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09-17 投稿


holsters 发音

英:[ˈhoʊlstərz]  美:[ˈhəʊlstəz]

英:  美:

holsters 中文意思翻译



holsters 短语词组

1、falco holsters ─── 鹰式枪套

2、hog holsters ─── 猪皮套

3、holsters for hand held scanner ─── 手持式扫描仪用枪套

4、eclipse holsters ─── 日蚀皮套

5、cancan concealed carry holsters cancan ─── 隐藏携带枪套

6、comp tac holsters website comp tac ─── 枪套网站

7、crossbreed holsters ─── 杂交枪套

8、crossbreed holsters promo code ─── 杂交枪套促销码

holsters 词性/词形变化,holsters变形

形容词: holstered |动词现在分词: holstering |动词过去分词: holstered |动词第三人称单数: holsters |动词过去式: holstered |

holsters 相似词语短语

1、upholsters ─── vt.装饰;用(挂毯、家具等)布置;为(沙发等)装上垫子

2、hoopsters ─── n.篮球运动员

3、pollsters ─── 民意测验专家;民意调查人(pollster的名词复数)

4、bolster ─── n.长枕,垫枕;承梁;托木;支持;(削砖用的)凿刀;v.支持,支撑;给(座位)加软垫;改善,巩固;增强,激励;n.(Bolster)(美、印、荷)博尔斯特(人名)

5、Coasters ─── n.杯垫;航海者(coaster复数)

6、molesters ─── n.猥亵者;性骚扰者

7、holster ─── n.手枪皮套;n.(Holster)人名;(瑞典)霍尔斯特

8、bolsters ─── n.长枕,垫枕;承梁;托木;支持;(削砖用的)凿刀;v.支持,支撑;给(座位)加软垫;改善,巩固;增强,激励;n.(Bolster)(美、印、荷)博尔斯特(人名)

9、holstered ─── v.放(枪)入套(holster的过去式和过去分词)

holsters 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Then I got a glimpse of their shoulder holsters when they leaned on the counter to look at the map. ─── 后来他们在餐台上俯身查看地图的时候,我瞥见了他们肩上的手枪皮套。

2、Through shake down testing and pilot-production,it is approved that it is practicable to do tractor holster welding with robot.the application character is also concluded. ─── 通过调试试验及试生产证明利用弧焊机器人焊接拖拉机机架是可行的。同时总结出弧焊机器人的应用特点。

3、CUT TO A GUN IN A HOLSTER, belonging to a MAN in a guard's uniform. ─── 装在套子的枪,属于一个身穿警卫制服的男人。

4、Last year it wasan engraved cell phone holster. ─── 去年是个手机套。

5、Early advisors, assigned to "in-country" duties, wore, besides standard webbing and gears, custom made "camouflage" Cowboy hats, and leather holsters, both brought along from the States and made in-country. ─── 早期驻南越的军事顾问除了穿戴公发的制服及装备外,更特别订造迷彩布牛仔帽,皮制牛仔枪袋。

6、"If a retaining strap is attached to a holster, it must be applied or closed in the Ready Positions throughout the match. " ─── 如果枪套附有固定扣带,则在整个赛程的预备姿势时都要扣上或关上。

7、The Mobile Unit was out in force; men and women ready for combat, wearing full-face helmets, clubs in hand, guns in their holsters. ─── 移动单元是倾巢出动,男性和女性为做好战斗准备,戴全盔,手的俱乐部,在他们的枪套枪。

8、Pouches used to carry these items on the belt shall retain their equipment during the holster retention tests. ─── 携带以上物品的袋套也应在枪套测试中留持住里头的装备。

9、holster quiver ─── 携带式箭筒

10、Holster your mouse and help Paula save her chicken barn.Hungry for poultry, savage meanies threaten Paula and her sisters! ─── 小鸡葆拉并不愿意跟一般的鸡一样,被当作美味的食物,因此她拿起了武器,准备对这些饥饿的生物展开反击。

11、Reaching into my coat, I pulled twin berettas out of their shoulder holsters, braced my arms on RI's shoulders and fired right past his face at them. ─── 进入我的外套之内到达,我正确地越过在他们的他脸把双胞胎的 berettas 从他们的肩皮套拉出来, 支撑了在 RI's 的肩上我手臂而且点燃。

12、Moody stows his wand in its holster and thumps his way to the door. ─── Moody把他的魔杖装进了皮套里,然后朝门走去。

13、The double gun 11)holsters, we clearly had to have her having that. ─── 双枪皮套显然是她必需的。

14、"The competitor shall, holster the handgun in the one of the safe conditions below." ─── 选手必须将枪枝设为下述的安全状态并收回枪套之中。

15、Special Forces, in conjunction with CIDG, SOG and LRRP type personnel loved to carry custom made holster and pouches, often in Cowboy style. ─── 有些特种部队例如:CIDG、SOG、LRRP成员、机师及飞行员喜欢佩带特别订制的牛仔枪带和枪袋。

16、a holster worn over your shoulder so a gun can be concealed under your jacket ─── 背在肩上可以使枪隐藏在外衣里面的枪套

17、This way, the holster mesh conforms well to the shirt mesh. ─── 这次皮套模型的做法和衬衫一样。

18、The 5. 11 Trainer Belt can accommodate most off duty holsters and will not lose its shape even after repeated use. ─── 教练带可容纳5.11最下班枪套,也不会丧失,即使重复使用。

19、Cell phone holsters can be worn across your shoulder like a policeman or on your belt. ─── 手机皮套横跨你可以穿上你的肩膀如警察或带。

20、The belt carrying the holster and all allied equipment shall be at waist level. ─── 配挂枪套及所有相关装备的腰带必须系于腰际.

