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09-17 投稿


limitless 发音

英:[ˈlɪmɪtləs]  美:[ˈlɪmɪtləs]

英:  美:

limitless 中文意思翻译



limitless 网络释义

adj. 无限制的;无界限的

limitless 同义词

narrow | circumscribed | provincial | incomplete | imperfect | halfway | enclosed | in | half | modified | express | restricted | partial | local | inadequate | special | finite

limitless 短语词组

1、almighty limitless ─── 全能无限

2、to be extensive and limitless ─── 广袤无限

3、limitless possibilities ─── 无限的可能性

4、lie within books are limitless ─── 书中的谎言是无限的

5、gazing out over the limitless ─── 眺望无限

6、limitless love ─── 无限的爱

limitless 词性/词形变化,limitless变形

副词: limitlessly |名词: limitlessness |

limitless 反义词

limitless |unlimited

limitless 相似词语短语

1、liminess ─── n.经向疵

2、limiters ─── n.限值器(limiter的复数形式)

3、limites ─── n.罗马帝国的加强界线(limes的复数)

4、limitlessly ─── 无限制地

5、limbless ─── adj.无肢的;无枝叉的;无翼的

6、limeless ─── 不含石灰的

7、lintless ─── 不起毛的

8、listless ─── adj.倦怠的;无精打采的;百无聊赖的

9、lightless ─── adj.不发光的;无光的;暗的

limitless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So limitless is it that if tears could express it, you would cry without end. ─── 它是如此地无边无际,如果可以用眼泪表达的话,你会哭个没完。

2、There are nearly a limitless variety of materials. ─── 世界上几乎有无数多种物质材料。

3、She has limitless power, can make the land fertile, it can be made barren countryside, everything passes away. ─── 她具有无边的法力,可以使土地肥沃,五谷丰登,也可以令田园荒芜,万物凋零。

4、By who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power to become the dragon warrior? ─── 但是谁呢?谁值得信赖,可以受之以这无穷的力量而成为龙之武士呢?!

5、They happy as life, bit by bit tired smile Poly, which gave the descendants limitless smile. ─── 他们把快乐视作生活,点点滴滴的笑容累聚,才给后人带来无限的笑意。

6、On the other hand, it is limitless inspiring source for modern design, which becomes an important way in further designing. ─── 另一方面它是现代设计取之不尽的灵感源泉,成为深化设计语言的重要途径和手段。

7、There are limitless possibilities if you keep an open mind. ─── 中绎:若你敞开心胸,就会有无限的可能。

8、People's cognitive activities are limitless. ─── 人类的认知活动是无止境的。

9、It can't be easy to draw limitless variations of the human face on an area the size of a thumb print. ─── 在一个拇指大小的地方创造重无限制多样性的人脸是不大容易的。

10、When an active tooth in the shark's jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position. ─── 当鲨鱼失去或磨损下巴上一颗活跃的牙齿时,许多备用的牙齿似乎就会无限地保留下来,每一颗都随时准备滑入适当的位置。

11、The combination of calibration variables available to the user of either of these projectors is virtually limitless. ─── 定标可变物的组合可利用对或者的用户这些放映机是实际上不可限量的。

12、It recognizes that every child has limitless potential for success and limitless capacity for love. ─── 众所周知,每个孩子都有无限的成功潜能以及爱的能力。

13、A full moon sailed through a limitless firmament, alone, chaste, its beams lulling all into slumber, coating the ground and the roof tiles with silver. ─── 一轮圆月在这一碧无际的大海里航行。 孤独的,清冷的,它把它的光辉撒下来。 地上,瓦上都染了一层银白色。

14、Life quality of material border, limitless. ─── 人生的质地疆界,无边无际。

15、We hope to be able to hold similar events in the near future, always with Your help, limitless love and highest ideals. ─── 我们期望能继续蒙受您无尽的爱与帮助,秉持最高雅的理想,在不久的将来,举办更多弘法活动。

16、The "limitless parity"clause would guarantee that Terry was the highest-paid player at the club until beyond his 35th birthday. ─── “无界限平等待遇”条款会保证特里在他35岁生日之前一直是俱乐部中薪水最高的球员。

17、Life is limited but service to the people is limitless. I will put my limited life into limitless service to the people. ─── 人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的。我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中。

