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09-18 投稿


limitable 发音

英:[['lɪmɪtəbl]]  美:[['lɪmɪtəbl]]

英:  美:

limitable 中文意思翻译



limitable 相似词语短语

1、timetable ─── n.时间表;时刻表;课程表

2、visitable ─── adj.值得访问的;适于参观的;易受视察的

3、imitable ─── adj.可模仿的

4、listable ─── adj.能列在单子上的

5、inimitable ─── adj.独特的;无比的;无法仿效的

6、elicitable ─── adj.可引出的

7、illimitable ─── adj.无限的;无边际的

8、eliminable ─── adj.可消除的;可消去的;可排除的

9、liftable ─── adj.可以举起的

limitable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit. ─── 他被告发超速行驶。

2、He is fined$50 for exceeding the speed limit. ─── 他因超速行车而被罚款50美元。

3、It's just below the limit. ─── 刚好低于限额。

4、With a talent like his, the sky's the limit. ─── 以他的禀赋,前途不可限量。

5、He weighed in at several pounds below the limit. ─── 他赛前量体重比规定限度少几磅。

6、Was punished for exceeding the speed limit. ─── 她因為超速行车被罚了。

7、Order what you want. The sky is the limit. ─── 你要什么就订购什么,毫无限制。

8、There is a limit to a man's energy. ─── 一个人的精力有限。

9、Your speech has overrun the time limit. ─── 你的演讲超过了时间

10、Does sequence wrap around on reaching limit. ─── 在达到限制时序列是否环绕。

11、Surely there is a limit to what one can bear. ─── 人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。

12、He is the limit of irresponsibility. ─── 他的不负责任到了不能容忍的程度

13、A quantity that has a limit or boundary. ─── 一种有极限或界限的量值。

14、The price has been reduced to the limit. ─── 价格已经下降到临界点。

15、Fixed a problem with item limit system. ─── 修改了一个物品上限系统的错误。

16、He is exceeding the speed limit. ─── 他超过了时速限制。

17、The wrappers could limit content to one use. ─── 包装器可以把内容限制在一次使用。

18、He must limit the number of cigarettes he smokes. ─── 他必须限制他抽烟的数目。

19、Some drivers don't stay within the speed limit. ─── 一些司机不遵守时速限度规章。

20、There's no limit to what you can do if you try. ─── 如果你努力,成就无可限量。

21、Dose the game have limit in the number of ships? ─── 奥运会帆船比赛参赛船数有限制吗?

22、Yet when will the Syrian people reach their limit? ─── 叙利亚人什麽时候才会到达忍耐的极限?

23、Okay, no limit of space and time. ─── 也可以,没有时空限制。

24、There is a limit to everything. ─── 凡事都有限度。

25、Do not expect drivers will keep to the speed limit. ─── 不要以为路上的车辆必定会遵守车速限制。

26、You could win millions! The sky's the limit! ─── 你有可能赢数百万. 无尽无休!

27、Do you realize you are exceeding the speed limit? ─── 你知不知道你超速了?

28、He was had up for exceeding the speed limit. ─── 他因超速行驶而遭控告。

29、You are stretchingmy patience to the limit. ─── 你快使我忍无可忍了。

30、She was only one day over the age limit so the organizers bent the rules and accepted her entry. ─── 她仅超过年龄限制一天,因此组织者通融了一下,接受她入会。

31、His speech overran the time limit. ─── 他的发言超过了规定时间。

32、He was punished for exceeding the speed limit. ─── 他因驾车超速被罚。

33、Limit your expenditure(s) to what is essential. ─── 你要把开销限制在必要的范围内.

