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inexorable 发音

英:[ɪnˈeksərəb(ə)l]  美:[ɪnˈeksərəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

inexorable 中文意思翻译



inexorable 网络释义

adj. 无情的;不屈不挠的;不可阻挡的;无法改变的

inexorable 反义词


inexorable 词性/词形变化,inexorable变形

副词: inexorably |名词: inexorability |

inexorable 同义词


inexorable 相似词语短语

1、inexcitable ─── adj.冷静的;难以激动的

2、exorable ─── adj.可说服的;可用恳求打动的

3、inexpiable ─── adj.不能抵偿的;不能平息的;不能抵赎的

4、inexecrable ─── 无法形容的

5、inexorably ─── adv.不可逆转地,不可阻挡地;adv.无情地;冷酷地

6、inextirpable ─── 无法根除的

7、inerrable ─── adj.没有错的;不会错的

8、inenarrable ─── adj.难以描述的;无可名状的

9、inextricable ─── adj.逃脱不掉的;解不开的

inexorable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mayor Orden, you know our orders are inexorable ─── 奥顿市长,你知道我们的命令是不可抗拒的。

2、The dialectics of history is inexorable. ─── 历史的辩证法是无情的。

3、But the abolitionist trend seems inexorable. ─── 但是,废除死刑的趋势看上去不可阻挡。

4、But the city lost the vision thing about 50 years ago, as it slipped into what appeared to be an inexorable process of decline. ─── 但是,近50年来,这座城市却丧失其远见卓识,滑入了一条看似无法逆转的下坡路。

5、Urbanization is an inexorable trend of our mankind development.It is also a necessary stage through which a country moves towards modernization. ─── 城市化是人类发展的必然趋势,也是一个国家走向现代化的必经阶段。

6、And one's own terms and library undertaking develop two respect analyse library estate management present inexorable trend developed to socialize from library. ─── 并从图书馆自身条件和图书馆事业发展两个方面分析了图书馆物业管理呈社会化发展的必然趋势。

7、During the later half of the 20th century, the gap of the average life span between yenders(male and female)is becoming larger in quite a few developed countries and regions, but it is not the inexorable trend. ─── 在 2 0世纪下半叶不少发达国家和地区分性别的人口平均预期寿命的差距在拉大 ,但并非必然趋势 ;

8、It is the result of human ecological value and also the inexorable trend of future urban development. ─── 它是人类生态价值取向的结果,是未来城市发展的必然趋向。

9、Under continually changing directorship, and in the equally leisurely and inexorable rhythm of five years, documenta has advanced to become an authoritative worldwide seismograph of contemporary art. ─── 另外还有现年才二十九岁的台湾艺术家曾御钦,不仅是当中年纪最轻的艺术家,也是近半世纪来首位入选文件展的台湾艺术家。

10、The Practice of the System of Multi-Parties Cooperation and Political Consultation is the Inexorable Choice of Chinese Historical Development ─── 实行多党合作和政治协商制度是中国历史发展的必然选择

11、The Inexorable Trend of the Development of the Body Building Education is to Strengthen the Fitness Education ─── 加强健康教育是发展健身教育的必然趋势

12、Thirdly, in sense of society, with the high developing of internet technology and internet economic, internet society will be an inexorable trend. Internet society will change the way of communication, life, thinking and idea of value. ─── 再次从社会层次看 ,在网络技术与网络经济的高度发展之下 ,网络社会的确立是必然趋势 ,网络社会将改变人类的交往方式、生活方式、思维方式及价值观念。

13、8.The man cannot be borne or ultimate inexorable woman chatters perpetually. ─── 8. 男人不能忍受或者根本听不进女人没完没了的唠叨。

14、Since China is resisting, it is an inexorable law that Japan will try to repress this resistance until the force of her repression is exceeded by the force of China's resistance. ─── 中国若抵抗,日本就向着这种抵抗力压迫,直至它的压力无法超过中国的抵抗力才停止,这是必然的规律。

15、a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way ─── 将其道路上的每样东西碾碎或者似乎要碾碎的一种势不可挡的向前移动的力量

16、an inexorable will ─── 不可动摇的意志

17、a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way. ─── 将其道路上的每样东西碾碎或者似乎要碾碎的一种势不可挡的向前移动的力量。

18、Campaign of International Unified Entity Law--Inexorable Trend of the Development of International Private Law in the 21th Century ─── 国际统一实体法运动:21世纪国际私法发展的必然趋势

