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09-17 投稿


jestingly 发音

英:[[d'ʒestɪŋlɪ]]  美:[[d'ʒestɪŋlɪ]]

英:  美:

jestingly 中文意思翻译



jestingly 相似词语短语

1、meltingly ─── adv.溶化

2、joshingly ─── 乔什利

3、peltingly ─── 佩尔蒂利

4、joltingly ─── 令人兴奋的

5、questingly ─── 质问地

6、jesting ─── adj.爱开玩笑的,幽默的;v.开玩笑,打趣(jest的现在分词)

7、jerkingly ─── 颠簸地

8、juttingly ─── 突出地

9、lastingly ─── 持久地

jestingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He often speaks in jest, and seldom says anything serious. ─── 他那个人就是玩笑话多,正话少。

2、You shouldn' t jest about serious things. ─── 对重要的事你不要当作儿戏。

3、But you should not jest about our affection for one another. ─── 但你不应讥讽我们相互间的感情。

4、An instance of foolish behavior or speech; a jest. ─── 做蠢事愚蠢言行的事例;玩笑

5、You cannot be always sure whether he is in jest or earnest. ─── 你总是闹不清他究竟是开玩笑呢还是认真。

6、Strip majesty of its exterior(the first and last letter) and it become a jest. ─── 剥掉了majesty[威严]的外皮(头尾两个字母)就成为ajest[一则笑话]啦。

7、Ah, what a kingly jest was it to open thy palm to a beggar to beg! ─── 呵,这开的是什么样的帝王的玩笑,向一个乞丐伸手求乞!

8、Tell him man wants him to think method solves a problem, cried the family is met of jest. ─── 告诉他男子汉要自己想办法解决问题,哭了人家会笑话的.

9、Oh, dad, you have got a jest? ─── 哦,你开玩笑吧。

10、You shouldn't jest about other people's misfortune. ─── 你们不该对别人的不幸幸灾乐祸。

11、LI>Better lose a jest than a friend. ─── 宁可不说一句俏皮话,以免得罪朋友们。

12、"It may," he says, "have been uttered as a whim, in jest. ─── 他说:“可能只是一时兴起的戏言。”

13、The populace, which perceives no jest in holy deeds, was touched, and admired him. ─── 对圣事活动不怀恶意的人民却感动了,并且十分钦佩主教。

14、We banded ourselves together, some boldly, some in jest and some almost in fear. ─── 大伙抱成一团,但有的大胆、有的嬉笑戏谑,有几个却心惊胆颤。

15、Never jest about serious matters. ─── 千万不要就严肃的事开玩笑。

16、"Oh, you just think you do," he replied, jestingly. ─── “啊,你只是自以为如此而已,”他开玩笑似地回答。

17、Don't jest with me, young man. ─── 年轻人, 别跟我开玩笑。

18、Jest with an ass and he will flap you in thhe face with his tail. ─── 嘲笑驴,它会用它的尾巴拍打你的脸。

19、He is indebted to his memory for his jest and to his imagination for his fact. ─── 他的诙谐有赖于记忆力,而其事实则有来于想象力。

20、Don't jest with me! ─── 别跟我开玩笑!

21、A young machine hand, attracted by her looks, made bold to jest with her. ─── 一位年轻的机工, 被她的美貌所吸引, 壮着胆子跟她开玩笑。

22、He pointed his finger in friendly jest and went over to the parapet, laughing to himself. ─── 他友善而打趣地指了一下,一面暗自笑着,走到胸墙那儿。

23、He is not a man to jest with. ─── 他是个不能开玩笑的人。

24、He spoke it in a kind of jest, but it was with such an awkward smile. ─── 他用一种说笑的口吻说着,但是说时带着那么不自然的微笑。

25、Are you in jest or in earnest? ─── 你在说笑话还是当真的?

26、She preludes her remarks with a jest. ─── 她开始讲话时先说一个笑话。

27、His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest. ─── 他的答覆看来是半开玩笑半认真的。

28、Strip majesty of Its exterior ( the first and last letter ) and It become a jest . ─── 剥掉了majesty [威严]的外皮(头尾两个字母)就成为a jest [一则笑话]啦。

29、A true jest is no jest. ─── [谚]真笑话并非笑话。

30、To act, perform, or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest. ─── 嘲弄轻率无礼的行事,说话;取笑,开玩笑

31、Better lost a jest than a friend. ─── 宁可少开玩笑,不可得罪至交。

32、He was so vain and reckless that he would break a friendship, rather than not break a jest. ─── 他是如此虚荣狂妄, 宁可和人翻脸, 有笑话却不能不说。

33、He could not divine what her look signified.whether she spoke in earnest or in jest. ─── 他看不透她脸上的表情,究竟她说的是认真的还是戏谑的。

34、Heathcliff smiled again, as if it were rather too bold a jest to attribute the paternity of that bear to him. ─── 希刺克厉夫又微笑了,好像把那个粗人算作他的儿子,简直是把玩笑开得太莽撞了。

35、I was jest thinking, I ain't seen a top 'at in years. ─── 我忽然想到,我已有多少年没有见到高礼帽了。

36、Many a true word is spoken in jest . ─── 戏言中常吐露真情。

37、I experienced a wild impulse to jest. ─── 在一阵狂妄的冲动之下,我想捉弄别人。

38、If that is the way you jest at the courthouse, Messieurs the lawyers, I sincerely compliment you. ─── 律师先生们,假使你们在法庭上是这样开玩笑的,我真要向你们致以衷心的祝贺。

39、Do not say that even in jest! ─── 不要说这种话,哪怕是开玩笑,也不要说这种话!

