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09-17 投稿


hygroscopic 发音

英:[haɪgrə(ʊ)'skɒpɪk]  美:[,haɪgrə'skɑpɪk]

英:  美:

hygroscopic 中文意思翻译



hygroscopic 短语词组

1、hygroscopic water ─── [化] 湿存水

2、hygroscopic nucleus ─── 吸湿性核

3、hygroscopic agent ─── [化] 吸湿剂

4、hygroscopic moisture ─── [化] 湿存水

5、hygroscopic property ─── 吸水性

6、hygroscopic movement ─── 吸湿运动

7、hygroscopic body ─── 吸湿体

8、hygroscopic capacity ─── 吸湿本领

9、hygroscopic desiccation ─── 吸湿干燥

10、hygroscopic absorption ─── 吸湿性 ─── 吸收

11、hygroscopic substance ─── 吸湿性物质

12、hygroscopic cargo ─── 吸湿性货物

13、hygroscopic nature ─── 吸湿性

14、hygroscopic degree ─── 吸湿度

15、hygroscopic state ( ─── 收)湿(状)态

16、hygroscopic calcium chloride ─── [化] 收湿氯化钙; 收湿用氯化钙

17、hygroscopic material ─── [医] 收湿物, 吸湿物

18、hygroscopic coefficient ─── 吸湿系数

19、hygroscopic expansion ─── [医] 吸湿性膨胀

hygroscopic 词性/词形变化,hygroscopic变形

名词: hygroscopicity |副词: hygroscopically |

hygroscopic 相似词语短语

1、hygroscope ─── n.[气象]湿度计;验湿器

2、hydroscopic ─── adj.深水望远镜的;吸水的

3、hygroscopicity ─── n.吸水性,吸湿性

4、hygroscopes ─── n.[气象]湿度计;验湿器

5、nonhygroscopic ─── adj.不吸湿性的

6、gyroscopic ─── adj.回转仪的,[航][水运]陀螺的

7、horoscopic ─── adj.占星的;算命天宫图的

8、hagioscopic ─── 食道镜

9、hygroscopical ─── 湿度计的

hygroscopic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In air temperature taller season, perspire on the foot more friend can choose hygroscopic good flax insole, perspire not much friend can choose bamboo qualitative insole. ─── 在气温较高的季节,脚上出汗较多的朋友可以选择吸湿性好的亚麻鞋垫,出汗不多的朋友可以选择竹质鞋垫。

2、hygroscopic seeding ─── 吸湿性催化

3、Studies the humidity adjusting characteristics of a type of compound silica-gel hygroscopic material in a closed small environment box. ─── 在封闭的小型环境箱内对复合硅胶调湿材料进行了调湿特性研究。

4、hygroscopic and dry ─── 吸湿干爽

5、PET, PC, nylon and ABS are examples of hygroscopic resin. They absorb water moisture in the air. ─── PET,PC,尼龙,abs等塑料都是吸水性的。它们吸收空气中的水份。

6、6. Properties:White powder,nontoxic,insoluble in water ,slightly soluble in hot alcohol.It will decompose when meeting strong acid. It has hygroscopic property in air. ─── 性质:白色粉末,无毒,不溶于水,微溶于热的乙醇,遇到强酸分解,在空气中有吸湿性。收藏指正

7、When modified, silk properties were improved in lightfast, hygroscopic and antiwrinkle aspects.Also the drawback of silk yellowing is elmiated through modification. ─── 丝绸经改性处理后,在吸湿性和抗光照方面得到改善,提高了其抗皱性,克服了泛黄的缺点。

8、hygroscopic salt ─── 吸湿盐潮解盐

9、5. Properties:White powder,insoluble in water ,but soluble in alcohol.It will decompose when meeting strong acid. It has hygroscopic property in air. ─── 性质:白色粉末,不溶于水,溶于酒精,遇到强酸分解,在空气中有吸湿性。收藏指正

10、The results show that the silica-gel is not suitable to be used as a hygroscopic material in general conditions. ─── 结果表明,在通常情况下硅胶不适合作为调湿材料。

11、It cannot be used to press semisolid , wet granule , low solubility, hygroscopic or powder materials . ─── 不适用于半固体,潮湿颗粒,低溶性,吸湿性原料和无颗粒及细粉末物料的压制。

12、Under a microscope, one could find a hygroscopic resin pellet is filled with capillaries. ─── 在显微镜下看吸水性的塑料会发觉它们的颗粒都是布满毛细管的。

13、Effect of Hygroscopic Agent on Properties of Blow-molded PE Microporous Membrane ─── 吸湿剂对吹塑成型聚乙烯微孔薄膜性能的影响

14、hygroscopic absorption ─── 吸湿作用

15、hygroscopic water content ─── 平衡湿量

16、hygroscopic degree ─── 吸湿度

17、Effect of atmospheric pressure on heat and moisture transport within hygroscopic fabrics ─── 大气压力对织物热湿特性影响的数值研究