19、The Observer, Paul Wilson: "While their comeback at Everton was gripping, here it was much less inexorable and decidedly cruel on Wigan. ─── 《观察者报》记者威尔逊:“如果说与埃弗顿的比赛是引人入胜的,那么与维根的比赛则是残酷的。

20、And, disengaging the hand which Marius held, he added, with a sort of inexorable dignity: "Moreover, the friend to whom I have recourse is the doing of my duty; ─── 于是,他把马吕斯握着的手收回来,用一种严酷的自尊语气补充了一句:“此外,尽我的天职,这就是我要向它求救的那个朋友;

21、Discuss the inexorable trend for application of lead-free solders from environmental protection. ─── 从环保角度出发,阐述了无铅钎料使用的必然性。

22、Facts are inexorable. ─── 事实是无情的。

23、. Supply chain management (SCM) is inexorable trend of enterprises management development. ─── 供应链管理是企业管理发展的必然趋势,企业之间的竞争就是它们之间的供应链竞争。

24、An inexorable opponent; a feeling of inexorable doom. ─── 一个冷漠的对手; 对无情毁灭的预感

25、The diversification strategy is an inexorable selection as a corporation grows to a certain stage,but lack a feasible and practicable tool in the business choice of the diversification strategy. ─── 企业多元化战略是企业发展到一定阶段的必然选择,但多元化战略业务选择一直缺少一种比较适合可行的工具。

26、their inexorable fate ─── 他们无可变更的命运

27、He must leave the warmth,safety and companionship of The Burrow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him... ─── 他必须离开温暖、安全和来自陋居的友谊,并且要以无情的方式打倒自己的恐惧和犹豫。。。)

28、"Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty" (W. Bruce Lincoln). ─── 俄罗斯的最后时刻,好象到了最严峻的时刻 (W·布鲁斯·林肯)。

29、Time as an inexorable investment in competitive gymnastic training produces the gradation and fixed number of years of contribution. ─── 时间作为竞技性体操运动训练活动中的一种必然的成本投入,其产出的效益就是贡献层次及其保持的年限。

30、All flashed indignant or appealing glances at the inexorable Davis ─── 大家都把愤怒、哀求的目光投向冷酷无情的戴维。

31、Spotting the Point of Tangency is the Inexorable Trend in Higher Education of Biology ─── 大学生物教育的发展必须适应中学生物的教学

32、History is inexorable. ─── 历史是无情的。

33、Advancing with the Times: the Inexorable Law of Advanced Culture Progress ─── 与时俱进:先进文化前进的必然规律

34、And the development of the history is not necessarily an inexorable trend but has great fortuity, or even to a certain degree is mihilistric and fatalistic. ─── 历史的发展也并非表现为必然的趋势,而是有着很大的偶然性,甚至在一定程度上化为虚无和宿命。

35、the inexorable march of progress ─── 势不可挡的进展.

36、In its quiet way, mass advertising has been deadly and inexorable ─── 大宗广告暗中执掌着生杀大权,并且是毫不留情的。

37、To Develop The Middle Businesses With Effort - The Inexorable Selection of The Development of The Commercial Bank of Our Country ─── 大力开发中间业务是我国商业银行发展的必然选择

38、inexorable doom; predestined fate ─── 劫数

39、The structural change is the miniature of the modern society and the inexorable trend of human development in the Information Age. ─── 家庭结构的变迁是社会变迁的缩影,同时反映了信息社会人类发展的必然趋势。

40、In the course of constructing socialist modernization, carrying forward the modernization of man is an inexorable requirement for the development of man in the early stage of socialism. ─── 在实现社会主义现代化的过程中努力推进入的现代化是社会主义初级阶段对人的全面发展的必然要求。

41、Carol: Well, you know, that there are these inexorable forces that can push us towards certain things and we're powerless to stop them? ─── 卡罗尔:是的,是这样的,有一种无情的力量,在左右着我们,对他我们又无法抗拒。

42、Multimedia Teaching is the Inexorable Trend Developed in Political Lesson Teaching ─── 多媒体教学是政治课教学发展的必然趋势

43、CHINA's rise has long appeared inexorable. ─── 以来,中国的崛起似乎势不可挡。

44、1.irresistible; inexorable; overpowering; 2.irresistibility ─── 不可抗拒

45、But the city lost the vision thing about 50 years ago, as it slipped into what appeared to be an inexorable process of decline. ─── 但是,近50年来,这座城市却丧失其远见卓识,滑入了一条看似无法逆转的下坡路。