40、Oh, you just think you do, " he replied, jestingly . " ─── “啊,你只是自以为如此而已,”他开玩笑似地回答。

41、A young machine hand, attracted by her looks, make bold to jest with her. ─── 一个年青的机械师被她的美貌所吸引,壮着胆子跟她开玩笑。

42、The spirit of each is sovereign, jest suffices to open the field to the unexpected. ─── 一句玩笑话已够打开一个意外的场面。

43、"I know what happiness and what despair are, and I never make a jest of such feelings. ─── “我知道快乐和失望是怎么回事,我从来不拿这种感情开玩笑。

44、His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest . ─── 他的答覆看来是半开玩笑半认真的.

45、Szukaj w pamieci mego imienia,ono powie: ze nie jest tak. ─── 关于自己 Gdy w chwili zwatpienia powiesz: przyjaciol Ci brak.

46、Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with his tail. ─── 你跟驴子开玩笑,将被驴尾打耳光。

47、He had seen no jest in ambiguities and roguery, as the Casterbridges tosspots had done. ─── 他不象卡斯特桥的一般酒鬼,专门在胡说八道和恶作剧里去寻开心。

48、Do not jest about serious things . ─── 对于重要的事情不能当儿戏。

49、Not a word with him but a jest. ─── 他的每一句话都是一个笑话。

50、I said in jest I would marry Jim. ─── 我开玩笑说要嫁给吉姆。

51、He spoke in jest when he asked me to marry him. ─── 他以开玩笑的口气向我求婚。

52、He is fond of breaking a jest. ─── 他爱说笑话。

53、Better lose a jest than a friend. ─── (谚语)宁肯少说笑话,决不得罪朋友。

54、Strip majesty of its exteriors(the first and last letters) and it becomes a jest. ─── 剥掉了majesty[威严]的外皮(头尾两个字母)就成为ajest[一则笑话]啦。

55、"Thou art a scandalous fellow, Dunois, to speak thus of holy wedlock," answered Louis jestingly. ─── “杜诺瓦,像你这样谈论神圣的婚姻,简直犯有诽谤罪。”

56、To act,perform,or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest. ─── 嘲弄轻率无礼的行事,说话;取笑,开玩笑。

57、That is why I laugh at myself and shatter my secret in jest. ─── 因此我嘲笑自己,把我的秘密在玩笑中打碎。

58、You jest my lord. None but a fool would undertake such a venture. ─── 你在和我开玩笑,除了傻瓜,没人会参加这个冒险行动。

59、Many a true words are spoken in jest . ─── 嬉笑多真言。

60、They made a jest of his ignorance. ─── 他们笑话他无知。

61、"No, you won't," said Carrie, who was coming to feel a certain faint power to jest with the drummer. ─── “不,你骗人。 "她现在稍稍有了点自信心,敢跟这个推销员开开玩笑了。

62、This was spoken jestingly, but it appeared to her so just a picture of Mr. ─── 伊丽莎白在花园里散步的时候,曾经好多次出乎意料地碰见达西先生。

63、She wondered how he could jest so blithely with a rope about his neck and her pitiful circumstances before him. ─── 她不明白他怎能在自己脖子上套着绞索和面对她的可怜处境时还这么开心地说笑。

64、You presume to jest with me in this free manner. ─── 你敢在我面前这么放肆地开玩笑。

65、"Ad yet they say orphans are to be pitied," said Danglars, wishing to prolong the jest. ─── “大家说孤儿是应该怜悯的,”腾格拉尔说,借开玩笑来延长时间。

66、Even if that's your jest, the sweety deep in my heart is a lie without sham. ─── 就算那只是你的玩笑,甜蜜的谎言也会一直在我心里扬帆......

67、Why do you jest at my honesty? ─── 你为何要取笑我的诚实?

68、Life is a jest; and all things shown it. I thought so once; but now I know it. ─── 人生闹剧一场;事事可以佐证。我曾如此想过;如今知之确凿。

69、His reply was taken half seriously half in jest. ─── 他的答复看来是半开玩笑、半认真的。

70、To tell or play jokes; jest. ─── 开玩笑,嘲笑讲笑话或开玩笑;说俏皮话

71、He's not a man to jest with. ─── 他不是一个可以玩笑的人。

72、Complaining, even in jest, is not a recommended icebreaker. ─── 准备简单的对他说声“对不起,我不是故意的。”

73、He lit upon some jest books in the bookstore. ─── 他在书店偶然发现了一些笑话集。

74、You jest so lightly in a time of crisis? ─── 在这时候你还有心情开玩笑?

75、He that can jest at love has never loved. ─── 嘲笑爱情的人一定未爱过。

76、O single-soled jest, solely singular for the singleness. ─── 啊,好一个又呆又秃的笑话,真配傻子来说。

77、Don't jest with me young man. ─── 年轻人别跟我开玩笑。

78、It began as a jest and ended as a tragedy. ─── 事情以玩笑开始,以悲剧告终。

79、Direction: Jest daub the floor with upper wax by a wax swob. ─── 使用方汉:用干净蜡拖,涂于物表面,无需抛光。

80、He could not divine what her look signified, whether she spoke in earnest or in jest. ─── 他看不透她脸上的表情,究竟她说的是认真的还是戏谑的。

81、During our conversation, he often broke in with a slight jest. ─── 在我们谈话时,他不时地插进一句小笑话。

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