18、If you do choose to play with creating focus, the choice of garden focal points is limitless and personal. ─── 如果选择创造景观焦点,庭院景观焦点的选择是没有限制的,而且也是个性化的。

19、And while the U. S. struggles to fund new development, China seems to have limitless resources to pursue its ambitious goals. ─── 在美国还在努力筹集资金支持新的开发时,中国似乎有无限的资源来实现它远大的目标。

20、There was the aura of limitless freedom distilled from the rolling sweep of all green swaying and glinting in the wind and sun. ─── 在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

21、Perhaps they felt that it was limitless and could never be exhausted and that a man could move on to new wonders endlessly. ─── 也许他们认为这些资源是无限的,永远不会耗尽,并且一个人能不断地向新的奇迹前进。

22、Draw on the limitless wisdom during the short span of youth. ─── 在短暂的青春中用无限的智慧描绘蓝图。

23、Circle month, bateau, limitless sea.Clean moonlight but be like the look in the eyes of teacher, look at our each and every moves. ─── 圆月,小舟,无边的海上。皎洁的月光却像师父的眼神,注视着我们的一举一动。

24、Regardless of the system,some inconsistencies develop because of nearly limitless variety of materials. ─── 如果不使用分类体系,那么由于材料种类的无限性会显现出一些矛盾。

25、In the fantasy world of 007, the technology seemed limitless. ─── 在007的虚构世界里,科技似乎是无止境的。

26、Limitless challenge is a famous comedy show, but famous guests hardly appeared up to now. ─── "无限挑战"是非常受欢迎的娱乐节目,但是有名的来宾很难出现在这个节目.

27、This is a limitless opportunity to grow into two of Asia's most coveted markets! ─── 在亚洲两大最梦寐以求的市场成长将充满无限的机会。

28、Chinese will pay much more cost for their limitless expansion of housing and stomach in the near future! ─── 、中国人会在不远的将来为自己无节制的住房占地和饕餮大餐付出沉重的代价!

29、A nearly limitless primary energy source is the fusion of deuterium or heavy hydrogen (one proton and one neutron), which is found in the water of the earth. ─── 几乎无限的一次能源是氘或重氢(一个质子,一个中子)的聚变,氘在地球的水中可找到。

30、The basic premise is to provide the player an arcade-style limitless supply of monsters and pickups. ─── 基本的前提是要提供玩家街机无限供给怪兽和皮卡。

31、That, of course, made it perfect for the Internet, which is the ideal container for limitless information. ─── 因此,这项工作在网上做最为理想。互联网是存储无限信息的最佳场所。

32、People's mind should be like water, soft and supple in appearance, yet containing great, limitless, fundamental powers that cannot be stopped. ─── 人心要像水一样,看似绵软柔弱,却涵力源源,不能切断。

33、That book of limitless yearning was like an eager bird through the clouds. ─── 书中那无限的愁思,恰似一只云层中穿行的归心似箭的鸟儿。

34、Ahead, the few dim light bulbs seemed to stretch into limitless distance. ─── 前面,几只昏暗的灯泡好像伸入了无限的远方。

35、On the back cover of Wu Xian De Zhi Bei book, I also drew a circle without closing it to signify it is limitless. ─── 在《无限的智悲》一书中的背页,我也昼了一个没有全合的圆圈以表它是无限的。

36、But observations that an amateur bird-watcher can make are really limitless. ─── 但是一个业余观鸟者所能做的观察是无限的。

37、The sun sends out limitless heat, but most of it disappears through the atmosphere lost. ─── 太阳散发出无法计算的热,但是大部热消失在空气中。

38、The possibilities are almost limitless. ─── 发展的潜力几乎是无限的。

39、"The medical impact is limitless," says Professor Goldfeather. ─── “它对医学的影响是无限的,”戈德费瑟教授说。

40、They all fell in the limitless sea, could not but grab several deck at a loss excursions. ─── 他们全都掉到了无边无际的大海里,不得不抓着几块船板茫然地漂游。

41、In the internet's case, the rubbish purveyed is limitless and illimitable. ─── 从互联网的方面说,供应的垃圾是无限和不可限制的。

42、Can read designs as U-storage (limitless stitch)and TAJIMA,BARU-DAN and ZSK tormatted from floppy disk directly . ─── 可快速读取优盘(无限针数)和田岛、百灵达格式的磁盘花样。

43、The limitless opportunity for business will appear in the B-share market of China. Would like to ask investors to pay close attention to! ─── 中国的B股市场将会出现无限的商机。敬请投资者关注!

