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09-17 投稿


kaftan 发音

英:[ˈkæftæn]  美:[ˈkæftæn]

英:  美:

kaftan 中文意思翻译




kaftan 词性/词形变化,kaftan变形


kaftan 相似词语短语

1、caftan ─── n.有带子的长袖衣服

2、Nafta ─── abbr.北美自由贸易协定(NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement);n.(Nafta)人名;(罗)纳夫塔

3、captan ─── n.克菌丹

4、koftas ─── n.肉丸

5、kirtan ─── n.唱颂仪

6、kofta ─── n.肉丸

7、caftans ─── n.有带子的长袖衣服

8、kaftans ─── 土耳其式长衫(kaftan的复数)

9、Satan ─── n.撒旦(魔鬼)

kaftan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Every gay guy I know is running off to Hawaii, putting on a caftan, reciting vows, and feeling ─── 穿上绣花衬衫,宣布结婚,心中想

2、I had the sensation of flying," Guillermo Mariotto, who designed the kaftan for Roman fashion house Gattinoni, told reporters. ─── 他在接受采访时说:“奥巴马当选总统时,我在时代广场,当时的感觉美妙极了,我简直有种飞的感觉。”

3、a woman's dress style that imitates the caftan cloaks worn by men in the Near East. ─── 模仿近东男士穿的长袖外衣的一种女士衣服。

4、I had the sensation of flying," Guillermo Mariotto, who designed the kaftan for Roman fashion house Gattinoni, told reporters. ─── 他在接受记者采访时说:“奥巴马当选总统时,我在时代广场,当时的感觉美妙极了,我简直有种飞的感觉。”

5、We're also not really meant to talk about the time Daddy dressed up in that kaftan, and Mom got that machinegun, and they stood in front of the mirror, giggling. ─── 我们本来也不该谈论上次的事:老爸穿上了那件阿拉伯式的长袍,老妈手持机关枪,两个人站在镜子面前咯咯地笑。

6、Mariotto sent an American model down the catwalk draped in the ankle-length, long-sleeved kaftan made of natural fiber. ─── Mariotto设计的这件土耳其长衫由一位美国模特展示,长衫垂至脚踝,袖子较长,由天然纤维制成。

7、African Kaftan Dress- Olive Print- 1 Size - Brand New! ─── 非洲卡夫坦着装橄榄打印-1尺寸-品牌全新!

8、- Put your arm in.- It's a caftan, is it? ─── |- 胳膊伸进来 - 是件长袍,对么?

9、The Ket wore a type of loose-fitting robe or caftan unlike any found elsewhere in the northern taiga. ─── 偈人着松散的长袍或有腰带的长袖服装,而与北部针叶林地带其他地方所见的都不一样。

10、No one of any style repute actually wears a kaftan or a sarong . ─── 没有任何一位时尚名人真正穿上过土耳其长袍或者印度沙龙。

11、And take care not to slobber it onto your caftan. ─── 而且小心别把口水倘在你的长衣上。

12、We're also not really meant to talk about the time Daddy dressed up in that kaftan, and Mom got that machinegun, and they stood in front of the mirror, giggling. ─── 我们本来也不该谈论上次的事:老爸穿上了那件阿拉伯式的长袍,老妈手持机关枪,两个人站在镜子面前咯咯地笑。

13、A few side dishes like this, combined with some fatty hot dogs, hamburgers, potato chips, and ice cream, and bathing-suit season can become caftan season before you know it. ─── 同时上桌的还有几个和这个差不多的小菜,以及一些油腻腻的热狗,汉堡,薯条,和冰激凌,于是本来属于泳衣夏天就这样不知不觉的成了该裹上长袍的冬天。

14、The old prince used to wear the old-fashioned dress, the kaftan and powder. ─── 公爵按旧式穿着:穿长上衣,戴扑粉假发。

15、has reached the catwalks of Rome, where a top haute couture designer showed off a kaftan emblazoned with his face and another dedicated a gown of "hope" to his wife Michelle. ─── 的热潮都刮到了罗马时装周上。一位高级时装设计师展示了一件印有奥巴马头像的土耳其长衫,另外一位设计师则专为奥巴马夫人米歇尔打造了一件带有“希望”寓意的礼服。

16、As for the rich or the upper ladder, they always wore black skullcap, kaftan in silk or blue cotton which was always in black or navy blue, and black satin shoes or cloth shoes. ─── 有身份或有钱者,多戴玄色(黑色)秋帽(瓜皮帽),着绸缎或竹布长衫,多为黑色或青黑色(深蓝色),穿玄色缎鞋或布鞋;

17、Caftan invariant ─── Cartan不变量

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