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09-17 投稿


vapidity 发音


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vapidity 中文意思翻译



vapidity 网络释义

n. 无生气;无趣;乏味;走气

vapidity 词性/词形变化,vapidity变形

副词: vapidly |名词: vapidity |

vapidity 相似词语短语

1、rapidity ─── n.迅速,急速;速度;险峻

2、validity ─── n.[计]有效性;正确;正确性

3、calidity ─── 口径

4、sapidity ─── n.滋味;(尤指美好的)味道,气味

5、avidity ─── n.热望,贪欲;活动性

6、vastidity ─── 浩瀚

7、aridity ─── n.干旱;乏味

8、acidity ─── n.酸度;酸性;酸过多;胃酸过多

9、cupidity ─── n.贪心,贪婪

vapidity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The next issue is that reviewing is generally dull and vapid. ─── 接下来的问题就是,复习是一个枯燥无味的工作。

2、Leisure is comfortable, but a long time leisure will rusult in vapidity. ─── 有时清闲无事是令人惬意的,但总是闲呆着就可能变得单调乏味了。

3、With every advantage of lungs and elocution, the effect is singularly vapid. ─── 然而扯着嗓子、抑扬顿挫地朗诵,其结果却是令听者兴味索然。

4、run vapid ─── 走气, 走味

5、Too much hard working will make life vapid and kill the vitality and sunshine of life. ─── 多虚伪呀,功用太重又索然无味扼杀了生命的生机与灿烂。

6、The cards came in bags, and each card had a few fatuous words -- "Be Mine" or "I Like You" or "You've Got My Heart" or the utterly vapid, "Hi, Valentine!" ─── 这些贺卡是装在塑料袋里的,每张贺卡上都有一句冒傻气的话:"做我的人吧","我喜欢你","你赢得了我的心",还有十足的空话"你好,瓦伦丁!

7、when joys have lost their bloom and breath and life itself is vapid, ─── 当快感失去了花时和吸引,生命本身有如一个空瓶,

8、a bland diet; insipid hospital food; flavorless supermarket tomatoes; vapid beer; vapid tea ─── 不油腻的饮食;无味的医院的食物;无味的超市的番茄;乏味的啤酒;无味的茶

9、vapid "a. ─── 乏味的,走了气味的,无生气的,"

10、"The manifesto of the government is neither a rigid blueprint nor vapid rhetoric," he said. ─── 他说:“政府的宣言既不是要求苛严的行动计划,也不是空洞无物的夸夸其谈。

11、Her counterpart left in vain and vapidity. ─── 对方索然无味,徙劳而去。

12、I have a message for you today: Give up futile and vapid causes, causes that cannot be achieved, because they are not true. ─── 今天我要对你们说的是:放弃无谓而无意义的目标、放弃实现不了的目标,因为它们不是真理。

13、vapid food ─── 无滋味的食物

14、By the way, it's kinda senseless to debate on this vapid topic - who is the ACE of Yanks, ─── 题外话,争辩谁是洋基的王牌这样没意义的主题实在是无聊透顶了。

15、He was painfully conscious that the little woman, with her vapid talk and faded prettiness, was not fit to be mistress of a great literary salon. ─── 他痛苦地感觉到:他这位矮小的太太,谈吐无味,姿色早衰,实在不配做一个大规模文艺沙龙的女主人。

16、1.insipid; dull; slow; sour; 2.banality; tedium; vapidity ─── 乏味

17、Vapid utterances, remarks,comments,etc ─── 枯燥无味的话语、言语、评语等

18、Presently, the main problems for training employees include no right cognizant ideas for training employees, lack of executive models, and training ways simplified and vapid. ─── 目前,企业培训中主要存在的问题有:对员工培训没有正确的认识观念;对员工培训缺乏实施模式;培训方法单一乏味。

19、When you feel tedious,you can take use of some karaOK or VCD to play obbligato,follow it you can feel the performance with a band,by this way the vapidity would escape. ─── 当你感到单调而枯燥时,可以利用一些卡拉OK的VCD 播放伴奏音乐,跟着伴奏可以实现与乐队的模拟合奏练习,这样就不显得单调了。

20、1.a vapid conversation; a vapid smile; a bunch of vapid schoolgirls. ─── 索然无味的谈话;平淡的笑;一群没有生气的女学生。

