horrendous 发音
英: 美:
horrendous 中文意思翻译
horrendous 短语词组
1、horrendous warfare ─── 可怕的战争
2、horrendous practices ─── 可怕的做法
horrendous 词性/词形变化,horrendous变形
副词: horrendously |
horrendous 相似词语短语
1、horrisonous ─── 可怕的
2、frondous ─── 弗朗多斯
3、horrendously ─── adv.骇人听闻地;可怕地
4、Sorrento ─── n.索伦托(意大利南部城镇)
5、torrentuous ─── 滔滔不绝
6、horrendousness ─── 恐怖
7、morendos ─── 深色头发
8、Torrens ─── n.托伦斯(人名);托伦兹(地名)
9、to rendezvous ─── 会合
horrendous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、On top of that, traffic was horrendous, I almost ran out of gas AND I forgot my riding boots. ─── 除此之外,交通状态非常差,我几乎是飞过去的,而且我忘带了骑马靴。
2、Yet the emerging picture is horrendous, especially for ordinary people in the lesser cities and hardscrabble northern provinces. ─── 然而这些浮出水面的描述异常可怕,特别是对于居于较小城市和赤贫的北部省份的居民来说更是如此。
3、Every time he does something horrendous, think how much you will enjoy retelling the anecdote later on. ─── 每当他做出一些可怕的事情,就想一想妳随后讲述这段轶事的时候将是多么有趣。
4、horrendous queues, prices, clothes ─── 令人吃惊的长队﹑ 价格﹑ 衣服
5、Believe it or not, this man somehow survived this horrendous collision between a truck and a train in Turkey.The truck bed actually swept over him, leaving him only with minor injuries. ─── 不管你相不相信,这个人竟然能在土耳其的一辆货车叶火车猛烈碰撞之中而幸存下来,货车床实际上已经横扫过他,却只造成她一些轻微的伤害。
6、Even so, the shock was horrendous. ─── 即使这样,还是让人很震惊。
7、" The human toll was horrendous. ─── 死亡统计人数是相当可怕的。
8、Iraqis, he said, are "horrendous at keeping track of their soldiers. ─── 他指出,伊(军)方清点士兵人数的做法另人害怕。
9、horrendous injuries ─── 可怕的伤势
10、And the rate of growth in some countries is horrendous. ─── 而且在一些国家,感染人数的增长率还有点吓人。
11、Joanne: Well, that's true. Some children would probably have to get up a little earlier. But the cost of keeping the school open would be horrendous. ─── 琼:这个嘛,您说得没错,有些学童大有可能因此而早起赶车。不过,要继续经营这个学校,所需要的开销,可是一笔相当惊人的数字呢。
12、Foreign intelligence agencies are also sponsoring these horrendous attacks to create instability in Pakistan to dismember and denuclearize it. ─── 外国智力机构也正在巴基斯坦发起这些可怕的袭击制造巴不稳定的局面,使之解体并被清洗。
13、He decucted that only one person was capable of committing such a horrendous crime. ─── 他推断出只有一个人能够犯下如此可怕的案子。
14、"Horrendous ethnic killings have been occurring with regularity in our neighbouring country, separated from us by only a Body of water." ─── 与我国一衣带水的邻国,近来就不断发生惨绝人寰的种族屠杀事件。
15、The hardships suffered were horrendous. ─── 苦了骇人听闻的.
16、It was a horrendous scene ─── 场面甚是惨烈
17、After all, what wrong turn of evolution would permit even the chance of horrendous, built-in self-destruction? ─── 毕竟,演化怎麽可能容许自我摧毁这麽可怕的情形存在呢?
18、With an absolutely unsophisticated (or horrendous) interior, the coffee shop attracts a number of not-necessarily inviting customers. ─── 虽然店内的装修有点怪异,但还是吸引了一批同样有些奇怪的常客。
19、horrendous weather ─── 十分恶劣的天气
20、So horrendous was this feeling that I thought to turn away until the sound of chanting reached my ears and drew me onward. ─── 在恐惧的驱使下,我几乎拔脚逃跑。然而就在这时,我听到了咏唱的声音,不由自主地继续向前走去。
21、After an epic battle lasting many days and nights, she finally slays the horrendous beast, and great justice and everlasting peace are victorious once more. ─── 在旷日以久的史诗般的战斗后,观铃终于将恶兽斩于马下(敌将,一取讨!)!再度说明最高的正义和永久的和平不可战胜!
22、horrendous traffic ─── 糟透了的交通
23、Wenger claimed the third-minute tackle which broke Eduardo's leg and earned Taylor a red card was "horrendous". ─── 我建议尽量不要引用那些很直接的图片,让很多人难以接受...