18、The effect of plasma treatment on the wetting property of the polyester/cotton blended fabric was analyzed using the hygroscopic capacity/time curve plotted by means of CDCA-100F dynamic contact angle fiber tension-meter. ─── 利用CDCA-100F动态接触角和界面张力仪所绘制的吸湿量与时间曲线分析涤棉混纺织物润湿性的变化。

19、Properties:White powder,insoluble in water ,but soluble in alcohol.It will decompose when meeting strong acid. It has hygroscopic property in air. ─── 性质:白色粉末,不溶于水,溶于酒精,遇到强酸分解,在空气中有吸湿性。

20、hygroscopic moisture meter ─── 吸湿型水分测定计

21、hygroscopic desiccation ─── 吸湿干燥

22、hygroscopic nature ─── 吸湿性

23、Passive regulating indoor humidity with hygroscopic materials is an energy-saving and environment friendly method. ─── 利用调湿材料被动调节房间湿度是一种节能环保的方法。

24、Fruit a hygroscopic or circumscissile capsule, more rarely a berry or nut.Seeds with slender embryo curved around perisperm, rarely with an aril; ─── 周裂蒴果,有时为浆果或坚果种子具细长的胚包围粉质胚乳,少数有假种皮;

25、hygroscopic calcium chloride ─── [化] 收湿氯化钙; 收湿用氯化钙


27、hygroscopic potential ─── 吸湿势吸湿潜力

28、hygroscopic agent ─── 吸湿剂

29、hygroscopic softener ─── 吸湿柔软剂

30、hygroscopic swelling ─── 吸湿溶胀

31、hygroscopic moisture correction factor ─── 吸着水校正系数

32、hygroscopic building materials ─── 吸放湿建材

33、hygroscopic capacity ─── 吸湿本领

34、Able to absorb water from the surroundings, including moisture from the atmosphere. ─── 可以从周围环境中吸收水分,包括大气中的湿气。

35、6.Properties:White powder,nontoxic,insoluble in water ,slightly soluble in hot alcohol.It will decompose when meeting strong acid.It has hygroscopic property in air. ─── 形状颜色特征:略带微红的白色粉末,不溶于水,可溶于无机酸,能迅速吸收空气中的水分和二氧化碳。

36、hygroscopic particle ─── 吸湿性粒子

37、hygroscopic expansion ─── 吸湿膨胀

38、hygroscopic number ─── 吸湿数

39、It cannot be used to press semisolid, wet granule, low solubility, hygroscopic or powder materials. ─── 不适用于半固体,潮湿颗粒,低溶性,吸湿性原料和无颗粒及细粉末物料的压制。

40、hygroscopic matter ─── 吸湿性物质

41、Keywords Multi layer Fabrics;Comfortable Properties;Heat Transfer;Hygroscopic;Moisture Discharged;Performance; ─── 关键词复合织物;舒适性;传热;吸湿;放湿;性能;

42、hygroscopic imbibition mechanism ─── 吸湿机制

43、hygroscopic state ─── (收)湿(状)态

44、A Study of Hygroscopic Properties of Modified Soybean Protein Fiber ─── 大豆蛋白改性纤维吸湿性能的测试研究

45、Interestingly, the material in this "cured" state is non- hygroscopic , at least at moderate humidity levels. ─── 有趣的是,这材料在这中“凝固”状态不吸湿,至少在适度相对湿度下。

46、hygroscopic point ─── 吸湿点

47、Keywords chitosan quaternary ammonium salt;chitosan derivative;hygroscopic property;moisture retentiveness; ─── 壳聚糖季铵盐;壳聚糖衍生物;吸湿性;保湿性;

48、Bentonite clay is also hygroscopic and absorbs water ─── 膨润土也是一种吸湿剂,可以吸收周围空气中的水分。 在包装和搬运时要特别注意上述材料不能碰水,以免浪费。

49、hygroscopic equilibrium ─── 吸着水平衡

50、non hygroscopic ─── adj. 不吸潮的

51、Hygroscopic properties of levoglucosan and related organic compounds characteristic to biomass burning aerosol particles ─── 左旋葡萄糖和与生物团燃烧气溶胶粒子有关的有机化合物的吸湿性特征

52、hygroscopic investment ─── 吸湿性包埋(材)料

53、hygroscopic moisture content ─── 吸湿量

54、Maltitol in dry form is extremely hygroscopic and deliquescent. ─── 干燥的麦芽糖醇晶体是很易吸潮和溶解的。

55、But the meeting after the leather ageing of dermal insole becomes inflexible, and dermal insole can be sucked only smelly, won't deodorization, hygroscopic good without pure cotton insole also. ─── 但真皮鞋垫的皮革老化后会变僵硬,且真皮鞋垫只会吸臭,不会除臭,吸湿性也没有纯棉鞋垫好。

56、Influence of Different Excipients on Hygroscopic Property of Raw Material (Dry Extract Powder) in Yuxianling Granules ─── 不同辅料对愈痫灵颗粒所用原料(干膏粉)吸湿性的影响