46、You would think him gentle, yet in some things he is inexorable as death. ─── 你会以为他温和,然而在有些事情上,他象死神一样无情。

47、In a grim, inexorable circle they waited until the sun's level rays, relentlessly reminiscent of a bygone sacrificial day, fell full upon another victim, and Tess,deserted by all the gods, awoke. ─── 几个法警形成一个残酷无情的包围圈,等待着初升的阳光,这残忍地使人想到往昔的献祭日,现在完全落在又一个牺牲品的身上,被所有的天神遗弃了的苔丝醒了。

48、Russia's final hour,it seemed,approached with inexorable certainty(W.Bruce Lincoln. ─── 俄罗斯的最后时刻,好象到了最严峻的时刻·布鲁斯·林肯)。

49、Real estate gathering three forth of the social wealth is the product with huge investment and long Cyc development, it is inexorable the high risk line which determine its importance of risk analysis and study of development management. ─── 作为聚集社会财富四分之三的房地产是一种投资巨大、开发周期长的产品,必然成为风险高的行业,这就决定了对其进行开发风险分析和研究的重要性。

50、Chinese officialdom and many ordinary citizens were furious: another petulant effort by Western foes to thwart China's inexorable rise. ─── 当时引起了中国官员和普通民众极度愤慨:西方的敌人在徒劳地干涉中国的崛起。

51、"More fierce and more inexorable far/Than empty tigers or the roaring sea" (Shakespeare) ─── “比饥饿的老虎或狂啸的大海更猛烈更无情”(莎士比亚)

52、Large-sized pressure vessel is inexorable trend of industrial development and scientific technology. ─── 压力容器大型化是工业经济发展和科学技术进步的必然趋势。

53、An inexorable opponent; a feeling of inexorable doom ─── 一个冷漠的对手;对无情毁灭的预感

54、Inexorable Trend to Set the Discipline of Information Project Supervision ─── 开设信息工程监理专业势在必行

55、Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexoraBle certainty ─── 俄罗斯的最后时刻,好象到了最严峻的时刻

56、Industrialization: The Inexorable Trend of Library Development in Knowledge Economy Age ─── 产业化:知识经济时代图书馆发展的必然趋势

57、Legally and Morally Ruling Proved an Inexorable Option in Constructing Harmonious Society ─── 依法治国和以德治国相结合是构建和谐社会的必然选择

58、Therefore, moderate mareketing should be the inexorable trend that it will improve economic efficiency, and make its development continuable in a long time. ─── 因此,中性的适度营销是提高经济运行效率、实现社会可持续发展的长期的必然趋势。

59、They are used to be attributed to contribution their, push the mistake others, inexorable any critical opinions, always feel suffer a person to bully, others is faithless to him. ─── 他们习惯于将功劳归于自己,将错误推给别人,听不进任何批评意见,总感到受人欺负,别人对他不忠实。

60、What gives here? More than $100 per barrel oil is one thing, another is the slow but inexorable crawl to national legislation curtailing such emissions by the United States. ─── 去年,一群跨国商业巨头和非政府环境保护组织呼吁布什政府加强环境立法。

61、Yous world,happening now.Envisage dismal,offish and evil,you can smile like the devil.Like the inexorable eye of the night. ─── 你的世界,从此发生了。面对悲惨,冷漠,罪恶,邪邪一笑,犹如黑夜中冷酷的目光。

62、It is the inexorable consolidation and perpetuation of the secret that was always in that individuality, and which I shall carry in mine to my life's end. ─── 在那人心中永远有一种无法遏制的欲望,要把这个奥秘记录下来,传之后世。 现在我已接过这个遗愿,要在我有生之年把它实现。

63、New ideas:the inexorable choice for development of Mei flower industry in China ─── 创新是梅产业发展的必然选择

64、the inexorable march of time ─── 不可阻挡的时间推移

65、Darwinian argument that extinction results from the inexorable process of so-called “natural selection” in which stronger species survive while weaker ones do not. ─── 即使与人类有关,有些代价太大。保护流行病毒,那么人类自身也有可能会毁灭。

66、It's Historical development Inexorable Trend for Islam Marriage to Transform from Multi-wife System to Mnogyny ─── 伊斯兰婚姻向一妻制演变是历史发展必然

67、But meanwhile, as you know, wonderful protagonists like Al Gore are noting the inexorable rise in temperature, set in the context of that. ─── 可是现在,你知道,像戈尔那样的杰出倡导者都在说气温将无法停止攀升,在这样的情况下。