24、Ultimately, situations that once brought on horrendous change-back attacks, that once appeared to you as utterly unworkable puzzles, may end up barely fazing you at all. ─── 你爱地越多,就会感到和所有人相处就越舒适。
25、That's got to be one of the most frightening nights of my life. I did get some sleep, but then I got woken up by these horrendous noises. ─── 这一定是我这辈子最可怕的夜晚之一了,我睡着了一会儿,但马上就被这可怕的叫声吵醒。
26、Countless people have died horrendous on thinkable depth to feed Japan’s insatiable appetite for expansion. ─── 无数的生命痛苦地消失在日本侵略野心的枪口和刀口之下!
27、There is no perfect test, some are more horrendous than others. ─── 世间没有完美的测试,某些测试比另一些更可怕。
28、Each of you have your own ways, and an event that seems horrendous from the outside-from the inside, from your private viewpoints, may be something else entirely. ─── 你们每一个人都有自己的方式,一个来自外界和内在,或从你私人的角度来看的可怕事件,可能完全是其他的什么事。
29、News about China's deadly earthquake is being updated around the clock -- tallying death tolls, the horrendous damage and the government's swift response. ─── 关于中国致命的地震的消息昼夜不停的更新着,包括计算出了死亡人数、巨大的损失及政府迅速的反应。
30、Virtually everyone in the animal rights movement agrees: it is the ONLY solution to the horrendous problem of strays and is simply too important for you to ignore. ─── 实际上所有投入保护动物权益者均同意:这绝对是面对严重流浪动物问 题的 唯一 解决之道,并且其重要性绝不容忽视。
31、The exams are horrendous but I love the course as it is great for preparing for the work I want to go on to do. ─── 她说:“学校的课程很重,许多人都嘲笑我们学经济的学业太重,考试也难,但是我喜欢我的专业,就像我喜欢目前的选美大赛一样。”
32、"What he did was so horrendous, how he tortured our children," Hoyt said. ─── “他的行径极端残忍,他折磨我们的孩子的手段令人发指,”霍伊特说。
33、Every time he does something horrendous, think how much you will enjoy retelling the anecdote later on. ─── 每当他做出一些可怕的事情,就想一想你随后讲述这段轶事的时候将是多么有趣。
34、In this tragic hour of horrendous loss in human lives, our words fail us in consoling those who are victims of the natural disaster and tragedy. ─── 在这场浩劫中,很多生命离我们而去,我们无法用言语安慰和悼念受难者。
35、Simple interfaces that allow access to complex interoperability promise to be the great enabler, or the horrendous bottleneck, to innovation. ─── 可接入复杂互操作性的简单接口,有望成为创新的伟大推动者,或者是可怕的瓶颈。
36、She tells Bee all about the dates she's been on with Sam, seemingly not noticing how horrendous these dates actually were, except for the fact that Sam has a habit of humming. ─── 写实与幻想之间,现实里恋爱的女人嗡嗡地数著琐碎小事,幻想里,想像的爱抚缱绻也嗡嗡萦绕。
37、It is this very advantage that endows the horrendous power of nuclear weapons. ─── 正是这个优势赋予了核武器威慑力量。
38、It would be pointless to repeat the details of the most horrendous crimes reported ─── 我无法重述我所听到的最残暴的罪行。
39、The members of the Special Squads were "bearers of a horrendous secret". What was the secret? Can you conceive of their lives? Would you call them "tragic" figures? ─── 特别队成员是可怕秘密的“搬运者”。那个秘密是什么?你可以设想他们的命运吗?你认为他们是“悲剧”人物吗?