44、Fly freely with imagine in that spring 暖 flower openning the limitless steppe. ─── 在那春暖花开一望无际的草原上自由的飞翔和憧憬着。

45、Man is more than a tiny vagary of whirling electrons or a wisp of smoke from a limitless smoldering. ─── 人的生命远非旋转的微电子那样变幻莫测,也不是无尽燃烧的焖火中升起的一缕青烟。

46、There is limit to one`s youth,but no limit to his wis-dom.Draw on the limitless wisdom during the short of youth. ─── 人的青春是有限的,智慧却是无限的。一个人应抓住短暂的青春,去学得无穷的智慧。

47、With the divine name,open the seal power that print in the mentally dense,cut through the limitless blackness,Be my power. ─── 各项规定都很合理,只是觉得金钱的关系...总是让我觉得很不自在.希望能再三考虑...废除...

48、Andrew's imagination is just entirely limitless. ─── 安德鲁的想象力完全是无限的。

49、The man"s need has practicality, consciousness, limitless enrichment and social historicity, etc. ─── 它具有实践性、自觉性、无限丰富性、社会历史性等基本特性。

50、In the Foreign Exchange Investment Business of commercial banks, exchange rate is a kind of online, losable, limitless data stream. ─── 在各商业银行提供的实时外汇买卖业务系统中所采用的汇率是以一种实时在线到达的、易失的、无限的方式获得的数据流。

51、And after a limitless war of plundering the economy and damaged foreign relations across the globe, change is desperately needed. ─── 在无休止的战争对经济的破坏以及全球外交关系恶化的情况下,当务之急是变革。

52、So limitless is it that if tears could express it, you world cry without end. ─── 它是如此地无边无际,如果可以用眼泪表达的话,你会哭个没完。

53、Thepossibilities might be limitless, but if you need to solve problems now, then the solution is to hybridize parts of the language. ─── 可能性是无限的,但是如果你需要现在就解决它,那么解决之道也许是杂交部分语言特性。”

54、Today, being curious by nature, we are still trying to do the same. But the global village is a world of limitless possibilities, and we can never achieve our aim. ─── 如今,生性好奇的我们仍试图这么做。然而,地球村是一个有着无限可能的世界,我们永远无法实现自己的目标。

55、He looked up again at the full moon, bathing the night with its limitless radiance. ─── 他又抬起头望天空。 他望着那一轮散布无限光辉的明月。

56、Such materials could have limitless applications if they could be made to superconduct at room temperature. ─── 如果能在室温环境下获得超导体,它将有无穷广阔的应用前景。

57、WENDON has developed a range of standard slip ring components that can be combined and assembled in almost limitless ways to meet your applications. ─── Wendon开发了一系列标准集电环组件,可以以任何方式组合和安装满足您的需求。

58、Music began to put a soul into a limitless expanse of the world. ─── 乐曲一开始就把心灵带入一个广阔无垠的世界里。

59、A nation that is capable of limitless sacrifice is capable of rising to limitless heights. The purer the sacrifice the quicker the progress. ─── 一个国家的综合能力不是在于无限制的牺牲,而是在于无限制的增长。越纯的牺牲表示进步就越快。

60、There was the aura of limitless freedom distilled from the rolling sweep of all green swaying and glinting in the wind and sun. ─── 在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

61、cultures of the world, East and West, a virtually limitless array of sounds has been employed in the service of musical expression. ─── 世界各地的文化中,无论东方还是西方,几乎有无限的声音被用来服务于音乐表达。

62、Land was seemingly limitless in extend and, therefore, not highly priced, and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder. ─── 土地似乎广阔无垠,因此价钱不高,而几乎所有的殖民地人都想成为土地拥有者。

63、To start with a theory of unlimited freedom is to end up with unlimited despotism- Philip Rahv; the limitless reaches of outer space. ─── 以不受约束的自由开始就意味着以不受约束的专制结束-菲利普·莱乌;太空的无限延伸。

64、Land was seemingly limitless in extent and, therefore, not highly priced, and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder. ─── 土地似乎广阔无限,因此价钱不高,而几乎所有的殖民地人都想成为地主。

65、It has the power to bring a state of causeless love and limitless joy. ─── 它有这个力量带来无缘由的爱与无限喜悦的状态。

66、Our limited ability accents God's limitless power. ─── 人的有限凸显了上帝的无穷。

67、They overpraised him to the skies, as a man of limitless might. ─── 他们把他捧上了天,说他是神力无穷的人。

68、Carry a torch like the flower in bud,limitless likelihood has been under cover inside,sometimes it is more affecting and alluring than the blooming flower. ─── 单恋像极了含苞的花蕾,里面隐藏着无限的可能,有的时候甚至比一朵盛开的花,更动人,更引人遐想!