57、In Junge's classification maritime particles are composed entirely of hygroscopic material . ─── 实验测量了这种材料在上述恒温恒湿环境中的吸湿率及湿应变。

58、Properties White powder, no odor or poison. Specific gravity 1.08-1.19. Soluble in chloroform, toluene benzene and ethanol; Insoluble in gasoline and water. Not hygroscopic. ─── 性状本品为白色或灰白色粉末,无味,无毒,比重1.08-1.19。易溶于丙酮、乙酸乙酯,溶于苯,乙醇,微溶于四氯化碳,不溶于水和汽油。

59、hygroscopic property ─── 吸水性收湿性

60、Keywords compound Shanzha pulvis;organic acids neutralization method;hygroscopic balance curve; ─── 复方山楂散;有机酸;中和法;吸湿平衡曲线;

61、a clear odorless hygroscopic syrupy carboxylic acid found in sour milk and in many fruits. ─── 一种干净、无嗅、吸湿的浆状羧基酸,见于酸牛奶和许多水果中。

62、They are of the hygroscopic type, able to recover winter moisture from the exhaust air and thus reduce the load on the supply air humidifiers. ─── 它们是吸湿型的,能够减缓冬季排气所带来的湿气,因此降低对辅助空气吸湿器的负担。

63、A Critical Assessment of Hygroscopic Seeding of Convective Clouds for Rainfall Enhancement. ─── 增雨对流云中吸湿粒子播撒的临界判定。

64、hygroscopic substance ─── 吸着物

65、Second, it contains ingredients that are hygroscopic (like glycerin) that can attract water from the atmosphere and bind it to your skin. ─── 第二,它含有吸湿的成分(像甘油),这可以吸收大气中的水分并让水分紧紧附在你的皮肤上。

66、hygroscopic moisture ─── 吸湿水分

67、soil hygroscopic water ─── 土壤吸湿水

68、hygroscopic cargo ─── 吸湿性货物

69、hygroscopic awn ─── 吸湿芒

70、hygroscopic and sweat releasing ─── 吸湿排汗

71、The hygroscopic property of the bamboo fiber is researched. ─── 对竹纤维的吸湿性能进行了研究。

72、hygroscopic balance curve of the powder was determined. ─── 测定药粉的吸湿平衡曲线。

73、Discussion about Calcluating Formula of Hygroscopic Agent Dosage ─── 对吸湿剂用量计算公式的讨论

74、Keywords plastic electronic packaging;moisture absorption;moisture diffusion;hygroscopic stress;moisture-induced vapor pressure; ─── 微电子塑料封装;湿气吸收;湿气扩散;湿应力;蒸汽压力;

75、a hygroscopic powder ─── 吸湿粉

76、Hygroscopic behavior of aerosol particles from biomass fires using environmental transmission electron microscopy ─── 使用环境传输电子显微镜方法观察生物量火灾气溶胶粒子的吸湿现象

77、Hygroscopic and optical properties of organic sea salt aerosol and consequences for climate forcing ─── 为了气候作用力有机海盐微粒和作用的吸湿及光学特性

78、Studies the humidity adjusting characteristics of a type of compound silica-gel hygroscopic material in a closed small environment box. ─── 在封闭的小型环境箱内对复合硅胶调湿材料进行了调湿特性研究。

79、A Thermodynamic Method for the Volumetry of Hygroscopic and Incompact Material ─── 一种测量吸湿性松散物料体积的热力学方法

80、Properties:White powder,nontoxic,insoluble in water ,slightly soluble in hot alcohol.It will decompose when meeting strong acid. It has hygroscopic property in air. ─── 性质:白色粉末,无毒,不溶于水,微溶于热的乙醇,遇到强酸分解,在空气中有吸湿性。

81、Do the pesticide synergist, the hygroscopic property having easy degradation , not contaminating crops , land is good, proper work pesticide emulsifier. ─── 作农药增效剂,具有易降解、不污染农作物、土地吸湿性好,适宜作农药乳化剂。

82、Hygroscopic Able to absorb water from the surroundings, including moisture from the atmosphere. ─── 指可以从周围环境中吸收水分,包括大气中的湿气。

83、hygroscopic coefficient ─── 吸湿系数

84、hygroscopic water ─── 吸湿水吸着水湿存水

85、hygroscopic movement ─── 吸湿运动

86、The equilibrium adsorption test results show that the hygroscopic capacity of new composite desiccant is two times bigger than that of silica gel. ─── 实验结果显示与常用硅胶干燥剂相比,前者的吸湿能力约是后者的2倍以上。

87、hygroscopic nucleus ─── 吸湿核

88、Therefore,people at home and abroad pay more and more attention to the research and development of the hygroscopic fibers. ─── 因此,国内外对于吸水、吸汗性纤维的研究与开发愈来愈重视。

89、Antimony concentrates--Determination of hygroscopic moisture ─── GB/T15080.4-1994锑精矿化学分析方法湿存水量的测定

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