21、The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife. You insult her in-telligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. (Davik Ogilvy, american advertisement manager) ─── 消费者不是傻瓜;她是你的妻子。如果你认为仅凭几句口号,几个干巴巴的形容词就能诱使她掏腰包购买任何东西的话,那么你就亵渎了她的智慧。(美国广告经营者奥格尔维)

22、He did the same thing year by year and found life vapid. ─── 他每年做着同样的事,觉得生活索然无味。

23、vapid beer ─── 走了气的啤酒

24、a vapid smile ─── 平淡的笑

25、They are neither authentic means of creativity, nor vapid carriers of an idea. ─── 它们既不是创造性的真正手段,也不是空洞的思想承载者。

26、In vapid Listlessness I leant my head against the window, and continued spelling over Catherine Earnshaw ? ─── 我无精打采地把头靠在窗子上,接连地拼写着凯瑟琳?

27、vapid tea. ─── 无味的茶。

28、Senator John McCain's campaign portrayed Mr. Obama as a vapid celebrity playing to huge European crowds, a line of attack that left the normally sure-footed Obama team flummoxed. ─── 参议员约翰麦凯恩的竞选团队把奥巴马刻画成一个在大批欧洲观众面前作秀无聊的明星(奥巴马竞选时曾出访欧洲),这种攻击路线让一向自信的奥巴马团队茫然无措。

29、if yellow print too light, copy the picture tone without light, vapid lawyers'gowns blue-violet, nor does it look good. ─── 若黄版印得太不浓,复制不入的画背丰润无暗不浓,色调方向蓝紫,也欠丑陋。

30、A sort of vapid eagerness flitted across Winston's face at the mention of Big Brother ─── 提到老大哥,温斯顿的脸上便了无生气地掠过了一丝向往的表情。

31、Gave a vapid and unmeaning response to a difficult query. ─── 对一个难于回答的提问作出了一个干瘪而无甚意义的反应

32、The consumer isn't a moron, she is your wife.You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy something. ─── 消费者不是傻瓜,她是你的妻子.如果你认为仅凭一句口号,几个干巴巴的形容词就能诱使她掏腰包购买任何东西的话,那么你亵渎了她的智慧.

33、But theproblem is that Ms Merkel has been delivering similarly vapid speeches aroundthe whole country. ─── 但是问题在于Merkel已经在全国范围内宣讲了她那单调乏味的演说。

34、2.a bland diet; insipid hospital food; flavorless supermarket tomatoes; vapid beer; vapid tea. ─── 不油腻的饮食;无味的医院的食物;无味的超市的番茄;乏味的啤酒;无味的茶。

35、Tom dislikes vapid food ─── 汤姆不喜欢无味的食物。

36、Our serving-man will be a boon to them: he will always answer, and the most vapid conversation cannot bore him. ─── 我们的服务人将是对他们一个弥补;他将总是回答,最无趣的谈话也不会令他厌倦。”

37、She was very pretty, in a vapid, doll-like way. The moment she entered the room she began to weep. ─── 她很美,可是美得不玲珑,像个磁人儿似的。

38、vapid adj. ─── 无味的;

39、He was painfully conscious that the little woman, with her vapid talk and faded prettiness, was not fit to be mistress of a great.literary salon. ─── 他痛苦地感觉到:他这位矮小的太太,谈吐无味,姿色早衰,实在不配做一个大规模文艺沙龙的女主人。

40、2.With every advantage of lungs and elocution, the effect is singularly vapid. ─── 然而,扯着嗓子、抑扬顿挫地朗诵,其结果却是令听者兴味索然。

41、vapid talk ─── 无趣味的谈话

42、The fatigue and vapidity goes off unconsciously. ─── 的疲劳和乏味在不经意里离你远去。

43、Obviously the colleges don't have more than a partial answer ------ otherwise the young would not be so disaffected with an education they consider vapid. ─── 显然大学教育并没有全部的答案,否则的话年轻人不会对大学学的东西不满,认为它们枯燥乏味。

44、You insult her in-telligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. ─── 如果你认为仅凭 句口号,几个干巴巴的形容词就能诱使她掏腰包购买任何东西的话,那么你就亵渎了她的智慧。

45、some people attempted to make Chinese people's thoughts completely vapidity . ─── 有人想把中国人的思想搞得彻底无味。