69、Because it had no rules, rap offered them limitless freedom to express themselves. ─── 又由于饶舌乐并没有乐理规则,所以让歌手们有无限的自由可以表达自我。

70、The choices today are limitless. ─── 今天的选择是无限的。

71、Create the limitless realm on the limited space. ─── 在有限的空间创造无限的境界。

72、It is not capable of comprehension and therefore is endless and limitless, and to that extent infinite and indeterminable, and consequently immobile. ─── 它不能被理解,因而无边无际、无始无终,在那种程度上,它是无限而不可决定的,从而是稳定的。

73、To avoid limitless expanding of the risks and to reduce the cost of the safe transaction, joint and several liability should be legalized. ─── 为使风险负担不致无限扩大,降低交易成本,连带责任需要法定化。

74、The broadest in the world is the ocean, the sky is even broader than the ocean, while man's mind broader and limitless. ─── 世界上最浩瀚的是海洋,比海洋更浩瀚的是天空,比天空还要浩瀚的是人的心灵。

75、The third one is hedonism, which has made the desire limitless. ─── 其三,享乐主义,它使欲望变得没有规定和没有边界。

76、Incomparable their beauty, and limitless their love! ─── 他们的美丽无与伦比,他们的爱没有界限!

77、Since the displays are flexible enough to be rolled up like paper, the potential for this new type of computing is nearly limitless. ─── 由于显示器具有弹性,可像报纸一样卷曲,这种新型计算产品的需求潜力将是不可限量的。

78、Physically, God, who is all-powerful, has the ability to destroy and bring back to life all creatures, who are limited and are, therefore, subject to God's limitless power. ─── 从身体上说,神,全能者,拥有毁灭和给所有有限的创造物重新带来生命的能力,因此,创造物服从于神城镇限的力量。

79、In the 1970s, sets for TV programs became limitless and large 90-centimeter puppets debuted. ─── 1970年代,电视节目的布景没有任何限制,九十公分的戏偶于是登场。

80、To the west of thirteen states stretched limitless lands into which settlers were now pushing in ever-increasing numbers. ─── 十三州以西伸延着广阔无垠的土地,人数不断增加的移居民这时正向这些地方涌去。

81、The seemingly limitless memory of savants will mostly likely be harder to pinpoint physiologically. ─── 学者拥有似乎无止尽的记忆力这一点,在生理学上可能是最难界定的。

82、The possibilities were almost limitless. ─── 可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。

83、Send our limitless miss and the best wishes,your corns. ─── 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你的玉米。

84、Tearful vicissitudes, limitless puzzlement, because has met you, will just have a deeper meaning. ─── 含泪的沧桑,无限的困惑,因为遇见了你,才会有更深的意义。

85、He thinks of the gloomy adventures of the corpse in the limitless shadow. ─── 他想到他的尸体漂浮在那无限凄凉的幽冥里。

86、There are tons of presets, and randomizing is possible on many effects for limitless visual effects! ─── 使用这些滤镜,可以任你任意的去变换出无限制的视觉效果!

87、And on the other we are presented with the possibility of limitless freedom, a freedom that springs precisely from the absence of that very same body. ─── 另一方面,我们产生了无限自由的可能性,而此种自由却是因为丧失身体而来的。

88、What developed is a new music capable of a limitless range of expression. ─── 发展出来的是一种有无穷表现力的新音乐。

89、The politicking around the prestige and jobs that come with independent exchanges seems to be limitless. ─── 跨国交易所则会给相关国家带来声望和就业机会,围绕这两点展开的政治秀似乎也将无穷无尽。


You will never know what you can do till you try.只有试过之后才知道自己能做什么.Nothing is impossible.一切皆有可能.Cheer up!加油!振作起来.You are the best.你是最好的.Believe yourself.相信自己.Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成.

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