40、Stock returns calculated off the broad-based indexes have been horrendous over the last decade. ─── 过去10年基于众多股指计算的股票回报率低得让人害怕。
41、The military escalation and the extent and the horrendous casualties on the Palestinian side are playing directly into Hamas' hands. ─── 军事冲突升级和巴勒斯坦方面令人吃惊的伤亡情况都符合哈马斯的计划。
42、"This adult woman allegedly used the internet to target a young teenaged girl with horrendous ramifications," said US Attorney Thomas P.O'Brien. ─── “这成年女性,据称利用互联网的目标,一位年轻的十几岁的女孩,可怕的后果,说: ”美国司法部长托马斯页奥布赖恩。
43、He presented Albert with a rat, and every time the baby reached out to touch it, Watson hit a steel bar with a hammer to produce a horrendous clang. ─── 他给艾伯特一只小鼠,每当小艾试图触摸它时,沃森都会用锤子敲击一根铁棒以发出一种可怕的声响。
44、Believe it or not, this man somehow survived this horrendous collision between a truck and a train in Turkey. ─── 不管你信不信,一名男子在土耳其的一场卡车和火车打碰撞中幸存了下来。
45、Meanwhile, Santiago itself was experiencing horrendous floods and rain. ─── 另外持美加护照也免签证,甚是方便。
46、We consider this security breach to be a horrendous and inexcusable offense," Norton's statement emphasises, without identifying the consultant concerned or his/her company. ─── 我们认为这是违反保安是一个可怕的和不可饶恕的罪行,在"诺顿的声明强调了,没有查明有关顾问或他/她的公司。
47、The construction destruction of the roadway was horrendous. ─── 建筑破坏巷道是可怕的。
48、However, to help reduce this horrendous expansion of size, we go to the next variant of RLE coding. ─── 为了缩小这种适得其反的变大,我们将谈谈第二种RLE编码方法的变体。
49、The Lakers won after a horrendous start left them trailing in the second quarter by 17 points. ─── 湖人队的开局非常糟糕,他们在第2节时最多落后对手17分。但是,他们还是赢了。
50、The motor-control calculations are horrendous, but not very different from the control circuits needed for maneuvering robot arms. ─── 电动机控制的计算量惊人,但和用于操作机器人手臂的控制电路也没什么两样。
51、Science is close to crossing some horrendous boundaries,says Leon Kass,professor of social thought at the University of Chicago. ─── 芝加哥大学社会思潮学教授莱昂·卡斯说:“科学即将跨越一些可怖的界限。“
52、The woman Transo found a horrendous secret when she was going to finish that checking up. ─── 她从男人弯着托后脑勺的一只胳膊间,看到了门口廊沿上那个女人的胸。
53、Again casualties were horrendous, with one Waffen-SS assault battalion reduced to fewer than 100 men. ─── 他们再一次遭受了重大的损失,一个突击炮大队只剩不足百人。
54、The story of that horrendous trial has not been, and may never be, expunged from public memory ─── 那场可怕的审讯始终没有,也不可能永远会从公众的记忆中消除。
55、"It's a horrendous crime to make a Xerox of someone," argues author and science critic Jeremy Rifkin. ─── 作家及科学评论家杰里米·里夫金认为:“复制某人是极其骇人的罪行。
56、Another son watched his father, saw his father's hair was horrendous rain Linde, frozen purple in the face of rain drops down, as well as nose. ─── 儿子又一次看着父亲,只见父亲的头发被雨水淋得不成样子,冻得发紫的脸上雨水在往下滴,还有鼻涕。
57、EVery abundance time he does event horrendous, consider how abundance you will enjoy resaying the anecdote in a while on. ─── 每当他做出一部份可怕的事件,就想一想你随后讲述这段轶事的时间将是多么有趣。
58、We can do far more than we think to improve our odds of preventing and surviving even the most horrendous of catastrophes. ─── 甚至在最可怕的灾难面前,我们也可以比想象中做得更多,以提高我们预防和生存的概率。
59、Would parents be able to watch a film of a small 9 year old boy being sodomized by a group?Most couldn't fathom such a horrendous act, let alone even think of it. ─── 值得注意的是创伤离解性失忆症的鼓吹者和怀疑者在捍卫其截然相反的观点时,都从同样的研究中引证。
60、Defective food is often a result of horrendous industrial pollution that has seeped into the water and soil. ─── 可怕的工业污染物已经渗到水和土壤之中,问题食品通常由它们造成。
61、It came about after two horrendous murders of girls by people who had committed previous crimes. ─── 导致这部法律的是两起骇人听闻的谋杀女孩事件,犯罪分子有前科。
62、Not even the most horrendous of creations such as a mass annihilation, is a form of victimization. ─── 甚至没有绝对令人惊恐的创造物类如一场大型的灭绝是一种牺牲的类型。
63、14. Every time he does something horrendous, think how much you will enjoy retelling the anecdote later on. ─── 每当他做出一些可怕的事情,就想一想你随后讲述这段轶事的时候将是多么有趣。
64、Defective food is often a result of horrendous industrial pollution that has seeped into the water and soil. ─── 食品问题往往是由于可怕的工业污染物进入水和土壤而造成的。
65、We're told Tehran weather is unpredictable and horrendous ─── 我们听说德黑兰的天气变幻莫测、风云险恶。