34、They wish to limit the power of the State. ─── 他们希望限制政府权力。

35、There is no limit to practice nor to innovation. ─── 实践没有止境,创新也没有止境。

36、I was told to limit the expense to $20. ─── 他们要求我把费用限制在二十美元以内

37、You're stretching my patience to the limit. ─── 你逼得我再也无法忍受了。

38、She was driving at well over the speed limit. ─── 她开车的速度远远超过了速度限制。

39、There is no limit to the length of the title. ─── 对标题的长度没有任何限制。

40、Regional limit will be eliminated in three years. ─── 加入后3年内取消地域限制。

41、Her ambition knows no limit. ─── 她的野心没有限度。

42、He exceeded the speed limit once too often. ─── 他又超速行驶了。

43、He said his government would set a limit on how many cattle a citizen could own. ─── 他说,他的政府将规定每个公民至多能拥有多少牲畜。

44、Choose any present you like -the sky's the limit! ─── 你喜欢什么礼物就拿什么,完全随你的意。

45、Epoxy has a limit of 10 processes per heap. ─── Epoxy的限制是每个堆10个进程。

46、His speech ran over the time limit. ─── 他的讲话超过了规定的时间限制。

47、There is a limit to what one person can tolerate. ─── 一个人的容忍是有限度的。

48、More than they can limit how much water you drink. ─── 他们没有理由限定你吃多少维。

49、When you drive, you must not exceed the legal limit. ─── 你开车时不能超过法定的速度。

50、He was taken to the police box for exceeding the speed limit. ─── 他因超速而被带到警察亭。

51、It may limit the amount of sparkover to an acceptable rate. ─── 它可把火花放电频率控制在允许范围内。

52、A user hit their quota limit on volume %2. ─── 一个用户已达到卷%2上的配额限量。

53、Is there any time limit for a joint venture ? ─── 合资企业有无合营期限?

54、No limit is set on the length (for an article). ─── 字数不拘。

55、He had to limit his attentions to avoid scandal. ─── 他不得不有所节制,免得引起流言蜚语。

56、The time limit stipulated in a prompt note. ─── 交割期限交割通知单的时间限制

57、For several years more foreign cars have been sold in Britain than British ones; the government is now being asked to limit the sales of foreign cars to give British companies a chance to make up leeway. ─── 几年来,外国轿车在英国的销量一直比英国的大; 英国公司正在要求其政府对外国(进口)轿车的销售加以限制,以便给它们一个迎头赶上的机会。

58、You ale stretching my patience to the limit. ─── 你把我的耐心都耗尽了。

59、A high impedance coupling device will limit loading. ─── 一个高阻抗的耦合装置将限制负载。

60、Limit your expenditure to what is essential. ─── 你要把开销限制在必要的范围内。

61、 双语使用场景

62、You could win millions ! The sky's the limit ! ─── 你有可能赢数百万!无尽无休!

63、She has reached the limit of her patience. ─── 她已到了忍无可忍的地步。

64、He exceeded the speed limit once too often and was fined£10. ─── 他因超速次数太多而被罚款10英镑。

65、There is no limit on the number of people. ─── 人数不限。

67、Light sets the speed limit for nature. ─── 光速限定了自然界的速率极限。

68、He was driving at well over the speed limit. ─── 他当时开车的速度远远超过了限制。

69、The limit of Russian endurance was reached. ─── 俄国人的忍耐力到了极限。

70、You should always keep to the speed limit. ─── 什么时候你都不得超过最高速度限制。

71、To check the limit switch during the test. ─── 在试验中检查限位开关。

72、The nation must limit land development. ─── 国家必须限制土地开发。

73、The maximum speed limit in most cities was ten mph. ─── 大多数城市的限速为每小时十英里。

74、Have you got a limit as how much you want to spend? ─── 你想出多少钱,有打算吗?

75、Know your limit and make sure you don't exceed it. ─── 了解你的能力范围并确保不要超越它。

76、The speed limit on normal roads is 50 km h. ─── 一般道路的车速限制是时速50公里。

77、For a girl of real talent the sky is the limit. ─── 对一个真正有才华的女孩来说,没有办不到的事情。

78、Pressure limit of sapphire anvils. ─── 兰宝石压力室的压力极限。

79、He put a limit on the amount we could spend. ─── 他规定了我们开销的数额。

80、The driver was fined for exceeding the speed limit. ─── 司机由于超速被罚款。

81、There's just a limit what a man can take. ─── 人的忍耐总是有限度的。

82、Eurostar does not have a baggage weight limit. ─── “欧洲之星”没有行李限重的规定。

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