46、So the influence of soaps may be far more positive than critics of their vapidity claim. ─── 所以肥皂剧的影响也许远比评论家们的平庸论调来得积极。

47、“I remember bingeing on television when I was a child and having that vapid feeling after watching hours of TV. ─── “我记得我小时候看电视带来的狂欢以及看了数小时电视之后的索然无味的感觉。

48、6. a bland diet; insipid hospital food; flavorless supermarket tomatoes; vapid beer; vapid tea. ─── 不油腻的饮食;无味的医院的食物;无味的超市的番茄;乏味的啤酒;无味的茶。收藏指正

49、when joys have lost their bloom and breath and life itself is vapid, why, as we reach the falls of death, ─── 当快感失去了花时和吸引,生命本身有如一个空瓶,当我快要临到死境,

50、She debunks the vapid "You go, girl!" ─── 她揭露了“女孩,加油!”

51、Europeans like to mock the vapidity of American politics, but they also acknowledge that it would be difficult to imagine a brown or black person leading France or Germany. ─── 欧洲喜欢嘲笑美国政治的枯燥乏味,但是他们也承认,很难想象一个棕色皮肤的人或黑人领导法国或德国。

52、High Perfermance Capillary Electropheresis has many advantages such as vapidity, simplicity, accuracy and sensitivity. ─── 毛细管电泳是二十年来发展最快的分析研究领域之一。

53、Her counterpart left in vain and vapidity. ─── 对方索然无味,徙劳而去。

54、5.Ethan loves kung-fu movies, but Joe thinks they are just vapid entertainment. ─── 伊桑喜欢功夫电影,但乔却认为那是无趣的娱乐。

55、vapid beer. ─── 走了味的啤酒

56、a vapid conversation ─── 索然无味的谈话

57、To make vapid or wearisome. ─── 使乏味使单调乏味或令人生厌

58、Unfortunately for its reputation, there are many other Italian Pinot Grigio makers that overcrop and harvest early to produce crisp, but vapid wines. ─── 不幸的是虽然有很好的名声,但是那里也有许多的酒农用高产的,较早收获灰比诺生产较为清爽却平淡的葡萄酒。

59、4.make vapid or deprive of spirit. ─── 使索然无味或变得没精神。

60、And life itself is vapid, ─── 生命本身有如一个空瓶

61、Vapid, everyday concerns of the masses ─── 大众乏味的日常事务

62、He's just another slice off the loaf of shallow vapid pain-in-the-ass 09erdom. ─── 他只是09社区那帮肤浅而讨人厌的人的后辈而已。

63、a vapid conversation; a vapid smile; a bunch of vapid schoolgirls ─── 索然无味的谈话;平淡的笑;一群没有生气的女学生

64、His conversation was vapid in the extreme. ─── 他谈话乏味已极.

65、The theory is vapid, while the life is colorful. ─── 理论是灰色的,唯生活之树常青。

66、Today, one can’t help sensing that what began as a positive spirit of anarchy has descended into a vapid, untrammelled ‘anything-goes’. ─── 今天,人们忍不住想到艺术家们那种无政府状态似的积极精神已经变得索然无味并且“自由无稽”。

67、a bunch of vapid schoolgirls ─── 一群没有生气的女学生。

68、vapid utterances, remarks, comments, etc ─── 枯燥无味的话语、 言语、 评语等

69、Your parents' life is so vapidity, because they are busy in paying for you at all times in these years. ─── 你父母的生活之所以这般乏味,是因为这些年来一直在忙着为你付帐单。

70、So the influence of soaps may be far more positive than critics of their vapidity claim. ─── 由此看来,相对认为它们了无生趣的批评而言,肥皂剧的影响也许更有积极意义。

71、1.bored; boring; dull; uninteresting; vapid; monotonous; tedious 2.senseless; silly; stupid ─── 无聊

72、Your parents' life is so vapidity, because they are busy in paying for you at all times in these years. ─── .你父母的生活之所以这般乏味,是因为这些年来一直在忙着为你付帐单。

73、1.stale; vapid; 2.to lose flavour ─── 走味

74、You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything. ─── 如果你认为只要一句广告词配上一些索然无味的形容词,就可以说服她去买任何东西,那你是在侮辱她的智慧。

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