21、Female competitors may be permitted (see Division regulations) to wear belts carrying their holster and other equipment at the hip level. ─── 女性选手可被准许将配挂枪套及其它装备的腰带系于臀部高度(请参照组别内的规定).

22、"If a competitor holsters a firearm during the course of fire, the following will apply. ─── 如果选手在比赛中将枪枝收回枪套,应适用下列条件.

23、Indeed, he had already assembled two realistic-looking holsters. ─── 的确,他已经做了两个看上去很真实的枪套。

24、I don't mind sacrificing.When it's time for me to score or when I'm needed to score I've still got some bullets in my holster. ─── 这和掘金很不同,我不介意为掘金付出牺牲,当我能得分的时候、当需要我得分的时候,我都会挺身而出的。

25、different Caesar have different shit, some have knife holsters, some have ammo, some just have shit. . . ─── 不同的凯撒有不同的武器,有些有刀套,有些有装甲,有些只有屎…

26、IPSC competitions shall not require the competitor to attempt a draw from the holster with the weak hand. ─── IPSC竞赛不得要求选手使用弱手来从枪套中拔枪。

27、Open type blast gun holster ─── 开放式喷砂机枪套

28、This can be readily achieved by carrying cellphones in the pants pockets or on a belt or purse holster. ─── 将手机装置裤兜内皮带挂套内就能到达上述要求。

29、Chapter 3: The Holster: How Low is Too Low? ─── 第3章:枪套:多差才是真的差?

30、And if you've got holsters to that saddle o' yourn, don't let me see your hand go nigh 'em. ─── 你那马鞍上若是有枪套,可别让我看见你的手靠近它。

31、"A holster, with the muzzle of the handgun pointing farther than 1 meter (3 feet) from the competitor's feet while standing relaxed. " ─── 当选手轻松站立时,枪口指向地面位置距离其脚部超过一公尺(三英尺)的枪套。

32、" The store employee would instantly reply, "Right here," and whip out a portable scanner from a hip holster. ─── 店内员工会立刻回到,“就在这里。”接着,从臀带中拿出一个便携式扫描器。

33、Failure during any holster test described below will require the holster to be withdrawn until it complies with the requirements. ─── 无法通过以下枪套测试的枪套将不能上场,直到符合所有的规定。

34、Unbreakable polyamide (nylon) holder with nylon textile strap. Leather holster on request (additional charge). ─── 耐用聚酰氨(尼龙)携行具配尼龙带。皮套为可选配置(另加费用)。

35、And if you've got holsters to that saddle o' yourn, don't let me see your hand go nigh'em. ─── 你那马鞍上若是有枪套,可别让我看见你的手靠近它。

36、Also equipped with high-volume mobile phone holsters, chargers, batteries, antenna and so on. ─── 还配备大批量手机皮套、充电器、电池、天线等。

37、Obi-Wan didn't need to use the long, hook-tipped goad strapped in a holster alongside the saddle; ─── 鞍子一侧的皮套里装着一个长长的钩状刺棒,但欧比旺根本不需要用上它;

38、Suit your style. From holsters that keep you shooting from the hip to cases that show off a little fashion sense. ─── 你有独特风格,就要为手机配衬超酷皮套或外壳,绝配你的时尚品味。

39、Completion of the holster portion of this command signifies the end of the course of fire. ─── 完成口令中收回枪套的动作也代表着比赛过程结束。

40、Double front slash pockets - instead of the usual side entry slash pockets, these have been moved to the front so the opening is not blocked by thigh rigs or holsters. ─── 两个前部斜袋-区别于常见的侧边斜袋,他们被移动了正前方的位置,便于在打开时不会被腿索或者枪套妨碍。

41、a holster worn over your shoulder so a gun can be concealed under your jacket. ─── 背在肩上可以使枪隐藏在外衣里面的枪套。

42、You can wear cell phone holsters across your shoulder like a policeman or on your belt. ─── 你可以穿手机皮套横跨肩膀喜欢你还是你带一名警察。

43、Everyone has grown familiar with the routine: there is a quiet buzz, hands reach for holsters, heads and shoulders slump semi-prostrate into a “BlackBerry prayer”; ─── 人们对下面这套动作已变得愈发熟悉:先是手机开始振动,然后伸手从机套中掏出手机,低下头和肩膀,半俯上身呈“黑莓祈祷者”状;

44、To put(a gun, for example) in a holster. ─── 把(例如,枪)放入皮套里

45、A GUN IN A HOLSTER, belonging to a MAN in a guard's uniform. ─── 装在套子的枪,属于一个身穿警卫制服的男人。

46、belt holster ─── 皮套

47、Any competitor who fails the foregoing test shall be required to immediately adjust his holster or equipment to comply with the requirements of the declared Division. ─── 任何选手若无法通过上述的测试,则将被要求立刻调整其枪套或装备来符合所申请报名组别的条件。

48、Suit your style. From holsters that keep you shooting from the hip to cases that show off a little fashion sense. ─── 你有独特风格,就要为手机配衬超酷皮套或外壳,绝配你的时尚品味。

49、Now see here, you huking horrors ! this young lady has been through quite enough for one day ! holster your weapons or..... ─── 大胆戴世伍德:仔细听好了,你们这些绿怪物,这位年轻的小姐今天已经经历的够多了,现在收起你们的武器,要不然...

50、Mr Obama has a holster of quick-fire retorts. ─── 奥巴马是快速反击的好手。

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