66、The worst part was definitely Zhang Ziyi's singing. I will smack anyone who defends her, because that was just one horrendous conglomeration of shitty music industriness. ─── 最差的节目当属章子怡唱歌了。谁说章子怡好我跟谁急,那是一坨可怕的狗屎劣质音乐。
67、Horrendous job losses and an economy that is in shambles are driving up the number of people without health insurance. ─── 大量工人失业,失衡的经济正在把一大群没有医疗保险的人逼上绝路。
68、Several species of Kingfishers, Little Herons and Crab-Eating Macaques are almost guaranteed sightings in the remains of a jewel destination, undeveloped and without being horrendous crowed. ─── 这里有很多翠鸟,苍鹭的巢以及短尾猴保留了大自然的原始风景。
70、In these horrendous conditions, the ships' crews came to each others' rescue. ─── 各战船在这可怕处境之中,互相救助。
71、The Soviet artillery then started bombarding their own positions as the SS men were fighting inside them, creating a horrendous slaughterhouse. ─── 当党卫队和苏军混战时,苏军的火炮还是轰击自己人的阵地,把那里变成了可怕的屠宰场。
72、By far the silkroad online gold gloomiest is CLSA, a broking firm, which is predicting a horrendous 11% drop in 2009. ─── 迄今为止最悲观的莫过于法国里昂证券,这家经纪公司预计2009年**的GDP将暴跌11%。
73、The Nuggets' marquee forward was horrendous during the game, making only five of 22 shots, losing the ball on dumb dribbles and silly jumpers, a real oinker of a ball hog. ─── 掘金的头号前锋在比赛中的表现让人吃惊:全场22投仅命中5球,还愚蠢地两次运球,傻傻地只知道跳投,他确实是一个喜欢持球的傻瓜。
74、He described it as the most horrendous experience of his life. ─── 他把那件事形容为他生活中最恐怖的经历。
75、Countless people have died horrendous, unthinkable deaths to feed Japan's insatiable appetite for expansion。 ─── 无数的生命痛苦地消失在日本侵略野心的枪口和刀口下。
76、Many people witnessed the horrendous massacre. ─── 许多人目击到该次令人不寒而栗的大屠杀。
77、PRAYER: Father God, you have forgiven us even though our sins are more horrendous in your sight than the Holocaust in ours. ─── 祷告:父神,虽然我们的罪在你看来比我们眼中的Holocaust还要丑陋,你却饶恕了我们。
78、I will smack anyone who defends her, because that was just one horrendous conglomeration of shitty music industriness. ─── 谁说章子怡好我跟谁急,那是一坨可怕的狗屎劣质音乐。
79、Also known as the absolutely horrendous first overall pick by MJ when he was GM for the Wizards. ─── 大家都知道布朗是乔丹当奇才总经理时选的水货状元。
80、That colour scheme is horrendous. ─── 那样的色彩设计真让人吃惊.
81、"Science is close to crossing some horrendous boundaries," says Leon Kass, professor of social thought at the University of Chicago. ─── 芝加哥大学社会思潮学教授莱昂·卡斯说:“科学即将跨越一些可怖的界限。
82、An old saying that sums up the horrendous ethos of the human species is "All's fair in love and war" . ─── 有句老话这样说“人类所有民族的精神史简而言之就一句话:在爱情与战争中可以不择手段,没有公平可言”。
83、And, unlike previous generations of slimming tablets, which turned out to have horrendous side-effects ranging from addiction to heart damage, Alli appears very safe. ─── 前几代减肥药还有可怕的副作用,包括药物上瘾,心脏病等。服用艾莉似乎非常安全。
84、Upon further investigation I have sensed horrendous visions of a gnarled doom, decorated as a picturesque facade in this endless autumn dusk. ─── 在进一步调查我感觉了粗糙的死命的可怕视觉,装饰作为在这个不尽的秋天黄昏的一个美丽如画的门面。
85、What horrendous weather! ─── 多么讨厌的天气!
86、When Germany's forces slammed into the Balkans during the early spring of 1941, they encountered not only armed resistance but also difficult terrain and horrendous weather. ─── 1941年早春当德军进入巴尔干半岛时,遇到的不仅仅是武装力量的抵抗,还有崎岖的道路和恶劣的天气。
87、I do not know whether we still remember those films people horrendous scenes of the war, despite the danger, But the soldiers are still doors mutual help and work together for freedom, peace and efforts to fight! ─── 不知大家是否还记得影片中那些让人悚然的战争场面,尽管身处险境,但战士门依然互帮互助,一起为了自由,和平而努力奋战!
88、Horrendous traffic and the absence of metered taxis (taxis are taken by flagging down any passing car and negotiating a fare) make the metro theonly real transportation option for tourists. ─── 可怕的交通以及少得可怜的计程车(靠信号旗停车以及要商议价钱的出租车)使得地铁成为人们的唯一选择。
89、in fact it was horrendous after a few pints of lager &lime, to which she had easy access in her employ as a barmaid in a Highland hotel. ─── 她能喝了好几品脱瓶柠檬啤酒,为此,她很容易地通过海兰特饭店的面试,被雇用为女招待。喝酒后她的脾气发起来很可怕的。
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