的谬误。

82、President Chen further emphasized that piracy is a vandal, uncivilized, and also criminal act;toleration of piracy by any country would only cripple its own economic development. ─── 总统进一步指出,仿冒是野蛮、不文明也是犯罪的行为,一个国家如果纵容仿冒行为,将对经济发展造成伤害。

83、Philosophers were unknown yet and the fundamental stake was one of religious toleration slightly confused with defeatism. ─── 哲学家还默默无闻,最关键的问题是宗教的容忍稍稍跟失败主义混淆了。

84、large toleration ─── 宽容

85、Philosophers were unknown yet and the fundamental stake was one of religious toleration slightly confused with defeatism . ─── 哲学家还默默无闻,最关键的问题是宗教的容忍稍稍跟失败主义混淆了。

86、"Better than perfect, sir," Toler told her, a crack in his voice on the last word. ─── “好得不能再好了,长官。”托勒的回答中带着一丝撕裂的尾声。

87、system toleration judgment ─── 容错判据

88、"toleration" value ─── “尚忍”价值观

89、In order to assure the most thorough investigation, all possible views must be canvassed~, and this means toleration of views that are prima facie@ most repugnant to us. ─── 为了确保进行最彻底的调查,必须详细考察所有可能的看法,这意味着要容忍看上去非常令人反感的观点。

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