68、It is often said that the EU's inexorable enlargement means no country can now "make the weather" in Europe, as Germany and France once did. ─── 民众普遍认为欧盟的扩张势不可挡,这就意味着没有国家能像过去德法两国那样,左右欧洲的“风云变幻”了。

69、But the inexorable rhythm of American celebrity dictated a fall from this dizzying peak. ─── 1989年,即《神秘的匹萨饼》完成后的一年,朱莉娅因在《钢木兰花》中的表演获奥斯卡奖提名。

70、Elle aime en silence, libre et inexorable. ─── 她喜爱寂静、自由与命定。

71、Yet, more than any of these, it was the seemingly inexorable rise of sub-prime credit that should have triggered the alarm. ─── 然而,不仅如此,早该触发警报的次贷似乎一直在稳步上升。

72、From National Administration to Public Administration--An Inexorable Reconstruction of the Administrative Body ─── 从国家行政到公共行政--行政主体范式重构之必然

73、Innovation isthe only way that artists must follow, and also the inexorable trend of artistic development. ─── 创新是有志于艺术创作的艺术家必由之路,也是艺术发展的必然现象,但怎样创新?

74、The PC-based Open Architecture servo-control system has been the inexorable trend in the field of CNC technique. ─── 基于PC的开放式伺服控制系统已成为当前CNC技术发展的必然趋势。

75、"Inexorable; yes, " said the Bishop, "What think you of Marat clapping his hands at the guillotine? " ─── “伤天害理,是的,”主教说,“您对马拉朝着断头台鼓掌有怎样一种看法?”

76、His previous book about globalisation, in 2001, was about the fragility and reversibility of a process that many at the time believed to be inexorable. ─── 他先前在2001年的一本关于全球化的书是探讨这一过程的脆弱和可逆性,当时很多人认为其进程是不可改变的。

77、It is the inexorable consolidation and perpetuation of the secret that was always in that individuality,and which I shall carry in mine to my life's end. ─── 在那人心中永远有一种无法遏制的欲望,要把这个奥秘记录下来,传之后世。现在我已接过这个遗愿,要在我有生之年把它实现。

78、He bowed to inexorable facts. ─── 他在冷酷的事实面前低了头。

79、The town oriented development of rural is an inexorable trend of social development,a key strategy of modernization,but now there is none united explanation. ─── 城镇化是社会发展的必然趋势,是我国现代化建设的必由之路,但目前对城镇化内涵的还没有一个完整统一的认识。

80、Although the same law holds for a living organism, the result of this law is not inexorable in the same way. ─── 尽管同样的法则也适用于生物体,但是在相同的方式下,这一法则的作用结果并不是无法改变。

81、the inexorable passage of the seasons ─── 人力不能改变的四季转移 [季节交替]

82、He must leave the warmth, safety and companionship of the Bullow and follow without fear or hesitation the inexorable path laid out for him. ─── 他必须离开温暖、安全而且充满友情的洞穴屋,毫不恐惧与犹豫地跟随著无情的道路走下去吗?

83、"Inexorable;yes," said the Bishop,"What think you of Marat clapping his hands at the guillotine?" ─── “伤天害理,是的,”主教说,“您对马拉朝着断头台鼓掌有怎样一种看法?”

84、The dovetail of middle vocational education and higher vocational education has becom the inexorable trend in the vocational education of our country. ─── 中高职教的衔接已成为我国职业教育发展的必然趋势。

85、Citing Ethernet Technology is an Inexorable Trend of Developing Fieldbus Technology ─── 引入以太网技术是现场总线技术发展的一个必然趋势

86、He made an inexorable demand. ─── 他提出一个无情的要求。

87、There is relationship between the accuracy of rolle base face and its outer diameter surface. Inexorable law between they two was discussed,and relative formulas were given. ─── 圆锥滚子基面与其外径表面的精度之间存在着联系,探讨了两者间必然规律,给出了公式.

88、grim necessity; Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty; relentless persecution; the stern demands of parenthood. ─── 可怕的必然;看起来俄国的末日确实无情的来临了;残酷的迫害;对父母身份的严格要求。

89、We ought to reconcile ourselves to facts in which the Greek myth itself saw the hand of inexorable destiny. ─── 希腊神话中已经在这些事实中看出大家不可避免的命运,我们对于这些事实只有甘心承认。

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